*A television set airs a static screen as the camera zooms in on it. It flashes to tidbits of different AW promotions. We hear Louis Anthony talking about gambling, We see TDS playing with his action figures, Ben Morrigan burning paper, Mark Cannon eating lunch, The last thing we hear is Mesterio Raine saying two things before the whole screen fades to black.*
"I am the single greatest wrestler on this planet now and ever. James Caine? FUCK HIM!"
"Aliquando et insanire iucundum est"
"you see..."
"Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit"
"don't forget..."
"Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae"
"Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim"
"Poena par sapientia"
"Sane, paululum linguae latinae dico"
"so be careful..."
"Ut sementem feceris, ita metes"
"heed caution..."
"Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit"
"Vis consili expers mole ruit sua"
"just do..."
"Vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores"
[James Caine]
*The black screen fades in on James as he paces back and forth in his cell. He looks in admirable physical condition, however there are endless scars across his upperbody that are clearly visible, even in the black and white film.*
"Exscuse me? What did that child just say? What because you've won a few belts you think you're a loaf of wonderbread?"
*James stops pacing momentarily to shake his head and slap his palm to his face.*
"I'm not even that stupid!"
"Shut your trap, because yes, at one point you were. Listen I know you like to think you're fantastic, hell everyone does at some point. Look at my opponent Ben Morrigan, don't worry I'll touch base on you in a moment, for now let me shut up the obnoxious rookie. But just because you like to think you're some type of god-like gift, doesn't mean that you are. And I will tell you one secret that nobody has figured out yet, some day, someday very soon... somebody is going to disprove your little theory. When that happens Mr. Raine, it's going to feel a little like somebody just disproved gravity. You see I don't have to prove I'm right about this either, All I have to do is prove that you're wrong. And I do that just by breathing."
"What do we do?"
"Prove he's not the greatest wrestler on this planet, only a wish, or a dream."
"How do we do that?"
"OI! Why can't I at least create INTELLIGENT Multiple personalities?! Because WERE THE GREATEST WRESTLER YOU IDIOT! And going back to how you're just wishes and dreams 'El Mexican' Well that's all you've got going for you, and you let me know how far those actually get you."
"You can shit in one hand and wish in the other, but only one of em is ever gonna fill up."
"Exact-hey wait a minute a voice with a brain? Wow, I digress entirely. What I need to be doing with this camera time is discussing Ben Morrigan's flamer rantings. Yes Ben, stand there in your little homemade cell burning blank sheets of paper in some misguided attempt to create an analogy of burning me. Yes Ben I'm made of paper. Congratulations you've figured me out. On second thought Ben you might as well just leave that cell because it's not doing you any good. You're not honing anything in there, you're decompsing yourself. Look at all the mistakes you make. Lets start with the big one. Think with me for a second. I'm the twisted psycho. You're the clockwork soldier. We're both wrestlers of caliber's above and beyond the mortal strain. We're being put into a hellishly designed cage of death. You honestly think EITHER DAMN ONE OF US IS GOING TO BE STANDING... when the violence stops? You said yourself this is going to be a war, a bloody fight. You also said you were going to give me that respect, and then you go entirely back on that respect by saying something so ignoarant as 'you'll be standing tall at the end. You should know me, and yourself a lot better than that Morgi. We're both going to be dead by the end of the night. We're going to do everything we can to fight until we can fight no more. What I know of you says you'll fight til you're dead, and for you to assume I am able to do anything less strips me of the respect you so pointedly claimed."
*James stops and lights a cigarette before continuing on.*
"You did make one humourous remark about the voices. A trainer to a dog doing tricks eh? Yes Ben, I'm talking in voices just to amuse and entertain you and my many fans out there. These voices aren't real conjurations of my imagination in a misguided attempt at slight companionship and they damn sure don't prove in any way that I am crazy. Congratulations Sherlock, you've done it again. Imbecile....that's exactly what they do, and not what they're for. Of course you should've known that, and you should've known that being crazy doesn't make me mentally incompetent either. So why don't you leave that cell, take all you disrespect of me walk to the nearest local party store, buy some booze, get shitfaced hammered, order some pizza and nachos, enjoy life, and feed your ego someway else, because standing there burning pages of paper talking about how you are somehow magically a better athlete than me without any kind of proof is going to have that very same damn effect as watching you shove alcohol and food down your throat. Although the latter would be much more amusing. Talk all you want about flames and voices Ben. It's simple really. Come Sunday night, we're going out into that yard, We're going to beat the hell from each other, and they're going to drag us out of here, but not before me and each one of these voices pisses on your little flames of disrespect. And then... after that... I'm coming after you 'Fate'."
*James turns and stands on his head to meditate against the wall as the camera fades.*
Journal Entry--22nd of January, 2010
"Thanks James." Said the warden after shooting of the last promo was finished. You have no idea how much money you have made this prison over the last two weeks.
"Oh, I have a clue."
"Yeah well listen James, I've been thinking about that idea you spoke with me about. I think I like it. It'll keep us making money, and keep you happy. Not to mention from killing the other inmates."
"...again." I added quietly to his statement.
"So if that's what you want to do then I support it fully."
"Excellent. Go the hell away."
"Yeah, can't you see we're busy here?!"
"Are you alright Caine?"
"Yeah, of course. We're fine. How are you?"
"Ummm, yeah, listen I'm gonna go now."the warden said as he shyed towards the door of my cell.
"I said go the hell away a long time ago assmunch."
At this the warden left me alone to my thoughts, but I really didn't have much to think about other than what to do after I finished with Ben Morrigan. Which came to be a simple concept really... How to break another man caiming that they're "Fate". That really wasn't going to be all that difficult, considering the many ways to go about it, the more I thought about it the more it screamed. He can be as good as he wants, but I'm always going to be that...much...better...Later Daze Journal old pal.