"Okay so the cameras are still equipped in his cell, and we're going to take some of the footage we have on file and intermix it with some of what we capture today. All we need you two to do is follow the scripts exactly as they're written." The AW director said to the two guards as they turned down the hallway towards James Caine's cell.

"We can handle that." Said the first guard

"Easy as... umm... rice patties." Said the second guard.

The first guard smacked the second upside the back of his head, "PIE! You idiot. Hey, buddy, Do you mind if we ad-lib these scripts abit?"

The director shook his head. "Not at all. You two are his personal guard so you know him better than anyone else at this point."


Your screen is black and flickers with what looks like a bullseye occasionally. Voices can be heard as we see a black and white image of James Caine scribbling furiously in the corner of his cell.

"So Morrian has made himself a solitary confinement cell to try and keep up with this guy?"

"Yeah, and get this. He asked if 'Psychosis' was ready."

"Does he not realize he's been inside that single room for a lot longer than a week or two. This guy has been in that room... Without sun, or any real amount of contact for months."

"Yeah. Don't imagine what that would do to a guy like you or me, Imagine what that would do to a guy who's already crazy."

"Crazy hell. Have you heard the things he says?"

At this point James stops his scribbling and looks towards the cell door.

"Things he says! Have you seen the things he does!"

James cocks his head to the side and begins to speak in several different voices.

"Are you Ready?"
"ARE YOu readY?"
"WE ReadY?"

James throws his head back and laughs maniacally, and the guards go silent. When he finishes laughing he looks directly into the supposedly hidden camera and just smiles.

The guards hearing nothing more coming from James continue their discussion. The camera switches to the hallway.

"Morrigan even went as far to say that he doesn't like being in this match because James here is holding all the cards. It's HIS battle ground."

"Okay, wait a second, I don't remember seeing that in Ben's promo."

"Yeah it was near the end."

"Battle-ground or no battle-ground, Ole Morgi must not know James as well as he thinks."


"James own quote-"

At this point James reaches through the small barred window on the big steel door and grabs the first guard by the throat. He pulls him back so his ear is by James mouth. "Even playing with half a deck I still hold a full house." James lets go and his hand disappears back into the cell and the camera cuts back as well.

"What the fuck was that?"

"Dude, that... was insanity at its finest."

"Lets get the fuck outta here. Screw this script nonsense!"

"Chicken wuss."

Inside the cell we can see James pacing as we hear the guards footsteps walking away. James stops and turns his ear towards the door, as if he were straining to listen.

"Hello everyone. How are you?"
"We're fine."
"Yeah, I'm good."
"Sunshine...on a cloudy day..."
"Speak for yourself, I'm sad..."
"I want a teddy bear"
"I want a choo-choo!"
"I'm alive, is that enough?"
"Wow! Aren't we the-
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm the one in charge here."

James is speaking in about five or six different tones of voice when he suddenly just rams his forehead into the wall with a force that would take a normal man far from the realm of conciousness. James simply stands and sways for a moment, a trickle of blood leaking from his forehead and touching his lips. James licks his lips and grins.

"I needed that. I apologize folks. After having been in this shit-pit for so long without anyone to talk to, a person starts to create people to talk to. It's funny what being locked away from society can do to a person. It's even funnier when that person was crazy to begin with."

"YEAh. We're crazy!" comes a different tone from James who punches himself across the face.

"I said shut the fuck up in there! I need to say some things to the people out there I know are watching this. I know they're recording me for promotional time on some AW channel. I heard them talking down the hall. They thought I couldn't hear them, but being alone in here for so long... my hearing is sharper. My eyes are more sensitive. MY taste...Aw fuck it all, MY senses are amplified right now because its pretty much the only thing that ties me back to sanity. So I cling to those things. I cling to my senses like a child to a teddy bear. I grasp at my instincts as though they could somehow save me. Of course maybe that's because deep, deep down inside this thick twisted skull of mine... I know they can. I know they will."

James pauses to do a few pull ups on the bar the prison staff gave him a couple months back. After about fifteen or so he pulls himself up and wraps his feet around it so he hangs upside down.

"Yes, I know you're still there... watching... listening... waiting for me to say or do something. What that something is, I don't know... I don't care. Hell You think you know, but you don't...No one knows whats going on... Only one person has even a slight clue, sorry Morgi, but it's not you. And the only thing that he knows.. is the plan. If you find him, maybe you can ask him... but until then... I'm just your not-so-friendly neighborhood twisted psycho training for a deathmatch."

James reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of Marlboro Menthols, and a black bic lighter. He Lights a cigarette before he hauls himself up to where he's sitting on the bar. He is then face to face with the camera as he smiles.

"Looks like I'm on Fire mate." He says with a wink before he destroys the camera entirely and this cuts the feed.


Journal Entry--4th of January, 2010

I went to the visitor area today. I expected to see...well I don't know who I expected to see, but who I saw wasn't who I thought I'd see when I saw who it was that I actually seen...or would that be saw too? Whatever. It was some rookie named Louis Anthony talking about an idea of something or other. I have to admit the guy did have a great idea. If only there was somebody who owed me that kind of a favor... I mean that's a mighty big favor to owe. I wonder if I could find a way to contact Spaz. He owes me that much, AT LEAST, if not more... I need to speak with the warden... but will he speak back... I'm just not really sure... Where is my cigarettes...and why hasn't that fat stupid guard come back with my crayons sharpened yet. I have to write this entry with the lemon juice from my fish luncheon. I wonder if the warden will let me out in the yard this week....oh well. Later Daze, and better lays Journal my old friend... Although it looks like you might not be my only friend after all...