D.o.M._2K8 presents: Episode 18


{Monday, November 5th, 2007}
{The Palace of Auburn Hills}

I walked into Alexander's office with a smile, the feeling swollen in my gut that I wouldn't walk out that way.

"Sit, sit, Uncle, Please rest yourself, you have a big match tonight." the cocky young bastard said as I burst through his door. The smell of pine freshness found it's way to my nostrils.

"Look kiddo, you said you wanted to run somethin by me? Let's go through this quick because I've got some other shit to do before the show." I responded admonishing that I was somewhat in a hurry, which I was.

"It's about tonight, Powers is gonna take it..."

"No shit."

"But after the match... I need you to pull a magic trick when the lights go out. You'll have a fifteen second window to drop through the ring."

This idiotic idea stopped me in my tracks, "What? What the hell for?"

"Next week Scorpio is going to bring his Iron Man title in and he wants you as his first opponent." Alexander said putting his feet up.

"Okay, so if I'm still on the same page, you want me to pull some dumbass ratings dropper stunt to feul a feud that has died because the other guy is ultimately afraid of me? Is that it?" but I didn't give him the chance to respond. "Oh don't bother, I'll play your silly little game just as I played Diamond Kid's, Corey Hanes', Ace Kingqueen's, Vic Panter's, Reddz's, Bobby McAnus's, X Zoomer's, and every other moronic assmonkey that had the honor of calling themselves the owner of my contract's silly little games. Just remember that I told you fucking so when he chickens out, and you're left what size waist I have because you now have to buy me an Iron Man Championship by default! God damn you! You know I was half expecting a week off, instead of having to bust my ass yet again just to push some no talent loser who thinks I've been afraid of him."

"You are afraid of Psycho aren't you James? That is what you said to me once..." He answered, his feet now on the floor and his face twisting in confusion.

"I was shitcanned! You know damn well I'm the man without fear Alex, an...did you just refer to Scorpio by his last name?"


"Don't ever do that again. I'm the only Psycho around EWA. Not that jakked up twat loser." I said as I turned storming from his office and back to the Scarred locker room.

'What nerve! Scorpio! Viktor Psycho, the dead guy who came back to wrestle until he was without a doubt the best. But instead has allowed himself to slump into a comfort zone of "average at best" so he just won't ever go away.'

"Wonderful."I said as I entered my Dressing room to go over the plan with Kaige... Who was anything but pleased.


[This is classic... I get stuck with a feud that never finished...]

[Madness....I kinda like it...]

[Never finished cuz the other guy would never get in the ring with me.]

[Other guy wouldn't get in the ring cuz he knew it was a sure thing.]

[A 100% no lose bet... ]

[For everyone who put money on ME...Oh Yeah!]

[It's just that damn simple, I'm just that...much better.]

[Because I'm that...Far...Gone.]

[You think I'm gonna keep wasting my breath and use all my good material on you? You're More pathetic than I thought.]

[Here I'll just put the screw in your box now...]

[Remember these words to the T, Scorpio,]

[Come Knockout.....IF... you show your face...] [I'll confirm it now, so you'll have no exscuse for not knowing]

[That when you're dazed and cofused,]

[Staring up at the lights...]

[The smoke cleared, and the war over.]

[The name that was declared victorious...]

[Was Mine...Dig It!]

--}'Psychosis'James Caine