I slipped in unnoticed by anyone, the security dealing with my nephew and his band of hooligans. The stars too focused on everything as I made my way, cloaked backstage. Only one person even got a decent look at me, and that was just DK. luckily the face paint I was wearing beneath the hood prevented him any real ideas as to who I was. I moved silently through the OWF halls and placed my clues, one for Moxie, and one for Trent, my chosen partner for my upcoming return. I made a return here one year ago at the very same event, and dominated their special little gimmick match. This year's competitor's would prove slightly moroe difficult, but at least Draco was gone, and Angel wasn't involved.
I placed the PDA title upon moxie's bench, and made my stealthy exit. Throough the lockers I raced, stepping softly and avoiding eye contact. Almost no one here knew me anyways which was all for the better. That just meant fresh assrockets to pick on. I paused when I seen Trent Steel leaving his locker room, and locking the door. He set his bag down and quickly made his way towards my nephew. I had to work fast was the only thing I could think about right then as I took out my lockpick kit. thankfully OWF still couldn't afford high security locks and it was a three lump. I heard the click and quietly pushed open the door, at least they had some WD-40 somewhere.
I placed the mop on end and heard Steel reaching for something in his bag. SHIT. I was to slow I thought, but quickly discovered an exit. I moved swiftly to hide myself behind the inward opening door, and as he entered to inspect the mop I disappeared out the door behind him. I made my way quickly back to the same exit I had entered...
:Stage Left:
I sat in the back of the bar with my brother Star, and my bandmates Kansas, Chris, Wes, and DJ. "So you're going back to OWF?" said star passing the joint to Kansas.
"What gives man? I thought that place fucked you twelve ways from sunday?" Wes says as he passed on his hit.
"Well I dominated the Pool of Blood last year with Seraph when I made my return and SDK, called me up last week with an offer to come back this year and try an repeat. I just laughed and gave him my best Yoda." I say before standing and taking the joint. I hit the marijuana cigarette and quote my words to the former co-owner. "Get me a worthy partner, and there is no try...only do." I finish with a laugh and everyone laughs with me.
"So who'd they get ya?" Chris asks, passing on his hit as well and the doobie is back to Star.
"The sonofabitch himself was SDK's response...Will he work? was exactly what he asks me."
"So what'd you say?" Kansas asks between coughing and passing the doobie to DJ.
"Shit I asked him if a bear shits by a tree in the woods?"
"Nice answer, but who else is in the match?" DJ says as he takes the joint.
"Well there's only one team I'm worried about... and that's Moxie Roxie and Eclipse. Those two are the only TRUE threat to myself and Steel. Everyone else we've got beat by sheer insanity. Trent's a blackhearted sonofabitch who doesn't break, and me...Well I'm just nuttier than a squirrel's shit."
"Yea and ya smell about as bad too." came Star's response as the band laughed.
I glare at my brother."Laugh it up fuzzball, least I made it in the wrestling biz.
DJ leans forward as he takes the last drag of the doobie, "So what the hell are we doin playin these no name shows?"
"For fun and not selling out...Speaking of which I think I hear the band before us finishing up...are we set up guys?" I ask.
"Yessir" Says Kansas trying to hide his 'Kuntree' accent.
As we all begin to move out of the backroom, and towards the stage to perform, my brother pulls me aside. "I can't believe you're going back there....and for what? To be written as a fool again?"
"Look Star, Sometimes you just gotta give the fans what they want...Besides a back to back Pool oof Blood winner is a nice accomplishment...don't you think?"
"Who's to say they don't write it to one of the teams you don't expect?"
"They won't."I say calmly.
"You're aweful confident. How do you know that?" He says bewildered.
"Because between me and Steel...We're that much better...than everyone else involved. It'd just be bad business to write it anyother way. I've participated in some of OWF's most.....RIDICULOUS matches...my first match saw me get a nail gun chucked into my forehead... I was chained to an electric cell wall, and beat mercilessly by Angel....What have half these other guys done in OWF that I or Steel haven't done? OR for that matter have done. Now I don't know about the rest of the teams, ut I know Steel knows how far I can go, and I know how far Steel can go. That's all I need to know going into this match. Besides how many paying fans would walk ouot of that arena let down and pissed off if we lost to nobodies?"
"You're insane you know that." he says just shaking his head.
I comeback with a devilish grin, "Insane? I thought I was a virgo?"
"Whatever dude... Look just make sure you do your homework on-"
I don't let him finish his sentence as I interrupt him. "Don't worry about me, I know the two of us can handle everyonoe out there. Like I said the only TWO I'm worried about is Moxie and Eclipse....then again Alexis may try to sweet talk me at some point but I told her no once, I can do it again."
"Are you gay bro?"He quikly spits out.
"Ugh dude....Why? Would you sleep with her?"I say disgusted by both thoughts.
"Well...yea?" he says with a confused look on his face
I smirk at my older brother as I remind him, "You're an ex porn star....you'd sleep with a goat if it showed interest."
"Fuck you." He says with a smile.
"You'd probably like that, let's go they're calling our name."
:Stage Right:
CAN YOU HEAR ME, Mooooommm?"
Caine finished the set and stepped off the stage, a vibrant image of the psychotic rhythms still pounding in my cranial lobes. He fit the picture flawlessly, even with his newly found short hair. I approached him cautiously, not knowing how he would respond to the Garrett.
"Ahh.. James Caine, Is that, is that really you?"
"Indeed it is, who the fuck are you?" he answered sounding hoarse of breath.
"I'm Garrett...Garrett Greene? From~"
"I know where you're fucken from, you OWF sonofabitch. I don't work there no more. I do work in Phoenix for my nephew in AW, and with Jeff Jackson training fools in RCW." he said obviously inebriated. "Lemme guess...you think I'm fucken drunk don't you. Guess what newbie. obviously you weren't paying attention. I'm not drunk," he pauses to belch at this point, "I'm Insane. Amensentis." he finishes fluidly.
"Well I guess that answeres those questions...but ...wait...what was that last thing you said?" I asked him as what he said clicked around my brain.
James meanwhile just smirked at me as he placed his tophat on his head and started past me. When he reached my side he whispered something into my ear. "I think you know what I said..I think you heard me, loud....and....clear....I'm...Un...sane. Amesentis."
I quickly scribbled the last word on to my notepad, and looked at it, my brain numbing with how nicely it all fit.
I decided to go ahead and see what blanks I could fill in...
[PDA....] beat Kaige
[MEN....] ja-ME-s cai-N-e
[MOP....] moppy
[Amensentis....] ...?
[AMENS ENTIS...] ...??Insane?
It fit so nicely, Trent Steel and James Caine a tag team, 'MEN'. Leaving an image of great aggresion within Moxie's locker, and the Mop of trust placed in Steel's. The clever name on the card being a strange word for Insane. The Random King of Blood had returned for OWF's 10th. I could get a really awesome article out of this if he wins. 'Maybe...just maybe those two're crazy enough to do it...'' I thought aloud to no one in particular. As I watched Caine head out the door with a bandmate.
:Center Stage:
It was hot and there was absolutely no humidity in the desert. A few beers definately didn't qwell my desire for liquid as I turned to my bassist, Kansas. "Look man, no hard feelings about anything that happens in the ring, alright? When we butt heads in AW it's all a show remember that."
"Bro, I gots yoos back." he said in that 'kuntree' ass accent of his.
"Caine..." Came his voice from the alley then and I turned to see him. The "Sonofabitch" was leaning with his back against the wall of the bar we just played and I quickly drew up my fists. "No, no... I'd love to hit you, but not right now. Maybe another time."
I didn't lower my defenses any as I looked him in the eye. "Alright, what do you want?" I questioned.
"To buy you a beer after a fairly decent show you put on. Then maybe you can reaffirm for me, exactly why I should believe that you're made of sterner stuff than the punk ass bitch who passed out on me. The crybaby gutterslut who got stomped out by Imperium."
"I'll let my actions speak loud enough for all of OWF to hear Trent, I won this damn thing last year with Seraph. A man half of what you are, and half of what I am, now you do the math Steel, because that was after everything you just said."
Trent rocked back a bit almost as if to say he were stunned or amazed, truth was he really didn't give a fuck as he smiled and shot back at me "Works for me, let's have a beer and win some belts.Oh and youo think youo could buy? O-dub's checks are bouncing all over." He says touching my shoulder as I finally relax. We head further down the street turning into a different bar, to share some drinks.
:Stage Left:
I stare at my feet upon the cold tile floor as I hear his voice.
"The problem is degenerative, each day your mind deteriorates more and more. There's no reasoning your way out of this one James."
"Why not? It's a problem, a simple problem that I can solve." I state calmly.
"No you cannot."
"Why not? Why can't I? If I put my mind to it, I know I can find the solution." I scream to the voice as it mocks me."
"No James you cannot," the voice mocks again.
"Why the hell not?" I scream louder still.
"Beause your mind is the problem." He answers still as collected as his first statement.
"Well then... I guess we'll just have to deal with that, and one damn way or another..." Subjecting myself to my own delusion.
"We'll solve all the problems." The voice finishes.
I raise my eyes to look into the mirror, to see the devil himself smiling back at me.
:Exit Stage Left:
I set the camera up and placed the cap over the lens. I took my seat on the stool next to Steel, and looked at him."We're rolling now, so we can start and after I can hab my shop boys in AW cut this up."
"What the fuck are youo telling me for?" Steel answers.
Caine: Alright then, pool of Blood. Who're we facing?
Steel: Who cares?
Caine: I do, just a little bit.
Steel: You would... pussy.
Caine: No I just want to make damn sure that I win this hurrah two years in a row.
Steel: Yea well if memory serves you're not used to winning.
Caine: Ha Ha, whatever, just make sure you're in that ring when it starts lifting...
Steel: I say we just get right in and start tearing heads off.
Caine: Well that works fine then doesn't it?
Steel: We are made of sterner stuff right?
Caine: You'd know from experience better than pretty much anyone in this match.
Steel: Yea, don't expct me to be giving you any praise. You're still a fuck up.
Caine: Hey I'll have you know~
Steel: No one gives a shit.
Caine: Do I look like DK to you?
Steel: Yes, you all look the same.
Caine: ......are you retarded?
Steel: No that's just how you all look.
Caine: Such a blackheart.
Steel: Thank you captain obvious.
Caine: Holy shit batman! Did Trent Steel just say thank you?
Steel: This is why I hate you.
Caine: Because I'm that much better.
Steel: No because you're a fool and entertain me.
Caine: You're a tool!
Steel: I said Fool...with an F as in fuck you...Fool.
Caine: Oh... I can be from time to time.
Steel: That's not a good sign.
Caine: Just trust me Trent, You're getting the same caine that won this thing before.
Steel: And what Caine is that?
Caine: The badass who rocks, and kicks ass.
steel: A Caine who kicks ass.... I don't think I know him. I do know one who once took a broomstick-
Caine: AHH Yea that's enouogh of that subject... Look I don't know what it is you gotta hear or anyonoe out there listening to this recording wanna hear-
Steel: Here we go again...
Caine: You can have a moment in a minute.
Steel: You're a spotlight hog aren't you?
Steel: Well at least your ADD ass remembers who you're sitting next to.
Caine: You just can't resist taking every possible shot at me Can you?
Steel: Nope, it's too fun.
Caine: Well at least I make your day...Know what fuck it, I'm out this show is yours.
Steel: The ratings just went through the roof.
Caine: Fuck you.
Steel: Nah, I'd rather piss you off and enjoy beating the pig's blood out of everyone else in this obscene gimmick match.
Caine: ....You're just a dick.
*And with that Caine leaves the sound booth and disappears for the rest of the week, to where we never really know.*
[*To see where James Caine went, Click Here*]
[**]= RP part two, A CYA with Steel. Steel will post his RP as well with what he had to say. Also this second promotion pertains to the PDA title as well.]