Chapter Z: Mutilate
A Renaissance...

I grabbed my cigarettes from the table, sat down and lit one. As I sat there inhaling the cancerous smoke, I watched Ivy sleep, she was a beatiful woman, strong, opinionated... A dream woman for any normal man. I wasn't exactly normal though. I was, as some people put it, the enemy of rational thought.

I finished the smoke, and grabbed my duffel. I walked towards the door, but stopped as my hand touched the handle.I looked to Ivy one last time.

The alarm clock that magically somehow still worked and went off, hit me square in the face. I dropped to a knee as my nose started gushing blood. ivy just kinda blinked at me, still not completely awake.

"OWWW! FUCK!" I said as I held my nose, and tried to stop the bleeding.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." She said as the sight of the blood brought her out of her half sleeping state. She got up and moved to the bathroom momentarily, returning with some toilet paper. I held it to my nose as I sat with my back against the door.

"So where were you going?" she asked, noticing my duffel. "Just gonna leave me while I was sleeping?"

"I'm not the kind of guy who's good for anyone Ivy. It's hard to explain." I said, completely bullshitting.

"Well I'm not the kind of girl who gets stood up like that. So wherever you were going... I'm going with you now." she said firmly as she moved to the bathroom and returned ith some tissue, placing it against my nose.

I looked at her and knew she wasn't joking, but how could I take her with me? I was going someplace today that I really didn't want her to see.

"Ivy, look... You can't come with me... I was going to come back for you-" I lied, but she interrupted.

"Sure you weren't. I don't care where you think I can't go. I'm a big girl, and you're not gonna treat me like every other whore you've been with. I'm not them, they're not me." she said, and i had the feeling she was right.


Harbinger opened his door with a smile, and greeted Ivy the same. My hand he shook, however, with scorn. "Why is she here?" he whispered angrily into my ear.

"I couldn't get rid of her, she forced herself intocoming with me." I answered back.

"You are weak." was all he said as he grabbed my broken nose, and pulled me into his home.

It was a home just like any other on the outside, but once you were inside it was a different ball game. Crucifixes, nails, chains, and torture devices of the wicked lay strewn about the home. There were statues of dragons, wizards, and other dark artistic pieces. The only smell was death, and a hint of chicken.


As I lay strapped on the bed of nails, Cara tightening my straps, pulling me farther onto the nails, Ivy watched on. My back was oozing blood, as Kain smashed the shinai into my chest repeatedly, whipping me with the bamboo. My face cringed slightly at the shots, as each left a large red mark.

As the blood rolled of the side of my stomach Kain stopped with his shinai, and grabbed a bottle of some liquid. He dumped the entire thing onto my chest and I let out a scream. It felt like my entire front had just been enflamed, it stung, and burned. I could do nothing but writhe in agony, causing the nails beneath me to shred the skin from my back and bring me more pain. I screamed for a good five minutes, before the pain begain to die away. Kain waited for this, before he began hammering with his shinai again, instructing Cara to tighten me down just a little more.


He kept me on the bed of nail another two hours before moving me to the free chains, where he whipped, stabbed, cut, and beat the wounds he had just made for another three hours.After this was said and done, he let me down, and I dropped to the floor. My body collapsed to the floor. Ivy helped me to my feet, and held me up, my body took weak to hold its own. She escorted me to the vehicle, before turning her seething anger on Kain and Cara.

"What the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!" She screamed at them. "Look what you've done to him... He can't even walk right now..." she added as I just sat groggily in the passenger seat.

"We do nothing... that we haven't done before, and that he doesn't desire." Kain said solemnly.

"What the HELL makes you think he'd want this?" Ivy asked, still fuming.

"Because it's what he always wants." Came Cara's response.

"Ivy.... Just get in...." I managed and she followed my orders, giving the two sadists a vengeful glare as she did.

She turned the engine over and I just fell asleep to the hum of the engine.


"Welcome... To the Festival James... We've been waiting for you..." came the creepy clowns voice.

It stared at me with it's painted skull face and a twisted smile, beneath a jester hat. The skull floated to the side and the outline of and arm gestured behind him, and through a gate. Beyond the gate was many things, people appeared to be crying over somthing, other people appeared to be laughing hysterically.

Bodies hung from the walls, and heads were impaled upon spikes. Criminals were being hung in the far back and there looked to be some types of ancient rides, as it became clear it was some kind of festival. I moved towards the gate, but just as I was about to enter, something smashed into my forehead.


"Gunhm ooohh." I said as my nose and face riccocheted off the dashboard.

"Fucking assholes...LEARN TO FUCKING DRIVE!!!" Ivy screamed out the window, adding a honk.

I just fell back asleep to the throbbing of my face.


|Making us Look Better than You...Cuz we Are|