Chapter 14: Crash
Part II of ??

|Tuesday Morning|
|James Caine's Secret Library|

James sits alone surrounded by brilliant white walls, and marble shelves filled with books. Books of Goetia, Black magic, Ninjitsu, and history. Books of time, some written by Caine himself, who is seated in a large, deep-shaded purple velvet throne, that is formed in the image of bones.

"So, This is it James. Your tale ends as fast as it began. You little walk through the Wonderlands of Va'Sheer have been cut short. Cut short because OWF thinks it's better than I am. OWF truly believes that I am not as mad as I say I am. But Sunday Night... I shall prove it to them."

James inhales deeply an enourmous cloud of smoke from his Marlboro Menthol, exhaling the noxious second hand smoke that stings his eyes as his left hand pens his spoken words with a feather quill in an old-fashioned book.

"I do wish you well, during your stay in the blackness James, but right now there is just too much time, and not enough things to do... Strike that... Reverse it. Farewell my friend, I'll see you over the moon."

James stands and moves to a three foot marble pedistal between two shelves on the wall before him. His footsteps echo throughout the room, portraying the emptiness James could feel throughout his entirety. James places the book on the pedistal before him gently, before bringing his fingers to the front of his face. James pulls a knife then from his coat pocket, and uses it to slice a cut into his index and middle finger. James doesn't flinch at the exscuse of pain that his brain tries to convey to him, as he brings his now bleeding fingertips to his lips. With no tears he kises them gently before placing them and their bleeding imprint into the last open space on the page.

Taking a slow step backwards, James bows and as he rises places his tophat upon his brow and turns around briskly. His coat waving in the air left behind him. Inside his mind James knows that everything up until now has been part of a genius plan. A plan to feign ignorance, feign ignorance to guarentee the element of surprise. If Imperium had any inclination that their war was over they were a little more than a long way off. Scarred had been destroyed, but James Caine had not yet begun to fight.

James smiled as he left the room and walked silently, the sadistic grin never leaving his face, down the dark, dimly lit underground corridors leading to his secret library. The light humming and flickering buzz of the hanging bulbs overhead created a very haunting ambiance that was simply music to James ears.


||Tuesday Evening|
|Saginaw, Michigan|

I sat there smoking my smooth menthol listening to the soft undertones of Nonpoint over the room speakers. The lyrics stood out to me as I sat there watching the lines of OWF fans just pass by, sending me nervous glances. I think I scared people, that or they were trying to figure out where to spit on me. Neither one really mattered much to me anymore. Imperium started this war... Sunday night, I was going to end it.

I figured I had signed a total of maybe twelve autographs all afternoon, which was bending my nerves more than the strings in a Guns and Roses guitar solo.

"You know you've been pissing me off lately, you old hack!" a voice said from the crowd.

That voice sounds familiar, I thought as my eyes scanned the sea of people. Fat ones, skinny ones, bitches with foot longs, and guys with green mohawks. All the assholes lining up for a moment with Chris Green, Corbin Kaige, Plague, Angel, and even Trent Steel, but I couldn't find who said it.

"Over here... Chicken wuss." came the familiar voice again, this time I seen him standing there with his long ass red hair, still straight as an arrow.

"Dick" was all I replied as I stood and cracked my neck to either side, prompting those few nearby to spread out in a silent circle around us. The look in my eye told them something bad was about to happen. People were sometimes smart enough to go with their gut reaction.

"All that blah, blah, blah, moronic bullshit about Wonderland, and Va'Sheer posted on your website... You fuckin chicken wuss. Always whining... OWF this, OWF that... wah, wah, boo friggity fuckin hoo... " The red haired man said, and let fly a blast of chi from his fingers that nailed the recently cured hole in the left of my breast.

I bit the filter of my cigarette as I barreled backwards and rolled feet over head into the OWF screen behind me. I moved quickly to my feet ignoring the recurring pain, still fresh from being plastered through a wall the night before. All this, just a short time after having a piece of metal railed through my chest.

"You are both sad, and pathetic." he said as he moved towards me slowly readying a second shot of burning energy. I ignored the pain shooting through the whole of my body as I raised myself to a knee.

"You got a lot to learn... Dick." I said prompting him to paste my forehead with his second blast of chi, staggering me backwards off of my knees, and flat back on my back. I noticed as I glanced to the ceiling the music had been cut, probably as soon as the fight broke out.

'And what might you know, chicken wuss, that I have yet to learn...hmm?" he said as I regained my footing to stand before him, my forehead bleeding slightly. I could tell from the small trickle that invaded my sight. I glanced to the fried butt of my former cigarette, before I licked a drop from the tip of my nose and smiled at the red haired dick in front of me, my special sadistic smile, as I had to now pull a fresh Marlboro Menthol one huhndred cigarette and light it, letting it hang loosely from my lips..

"First and foremost... you just broke my cigarette... Secondly...There's no Wonderland, No Va'Sheer. Just a crazy twenty eight and a half year old man, who enjoys playing head games with himself, because everyone else is too god damned mother fuckin easy, because they're too god damned stupid. That's right. There's no Mad Hatter, just 'Psychosis' James motha fuckin Caine, who is a clinically insane, supremely gifted, eccentric, professional wrestling legend. Yea, that's me, not you. Life sucks, get a fucking helmet, wait, no... I got a better idea... Get over here and get your ass kicked!!" I yelled as I launched my own chi blast at him and rolled to my right and back to my feet.

The blast hit him square in the chest and sent him backwards just as I reached my feet and began to dash towards him, I caught him midflight with a heavy tackle, careening us both through an autograph table. I raised myself to a mounted position and slammed my knuckles into his face, implanting his skull into the wooden floor of the room. I wasn't punching too long, before a hand touched my shoulder. I spun around and to my feet quickly, the cigarette teetering from it's resting place beneath my teeth.

As quickly as I had risen I planted one to the persons jaw. It was no more than a fan trying to get my attention, but I didn't care. I had lost all feeling in my body, and violence was all I could see and hear. The fans had gathered in a circle around us.

One stupid fan even had the ignorance to turn to his friend. "It's only James Caine... Watch this shit...." he said as he rolled up his sleeves and began to walk towards me.

"Fool..." I muttered as I gathered energy through the entirety of my right arm. When he was just outside of arms length, I unleashed the blast into his sternum crumpling it inwards. He would live, but not comfortably for sometime. Compacted lungs would do that to you. I turned in time to catch a hard left from the Dick that was bound with chi.

I staggered back and braced myself on a still standing announce table. I moved my hand from my chest to my waist, as he began to gather his largest blast yet. I removed my shirt slowly revealing the disgusting scar left by the piece of metal, and the fresh scars of a visit to Kain's. I just smiled at him that sick sadistic smile and pointed to the scar. "Come on Dick... What ya got?" I said, lowering my eyes, and baring my teeth. He raised his hands together and brought them back slowly, I just smiled more.

What happens Next?