Death of Mankind 2K7 presents: Another James Caine Promo?
The Renaissance...

*Caine is sitting in a steel Chair watching an eight inch television set that continuously cuts to static. Caine slaps the shit out of it, but it eventually just cuts out completely.*

Fucking shit... I was trying to watch that... Oh well the static is so much more entertaining than Draco anyway. Hell sounds better too.

*Caine looks to the camera that's recording him.*

Oh... hello there. I guess I didn't see you there. I heard that we're supposed to be using the title shots we earned this week, but Neither myself nor Seraph requested that. According to the contract, we get to choose when we want it, but don't worry... We'll wait for you guys to be at Ooooonnneeee hundred percent. In the meantime. I'll have to make a phone call... Before I do however I'd just like to touch base with a few things. It's Tuesday Morning, I'm tired, and I need a fuck. I was just watching this silly little trash talk that Draco was spewing forth, when I came to the realization that he thinks just because he can talk better trash...He's better than me.... Well boy do I have a 'stop the presses, breaking story!!!' for him.

*Caine lights a Marlboro.*

First off let me say that thinking is an assumption and an assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. Although Draco probably can talk better trash, that's just becuause his mouth is full of it. Or maybe because his head is full of shit, and his skills are full of...well... let's face it he doesn't have any. everyone quiet down out there in TV land.... Just be real quiet, and listen real hard... this is the part where you hear him saying something to the extent of "I hate you, I'm better than you, you're just a headache, you're a worthless incoherent nobody...blah,blah, and blah." ..........Everyone catch that? Good.
Now exscuse me if I'm wrong but if I was truly so worthless, why waste such good verbage on me? Oh yea, you're scared because you know that I really am better than you. but you can't admit that, because let's face it, no one in this business will ever admit anyone is better than them. That's called pride. And you have too damn much of it Draco. Which makes you an easy target. tell you what, when you're done talking shit and actually wanna fight... I'll be in the damn ring.
*Caine takes the Marlboro and puts it out on the side of his neck.*

Now the other opponent I have to worry about is Angel. The World Champ! WHOO! Big man on the campus. The big dog! The number one... The man everyone wants a piece of... Oh wait... No one wants any part of this guy anymore... no one except maybe me, and Plague. Holy Shit Bob! You mean to say that me, and Lemon wedge have something in common?? When the fuck did this happen? I'm sorry, but at what point did everything turn upside down and bassackwards... Did I miss a memo?
I'm gonna cut right to the chase. You beat me. Yay for you. Would you like a fucking cookie? Plague beat me, Steel beat me. Would they like a cookie? Hell Cameron Frost beat me, and I'll bet he wanted a cookie. But you know what the difference between them and you is Angel? Scouting. Ask Vic Powers... go ahead, ask him what happened in our first and only match. he'll tell ya same as I did. Whooped my ass, then I knocked his teeth in and broke his leg. The next time Vic and I meet, he's gonna be in trouble since I still know his repetoire. I barely gave you anything did I Angel. I gave Trent Steel more than I gave you, I gave Plague more than I gave you... I'll bet this might sting a bit... I gave Corbin Kaige more effort than I gave you.
Figure out what I'm getting at yet? I'm playing a dangerous game, because that's the business we're in. A dangerous one. But the bottom line is, when the time comes to put your money where your eyeballs are. I'll be the one robbin ya blind. Actually more like I'll be knocking you the fuck out, and robbin ya blind, but whatever.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, both of the World tag team champions just got a verbal smackdown they never seen coming, and this monday night they're going to get a literal beatdown they didn't see coming either when Seraph and I take it to them for the first time. But we won't be going all out... oh no. We'll wait for that one. We'll wait for the right stage to dance the grand finale. We're going to give you just what we need to walk out with a W, and your blood on our chests.
You see, I'm not the best trash talker in the world. That's because I prefer walking, to talking, and in this scenario, I'm the one who's gonna be walking all over my opponents. Why? Because they're too busy talking. Wow... Everyone else see how that works? Here let me run that by the Tag-Champs in Layman's terms so they understand it. It's a country song, Little less talk... Lot more action. That's me baby. And I'm larger than life with it.

*Caine kisses the camera and it cuts to static.*

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|Self Medicate, Self Motivate|