Book XI: Chapter X7
The Dead Festival

The Renaissance Continues

"Did ya fucking like that? WOW! Holy shit BOB! It's too fucking easy to be Draco. Oh wait... hold on, lemme rethink that. No it's fucking hard to be a vampire I mean. I have no soul, I have no heart, I'm already dead. Women don't give me AAAANNNNYYY....wait a minute. Yes they do. I love two women. But wait... no I'm a vapire... I don't feel emotion right? Fuck! caught in a big ass lie. The truth comes out who is really living in fantasy land eh? How fucking stupid do you take me for you dolt? You say my words are incoherent, but really they're sturng together nicely. In a nice crazy line. Do I ramble a bit? Sure, but I keep it lively. I keep it happy and light as I bust your fucking head. Oh by the way dipshit. You wanna talk like a thirteen year old that just reached puberty, and loves Corbin Kaige more than life itself be my guest. Just remermber that anything you can do I can do better. My Mom should've had an abortion, or taken me out and ate me herself? Your mom shoulda just swallowed period. But she was too busy gagging on my load, she couldn't do anything but throw it back up. Then the best part of you was left sittin in her belly button. Holy shit again Bob! It's so difficult to talk trash to a nobody. A fucking loser who is nothing more than an emotional waste of space. Wait hold on a second let me show the world how EASY... it is to beat Draco." Caine says as he sits back in his chair and lights a marlboro.

One line at a time.

Just like this.

You tell him that he's not really what he thinks he is.

That he knows he's just a coward.

He's all chicken shit

All scared to let out someone who left him so long ago.

They called him the Apex of Anarchy.

They STILL call me the Epitome of Insanity.

So fucking what? Those are just names.

But you haven't shown me shit.

I prove every day my insanity.

Because I wake up and talk to idiots like you.

I deal with idiots like you

And talk to them like they can understand difficult english.

You know.

Words like And.

Words like but

Words like I am Better than You.

But they can't get it.

Don't get it.

For whatever reason.

They don't know which bitch they want

Their mommy didn't love them enough

Their tag team partner wouldn't suck his dick

Or maybe just because the working ten percent of his human brain got left with the lint in his hooker mom's belly button.

It doesn't really matter.

What does matter?

Is that Draco, is in for a rude awakening.

And there's two things he can do about it.

Listen to them all.

The women cheer...

The men throw their OJ and beer.

You ready for it Dickhole?

WHOOPS I mean Draco...

Here's what you can do...


Caine finishes his speech one line at a time. and stubs out his marlboro then begins to pace in a circle behind the chair.

"Now there.. Bam.. Draco is beaten just like that. It's that easy. It's as simple as One." Caine holds up his fingers with his counting. "Two... Three. Let me repeat that because it's a proven fact that stupid people can learn better when they hear things repeatedly. One, I walk to the ring. Two, I get in the ring. Three, I beat your fucking ass." Caine smiles sadistically at his three fingers, and then looks at the camera with his soul-less eyes, and turns the three fingers into his one middle one.

"It's just that easy to fuck you Draco. You better get used to it, because I'm gonna be doin it every time we step into that ring. Oh yea that's right you like to get fucked don't ya? That's beside the point. What is the point? I'm better than you, and it's just that simple. Go ahead say something and try to be smart pretty boy. Like how I claim I don't have an ego.. Pfffftt.. " Caine makes a jerking motion with his own hand. "I'll be the first one to tell ya I have an ego, the difference between yours and mine. I EARNED MINE. What have youd done to get yours but have Spaz job out to you what? Like 400 times now? Good for you. yay... Wanna cookie? Get fucked. It's as simple as this Draco. You suck, and I've already proven it. Oh wait, I disproved that didn't I... Because you're not a vampire and now everyone knows it. Bet ya didn't think someone who knew more about em than you would ever walk into the fucking room did ya? Learn to read a book, and watch a little less Television asstrumpet. And the last thing I have to say to you... Only ONE man is allowed to call me the Joker around here, or anywhere. It ain't you. But I'll leave the rest up to him to tell you, which I'm sure he will Monday night. When he busts whatever's left of your skull. Yea, unlike Spaz I actually have friends who can and will beat your ass, not like I can't do it myself, but you already know that. And if ya haven't figured it out by now. You're already dead." Caine begins to laugh hysterically as the scene fades out. and to the following words:



Fuck Off!

|The Dead Festival Pt. V|