Chapter Z: Medicate & Motivate
A Renaissance...

James Caine is sitting on a long sofa in his living room . Behind him on the walla can be seen numerous World, Tag, and Hall of Fame framworkings.

"So tell me first off James... What's with the damn mop?" Comes the familiar yet unseen voice.

"Well it was kinda this thing I had back in AWA. I had two bodygaurds turn on me within a span of two weeks, and After that I just kinda combined Perry Saturns Mop gimmick with Jeff Jarret's Guitar, and made a bodygaurd from a bunch of mops. For weeks I would go to the ring and just bust unworthy opponents in the face with a mop, pin them, and go home. That's where moppy came from, and now it's really just a gag that I can chuckle at backstage. But everyone seems to think it makes me less of a man to have a conversation with a mop. Truth is... I really don't talk to the mop. Oh sure, when I'm actually cleaning I do tend to dance with it, and I might sing a bit, but I don't talk directly to the mop.... Unless I'm on a three day drunk. Then I might, but I don't really remember those times, so I don't really care. Next question Doctor Wayne." Caine answers the doctor and the rest of the world who is already on the edge of their seats.

"What's going on with Draco?" The voice asks.

"Well, He thinks he's better than me. I know I'm better than him. He asks the question... What have I done since I've come to OWF? I ask the question what has he done outside of OWF? He calls my past nothing but indy feds, but I'm sorry. The word 'Indy' just doesn't exactly SPRING into mind when you're filling arenas with 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 thousand fans night after fucking night. Fans who show up because your name is on the marquee. I mean I have enough money to go out and BUILD a medeival city, pay people to dress up and fake the death of the OWF roster and he has the intellect to compare me to Spaz? I'm sorry, but something's just a little off there. he's classically underestimating me. Next Question." Caine answers with ease and even manages to stay somewhat on topic.

"So what about Draco? Aren't you underestimating him? " The voice is relentless in it's line of questioning.

"He's been a 2 time OWF Champion, a Network Champion, and a Tag Champion here in OWF. He's maybe been in two to three other federations, he thinks he's a vampire, but has made multiple fuck ups on that front, and his finishers are both easily countered. Sure the guy had me down for a pinfall, but he had to execute his finisher for the fans. That's called ring prescences. I knew where Steel was, and where he was wasn't beating Draco... it was beating Angel. Who like me wasn't trying." Caine fires back unrelenting himself, a hint of anger becoming apparent in his tone.

"Angel seems to upset you James. Why is that?"the voice asks as Caine takes a deep breath.

"Angel says that when I stop trying it's me pussing out, but for him to stop trying is to take a vacation, or a break? But Seraph and I are the hypocrites? We're the ones who should look in the mirror? We know are flaws, and we turn them into our advantages. Angel just hides behind his hopes and dreams, and his many fans. Well I've got fans too, whether I want em or not. They're loyal to mem, and have been since the day I earned their respect. What happened between me and Angel was me sacrificing a pawn. Then his little knight came out of left field and busted my head in. I still wanna kill Kaige for that...." Caine says and begins to grind his teeth.

"Kaige huh... Mad at him for attacking you? Or backstabbing you?"

"Both. I admit I knew I was going to lose to Angel, and I'm okay with that I mea seriously look at the damn wall over there." Caine points to his many titles. "Does it look like I need another one? No, Of course I don't NEED another one, so I'm perfectly happy waiting it out, and biding my time. Angel won't be beaten by anyone here, not to mention he's busy with the tag titles, and the owners wouldn't wou do talk a lot." says Doctor Wayne.

"Yea I do... but some people can't keep up, so they should probably just get the fuck out of the race."

Doctor Wayne shifts himself in his chair, "You're referring back to Draco now right?"

"Oh you bet Doc. The guy's fucking retarded. I think my pyscho crusher hit him a little too hard. Think about it. Look at it how he isn't: he's facing an eleven year ring veteran who's made a career out of beating people who underestimate him, the very same guy who's got more titles and awards than both me and my partner have fingers and toes. Now if that doesn't say that he's been successful during those eleven years, look at the man's bank account. There's let's see.... one, two, three, four, five, six,seven, eight, nine, ten.....ten Fucking zeros on the end of it... Preceeded by a nice fat seven... that's rounded down of course.... but it's roughly a seventy BILLION dollar bank account, but I haven't done a damn thing in my career that's worth me having a larger than life ego? No, I'm only fucking LOADED with cash. I'm getting off track... So Draco's opponents knows his way around a wrestling better than just about any fucking one. He's smart, maybe not the smartest person in the world, but he is alarmingly intelligent, he's in great physical condition, he's mentally prepared, and to top that all off. He still is a cold, emotionless, maniac, who feels no pain, and knows no fear. That is what Draco is up against. That is me, but I have no reason to be cocky? Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on. All that I just said that he hides from himself... That's what it is, he just pretends it's not there so he can imagine that I'm Spaz or some lowlife who's going to lay down for him. Too bad I'm gonna give Trent Steel a call and find out anything, and everything I don't already know about this fucker. Who is he gonna call? The ghost busters? Plague? Angel maybe? Is Angel gonna tell him how to beat me into submission, because I tell you what even Angel doesn't truly know how to beat me. He knows how to do exactly what I want him to. Come down off my high horse? I've been riding it for years, the last person to knock me off it was a man named Eliminator. If you wanna know what that was like it was pretty much the Jesse Williams to my Angel. The only difference was I never got to beat him. He took it to me everytime we fought, and that was a man who could fight. Meanwhile back in today's world however. We've got Draco who thinks MAYBE there'll be a fight. No there's no maybe's... There's NOT going to be a fight, There's going to be me... Breaking him in two... and then into three, and then four.... and continuing until he can do nothing but grasp for air. Crawling around as helpless as I was at Shock and Terror, When Kaige came running out of the left field grandstands and put his foot to the side of my face. Shit... There I go repeating myself more than Mick Foley... I gotta stop doing that." Caine finishes his speech and the cigarette he lit halfway through, putting it out on his forearm.

"And what about Ivvy?" come the nxt question from Doctor Wayne.

"Honestly Doc. I had just started falling for Cheri when she up and poofed to Cali. Then I met Ivvy. Before the two of them were countless women. There was Red, who my other side murdered. There was some random blonde, a multitude of flight attendants, and cocktail waitresses, strippers, and other random floozies that I never cared for. I admit I kind of loved Red, but not the way I loved Cheri, and definately not the way I have fallen for Ivvy. The last woman I loved was my first wife Veya Starr Davis. She was perfect, but she ended it with me. She ended it with me when I caught her cheating, and put a bullet into the man's forehead. She claimed I was crazy and took my son. I haven't seen them since. Have you lived a life without seeing your son since he was five years old Doc?" Caine asks and sits up, looking directly at the doctor.

"Well James, I can honestly say I don't know what that pain feels like."

"It drives you insane... I'll just say that... All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day. You had a bad day once. Am I right? You had a bad day and everything changed..." Caine begins to mumble completely incoherently from his place on the couch as Vic powers stands and shakes his head.

"They don't even know who they're fucking with. He's farther gone now then when I fought him originally. His insanity is one of his most powerful weapons and there's almost no way to fight it, and keep your own. It seems like it's only become stronger... This is gonna be funny." Vic says as he just drops the notepad to the ground. James reaches over and picks up the pad of paper, and looks at the image of the Joker drawn onto it, and begins to laugh hysterically.