'...oh no, I'm out of breath....... Yawn...'


'God this would almost be humiliating if I didn't know the fans loved it.'


'Can this guy count fucking faster so I can roll out of here and act like this match actually took something from me. I mean damn wanna get paid today.'


'The hell is he waiting on? Santa Claus?'



'Bout fucking time, I need a god damn shower. Not to mention Troy smells like the inside of a deer's stomach.' I thought to myself as I rolled around ono the mat a bit, feigning some mythical great fatigue. I rubbed my head and groaned a bit to really give the folks a nice show. Troy just laid there. Not moving at all. I might've broken his neck, then again, I didn't give a flying fuck. I finally rolled all the way out of the ring, as the loudspeakers blasted away some music. I couldn't hear what it was, I was too busy trying to pick out singular voices from the audience. being a veteran I had trained my ears to listen for my critics.

Troy finally started to stir as I reached the halfway point of the entryway. 'No surprise there.' I thought to myself as I pushed my way through the curtain to see Big Daddy P standing there waiting.

"Glad to see you still know how this business works Caine." he said with a smile from ear to ear.

"Stuff it PJ. I only did that for the sake of the people who paid money to see me." I said walking past him.

"What about those who paid to see that Pay per view?" he questioned like a cop on a hot lead.

I didn't even bat an eye in his direction as I spat my lightning quick response, "Fuck em." I said truly not caring either way.

"I don't get you Caine." He said with a grim demeanor

"No one ever has" I said as a single thought passed my mind.

'Nobody ever would'
