|---James A. Caine---|
| --Journal entry-- |
| ---July 24th--- |
| --- 2008 --- |
[We all take things from this sport, all of us. Every man, and woman that steps between those ropes. But what do the children get? Does anyone think of the children? Apparently Kids these days get the respect, and the titles? But what in my mind makes me think I got anything differet? I was twenty years old when I won my first enormous title. The WWWF World title. thosoe were good times......]
[I digress, Big Daddy P, thinks I went with his ending because he told me too, Miller doesn't realize he had no control in any of that match, and in all reality, I'm pretty sure the guy I'm fighting this week in RCW has some false delusion that he's going to attack me post match, or pre-match and try to ogain some type of idiotic advantage...What he doesn't know is I'm anticipating that, always. I am always looking over my shoulder, it's what comes with the territory, but the difference from me and a paranoid assjock, is that I will let youo have that attack. I will let you assault me from behind before or after. That way if you attack me before, then I can kick yoour ass through whatever you dish out and make you look that much worse... if you attack me after well that just speaks volumes about youor sportsmanship doesn't it?.......]
[Even as a young punk in the business I didn't assault people for no reason. I assaulted people face to face, toe to toe in the ring. I didn't care if it was three guys staring back at me. I was always the insane guy withouot a drop of fear, and that's stil lwhat I am today. Now to go and prove it.]
Later Daze, and better lays...
"God it's so dull waiting for this assnugget rookie McCainish. I'm just waiting, and waiting and waiting. He proably think's this will be some type of head trick like working a superbowl kicker." I say as I pace back and forth.
My confidant, and friend Morrigan, whom I had just recently returned from a hunt with was seated on the coouch sipping a hi-C. "Meh." Morrigan says before returning to his Hi-C.
"I mean god damn, Is he scared? Is he retarded? Is he pissing himself like he should be, or is he just stahling for time trying to draw me out?" I say still pacing.
"Who cares? I think you give him too much credit." Morrigan says returning to his Hi-C.
I stop pacing for a moment to smile, and then start again. "I do, cuz I want to fuck with this rookie's head and then crush him. That way I can use it to get into Sylence, and Miller's heads. I've already told PJ. I'm taking both of their titles, simply because I can."
"I think you should....and maybe cut a promo in there to talk shit." Morrigan says as the Hi-C is apprently empty.
"I think so too..." I say as I grab a chair, and put it in the corner. I repotsition my security camera to point to me in the center of the living room, drop down and begin doing pushups. Morrigan just sits there staring at me confused-like a moment before getting up and heading to the kitchen.
"I've come to the conclusion that RCW doesn't deserve me. I'm far better than anyone here, then again......i'm better than anyone, anywhere...at any time. William Mccainish? Come on, the guy obviously wishes he was me. He's got half my last name in the middle of his, he talks like he's anywhere near my calibur, and has a self-monikier of God Incarnate....Laughable." I monologue loud enough for my securities audio oto pick up as Morrigan returns with some type of sandwhich. I can smell the lettuce, and meat. It smells fresh, but that's the only type of food I like, Fresh.
"Morrigan, here might not understand what I'm talking abouot because he's not ever really been to that proverbial mountain top... But I have. and there is no mountain in RCW. There isn't even a bump in the rooad in RCW. Do I have a win? No, Do I care? No...Why? Because i don't have to. I can do what I want, when I want, if I want, and my question is...who...is gonna stop me?"
"I would." Morrigan says wiping crumbs from his lap.
"You'd try...and like anyone I want... you'd fail..." I stop with my pushups and make a troat cutting gesture towards the camera, and sit down. I reach to the table next to me, and pick up my Four hundred dollar glass piece. Before hitting it I set it back down and simply pick up a doobie.
"The only time a man should smoke is when he's on fire..." Morrigan says to me.
I just look at him. hit the joint and smile as I hold the hit. I can feel the THC affecting my brain almost immediately. suddenly the millions of thoughts that were scrambling about my head in a euphoric daze were halted to a stop. I was able to freely browse them, and find the ones I liked.
"...You okay? Jay... Yo, Caine...?" Morrigan was trying to get my attention but it was a lost cause. I was busy finding the right way to terminate little willy. Morrigan snapped his fingers in front of my face, and I snapped back to reality and out of my marijuana induced space out session.
"I'm a whale in a teardrop Morgi."
"...mhm...and what exact....know what nevermind, I don't even wanna know." Morrigan says as he stands up and heads upstairs to the room I loaned him for the weekend. It was pure brilliance,(truth be told that wasn't a difficult thing for me to do,) and I needed to do something I hadn't done in quite sometime.
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