Death of Mankind 2K7 presents: The Black Tablets
>[2 - The Chase]<


The barbed wire wrapped quickly around her throat and tightened quickly, five seconds, a gush of air, and a splash of blood, and the life had been taken from her. Ivvy Orr slumped lifelessly to the floor before him as he slowly turned and left the room.


"Gypsy! Where did you get this?" I screamed at the dog. Her only reply was to drop the bleeding finger and sit. She stared up at me with her tongue hanging from the side of her mouth.

I reached down and picked up the finger. It was Ivvy's.



*The image of James Caine walking through border's fades in.* *Caine picks up a novel from the shelf. 'Phantom' by Terry Goodkind.* "A mild cover that would seem a dull read, wouldn't you say so Assassin?"

"Nothing spectacularly eye catching about this book is there?"

"Of course not."

"Because you, unlike me, judge a book by it's cover."

"I'm going to ask you again..."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"We all know who I am... Or at least you think you do."

"You see if one has read the books in the series before this one..."

"Wizard's First Rule, Stone of Tears, Blood of the Fold..."

"To name a few."

"One would know this book..."

*Caine taps the cover of Phantom.* "Has a great histroy, a magnificent backstory, and is in fact a spectacular read."

"Without the books leading up to this one... this book would be useless. Worth about as much as you are." "See people are much the same way Assassin."

"Of course if you were indeed an assassin worth a god damn you'd be right behind me with a tripwire wrapping between your fists."

"I digress, people are much the same."

"If we have no past, we have little future..."

"Unless we are just born."

"Are you a baby, assassin?"

"Or are you a man?"


*The image of the distraught Caine appears again before the black backdrop.*

"While you wander around talking shit with that silly camera man, and your silly little friend..."

"I attempt to control myself."

"I listen to your ignorance, and think how wonderful it must be to be stupid."

"Then i realize what that stupidity is going to get you."

"And I thank the stars above that I'm not you."

"You see, allow me to break this down."

"I say you're blind. You say he was nobody, and you're somebody."

"I say that's a bunch of bullshit and proved it because you still have yet to say a damn thing about who you are and what kind of survival, wrestling, or fighting experience you have."

"So I say you're deaf, you say that I still sound like a man from a movie or a book."

"I say you're full of shit, and still not listening to anything other than my debut, my promotional interview for XWA in which yes, I did take a bit from the V character."

"Words are one thing, and Actions are louder."

"So I say you're dumb. And you just keep proving it."

"Now what did I miss?"

"Cocky? Ya damn right I am. You'll know why after Monday night, because I know your stupid ass ain't figured it out yet."

'Am I mistaken to assume that it is HE talks about WONDERLAND, who LIKE V speaks at lengths using alliterations? except that he substitutes the V for the H, and somehow, THAT is supposed to be justifiable?'

"Are you mistaken that I talk about Wonderland?"


"Do you have a fucking clue what Wonderland is?"

"I dare you, tell me please what it is. Or shall I say your answer for you?"

"A childrens book written by a pedophile."

"Is that what it is to you?"

"Too bad you just don't understand the simple analogy behind Wonderland otherwise you might realize you have a problem."

"Are you mistaken that I, like V, speak at great lengths."

"No, I waste my breath on simpletons like you giving them every possible chance to shut up, so this can be as painless as possible for you..."

"But you don't hear me."

"Where's the proof?"

"Right there."

"You assume I use alliterations and substitute the V with an H, not for an H, but WITH."

"I did a helluva lot more than just take his words, drop the V and add an H as you so childishly assume."

"I actually had to open a thesaurus for a few of those words, but I'd still bet you didn't know half of them existed."

"So how does that prove you don't hear me?"

"Think about it jackass."

"You're still caught up in my first magic trick, to even notice that I've been robbing you blind of your dignity."

"Oh wait you won't understand that."

"You see, while you've been fast forwarding these promotions and just keeping my debut on repeat I've been insulting you, and proving to the whole're nothing."

"I think I've pretty much made my point, and left it open just enough for you to say something stupid again."

"Please do."


I looked to Gypsy and told her to show me where she found the finger, holding it in front of her face, and she turned. She bounded off towards the patio door, then stopped to look at me. As if she were saying "Well do you wanna know or not?"

"I wasn't sure if I did."





"Nope! Wrong again..." the voice came at me from all directions as I stood naked, shivering in the emptiness of what was once a long drawn out hole.

As I stood upon nothingness, I seen his face. "What are you doing here! And what the hell do you want!"

"I want what you won't give me... CONTROL!" came the Hatter's reply.

My teeth chattered for a second before I clenched them tightly. "Why should I?"

"Because if you don't I will continue to take it upon myself to assume control... and you know what will happen there."

"The same thing that will happen if I allow you control during the show!"

"But you don't LOVE your opponent's James."

I clenched my teeth together enough to break steel, "And I damn sure don't love you."

"Awww... not that wasn't a very nice thing to say... Especially since I'm your last hope at landing safely below."

"Safely below~ AAAAAAAAAAhhhhh" I answered but not before I began falling through the nothingness that was once a solid form.

"Have a nice trip! hee hee hee hee."



Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth
like the sunlight shines above all.
He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished,
for only through Law comes the freedom of men.
Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage,
a fetter that binds the darkness to men.


Deep are the mysteries around thee,
hidden the secrets of Old.
Search through the KEYS of my WISDOM.
Surely shall ye find the way.
The gateway to power is secret,
but he who attains shall receive.
Look to the LIGHT! O my brother.
Open and ye shall receive.
Press on through the valley of darkness.
Overcome the dweller of night.
Keep ever thine eyes of the LIGHT-PLANE,
and thou shalt be One with the LIGHT


Knowledge is regarded by the fool as ignorance,
and the things that are profitable are to him hurtful.
He liveth in death.
It is therefore his food.
Man is in process of changing
to forms that are not of this world.
Grows he is time to the formless,
a plane on the cycle above.
Know ye, ye must become formless before ye are with the LIGHT,


"WHAT?!" I scream ripping the door open my eyes still crusted with harsh sleep.

"....uh...uh...waaaahhh.." I look down in time to see a small girl run back towards her mother's minivan crying her eyes out. I snicker lightly to myself as I reach down to the red wagon and retrieve a box of mint cookies.

"Well I guess today isn't a total loss."