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Being on a plane doesn’t scare me as much as it did when I first began flying. I mean, the first time I was on a plane I nearly crapped my pants…grant it, I was a child and that crapping my pants was, well, justified. But hey, what can I do about it now? I look around the plane, with people listening to their iPod, iPhones, Zunes, and other different musical devices. I, also, realize that…I am in pretty much good hands. I mean, as I look around…there’s no one pretending to tie their shoe to and lighting a match while trying to tie said shoe. There’s not one trying to bum a light from his underwear, wow…how am I stuck on underpants today? Hmm…But I digress. There’s no known criminal who is very European who is in handcuffs looking at different people, men and women, and giving them signals. In that same sense…I was number fifty seven and, to be honest…hopefully nobody thinks I look like Wesley Snipes or Arsenio Hall, if that happens I may never fly ever again ever. If that happens, I may never travel ever again. Again, I am thinking about it too much. However, I also don’t see a Korean who’s in custody who placed a curse on this plane and giant killer snakes that take over the plane. However, I do have to say…there’s this guy on the plane that looks just like Sam Jackson. So, if any shit goes down…I am going to him just because he looks like some famous person.
I squirm in my chair, trying to get comfortable because this sleeping thing I see most of the passengers on the plane seem to be enjoying very much. I take a look outside the window seeing the clouds fly by and go under the wing. I always wondered where those movies get the idea of people seeing everything below the plane. I mean, all I can see are clouds and, sometimes, a body of water or something. Very misleading if you ask me.
But looking outside at the clouds moving by, I begin to think about what Mia is doing right now. How she handles me being away like this, in the air, miles away from her…how does she cope with everything? Eh, I probably have my mind wandering. I just should close my eyes and let everything go away. But now I am thinking of what she told me back home.
What if I am putting my body on the line too much? What if I get severely hurt, again? Will I have to stop wrestling all together? Will I have to lose a limb? My mind? My memories of my family and friends? Or worse, what if my next match is my last moment in life? I mean, I know I am probably overreacting. Maybe I should’ve brought my mp3 player…I would have loved to listen to something besides my thoughts. It gets depressing sometimes. I am getting a little stuffy so I reach up and turn on the air on…I loosen the nozzle on the air vent thingy and a rush of air hits me directly in the face. Man, that was really good. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before.
Sitting in the chair is feeling kind of comfy, if you ask me. I close my eyes…but all I can hear are the motors in the engine just getting into my ear drum and beating away in my head like a damn drum. You know? I could deal with the slight buzzing or a low, manageable hum from the engines…but this is really fucking ridiculous. I need earplugs so I can get rid of this noise…but if I use plugs now the sound will just bounce around in my head like a Mexican jumping bean. I turn my head to look at the window and, all of a sudden, the clouds remind me of…sheep….yeah, sheep…those fluffy….fluffy sheep. Wow, I never thought that seeing sheep would be this helpful. I mean, I heard of “counting sheep” and I heard that it could help you fall asleep but I never would have thought it would actually work like that though.
Wow, my eyes are getting really heavy…I mean, it feels like tiny little weights are hanging from my eyelids and they just don’t want to stay open. I see out of the corner of my eye the waitress come over.
Sir, do you want anything to drink?
Eh, can I get a Sierra Mist?
Is Sprite ok?
Sure, why not?
I’m not too picky…I turn back to the window and the fluffy, fluffy sheep that hop above the wing of the plane. I begin to count…those eyelids get more weight applied to them. Man, I mean…I never thought I’d find myself in this position. All of a sudden, the sound in my ears…the engines running…the wind from the blower is fading away…the kids are going away…there’s nothing stopping me now nothing but…
Sir? Here’s your Sprite.
Huh? Oh yeah, thanks.
No problem, sir. I’m just going to let you go too.
Oh, ok…I will be fine though. I swear.
The stewardess leaves and I take a sip of Sprite from my dingy plastic cup and, what do you know? Damn thing isn’t even that good. So, I look BACK outside of my window…hopefully no one takes away from my slumber again. Again, the eyes dim…the eyelids get heavier…the sounds, they mysteriously go away…everything just seems to go right for me right now. I need this stress reliever type deal. All of a sudden…everything just goes to black.
Christian Connolly…Lee Stone…Boondock Saint…Superballs…KoRe…Kitten… Centurion… Cooper… Mr. STS… Jayzon Williamz… Jem Williams…Steve Jason…Golden Boy…Jonathyn Brown…T Money…Default…Clowns R Us…Extreme Warrior…Trent Gein…Wannabe…The Brand…Cyren…Aidan Collins…
All of these men and women battled for their chance to be where they are. All of these men fought, bled sweat and tears for the X-Treme Wrestling Federation. All of these men and women can stand there and say to themselves “Self… I did a great job in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation and there’s nothing more that I can do to show that to anyone and if anyone has a problem with that…I can just point to the Hall of Legends…point to my plaque and say ‘Any questions?’ and they would just walk away.”
These wrestlers are the top of the top. They are what people like Marquee want to be like. They are what people like Dr. Emo strive to become and hope that they will, one day, be up on that list of Legends. To be one of the names among names. To be the one that stands above them all.
I should know…I was that very same exact way. When I came into the X-Treme Wrestling Federation, I looked up to guys that are, now, enshrined and encased in all eternity for every X-Treme Wrestling Federation fan, every wrestler, and everyone that just walks by the Hall of Legends will see your name…know what you do…know what you accomplished in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation.
I wrestled against legends like Trent Gein, Jem Williams, and Centurion. I stood toe-to-toe with Bigg Rigg Johnny Gambino. I fought Steve Jason. I know that every single one of those people deserve where they are at. I know that all of these men deserve their name in that hall and, when the Hall of Legends was erected, I stood there and looked in awe of the names that were on the list of legends…and my thoughts were that one day…ONE DAMN DAY…there would come a time when the X-Treme Wrestling Federation inducts the X-Treme Icon into the Hall. That one day I would be one of those names that the young guys like the Peter Gilmours and the Kieran Kings look at. That one day that I will be on that mountain top saying “I don’t have anything else to prove.”
I want that feeling, gang. I want to stand with the legends of this sport, just like everyone else. I want to be the man that I know I can and that I am. I want to be that man…I want to be on that fucking Hall of Legends…how many times am I going to tell you that?
I’m going to say it because I believe it, daddy. I am saying it over and over again because I want you to believe it. But…there are two…maybe three wrestlers who, to be honest, don’t think I can make it. Two of them I have to face to PROVE myself worthy of being there with them and another who I have to team with who isn’t a legend…but sits there and tells me that I shouldn’t fuck this up for him?
Famine of the Vile is my partner. A very good friend to Mr.Gambino and, yet, I am sitting here telling you people what Famine of the Vile told some news reporter. He told me, who doesn’t have to face “a friend,” that I shouldn’t fuck this up for him. Famine, you should be the one hearing this from ME. I shouldn’t hear this from you. I shouldn’t hear this from the guy who is buddy-buddy with someone who has your fate in your hand. If you want this so bad, Johnny Gambino should not be “buddies” with you. If you want this so bad, the only man you need to trust is standing before you right now. Famine of the Vile…you and I want to be enshrined…you and I want our names next to Gambino and Dynamic Dynamite, you shouldn’t be sitting here saying “Oh yeah, Gambino’s my bro…but the guy I’m teaming with? Yeah, he should just stay out of my way.” If anything, Famine…you should stay out of my way. I don’t have any friends in this match. I don’t have anyone that I consider “close” to, and that includes you.
If you fuck this up for ME, Famine, you are not going to live to tell about it. You have seen me pissed before. You have felt the anger and the power that I had. I know you don’t want that feeling again. You mess with me, I WON’T let you get out of there alive.
But…I do know you, Famine. I know you want to be a Legend just as bad as I want to be a legend. This is our chance, big boy. This is the time that we have to shine. This is the moment that is given to us. I don’t care if you don’t like me…hell, I hope you dive off of a bridge with some new concrete shoes…but, right now, we have a job to do. That job, Famine, is to get one step closer…one smidge closer to that mountain top. But, Famine you need to throw friendships out that damn door…you need to focus…you need to know that Bigg Rigg is sitting somewhere, right now, thinking about stopping YOUR dream, stopping MY dream, stopping OUR dream and he doesn’t care that you’re his “bestie” or whatever the hell you call him. He’s out to STOP us. I just want you to know…I’m going to go out there and win…You, Famine, better have MY back and not try anything fucking supid.
Now that we got that out of the way…let’s talk about Famine’s bestie. Gambino, we are no stranger to each other. You and I have fought numerous times, different settings, different types of matches, and different types of reward for the winner. You had my number those numerous times; however…this is something bigger…this is something that I crave…something that I want to grab by the balls and yank until it’s all mine. Gambino, I WANT to be a legend and, to be honest, I don’t care who I have to go through. Whether it is you or D squared, Famine of the Vile, James Raven, Lunatic, Dan Fierce, the Brown Paper Bag, the framed picture of Darkhan, the entire Pittsburgh Pirates, Steelers, and Pens. I don’t care…I want that damn Legend moniker. I want that damn name. You, Johnny, are standing in my way towards immortality and I am not going to stop until that immortality is given to me. It won’t matter what happened in the past, it won’t matter what will happen in the future. What will matter is in 2 days…what happens then…what happens in our match…that match will change the history of the XWF as we know it today…and you’re going to be the one who is going to be looking at ME as your new legend…and you, legendary Johnny Gambino, will be the one that I have to thank for that…because THIS match right here…is the start of that moment. This match, right here, is my time. It’s my time to prove that I belong in the same breath as you. And I plan on taking that moment and making it mine…
…with or without your buddy, Famine of the Vile.
That brings me to the brash comments of one Dynamic Dynamite…who seemed like he had some sand wedged up so far up in that vagina of his that he is coughing up seashells by the seashore. Let’s get something straight, I didn’t make that X-Treme title worthless…I made that title worth something, something that it didn’t have before…a big name holding that title. I made that title one of the go-getting belts that anyone can have, because they know that I am better than that title…they know that if they beat me, they…even though it was a select few who survived…will have a good future in this business.
However, you think that’s not worthy enough? Let’s take a look at the legends list again, shall we? Trent Gein, beat him. Centurion, beat him numerous times he retired after I beat him TWICE. And Jem Williams, one of the top guys EVER in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation…one of the biggest names in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation’s HISTORY, BIGGER than the name “Dynamic Dynamite” and even bigger than me, I am not going to lie. That’s three legends, which are three victories over legends. I feel like adding on to that, though, D squizzered. I feel like adding two names to that list…and that list WILL grow…that list will grow with two more names…one of them, as much as you want to deny it…will, indeed, be YOURS. I bet you can guess the other one.
This is your captain speaking. We would like to welcome you to your destination. We here at Southwest airlines hope that you have had a great trip and, hopefully, we will see you on one of our flights in the upcoming days, weeks, months, or even years. I guess what I am saying is that you don’t have to go home but if you stay here we will call the cops on you and get you the F off this plane…by force.
I wake up and get a good chuckle out of what the pilot said. I stand up on the plane and grab my carry-ons from the overhead compartment. I give out a big yawn and notice a kid pointing at me. Grant it, I am a pretty tall man…but I don’t think that was it. I look over at the kid and noticed the smile on his face…he knows who I am. So I don’t seem like a total tool and walk off the plane without acknowledging the kid…I look over to the kid and give him a little wave before stepping off the plane. I get off the plane and into the terminal. There, I check the phone to notice that I have bars…finally, after not having any on the plane. Even though that does make sense to have. I start dialing my wife’s cell phone number…the phone is ringing…I can’t wait to tell her I’m at the locale of Kurt Cobain, I heard she nearly killed herself after hearing he died…hell, she showed me the half-written suicide note. Some freaky, freaky shit if you ask me. I hit send and listen for the rings.
…Who’s this?
All of a sudden, the phone clicks off. I stop in my tracks. That…wasn’t…who I thought was going to be on the other line. Hell, I have no clue as to who that was. Did I call the right number? Yeah, maybe that was it. I don’t think that was anything I have to be worried. Right? Right. Nothing to be worried about. I can’t stop thinking about it, though. I go to the luggage claim and stand there…I’m still thinking about that…I called the right number, right? Man, I can’t get that out of my head. Who the hell was that?
All of a sudden, I get a phone call…”MIA” I take a deep breath and answer it.
Hey, I was trying to call you earlier…I guess you were still on the plane because it went to directly to the voicemail. How are you doin’ babe?
I’m great; hey…can I talk to you later? I got to go get my shit from the baggage claim. I’ll call you right back alright?
Alright, that sounds good…but you sound weird…everything alright?
Well, I tried calling you but you didn’t answer…
I think I was trying to call you at that time. And I…
No, someone…answered…
Hmm…maybe that wasn’t my number, then. Hey, I really do have to go…someone’s here to fix the kitchen.
Kitchen? What’s wrong with the kitchen?
I can’t talk right now, I will explain later, alright?