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But there is a difference. That difference is that I am not going to sit here and go alone. I have someone that is a younger version of me. I got someone that is full of brass, that is full of charisma, that is full of a younger me…that is just pretty damn near exciting in that ring…that has a bright future…that has a pretty damn good looks, as well….like myself. The difference is that I am going to be going out there with the equivalent as myself and a person that will be there through thick and thin, just like me. The difference is that I am going to have someone that will grow up to be just like I am…someone that will grow up to, one day, to be exactly like me…to be one of the top dogs…to be one of the members that you people will be calling as a legend-in-the-making.
Boys and girls, my partner is one hell of an athlete. My partner is one gun slingin’ son of a gun….and, the thing is, she’s not really a “son” at all….Roxy Nova is one of the most dynamic individuals that I had the pleasure of working with. Roxy Nova is one of the few people that I can, actually, sit here and say that I am proud to be her partner and proud to hold the tag team titles with her. I am proud to call myself a champion, yet again, and maybe I can mold this mind into something that is just like me…someone that knows when to pull back and when to turn on the juice. Someone that will be one of the toughest competitors here in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation that will go on as far as the eye can see the X-Treme Wrestling Federation can go.
Roxy Nova, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the toughest cats you will ever meet. I don’t care what some has-been chick, legend, and everyone else for that matter says about her. Roxy Nova would tear her and them a new hole of the ass and, trust me, she will…I have seen it done before. But Roxy Nova is young. Roxy Nova’s mind is still futile here in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation. Roxy Nova needs to know the ropes here in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation. If I have my way, I will be one of the men in her life that will lead her into the right direction. I will be one of the many men that will be in her life to give her pointers, to tell her who to go with, who to stay away from, and who’s ass she can kick. I will be the one of the men that she will know about when she will be looking at her name, one day, in the Hall of Legends right next to mine.
But…you see boys and girls…there is a conspiracy afoot. That conspiracy is the reason that I am not in the Prophecy. That conspiracy that I am not one of the four members that make up the same group that Roxy Nova is in. I am sitting on the outside.
Now I am sitting here…as your champion. I could, however, dropped the title…made Roxy Nova grab another partner and face me and my partner that I will have to find, yet again. But, as you probably already guessed, I have a bad time choosing the right name to join me in my travels to the tag team championship. I could have just said “FUDGE IT!” and leave it laying on the damn ground beneath my feet. I could have drank myself to near death, just like KoRe, and pissed on my half of the title. I could have just retired because I knew I was not going to be with the Prophecy. But, you know something? I don’t do that. I don’t piss on titles. I don’t leave titles in the middle of the ring. I don’t just leave the title laying there for someone like Sam Hain and Maximus to just snatch up and have them get an easy title. I have a legacy to fulfill. I have a legacy that needs untarnished from the last time I held on to this title. I have a legacy that the people want to see and, by God, I will be the one that will have the Prophecy’s back. I will be the one that will have the back of James Raven, Mia Sanchez, and the mirror of myself in Roxy Nova. I will be the one on the side of those guys. I only had one question for them…one, let us say, clause in my “contract” with this whole idea. I have their backs….they have to have my back. They scratch my back, I will scratch theirs.
They don’t have to hire me. They don’t have to have me wearing “The Prophecy” apparel. They don’t have to respect me. They don’t have to do any of that stuff. All they have to is protect me as I go out there every day against someone that has a whoooole army out there trying to take me out and, whenever they need one, I will be there for them.
But, you see…let us take away from my partners for one second and, quite honestly, go to our opponents this week. Let us go out to Sam Hain and Maxi-pad. First off, I want to get Sam Hain some air time here. I want to get him some of the biggest time he has ever had in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation, so far. I want to tell him something face to face…mano y mano…compadre to compadre. You, Sam Hain, have not done anything here in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation. I don’t care what you have done in other federations, I don’t care what status you have in other federations, what accolades that you have in the other places that you have been to. I don’t care, the people don’t care, Roxy Nova doesn’t care…hell, Jon Brown does not even care. What counts is what you do here, Sammy. What counts is what you do in the X-Treme Wrestling Fedeartion. What counts is what you do in that effing ring. You don’t bring any belts over from different federations. You don’t bring any accolades. You don’t bring any records, any stats, any trophies, any legendary status, anything like that. You need to be here…you don’t have to be in the XFD or RWX or ABC or any other three or four letter combo that you have been in. All that matters, Sammy, is what you do in the three letters X….W…F. Nothing more, nothing less.
Looking at your X-Treme Wrestling Federation stats….yeah…you just confirmed my belief. You just confirmed in what I thought all along in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation. You are not a legend. You are not a superstar. You are not a man that needs to be in the Universal title picture. You are not a man that needs no introduction….because no one knows who the heck you are, sir. No one knows you. No one cares about you. No one wants to know about you. You are just…there. You are a filler. You are a curtain jerker finally getting that one push…but will just go back down to the bottom of the barrel right after we kicked your ass. You will just get in the way…you will just be a speed bump…you will just, just like all the other times you were in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation, disappoint yourself.
You don’t deserve a damn title shot. You don’t deserve to be a champion here in the X-treme Wrestling Federation. I mean, I know you were pretty upset not winning that X-Treme Wrestling Federation…I know you were pretty pissed off not getting gold around your waist. You cried, you bitched, you moaned to anyone that would listen. And, you know something? No one cared. They say “Oh yeah, you will get your title. Don’t worry!” or “Just try harder, it’s alright.” or anything like that…but they don’t care about you, Samuel. It’s not working for you…so…just sit back and…well…leave.
Now that I have got that off my chest…I want to take the rest of my time to talk about my friend Maximus. It’s madness that I lost to that turd burglar…it’s madness that I had to sit here the entire week…focusing on having lost to that idiot. I can not believe that I have to sit here and gather my pieces after a loss to someone that I can beat without any limbs and being deaf, blind, and dumb. I can’t believe that I lost to Maximus…someone that is nothing…someone that is a jerker of the curtain…someone who has no business being in the same ring as me.
But you know something? I am not going to get me down. I am not going to let Maximus get the last laugh. I am not going to get Maximus something to hang his hat on, as a possible shot of gold in this X-Treme Wrestling Federation. Trust me, it ain’t happening. Once I am going to get in that ring, and get my hands around the neck of Maximus and kick his ass all over the ring. There will not be anything left…there will be no clear winner of who won…because, quite honestly, there will be nothing left of my one opponent. So, Sam Hain….Maximus…this is not madness…but this week, however, it will be your “Welcome to the Big Tyme” Moment given by the team of Rizza Nova.
I look up at the ceiling. There, I stare up at the ceiling thinking that there will be something that will shine on through the walls…trying to hope that there will be some sort of light that Randy is going to step out of….trying to hope that everything is just a dream…hoping that everything that will turn out in every sense of the word back to normal. I stare up at the ceiling…I stare at it so long….the patterns on the ceiling look like it is moving. The pattern on the ceiling looks like it is dancing…looks like it’s moving around in a circle…hypnotizing me…trying to get me to look closer….trying to make me look like I am some sort of looney loon that has lost my mind since the accident and the tragic death….my eyes are playing tricks on me…all I see are different patterns rotating very slowly….reds and yellows mixing together…I start getting a headache, as I close my eyes tightly….maybe if I do that…everything will stop spinning….maybe everything will stop moving…maybe everything will stop playing tricks on me.
Yeah, and maybe Randy can come out and go “TAH DAH!” and tell me it was all a hoax and Mia was on it. I just want everything to be normal. I just want all this bad things to move away. I just want everything to just go away and leave me alone!
I open my eyes…and look around….the ceiling isn’t moving anymore….but now….my bed starts to slowly turn back and forth. I look at Mia, and she is not moving. I look at the floor….the floor is not moving. What the hell is going on?!
All of a sudden, that bright orange fog reappears…in the corner of the room, again. This time, though, it is in shape of some person. I am not sure of what kind of person, but there is an outline of a shadowy figure that is colored in orange and foggy. I sit up from my bed.
Zachary Robert Rizza…..you know what to do.
I look at the fog….stunned that he knows my name. The voice is a deep one…raspy…almost like death itself if death could talk.
Zachary Robert Rizza….your life will be in danger….you know what to do. You have something to give. Just give it to the one that needs it, to make whole. You have to make him whole, Zachary, and you know what to do.
I look at the fog…still stunned that he knows my name. The voice gets more silent as it the fog, once again disappears towards a certain drawer and it repeats:
FOG: You know what to do…..you know what to do….you know what to do….you know what to do.
I get up from my bed…exit the bedroom and just slide down the walls of the hallway. I put my head in my lap as I start thinking more deeply. My head pops up….tears in my eyes…and shocked in knowing what drawer. I hover over to the drawer where the fog disappeared in, I open the drawer and….
RIZZA: ….I know what I have to do!