I watch as Cameron slowly stands up and starts to follow me into the room where her ‘victims’ are waiting for her. She has no idea, I hope. She was never meant to be a creation, only a guinea pig to satisfy my idea. “Are they young?” She always asks that about every single person I bring her. Are they young? Like it seriously matters. Lives are lives. It doesn’t matter the age, the race, our the religious beliefs of the person, death is death. “Young, and old. I felt that you deserved a nice little treat tonight. After all, you are still not used to this way of life.” Her smile comes out of hiding, the first time I have seen one of those from her since the night I made her. I remember that smile. I remember it well. Her boyfriend held her tight in his arms. “Are you going to have some yourself?” “No my dear. This is all yours, not mine.” We walk down the dark hallway of this abandoned nursing home. I look around at the walls as they tell the story of the old that have inhabited these walls. These white walls, just like all the other walls I have encountered in my life, have a story. Now, its time to start a whole new chapter for these walls. A chapter called ‘Marr of blood.’ We get to the room that I left her ‘victims’ in. I open the door as she walks in, and she quickly discovers that no one is there, just a casket. She turns to me with them puppy dog eyes. “where are they?” I close the door. Now her only way out of this room is to fight. “I don’t know Cameron. They were here a second ago.” Tears start to fill her eyes. I then open arms, inviting her to hug me. She comes forward and places puts her body against mine. She digs her face in my shoulder. She gets emotional when her prey escapes her. I put my left hand on her head and start to stroke her soft hair. “Shush now. They couldn’t have gone far.” “Where could they have gone?” “Oh, don’t you worry about that now my dear.” “Why not Carmine?” She pulls her head out of my grasp. I rest my hand then on her cheek. She is staring into my eyes with her hurt. “Because they were never here.” She steps back. Her hurt has now turned into shock. “Why are we here?” I smile at her. “Come on Cameron, you didn’t honestly think that this was meant to be.” She tries to make a break for the door, but I grab her by her neck and start to choke her. She falls to the ground with my hand still tightly grasped around her throat. She starts to lose color in her face as I still have the smile on my face. They told me long ago that you are never supposed to kill your own, but since when have I ever followed their rules? She starts to turn blue in the face. She then falls deep into sleep. I release my hand from her throat. Now, the fun begins. I pick her up and carry her a hospital bed, where I shall see how a weak vampire reacts to pain. I strap her down, one strap at a time. After I fasten the last trap, I go to the counter that sits in the left corner of the room and get my pliers, knives, and other tools that I might need for this experiment. Never in my life have I looked this forward to hurting someone. I rest these objects on operating table. Now, I have to wait for her regain consciousness. In the mean time.. “From day one that you have showed up here Cole, are paths were destined to at least cross once. You have promise, you almost out shined my hot streak when I first came on the scene... Almost “Now, we finally meet, one on one, in the middle of that ring come Avulsion. You say that you are going to reveal me as a fraud, but you have to understand something Cole, I always beat my opponents to the punch. See Cole, I didn’t get my actions from a book, Nor HBO series, nor did I get them from a video game that contains vampires. My actions are my actions. Now, for you to call me a fraud, I have noticed that everything you have done since you have been here in NLCW has been somewhat done before. Your whole gimmick can be summed up by a hot CW sitcom" I look at Cameron, but she still sleeps. “Many times in my short career, I have went against all of this Bram Stoker, Anne Rice, Twilight series bullshit. I do see that you actually like these novels. Its kind of obvious by watching your promos. No garlic, crucifix, mirror, or anything else could help people against me. Hypnosis could work on the weak minded, such as you, but I do not buy into that bullshit either.” I pick up a pair or pliers and look into them as if they are The Last Supper. They truly are beautiful. I place the pliers down. I look over at Cameron and see that she is starting to come to. I place my hands on both of her cheeks. “What are you doing Carmine?” I smile at her and to try to give her some reassurance. “I just want you to know that this will only hurt for a few minutes.” I turn around and look away from her. “Cole Marr, you claim to be a vampire, but I see nothing of it in you. Were is the horror? Where is the blood sucking? All I've seen thus far is nothing more then a heartbroken knock off of Edward Cullin I turn back around and pick back up the pliers. “I have never tortured a vampire before.” I grab Cameron’s face. Her mouth is open, showing her fangs. “Every time you go to show your fangs to your prey Cole..” I put the pliers to her fang and pull it out and hold it, staring at it. “It will no longer be there.” I place it to the second fang. “Every time you go to drink blood, you will not be able to.” I pull it out. I stare at it. “I will rip out your fangs and use them as necklace, displaying to the world that even with all of your words against me, you were still no match for me. They will look at the fangs that dangle around my neck and they will think of Cole Marr, the one that talked a lot of hype, but has nothing to show for it.” I picked up the knife next. What else can I do to this weak excuse for a vampire? Then the idea hit me like a kick to the nuts. “Among all the things that you have talked about in your promos Cole, the only thing you could even muster to say was that I was a fake, a hack. Come on Cole, I have heard that since I started in this industry and with every person that has called me fake, I have showed them that only fake is the words that they spoke about me being fake.” I look into Cameron’s eyes and see the pain. I lean down and kiss her blood drenched mouth. I taste her blood. Sweet, virgin, and vampyric. Just the way I expected it. I raise up and wipe the blood off of my lips. I then place the knife to her left eye. I hold open they eye lid to keep her from shutting them. “Every time you look to see who it is coming at you at night Cole..” I stick the knife in her eye. I can hear it cutting through her flesh like a hot knife cuts through a stick of butter. I get the blade behind the eye, and jerk. Out pops her pretty green eye. I pull out the knife, and stab the eye that is lying on her cheek. I hold it up. “You will not be able to.” I hold open the next eye lid, but this time I just stab the eye just to hear her scream. I jerk it out of her eye socket. The eye is now crimson colored. “Your sight will be no more. You will not know where I am coming from or where I am at.” I then open her mouth up. I grab her tongue and feel the warmth of it. I pull it out of her mouth slowly. She is still screaming, and I am imaging that it is Cole Marr screaming for help. The beauty in foreshadowing. “Every time you go to speak..” Take the blade, and start to cut clean across her tongue slowly. I do not want to rush this because I am loving every single second of it. I cut the tongue out and pick it up and hold it in my hands. I feel the warmth starting to leave it. “You will not have the tongue, which is your best weapon. Actually, your only weapon against me.” I throw the tongue to the ground and watch the blood splatter on the time on impact. I pick back up the pliers. I take her hand in mine. I place the pliers to her thumb. I snap it, and the thumb falls to the floor. “Every time you curl your hands to punch..” I move to the pointer finger and snap it off. I move to the middle finger and snap it off. The ring finger was toughest. The pinky was the easiest. “Your fingers will no longer be attached to you.” I go to the counter again and get underneath it where the sink is. This plan will be beautiful. I pull out the axe and feel its weight. I walk to her bloody, eyeless body. “Every time you think about getting up after I knock your ass down..” I raise the axe and cut off her foot at the ankle. “You will fall right back down. I raise it again. I cut this one off at the shin. “Your legs will fail in more ways than one. You will walk no more, see no more, speak no more, walk no more, punch no more.” I drop the axe and go straight for the knife. I look at her throat, but I decide that cutting her throat would be too easy. I then see her temples. I shove the knife in her temples. I twist it around in her brain. I can feel the knife cutting through the nerves and the hemispheres of the brain. I watch as her breath slowly starts to fade. She is dying, and rightfully so. She has been through too much today. I pull the knife out, I unstrap her from the bed. I carry her to the coffin and place her in it. I place my hands on the door of the casket. “You will walk no more, see no more, speak no more, walk no more, punch no more, and you will sleep forevermore.” I close the casket. My last glimpse of her was the bloodstain she left on the white interior. I walk to the hallway and see the window at the far end of the home. I open the window and take the fire escape down. I get to the steps to the front of the nursing home and I stop to watch the sunset. I sit down as the sun starts to fall off into the horizon. Once the sun sets, it is now time to start walking to my next destination. “Our journey Cole, has now started. The next stop in this adventure is a place I know all too well.” I get up and start walking off into the distance -- That’s a Wrap! -- |