Stranded Match
NLWF Undisputed Tag Team Titles
NLWF Undisputed Championship
January 18th 2010 Live from the Sin City Arena, Las Vegas NV Grainy footage displays a highlight video of the past year of none stop action that only the No Limit Wrestling Federation can give. We’re treated to the best moments of NLWF past and NLWF present, picking out some iconic incidents, which have been contributory to making NLWF what it is today. As the video fades out the scene shows the NLWF fans outside the arena, going nuts as they are all apart of history as NLWF marks its one year show! The giant ticker outside the arena reading ‘NLWF ONE YEAR SHOW!’ The TV-14 graphic pops on the screen, and we hear that famous booming announcer voice... "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN…" And to the inside of the Sin City Arena we go to see the Las Vegas fans ready for NLWF live "THIS IS REVOLUTION!" Fireworks shoot out of the Revolution Stage, and then the camera shows the crowd. “We Miss Shadow Demon” "Chuck Matthews knocked me up then disappeared" "WTF is the X-Factor taunt?!" "Steven Angel= Tap or Snap or Crap" "We Want Carmella!!!" The camera cuts to the announce team who are ready to get the show started! Andrew: Hello and welcome to NLWF’s One-year anniversary extravaganza! I’m Andrew, joined as always at ringside by Tommy, and we’ve both popped on our tuxedos, Tommy’s had a wash and we’re all geared up for the biggest show this year! Tommy: We sure are and I might even refrain myself from beating on you tonight. I did say MIGHT though. But hey, less of that and more of this; we’re a year old today and we’re gonna have a great fucking night! "World So Cold" by Three Days Grace hits the PA System as the Cameras pan the stage area as spotlights start searching quickly around the stage area. The main cord hits as pyrographics spray down from the top of the tron. Carmine Vestieri slowly walks out of the back in his wrestling gear on. Carmine stops at the end of the ramp and lifts both arms into air with a smug look on his face. His hands slowly come down to show the "#1" on his left hand as pyrographics explodes from the stage up behind him. Carmine slowly walks down the ramp paying no attention to the fans. Instead Carmine is stareing down the ring. Carmine slowly walks up the steps and strolls down the apron. Carmine slowly climbs up the turnbuckle from the apron and stops at the top. Carmine's smug look turns to discust as his lifts his arms back out. Pyrographics from the top of the lighting track come falling down on Carmine. CV lowers his arms and points to the crowd and mouths off, " I am still Number 1 Damnit! " Carmine moves his left arm up and beats his chest with the #1 symbol on his finger. Carmine slowly climbs down and into the ring. Samantha: Introducing first…Repersenting the new Dawn…give it up for CARMINE VESTIERI!!! Tommy: Were going straight into the opening bout of the night A Andrew: Carmine attempts to sacrifice Ashtyn Sky, task Frank bailed out of last week Tommy: Carmine gonna correct his mistake Andrew: Mistake? Hart was showing his heart last week Tommy: How many times has ‘Heart’ gotten you laid Andrew? Andrew: So much for the lack of insults So I'm Nothing You took something from me now you've disappeared you're right where I want you 'Charlotte'' by Kittie plays. Ashtyn Sky comes from behind the curtain. She starts walking You said you wanted it, alright no, its not alright no... no, its not alright no... no, its not alright no... Ashtyn stops walking down the ramp and she taunts the fans by putting a rock signal in the air. Silver fireworks go off. She starts walking and slides into the ring Now I'm Something and your head is in my closet dead forever, they'll never search, he's out of sight. Ashtyn gets on the turnbuckle and puts her left arm in the air. Her fans cheer for her. She gets down and waits for her next victim Samantha: Give it up for the lovely Ashtyn Sky!!! The bell rings, and Ash just stands in the ring laughing at Carmine to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Carmine’s eyes start to water and he turns away from his opponent. Suddenly, his focus snaps back to As as he connects with a nasty Spinning Heel Kick! The crowd roars as Ash’s eyes widen in shock and anger. Andrew: WHOA, Carmine just about beheaded Ash with that kick! Tommy: Damn, The Chargers could have use a kicker like Carmine! Ash is still clearing the cobwebs out of her head as Carmine backs up into the corner diagonal from Ash. Carmine looks a little uneasy over his next step, but he takes a deep breath before launching into a cartwheel. Ash starts to get up and move towards Carmine, but seconds later... Andrew: WOW, you could hear that impact back in Tennessee!? Carmine nails Ash with a Capoeira Kick. However, Ash isn’t as shaken as she was following the first attack, so she gets up and pushes Carmine to the ground, drawing a huge amount of heat for her efforts. Carmine rolls toward the nearest turnbuckle, and his eyes widen as Ash moves in with a sick smirk on her face. Ash climbs the turnbuckle while Carmine crawls back toward the middle of the ring. With a solitary finger raised to the fans, Ash launches herself into the air, going for a Shooting Star Leg Drop! However, as she lands, she’s met with a VICIOUS Axe Kick! Ash is staggering, and a still uneasy Carmine stands in the ring trying to figure out his next move. Andrew: Looks like Carmine’s got something on his mind; perhaps finishing this thing? Tommy: Nah, it’s just marbles in 'dat head. Andrew: Tommy, that’s wrong. Andrew: Well honestly, he’s not the sharpest one out there. Ash is still staggering in the ring, but it appears as though Carmine has an idea, as he’s now got a smile on his face. Carmine runs toward the ropes, then uses the ensuing momentum to launch himself at Blaze... Which is followed by the sickening sound of Ash’s head smashing off the canvas. Andrew: SWEET JESUS, WHAT A DDT!!! If I’m right, Ashtyn Sky just felt the LION’S BITE!!! Carmine looks down at the fallen Ash, and makes the cover, The ref counts the three, and this one’s over. Samantha: Here is your winner...CARMINE VESTIERI!!! Carmine grabs the mic from her, then slaps her on the ass. Carmine: Good game, honey. He looks over at Ash, then looks to the rafters as the steel cross cage begins its decent to the ring Andrew: Looks as if Carmine is going to stand by his word, and sacrifice Ashtyn Sky here tonight! The crowd boos Carmine tremendously. Carmine: Seriously? You know you want to hear what I have to say, I’m a fucking mega-star. You hang off my every word, follow my every move, and check every internet blog to see who I’m fucking! The crowd quiets down a bit. Carmine: Everyone wants a piece of the New Dawn! You’re all looking to live vicariously through us, and hell, I don’t blame you! If I were from Vegas, I’d hate my life too! The crowd goes nuts, booing Carmine, cursing at him, and throwing trash in the ring! The Carmine laughs, then looks up towards the rafters, as the cross reaches the ring. Carmine: Last week Frank Hart speared your life Ash, this week is a different story though isn’t it? What you and Frank have failed to realize is that what the lord wants…HE GETS! Carmine grabs Ashtyn by the hair, Ash fights to get free, but Carmine puts a stop to it by slapping her across the face. He opens the cross and places Ash into the cage, he follows that by closing the cross door, he attempts to put the lock into place but Frank Hart rushes the ring a steel chair in hand. He slides into the ring and Carmine gets hammered with the chair shot to the head! He opens the door and lets out Ashtyn from the cross, while he stands over Carmine’s unconscious body Andrew: Frank Hart once again saves Ashtyn Sky from the hands of the New Dawn Tommy: Frank has a death wish, and tonight he faces his executioner in Corey Casey! Andrew: Next week NLWF presents: Ultimate Glory live on PPV, here’s the rundown of the PPV that starts us on the road to War Games! The camera runs a production to hype the coming PPV…Almost like a cheap commercial! When we return, You Can Run hits, and upon the Tron is a human highlight reel of Notorious KID destroying his opposition with amazing flips, strong strikes, and unorthodox submissions. Out through the curtains steps the Undisputed and Heavyweight Champion, with determination emanating from his cold crystal blue eyes Tommy: Awww look, it's Brenton's bum chum KID!! KID walks down the ramp, slapping a hand here and there. He stops briefly at ringside so a screaming twelve year old girl holding a 'KID WILL U MERY ME' sign can hug him. She kisses him on the cheek then proceeds to say "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" over and over while crying. KID walks up the ring steps and steps inside the ring, hearing a decent "KID" chant that builds up over time. His music stops and KID gives a satisfied nod to the appreciation, pulling a microphone from his back pocket. He gives a trademark lick of the lips before pulling the microphone up to them. KID: How did you like seeing that dickhead Steven Angel look like a fluke last week? The crowd responds with louder KID chants, bringing a small grin to the face of KID KID: Last week I not only beat Steven to become the newest Undisputed Champion, but PROVED a simple, solid fact. Steven can't win a match in NLWF without the help of his lackeys. It really gets to me that an no good conniving ass like Steven has whored his way to the top while the Heavyweight and Undisputed Champion such as myself has had to scrape from the bottom of this fed to get where I'm at right now. Well I'm never going back to the bottom. KID is here to stay, and even better, he's here to keep both these here championships. I'm letting it be known to that piece of shit Corey Casey, after I defeat Hawk and Steven I’m done with Angel! You can hype him all you want, but if he doesn’t win tonight, he can kiss his Undisputed dreams good-bye! Those 'KID' chants kick up again as he paces in the ring looking severely agitated KID: THE NEW DAWN IS THE CANCER OF THIS FEDERATION!! YOU TOOK WHAT ONCE WAS A PROMISING FEDERATION AND YOU INFECTED IT WITH YOUR OWN SELFISH PROPAGANDA!! AND IF YOU THINK I'M JUST GOING TO STAND BY WHILE YOU MAKE POWER PLAYS AND TRY TO SCREW WITH PEOPLE'S LIVES YOU'RE IN FOR A RUDE AWAKENING!! I'M NOT THE ONLY PERSON TO FEEL THIS WAY, THERE'S A LOT OF PEOPLE BACK THERE THAT WANT TO SEE YOU FALL!! IT'S JUST THAT THEY WON'T SPEAK UP BECAUSE A DEPRAVED FUCK LIKE YOU WILL KEEP THEM FROM FEEDING THEIR FAMILIES!! BUT I WILL!!! I WILL BE THEIR VOICE!!! I WILL BE THEIR REPRESENTATIVE!! THROW EVERY FUCKING MEMBER OF YOUR DISGRACEFUL NEW DAWN AT ME, I'LL DESTROY THEM ONE BY ONE LEAVING A TRAIL OF BODIES IN MY PATH!! I'LL MASSACRE EVERY SINGLE DAMN ONE UNTIL I LEAVE YOU NO CHOICE BUT TO KILL THE LORD HIMSELF!! Tommy: Damn this bitch is on her period. Someone get KIDDY here a bucket o' ice cream and a Cosmopolitan. Andrew: If there's one thing that gets KID's goad, it's the New Dawn. Tommy: Why would they want his goat? And why would he own a goat in the first place? Andrew: ... KID nods with his jaw clenched, wanting a piece of Corey badly as the crowd goes into a frenzy behind him, Corey Casey steps onto the stage Corey: KID I'm fed up with your bully tactics. You seem to think that you can attack whomever you want as long as they don't fit your agenda, you believe you can just steal championships. KID steps up to the ropes, looking ready for a fight as his face is beat red by this time. KID: I didn’t steal a fucking thing! I won this championship, if anyone is stealing titles it’s you and Steven! Corey: If I was you, I would worry about next week, I would be worried about making it to Ultimate Glory as Undisputed Champion! KID: OH REALLY!?! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO STOP ME!? Corey: Whatever it takes. It starts tonight with Frank, and it ends with you KID. Both men engage in a wicked staredown as the audience is loving every damn minute of it. Tommy: We gotta get in a word from our sponsors, stay tuned folks!! KID drops the mic, waving on Corey who simply shakes his head and disappears behind the curtains. Cameras cut to the back where they rest within the New Dawn’s locker room. They appear to be having a good laugh as they stare at a small television monitor, viewing footage of the white limo that had arrived earlier, and Brenton Cyrus being escorted out of the garage Carmine Vestieri: Look at this little asshole. Funny how he thought he could just simply become a Tag-Team Champion tonight. That kid couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag, let alone past my well trained guards. Brenton pushes past the guards that have him by the arm, and makes a run for the door. Not after elbowing one in the mouth and kicking one back, however Carmine Vestieri: HA! Pathetic. It's almost sad, really. Security sees Brenton gunning for the door and quickly begin to try and escort him away. No sound is heard, but from the screen it's apparent that Brenton is yelling. Corey: My followers, I know you think it's all fun and games. And truthfully, while we're celebrating our new, and newly regained positions, there ARE some things we need to have a chit chat about. Steven: Of course My Lord, what is it you have in mind? Corey smiles over at Steven and then folds his hands Corey: You heard KID earlier. He’s unmoved, unphased by tonight’s match. And of course, in typical school yard fashion, he’s rubbing it in our face about our losses last week. We must come together now, because WE hold all the cards. Not those kiddies. We hold the power, and tonight, we're going to prove it. Not only that.. but tonight, we're going to make sure we're ALL.. on the same page. Steven smiles seemingly knowing what's coming up as Carmine eyes him Corey: We have to…sacrifice Frank. It’s the only way he’ll really learn his lesson! Only way to forgive him…is to sacrifice Carmine gives a slow nod of his head, though it seems as if there is some tension building up in the ranks of the New Dawn. View returns to the ring. Andrew: The New Dawn plans on Sacrificing Frank Hart…Here tonight? Tommy: His own fault Andrew: He's one of their own, if they'll sacrifice him, what will they do to those they don't care about? Tommy: Fuck 'em up? Andrew: That’s Tommy. Such a man of words. Tommy: You know it! Andrew: Speaking of the New Dawn, one of their members will be in action right here, right now! Samantha: Are next bout is for the spot in the finals for the Dream Championship tournament! Introducing first…GIVE IT UP FOR JASON HAWK!!! Sound of Madness by Shinedown is heard all over the arena and immiediatly gets everyones attention. Jason comes out to the stage with a very serious look on his face and wearing a viking helmet. Jason stands in the middle of the stage and raises his right fist. He punches the air four times with his right fist and each time pyro is fired behind him. First the pyro is whit then blue then changes to red and the last and forth time it is all colors and show the faroese flag. Jason lowers his fist and the camera zooms in to show Jason face. He expression has changed. He now looks very confident and has a cocky smile. Jason walks down the ramp and highfives fans. He gives the last fan he highfives the viking helmet and the slides into the ring. Jason does the same move AJ Styles does when in the ring. Samantha: Introducing next, representing The New Dawn…STEVEN ANGEL!!! The lights in the arena go out and smoke begins to rise out from under the stage. The only light in the arena is coming from the blood red cross that suddenly appears on the titantron. Eternal the kiss I breath Siphon your blood to me Feel my wounds of your god Forever rape mortality I smell of death I reek of hate I will live forever Lost child pay the dead Bleeding screams of silence In my veins your eternity I'll kill you and your dreams tonight Begin new life Bleed your death upon me Let your bloodline feed my youth An elevator slowly rises up, showing a figure wearing long blood red robes. The only thing you can see is the figure's cocky smile. Red fireworks shoot off and the figure takes his hood down, revealing the smiling face of Steven Angel. Steven looks out over the crowd as the smoke swirls around his legs. First breath born come alive learn to kill Bloodfest awaits to feed your hunger Dark side has no rival test your faith in blood Night hides the hunting packs a feeding frenzy I'll kill you and your dreams tonight Begin new life Bleed your death upon me Let your bloodline feed my youth Steven slowly makes his way down to the ring, the cocky smirk on his face never faltering. He looks into the ring for a moment before walking around to the steps and climbing them slowly. I am the first not the last Condemned by a single kiss Betrayed eternally I'll rip inside your soul Contaminating the world Defying god and son Black heart that brings your death Living in infamy Drink the flesh of life itself Prepare to reign a thousand years Steven climbs down from the turnbuckle and turns his attention to the entrance ramp, waiting for his next victim. Steven pushes towards Hawk, confident, but understandably a bit apprehensive of the hottest young talent NLWF has to offer. The two lock up near the ropes, which shows Steven pull through with a bit more technical skill. He spins around Hawk and drops down, going to throw the legs out from under him, however Hawk won't have any of it as he kicks at the face of Steven with his boot, wildly trying to prevent himself from being taken down. After a rather sharp shot to the jaw, Steven falls back, rolling over and leaping back to his feet. He throws up his hands but Hawk just laughs at him, slowly moving towards him before ducking down and rushing at him, spearing him into the corner. Steven pounds on the back of Hawk as he continues to slam him against the turnbuckle. Andrew: Steven Angel started off strong, and appeared to have the upper hand on Jason Hawk, but this maniac is simply too cunning! With Hawk continuing to punish him in the corner, Steven manages to catch a quick break and leap up above Hawk, dropping down behind him and rolling him up into a school boy! 1.. 2... NO! Hawk powers out, quickly rising to his feet and glaring at Steven. The fans cheer on Hawk, who smirks at him, knowing the frustration he's now dealing with. The two lock up again, culminating with Hawk whipping Steven into the corner and knocking him down with a clothesline upon return. Steven rolls to his feet and Hawk knocks him back down with a solid boot to the face. He then mounts the smaller man, frantically throwing punches as Steven tries his best to cover up. With the fans behind him, and the referee nearing a five count, Steven manages to roll over and switch up the position, locking Hawk into a modified leg lock. The fans boo for the quick turn around, but quickly die down as Hawk doesn't waste any time grabbing the ropes tightly Andrew: Jason Hawk certainly seems frustrated. Could Steven Angel go into the main event with momentum? Tommy: I don't know.. but DAYUM! I MIGHT HAVE TA CHANGE MY BET! The fans cheer loudly as both men stand ready in the center of the ring. Hawk, for once, doesn't wear his trademark grin. Instead, he looks frustrated, pissed off, and ready to kill Steven. Letting out a loud battle cry, Hawk sends a boot into the midsection of Steven. He then follows it up with an uppercut and a shove into the corner. He turns around, then back to Steven, and lunges at him. Steven moves out of the way at the last moment, sending Hawk's face bouncing off the turnbuckle pad! Stumbling backwards, Hawk is caught by Steven Angel in a fantastic snap suplex! The fans boo for the young man, as Hawk rises to his feet and once more groggily turns around. Steven kicks him in the gut, and readies him for the Angel Slam. But just before he can lift him up, Hawk shoves him into the ropes. As Steven returns to him, he kicks him in the gut and looks to knock him out with the Storm of the North.. but no! Steven twirls out of it, nails him in the face, and drops him with the Angel Slam! The fans go nuts with boos as he drops down over Hawk and hooks the leg 1.. 2... 3.... PIN FALL! Samantha: Here is you winner…AND MOVING ON TO THE FINALS OF THE TOURNAMENT TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP….STEVEN ANGEL!!! The cameras cut to the parking lot area again. This time, the white, stretched Hummer is nowhere to be seen, but a new vehicle has arrived. A long stretch black limousine pulls up into the parking lot of the arena, security rushes out as if to stop the person inside the vehicle from entering as the door swings open and Yoshihrio Blood slowly exits the limo. The guards seem to relax as Blood takes a look over them, and shakes his head in seeming disgust. He walks past them without a single glance back, and walks towards the entrance. He stops and gives a single look towards the security guard standing there, expectantly. The guard then reaches down and opens the door for the man. Blood gives a slow nod of his head and walks through only to be greeted by Skip Sanders the moment his foot hits the thresh hold Sanders: Mr. Blood! Mr. Blood! A moment of your time please! Slowly, Blood turns around and looks directly at Skip for a moment and raises a single eyebrow. Blood: you’ve got one minute Sanders: While I may be very knowledgeable about who you are, there may be some fans of NLWF who aren't quite as knowing. So if you could perhaps introduce yourself Blood: My name is Yoshihrio Blood, and As you see, I wanted to become the best, and there aren’t a whole lot of promotions who can honestly call themselves the best,NLWF can! The roster here is unmatched by any other promotion, with the likes of Frank Hart, Brenton Cyrus, KID, Corey Casey, Steven Angel! Sanders: And what are you plans here in the NLWF? Blood: Well I certainly want to become a champion, and not just any champion, I want to be a champion everyone looks up to. A champion that doesn't demand respect, but gets it, because he is the best in what he does. In Hiroshima, when I was a street fighter I was very close to becomming the champion. I was the underdog in a fight against Titho Lao, a very talented chinese technique style fighter. I was at the winning hand but then he sucker punched me with a knuckle buster. That feeling, the feeling that you know you have been defeated but you want to keep going and you can't. I CAME SO CLOSE TO THAT TITLE AND I FAILED! IT WAS A HORRIBLE FEELING AND I DONT WANT TO FEEL IT EVER AGAIN!!'' Sanders takes in a deep breath and glances to Blood Sanders: Just one more... Blood shakes his head and begins to walk away Blood: I’m sorry, I just don’t have the time right now, but next time… Sanders nods and then looks back to the camera. Sanders: I'm Skip Sanders, and that is one of the newest signees to NLWF... Yoshihiro Blood Andrew: Up next we have Frank Hart taking on Corey Casey, winner going on to Ultimate Glory to face Steven Angel for the Dream Championship! Tommy: And Corey rallied the troops and told the world he will sacrifice Frank Hart here tonight! Samantha: Are next match is for the final spot in the Tournament to the Championship! Introducing first give it up for FRANK HART! Stone Sour – Reborn hits the PA system and Frank Hart makes his way to the ring, no pyro, no effects. He slides into the ring waiting for Corey Casey Samantha: Introducing his challenger for tonight…GIVE IT UP FOR THE LORD OF THE NEW DAWN…COREY CASEY!!! The lights go out and smoke begins to rise from under the stage grating... Drones since the dawn of time Compelled to live your sheltered live Not once has anyone ever seen Such a rise of pure hypocracy I'll instigate I'll free your mind I'll show you what I've known all this time God HATES Us All, God HATES Us All You know it's true God hates this place You know it's true he hates this race Corey Casey walks out from behind the curtain, a cocky smirk on his face. His blonde and black dreadlocks fall down around his face and his all white eyes are filled with an unnatural fire. He stands for a moment, looking out over the crowd as they boo him viciously. Homicide-Suicide Hate heals, you should try it sometime Strive for Peace with acts of war The beauty of death we all adore I have no faith distracting me I know why your prayers will never be answered God HATES Us All; God HATES Us All He Fuckin' hates me Suddenly, he throws his arms straight out to his sides. A blood red explosion of fireworks in the form of a cross explodes just above Corey's head. Corey holds the pose as the red fireworks fall down around his head. He then starts heading towards the ring. Pessimist, Terrorist targeting the next mark Global chaos feeding on hysteria Cut throat, slit your wrist, shoot you in the back fair game Drug abuse, self abuse searching for the next high Sounds a lot like hell is spreading all the time I'm waiting for the day the whole world fucking dies I never said I wanted to be God's disciple I'll never be the one to blindly follow Corey rolls into the ring and climbs the nearest turnbuckle. He climbs to the second rope and, once again, holds his arms out to either side of his body. The crowd rains boos down upon him, but the cocky smile doesn't fade off his face. Man made virus infecting the world Self-destruct human time bomb What if there is no God would you think the fuckin' same Wasting your life in a leap of blind faith Wake the fuck up can't ignore what I say I got my own philosophy I hate everyone equally You can't tear that out of me No segregation -separation Just me in my world of enemies I never said I wanted to be God's disciple I'll never be the one to blindly follow I'll never be the one to bear the cross-disciple I reject this fuckin' race I despise this fuckin' place Corey climbs down off the turnbuckle and turns and stands face to face with Frank Hart The match starts off with a stare down between Frank and Corey, CC getting in a few words, but they seem to not phase Frank, until Corey points to the Cross above the ring. This causes Frank to haul off and try to smack the taste out of Corey's mouth. All fun and games are over as the two men lock up, though Frank still incensed is quick to gain the upper hand and throw Corey into the ropes. CC ducks under a meaty clothesline only to deliver a drop kick to Frank's back. Andrew: It seems as if Frank is being more reactionary in this match tonight than anything. It seems as if Corey found his weak spot quick and to the point. Tommy: Andrew, that's MR. Casey to you, and well the man has more skills in his pinky than YOU do on the mic The match continues with Corey gaining the upper hand and trying to keep it. He takes a running bounce off of the ropes and takes Frank down for a quick cover. 1... 2... No! Frank kicks out at the two, causing Corey to become slightly annoyed and he begins to try and whittle Frank down even further. Sending Frank into the turnbuckles, Corey quickly follows after, sending his shoulder in Frank's sternum once...twice...three times before backing off and leaving a dazed Frank to fall onto the mat Andrew: Corey Casey is ruthless out there, though I have a feeling that with as much ruthlessness as Corey has, Frank has him covered with heart and passion. Tommy: Didn’t they make a cartoon about that back in the nineties? Next thing you gonna be sayin' is that the power is yours. Frank seems to be in no man's land as Corey goes for another cover, though Frank kicks out at the one. Gaining a bit of momentum, with the crowd behind him, Frank rallies and as Corey tries to deliver chops, Frank reverses, sending Corey into the turnbuckle and begins to deliver knife chop after knife chop to the chest of Corey, the sound echoing throughout the arena. He then backs up and delivers a running big boot, Corey going to the ground and Frank goes for the cover, only getting a two count before somehow Corey manages to get his shoulder up in the air Andrew: It seems as if both of these men will not give up tonight, I have to hand it to both of them, definitely fine athletes. Tommy: Okay, how many times do I gotta say this A? Corey is playin' with him Corey and Frank are both up on their feet as they circle around one another, Frank is the first one to make a move, locking up with Corey only to try and take him down to the mat. Corey reverses, putting Frank behind him where he delivers a kick to the groin. Frank's eyes going wide, it seems as if Corey is in the perfect position. He takes Frank down to the mat with hard lefts and rights before moving to nail a frog splash. Frank rolls out of the way, leaving nobody home for Corey to connect with. Corey racked with pain, Frank slowly getting to his feet, the fans are on the edges of their seat. Frank backs away, waiting for the time to attack. Corey gets onto his feet. Corey turns and almost moves out of the way but Frank has him in his grasp and he delivers the DVD Moment, flipping Corey's body up into the air and then down into the mat. Andrew: This is it! This is it! Maybe now Corey will be slightly kinder backstage. Tommy: He's gonna kick out! Frank goes for the cover 1.... 2... 3… Corey making an attempt to kick out after the three count, as Frank Hart slowly stands up, the ref moving over to raise his arm Samantha: Here is you’re winner and moving on to the finals of the tournament to the title….GIVE IT UP FOR FRANK HART!!! Frank looks down at Corey, he begins jawing at the down Lord but the talk stops when Frank is dropped from behind via chair shot by Carmine Vestieri! Steven Angel grabs Frank and drops him with the Angel Slam! Corey is on his feet and he points to the rafters Andrew: Frank Hart won the match, but looks as if Corey is going to set out and finish Frank Carmine and Steven hold Frank up as Corey stands in his face, Corey grabs a steel cross from Carmine’s pocket and drives the point into Frank’s head, causing a flood of blood to pour out of Franks’ skull The cross comes to the ring, and the crowed erupts in roars as Nick Ridicule comes flying off the Steel cross with a cross body that takes Steven and Carmine down to the mat! Andrew: HOLY SHIT…NICK RIDICULE RODE THE CROSS DOWN TO THE RING…AND IS HELPING FRANK HART!!! Nick gets up from the bodies under him, turns around and gets nailed with the steel cross to the head, busting him open as well. Frank pulls his bloody body off the matt, Corey grabs the steel chair and looks to drive it into the skull of Nick, but Frank throws his head in the way protecting Nick, but causing damage to himself! Tommy: DAMN! FRANK HART JUST GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT!!! Corey Casey, Steven Angel, and Carmine Vestieri stand tall over the broken bodies of Frank Hart and Nick Ridicule Andrew: If there's a few of you folks just now tuning in... Tommy: And if that's the case you mothafuckin' stupid and lazy for missin' out on a great card. Andrew: ANYWAYS if there's new viewers tuning in Nick Ridicule and Frank Hart has been put out of commission at the hands of The New Dawn Tommy: Hey I know you gonna hate me fo' this but I gotta say it. You don't shit if you outta toilet paper, and if you do happen to shit you betta be prepared to deal with the consequences. Andrew: Frank Hart and Nick Ridicule are two of the best here, They never back down from a challenge. Intestinal fortitude like his is hard to come by. Tommy: Yeah well because of that intestinal fortitude they can say hello to a night in the ER Andrew: Up next we have the Tag-Team championships on the line! Tommy: Brenton and Apollo are going to be champions…I can’t believe I just said Apollo and champion in the same sentence Andrew: Don’t be too sure as we are getting reports in that Brenton Cyrus isn’t in the arena Tommy: Are you saying Brenton isn’t here? Andrew: That’s what I said Tommy: I love the New Dawn even more, they managed to remove BC from a Revolution…and this time he isn’t DEAD! Samantha: The Next match is for the NLWF Tag-Team championship! Introducing first…give it up for RYAN APOLLO!!! “Line In The Sand” by Motorhead plays Ryan Apollos walks out onto the stage and stops at the top of the ramp. Apollos then raises his arms in the air in an X. Apollos starts walking slowly down the ramp towards the ring. Evolution is a mystery Full of change the no one sees. What makes a fool of history . Yesterday is too long ago, don't agree with what I know . Tomorrow's not the place to be. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and stares at the crowd. Apollos then climbs up the steps and enters the ring. I see the line in the sand Time to find out who I am Looking back to see where i stand. Evolution, Evolution Apollos then walks over to the corner and climbs to the middle turnbuckle. Apollos then does the “X-Factor” pose on the top rope before climbing down. Apollos stands in the ring and awaits for the match to begin as his music dies down. Samantha: Brenton Cyrus will not be here tonight, so introducing One half of the tag-team champions…GIVE IT UP FOR NICK RIDICULE!!! Nick’s music is cut short as the tron shows Nick Ridicule and Frank Hart being wheeled into a Las Vegas ambulance to have their injuries attended to Andrew: Looks like Nick isn’t going to make it out here! And with Chuck Matthews still missing… Tommy: Are you telling me, Ryan Apollo has won a championship by default? I’m ready to riot! Samantha: Ladies and Gents, I’ve just got word that since Nick and Chuck can’t compete at this time…RYAN APOLLO is the NEW NLWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION! Andrew: There’s a first Tommy: Apollo winning? Andrew: One man winning the Tag-Team championships Corey is seen walking to his lockeroom when he is cut off by Jason Hawk Jason Hawk: That was low, even for you fellas Corey smirks Corey Casey: That’s right, your bromance with Nick… Hawk gets into the face of Corey, but Steven slides Corey over Corey: Nick stuck his nose where it shouldn’t have been. He made the move not us Steven Angel: Why don’t you worry about yourself Hawk. You don’t have Nick here to hold your hand out there…Your on your own tonight Jason Hawk: Lucky I don’t need him to deal with your bitch ass Carmine and Corey stands next to Steven Corey: How bout we give you the same treatment we give your boy toy? Just then Notorious KID stands next to Jason, causing The New Dawn to back up Carmine Vestieri: How bout we rise the stakes tonight…How bout a Street fight? Jason Hawk: Why so we can anal plugs can aid your golden boy here to victory? Corey Casey: Steven’s a big boy, can handle himself…can handle the both of you Steven looks at the champion Steven Angel: Whatta ya say champ? KID smirks KID: I say…FUCK YEAH! KID and Hawk walk away from the New Dawn Tommy: A street fight for the Undisputed championship?! Andrew: KID really must want to lose his championship, because he’s pretty much handing it away Tommy: We’ll find out…It’s main event time!!! Samantha: It is time for the Main Event of the night! The following contest is a Street Fight, and it is for the Undisputed Championship! Introducing first…give it up for STEVEN ANGEL!!! The lights in the arena go out and smoke begins to rise out from under the stage. The only light in the arena is coming from the blood red cross that suddenly appears on the titantron. Eternal the kiss I breath Siphon your blood to me Feel my wounds of your god Forever rape mortality I smell of death I reek of hate I will live forever Lost child pay the dead Bleeding screams of silence In my veins your eternity I'll kill you and your dreams tonight Begin new life Bleed your death upon me Let your bloodline feed my youth An elevator slowly rises up, showing a figure wearing long blood red robes. The only thing you can see is the figure's cocky smile. Red fireworks shoot off and the figure takes his hood down, revealing the smiling face of Steven Angel. Steven looks out over the crowd as the smoke swirls around his legs. First breath born come alive learn to kill Bloodfest awaits to feed your hunger Dark side has no rival test your faith in blood Night hides the hunting packs a feeding frenzy I'll kill you and your dreams tonight Begin new life Bleed your death upon me Let your bloodline feed my youth Steven slowly makes his way down to the ring, the cocky smirk on his face never faltering. He looks into the ring for a moment before walking around to the steps and climbing them slowly. I am the first not the last Condemned by a single kiss Betrayed eternally I'll rip inside your soul Contaminating the world Defying god and son Black heart that brings your death Living in infamy Drink the flesh of life itself Prepare to reign a thousand years Steven climbs down from the turnbuckle and turns his attention to the entrance ramp, waiting for his next victim. Samantha: Introducing next…GIVE IT UP FOR JASON HAWK!!! Sound of Madness by Shinedown is heard all over the arena and immiediatly gets everyones attention Jason comes out to the stage with a very serious look on his face and wearing a viking helmet. Jason stands in the middle of the stage and raises his right fist. He punches the air four times with his right fist and each time pyro is fired behind him. First the pyro is whit then blue then changes to red and the last and forth time it is all colors and show the faroese flag. Jason lowers his fist and the camera zooms in to show Jason face. He expression has changed. He now looks very confident and has a cocky smile. Jason walks down the ramp and highfives fans. He gives the last fan he highfives the viking helmet and the slides into the ring. Jason does the same move AJ Styles does when in the ring. Samantha: And now introducing the Heavyweight and Undisputed Champion…GIVE IT UP FOR NOTORIOUS KID!!! The official singles for the match to start, and it doesn't take long at all for the three athletes to go at one another. At first there seems to be a tell tale team up against Steven as Hawk grabs hold of Steven and throws him into KID who drives him down to the ground and begins to try and stomp mud holes into his side. KID goes for a cover but Hawk breaks it at the one count, causing KID to become pissed off and shoving the man away. The two then lock up, leaving Steven to his own devices as he slowly crawls towards the barricade and uses it to climb up. Picking up a barrel from the other side of the barricade, Steven goes rushing towards KID and Hawk and manages to take both of them to the ground, but he seems intent on delivering damage to KID by driving the barrel into his sternum over and over again Tommy: OH! Steven Angel just went for a pin fall attempt, but couldn't keep him down for even a one count! Hawk is laying on the matt trying to catch his breath, and Steven is more than annoyed about the fact he kicked out and he begins to yell at him. But it's short lived as KID comes from off camera with a flying clothesline taking them both over the railing and on to the concrete arena floor, where KID is going rabid and begins to try to get the upper hand with well placed lefts and rights, breaking open Steven's face. It seems as if the match is going to be short lived as KID goes for the cover, but it's quickly broken up as Hawk breaks the count once more at the two. KID gets up to his feet, and Hawk and KID are now nose to nose. KID shoves Hawk, Hawk shoves KID back and the two men then lock up as the fans begin to yell loudly Andrew: HAWK and KID going at it! This is what the fans wanted to see! KID is the first one to step down, but not out of intimidation as he walks towards one of the barricades and grabs hold of it and swings it around at the charging Hawk. Hawk ducks away from the swinging large piece of wood and delivers a kick into the stomach of KID. KID drops the barricade, and holds his stomach, Hawk then maneuvers himself and delivers a swinging fisherman's neck breaker onto KID. He goes for the cover.. 1.. 2... NO! Steven Angel is there with the save to break up the count, causing the fans to boo loudly as Steven soundly connects another bin against HAWK’s back. He then grabs hold of Hawk’s hair pulling him up onto his feet and then throwing him resoundingly over the barricade, yelling at the fans, “you want him, have him!” Steven Angel is smirking at the fans and talking trash to them, as he feels a tap on his shoulder. He freezes before slowly turning around and looking at KID who is also now back up on his feet. KID motions to his face, which Angel wipes off the blood and looks at it, before he then hauls off and punches KID right in the mouth, leaving a nice smattering of red himself. KID shakes his head and grabs hold of RAngel, delivering a bear hug and throwing him down to the pavement. However, this time KID doesn't go for the pin, he walks towards one of the wagons that had delivered them and grabs hold of a metal pipe that was inside it. He then walks towards Steven with determination, only to find him not there. KID wasn't the only one who had thought to grab a weapon as Steven is seen with one of the police officer's batons. Both men begin to try and 'duel' with these weapons, each one nearly losing their head as their opponent swings, but for the time being they're each able to keep up the offensive Tommy: Look at Steven's face. He's pissed beyond belief! “KID! KID! KID!” The fans are yelling, which causes Steven to tell them to shut up. KID swings the metal pipe at Steven who ducks it at the last very moment, nearly clipping him though his eyes go wide as the sound wiff's past his ear. Steven then readjusts his grip on the baton and charges after KID, feinting to the right, causing KID to move to the left, which is where Steven actually ends up and he lays the baton into the sternum of KID. KID drops the pipe and dives his shoulder into Steven, taking them both down to the ground but this time Steven gets the upper hand and goes for a cover after attempting to knock KID unconscious. 1.. 2... NO! KID kicks out right before the three. Steven is livid and he pushes up off of the pavement in search of his weapon, but instead he finds the pipe that KID had and he grins. He bangs it against the ground before he turns on KID who once more is unsteadily on his feet and holding in his hand the baton that Steven had. Both men charge at one another... Weapons instead of clanging against one another collide with their opponent, sending both men down to the ground out cold Tommy: KID and Steven Angel are out for the count as the ref begins the official count out! KID could very well walk out of Las Vegas still the champion!! 4.. 5... 6.... The fans are restless as they yell for KID to get up. But both men are still unmoving. The fans surge trying to get past the barricade, causing the police officers to frantically fight them back. 8.. Before the count of ten is hit, through that surge of the fans, Jason Hawk leaps to the top rope and leaps into the air with a crazy Shooting Star Swanton!!!!! The crowed leap to there feet as they go nuts for Jason Hawk who hooks the legs of KID! Andrew: WTF? A SHOOTING STAR SWANTON ON TWO MEN OUT OF NO WHERE!!! Tommy: That move even impressed me! 1.. 2... 3.... PIN FALL! Samantha: HERE IS YOUR WINNER…AND NEW UNDISPUTED CHAMPION….JASON HAWK!!! The fans erupt as Hawk's eyes widen. The ref throws his arm up in the air as his music begins to play Andrew: Jason Hawk takes advantage of the situation and not only pins Steven Angel but KID as well! Jason Hawk is handed the belt, and the moment it's in his hands, he spots The New Dawn rushing to the ring and he leaps into the ocean of fans around. He throws his belt high in the air, holding it for all to see, as they all chant his name. Steven, furious, slams a fist into the arena floor, as the New Dawn stand in the ring watching Jason Hawk celebrate in the mist of the fans Andrew: That’s all the time we have for tonight folks! What a way to celebrate One year of moments as Jason Hawk is the Undisputed Champion!!! Tommy: One Year later, and we still got a job…fuck a recession! Andrew: We’ll see you all live next week at Ultimate Glory 2010!! |