..:: It’s just natural to me. ::.. ..:: My father always taught me never to take shit from anyone. He always said since we were poor we had to work twice as hard as everyone else to get a chance. It’s why I’m always busting ass in everything else I do. I work harder than anyone I’ve ever known. I know damn well I’m the hardest working man in HIW today. ::.. ..:: Why else would I be the only cat to have defeated Matt Marvel…TWICE ::.. ..:: I don’t take shit. I work hard. You want to have beef then fine. I’ll take your beef, cook it up, and enjoy that shit. Beef means nothing to me. Beef is what immature people do when they don’t have a spine. If you talk behind someone’s back you’re a pussy. I’d rather see the expression on your face when I tell you you’re nothing compared to me. ::.. ..:: It’s such a priceless expression. ::.. March 17th, 1996: The Scare I’ll never forget this day. It was pouring buckets outside and Samantha was in my dorm. We were watching music videos on MTV and her head was nestled in my chest. Her hair always smelled like grapes or some kind of fruit so I took a deep breath in and smelled it. I had my hand rested on her thigh because she had some really nice thighs. She still does but back then they were fucking bomb. Anyways, she had been acting weird recently, saying she didn’t want to have sex. Sam, after I took her innocence, was so into sex it was great. She loved it and wanted it all the time. But I knew something was odd. I just knew it. I’ve fucked too many women not to realize this. “God, I hate this song” I said to her as ‘You Outta Know’ by Alanis Morissette came on. “Oh, I love this song. It’s such a good song for women.” “Which is why I hate it” I said and she hit me on my leg. “Asshole.” “You know how I am” I remember saying and taking another drink from my water. I was getting bigger, physically, because I was delving into the life of performance enhancers and Sam loved it. I had pill bottles lying all over the dorm room because I, somehow, had the dorm to myself. I guess I got really lucky. She picked one up and looked at it. “What is this?” “That’s what is making me so big” I said and she just looked up at me. Her eyes had that look of question and fear. “These aren’t steroids are they?” “Nah, steroids aren’t fly” I remember lying to her. She was so worried because, as I found out later, she didn’t want my dick getting smaller. She didn’t have to worry about that any time soon. She shook the bottle in her hand and the pills looked like Advil, with brown coating but they were as big as horse pills. “So you take these huge pills? You don’t choke?” “Nah, they go do real smooth. Just take a shitload of water and you’re fine.” “Well, you won’t see me taking these” She said and I brushed the hair out of her face. “You don’t have to. You’re gorgeous the way you are” I remember saying and she smiled. We were lying on our couch and I moved so I was lying on top of her. I started kissing her neck and she got all excited. She moved her legs back and forth and was moaning. I moved up to her mouth and started kissing her passionately. She started to say something and I pulled away from her. “What?” “Get up Johnny. Get up” She said and pushed me away from her. She squirmed away from me and stood up in front of the couch. “I can’t do this.” “What do you mean you can’t do this? We do this shit all the time.” “No, it’s not that. It’s the circumstances” She said and I remember being completely confused. What circumstances? What did she mean by that? “What are you talking about?” I asked and she looked at me and I could see she was starting to cry. Lisa cries about everything but this time it was serious. “Johnny, I don’t know how to tell you this. I think… I think…” “What babe?” “I think I’m pregnant” She said and time stopped. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I remember my heart dropping into my stomach and I started to lose my breath. “What did you just say?” “I think I’m preg…” “I heard you the first time. How the fuck could you be pregnant. You’re on birth control, right?” I remember asking and there was silence in the room for a good ten seconds. My eyes got wide and I stood up in front of her. “You ARE on birth control, right?” “I couldn’t afford it this month Johnny.” She said and I remember throwing my hands up in the air. I knocked all the shit off my table next to my couch and she jumped in fright. “You know you could have asked me. Shit, I thought we covered all the bases. You were on birth control, I always wore a condom… I thought this could never happen. How many days has it been?” “Just a few but I’ve never been late, Johnny” She said but I barely could hear her. I was freaking out. Here I was, 19 years old and about to have a kid. I started pacing the room randomly throwing things. “How could you not tell me you were low?” “I’m sorry Johnny. I…” “Well, you’re going to be sorry if we have this kid. I can’t even think right now. I’m about to be a dad. What the fuck!” I said and Sam grabbed her purse and made her way towards my door. She looked back at me and I was sitting on the couch on the brink of tears. She closed the door and I took my fist and smashed it through the coffee table. Wood went everywhere but that was the least of my worries. It scared me to death. As you can see, she wasn’t pregnant. She was just late because she was on a cycle with her birth control pills and it fucked with her system. But I started to not trust Samantha. I started to not believe half the things she said. That day was when things changed. That day shaped the rest of our lives. * * * * I think I’m in some fucking time warp. Or the life of Matt Marvel is on infinite skip. I swear I heard all of that before. I swear I heard all the “Bull’s-eye is on my back” and shit like that once before. Remember when teachers used to say “Keep all your old tests and quizzes, because everything on the final is recycled from the tests and quizzes? Matt Marvel just made a compilation promo. Let’s get one thing straight. I don’t like you and you don’t like me. It’s ok. It’s fine. See, I made a mistake at No Exit…I didn‘t finish the job. I left the Elite champion, but I also left you able to stand up. A mistake I look to correct this week. Don’t try and pull the whole “SBK is garbage, Matt Marvel FTW~!” because I used to be in your exact position. I used to be that cocky dick head, looking to piss off the fat guy sitting in the 3rd row. Thinking that I was some sort of a new thing, something revolutionary. You’re just out to make your self look revolutionary but when the smoke clears from the loaded gun, you will realize that shotguns are sporadic and unreliable. Loaded guns always know what they’re doing. Tell me, Matt, you said you didn’t lose at No Exit, that you never gave up, and whether it was your body or not, if you didn’t lose how come you want this rematch so badly? Is it because you’re in a ‘better state of mind’? Is it because with a pack of Two other mindless drones in the ring, that in some way you have a edge? Or is it simply because you want another shot after losing to SBK? I saw it, the world saw it, and you saw it when I locked in the Lockout, you saw it as the barbwire ripped into your throat. We all saw that Matt Marvel fell under his own ego and now he needs a million other egos to bring it back up. Matt Marvel thought he was something great but now we all see he’s nothing. Matt Marvel thought he was so creative and innovative that some hack, as he calls me, can beat him. Someone who can actually wrestle might actually beat the scum that can’t. You’re garbage but you cannot even see it with your own eyes. There’s a reason you won a championship and lost it to a man who should have never lost it. There’s a reason you can’t win a championship in the big leagues and there’s a reason why you can’t beat me. It’s because you’re garbage. I’m not. Tell everyone you’ve been in the driver’s seat of our little feud. Tell everyone that you and your bitches have gotten the upper hand on me every week up until No Exit. Tell everyone how you called me and how I gave you ‘immature pop culture references’. Tell them that, Matt. You’ve obviously never seen SBK in his true form. Throw me through a window, break my hand, Assault my wife, Matt. Talk like you’re the champion, when your not. You’re living in a state of self denial. You used to be good, Matt. Now you’re putting on a front of the typical heel, telling everyone your opponent is a hack and that so and so has the same IQ as my shoe size. You’re regressing and with regression comes suffering. Timeline your ego all you want. You’re the only one who cares about what you did. You always care about what someone did. To be a champion, a legacy, you tell someone what you will do. I will break your neck. I will end your career. I will show you the truth. I will send you to PWR with your hat in hand. I will prove that Matt Marvel is nothing but talk. I will keep this Elite Championship even if I have to kill myself in the process. I will tell and show Matt what he can’t do… again. I figured since you liked my list last time, I’d make another one. Call me repetitious and call me stale. I guarantee most of your promo will be trying to tearing this list apart. Matt, it will all come down to this match. You win and you’ll rub it in my face till I die. You lose and you’ll retreat over to PWR where you can get handed a championship. I create your destiny after Vital Signs. Someday you’ll prove it…Just not today I really am getting tired of beating you over and over again Matt. This is getting really old really quick. Here I am, elite champion, and I have to face this piece of trash a week after I made him pass out? Here I am, a two time champion and I have to face a man who vows to kill me off the third time around. He’s a man who can’t leave me alone because everything he wants to be he sees in me. He loves to surround himself with success because, ultimately, he’ll never gain success. That’s a theory I’ve been preaching three times over. Why can’t he see success? He’s too generic. He’s too cliché. He can never be anything successful because he’ll never reinvent himself. He’s been trying to convince everyone he’s this great champion for how long? He wants you to believe that he sets good trends but all he does is set terrible trends. Shall I explain? Every time we‘ve meet since that fluke of a night, he has failed. He sets the trend of failure. Whenever he faces someone who is much better than him, even when he doesn’t admit it, he can never beat them. He sets the trend of failure. He could grab the spotlight if he wanted to but all that he’s doing is blindly reaching and he can never shine the spotlight on himself. Do I need to do it for you? I’m too bright for you, Matt, and that’s the reason you’re wearing shades. You know when I come into your area you have to pull out the super black ones out and dress your face. You can’t, and never, will be able to look at me in my face. If you try to, Matt, you start to sweat so heavy and you can’t even breathe properly. You hyperventilate and you start to chough and wheeze. It’s the feeling you get when someone kicks the shit out of you over and over again. Do you know that feeling? The feeling where everything around you crumbles so you have to settle for second best knowing you can’t get the best? That’s the era you’re living in now. You expect to see success when your performing in two companies? You expect to garner any respect with that? You face sub-par wrestlers in a sub-par promotion that is PWR. You stay in mediocrity, Matt, and then you expect to make the jump up to the main event and ‘beat’ the greatest this company has ever seen? You’re going to feel the force of three. You repeat the same garbage everyone else has. I’m boring, I’m trite and I’m nothing. I’m just the same ol’ SBK and you want to fuck Samantha, for fuck sakes, maybe next time instead of causing her injury you may want to try a pick up line, at least that way you get bitch slapped by her, instead of tapping out to me. How embarrassing Matt, you’ve had a chance to defeat me on two separate occasions and you’ve done nothing. You’ve had the chance to stop my run as a champion but you’ve done nothing. You’ve been in the ring with me and you’ve done nothing. You are just like everyone else here that has said they will do everything to stop me but they have done nothing. Why must we keep going over this You have proven to me, the world, and to Manifest SBK that you are nowhere near where a challenger should be. You have proven, with your idiotic rambling, that you can’t hold a candle to me. Or a torch, rather. You want to burn down my kingdom? Fine, do it. You wanna take my crown? Try it. Go and burn down my castle why your at it Burn everything I have and everything I own. You’ll feel better about yourself and when you go to survey your damage you’ll witness that the one thing you wanted to kill isn’t even there. You’ll throw a pussy fit and turn around. Standing behind you will be SBK-ME and my baby… the elite championship. Then what are you going to do Matt? What are you going to do when you destroy everything and get nothing out of it? What are you going to do when you see three and you don’t know how to act? What are you going to do when God defies everything you thought you were and destroys your every dream? You’re going to do exactly what you’ve been doing the last two times we’ve faced. Nothing. You’re desperate, Matt, so you throw anything you are interested in at me and try and make me scared. You’re backed into a corner and instead of thinking about what to say you ramble off anything that pops into your brain because you it is you who is ultimately scared. I’ve left you speechless and it kills you inside. It eats at your stomach and causes you to panic. When the time comes, Matt, I will have you lying on the mat covered in scars and blood and it will have been done my way. When the time comes I will embarrass you on national television much like all the sluts on Maury. Then you can go on a search for another excuse to why you can’t beat me. Oh, and that’s brought to you by the number three. Now, Matt, I want you to answer a simple question for me. Who am I? It seems to you that you have no idea who I am. You know what? That’s the exact reason why you can never beat me. You don’t know who I am. I change up everything every single time I enter the ring with you. I change and you stay basically the same. You remain the same, boring ‘Marvel’ you were last week. Me, however, I’ve evolved into a power hungry maniac who loves making money. It’s funny, though, because this time last week you pretty much had the same attitude that I have. I’ve been this way for years and you continue to ‘change’. Obviously you don’t know who you are. Let me inform you of who you are. You, Matt Marvel, are exactly like a teenager just graduating from high school. You’ve been sheltered your entire career in the mid card and no one has showed you reality. You’ve beat people and had yourself a undefeated streak, until I took it away from you. You’ve graduated. Congratulations. You wake up the next day and realize that everything you had in ‘high school’ is gone. Your shelter, your protection, and your easy victories. You ‘win’ because you don’t face anyone of importance. Where I have defeated everyone who has stepped up to the plate since I returned. What I’ve been through is reality. I’ve seen reality and I’ve seen the real talent. I’ve observed the real world and I accept it. I now rule that world Matt. You don’t even have a grasp on reality. You’re still in ‘shelter shock’ because you’re used to beating nobodies. You’re used to beating little kids. You’re now in a man’s world. You’re going to get a hard slap of reality. Yeah, you’re going to get murked in the ring. What is my weak spot Matt? Tell me Matt since you came on the air, with a great plan, but what is my weak spot? Is it the back of my foot? You’re going to kick me in the back of my foot? That’s your tactic? Wow, Matt, this is going to be easier than I thought. See, Matt, every one of my victims has had the exact same weak spot and none of them can cover it up. It’s a weak spot I aim for when everything is about to end. It’s the spot I’ve been targeting for three years. The crown of your head. That is the perfect position for death. That’s the perfect position for everyone to gather around the ring for your end result. I don’t expect you to bow to God Matt. I expect you to lie in a broken pile of bones bleeding profusely in front of God. I expect you to be paralyzed and be in a permanent wheel chair. You know what you can do then? You can put spinning rims on your wheel chair and ‘bling’ your way through the hospital. Set a trend that way. You’re not going to set a trend any other way. Remember how I called you a walking contradiction? Let me explain, shall I? You come out with your little video and tell the world that you’ve heard the same thing from me for my last short run as champion. You tell everyone that I’m boring and mundane and that I say the same shit over and over again. Tell me, Matt, how many times have you said that? Tell me, how many times you’ve proven me wrong? You are a fucking contradiction. So before you try and set any trends you need to change your speech up. You also need to improve your grammar. ‘This ain’t no Sesame Street’? Homeslice, I think you need to watch Sesame Street and learn how to punctuate sentences properly. Then when you’re traveling on Sesame Street you can see Big Entity in his yellow polo and jeans. You’ll be on the ground looking up at me and you’ll marvel at the height of me. You know what I will be standing on to give me such great height? Bodies. It’s built off of all the bodies I’ve destroyed in my year path of Manifest. It’s the bodies who’ve said I was ‘boring, trite, and mundane’. See what happened to them? They couldn’t do shit about it. If you think I’m boring then fine. You only find me boring, Matt, because you can’t beat me. Do I bore you Matt? Do I make you yawn and fall asleep whenever you see me? Well I’ll make sure I bring a pillow to our match at Vital Signs. Because you’re going to continue to be bored. Wait, though, because you’re going to beat me right? Let’s put this into comparison. Luchadore’s in Mexico might dominate the light weight division but it doesn’t put them into contention for the heavy weight division. Why? They know their place. They know that they have a niche of mediocrity in the light weight division and so they don’t move up. Otherwise they’ll get murked. Otherwise they’ll get destroyed. Know your place, Matt. Don’t give me bullshit that you deserve this because your ’were’ a champion. That’s great. I don’t care. That doesn’t mean that you deserve anything against me. That doesn’t mean that you deserve to face me to take away my immortality. I’m immortal now and maybe one day I’ll lose this championship. It’s definitely not going to be to you. You don’t even know how a ladder match works. I’ve done more than you could ever imagine. You are a child, Matt, and you don’t realize this. I’m a grown man who will give you the spanking of your life. However, I’ll give you a three second head start, maybe Ill let you enjoy the lower stars in this match. Don’t be surprised, though, when you see me on the other side grinning from ear to ear. Then I’ll take your body, put it on my shoulders, and drop you on top of the other bodies that well have fallen to me at Vital Signs. I am bigger than this industry. I am bigger than wrestling. I am bigger than this entire world. My Manifest is bigger than the entire galaxy. I am bigger than Matt Marvel, who doesn’t want to remember what really happened at No Exit. I’m bigger than the human memory. Memory is nothing, Matt. You can tell all your friends ‘Remember that time where I almost beat SBK?’ and then I’ll walk onto the scene and point to the record books where it says I beat you to keep my trifecta intact. You will never beat me. You will never beat me AGAIN. You will never beat me. Do you want me to say it anymore, Matt? Do I need to say it in French? Vous ne me battrez jamais. Do I need to say it in Ethiopian? Click click click click click click. In any language it all remains the same. Ask anyone in the locker room. They know my dominance and your lack of it. They all know how I kill it every time I enter the ring. I’m The Legacy for a reason. It’s not just something clever to make money. It’s a fact that, since I’m bigger than this industry, nothing will stop me. That includes your ‘Marvel’ ass. So bring your torch and the pitchfork. Get ready to riot but you’re going to be in for a bloody surprise when the pitchfork is between your eyes. I assume you want me to pass my torch? Okay, I’ll do that. I’ll pass it onto your dead body as you burn for the entire world to see. That is the only thing going up in ablaze come Vital Signs. The flame will be seen by aliens and they’ll come down and pick me up. Why? We are not the same Matt. I am a Martian. I am from a completely different planet than you. I am the Czar of HIW and I am the man who will end any trends you want to set. Then I will bury you in the exact place where you always wanted to be. The main event. Shit, been rashing on you this whole time, Guess when your talking about a charity case you kind of lose track of time. It’s the season to be jolly right? Now there are others in this match, And I could sit here and run on them or I can just mention there names and let your mind wonder what the hell they are doing in this match. Kirby Polland congrats on being handed a championship shot, You’ve finally made a name for yourself. Okay so you didn’t but look at it this way, after Vital Signs you can go back to playing Santa Clause at the town mall, a job your good at. At least you don’t believe yourself a ‘Prime Time’ player. Listen here McKenzie you’re not the first one to call yourself the best. You’re not the first one to say that you’re going to beat me or you’re going to be the first to beat me. I’ve heard it all before. Hell, it’s in the “Heels for Dummies” book. Got that copy sitting comfortably next to you? Good, you’ll need it if you’re going to even pose a threat to me. But before you front like you’re a threat in this match, ask yourself how you became a contender? Did you beat a big name? Nope, Did you go through a hard fought match to get this chance? Nope. Did you masturbate to the open challenge handed out by Scorpio? Yea sure did. Listen carefully kid, You got a star look to yea, so allow me to give you a little edge side edge…Give up the pipe dream of being Elite champion, kid. Because you’re nothing. What’s that? You think you have it in your heart? Think you can defeat SBK? Please. I’ll rip your heart out and beat you with it to show you reality. Because you’re not in reality, a contender. You’re delusional to the fact that I am simply SO much better than you. You think you’re king shit around here when no one knows who the fuck you are. Who are you? Are you SBK? No? Thought so. I understand you have a name to prove here and I understand that. You want to show the boys in the back that you can hang. But kid, you were handed this shot. You aint done jack to earn it. No one has. Defiantly not Kalie Wimberley The one who listens to Dozer the red-nose jackass, yea that’s the sack of STDS that make up Kalie Wimberley. Let’s face it Kalie, you’re in the Dozer situation. You can try and be the face of HIW but when it comes to facts you’re just not HIW. When someone sees HIW they don’t see someone trying to be a Xtreme Diva. They want someone who goes above and beyond Xtreme. They want someone who takes action against pissants trying to run amuck on his turf. You, fire crotch, are not that kind of person. You’re just in the middle, looking for some acceptance. So save yourself a ass kicking and go back to fondling Dozer… It’s what your good at… --FIN-- |