[Nothing can stop me now] [A hummingbird sits on the kitchen window and stares. It stares at me, my breakfast, the television… just a stare. I see it out the corner of my eye and it cocks its head and stares. It flaps its wings and then files away, not staying for longer than a minute. Oh well, it’s nothing that is going to bother me today. Today, we are going to see what was in dad’s will. We’ll see who gets what and who leaves with nothing. I hope James gets nothing. Nothing at all.] Samantha: “Hey babe, Last night was fantastic” [I hear walk into the kitchen and she kisses me on the lips and licks the oatmeal from the side of my mouth.] Samantha: “Cinnamon?” “Yep. Hey, can you get me some more milk?” [I ask and she scoffs at me.] Samantha: “You can’t get it yourself?” “Nah. Besides, you’re right there” [Catching her in a trap, she grabs my glass and gets me some more milk. On the news there are stories of homicide and murder. Same ol’ Miami.] Samantha: “What time are we looking at John's will?” [Sam asks and takes a bite out of my oatmeal. Her eyes look into mine and I get lost in them for a moment.] “Around One. What time is it now?” Sam: “Eleven thirty” [She says and I look at the clock to make sure. Damn, I slept in late. That’s unusual for me.] Sam: “You should get dressed soon.” “Yeah, I know. Let me…” “No, you’re fine. Just send the money to the landlord and it’ll be taken care of. Love you too” [I hear coming into the kitchen and I see James talking on his damn phone again. Sam looks at me and points upstairs and I nod. James walks over and just looks at me.] James: “Oh, shocked to see you’re still here. I figured you’d be gone already living the life of what’s his name? Oh, THE LIVING LEGEND!” [He smirks like he accomplished something with that comment. I continue to eat my oatmeal and ignore him.] James: “Oh, you don’t have a comeback? Have I gotten to the almighty Living Legend? Oh, I get it. When it’s just you and me you’re a pussy. But when you are in front of people you act all big and bad. I’ve got you figured out you little bitch.” “Can you please be quiet? I’m trying to eat my breakfast and watch television. I’m not bothering you so just get out of here” [I say trying not to start another fight. Mom doesn’t want us fighting so I’m going to respect her wishes. For now, at least.] James: “No, I won’t be quiet. You embarrassed me at the funeral…” “You embarrassed yourself, Jimbo. I just exposed you as the rat you are” [I spew oatmeal out of my mouth while talking and concentrating on the news. He scoffs at me and continues his bullshit rant.] James: ?“I’m not a rat. I was there but I had to handle an important phone call.” “Oh, did your girlfriend need to know how to tie her shoes?” James: “Fuck you Johnny. You know, Sam…” [He starts but I push my bowl to the side and stand up. He backs into the bar and I look at him while walking past him.] “Say what you want about Sam. My woman knows how to handle herself. You should have brought her along but I guess she had too many scheduled lapdances, huh?” [I simply walk away and he stands there, speechless.] ---Two Hours Later--- Family Attorney“Now that everyone is here, we can begin” [He says as Sam and I sit down next to each other. James just glares at me from the other side and I sarcastically wave at him. Fucker…] Family Attorney: “Now, John's will was very short but very detailed. He gave things only to his children and his wife Maria. He wanted to start with James, his youngest son. ‘James, you have always been distant to me so I will give you just that. When I pass you shall have builders create you a new house in Las Vegas where you can live with whatever woman you’re dating this week’ [The Attorney says and I hear James laughing.] Family Attorney: “Now, Jenny, his only daughter. ‘Jen, you were always so beautiful and you were always my princess. So, when I pass, I am going to give you a trip to Paris, France. A city of beauty for a woman of beauty’ [Jenny starts to tear up and she hugs my mother who is sitting next to her.] Family Attorney: “Now, Johnny, his oldest son. ‘Johnny, you were always money smart. I respected that in you. You took after me and made a fortune. So, to carry on with your money investments, I am giving you all my invested stocks which cash in at about one million dollars. Don’t worry about your mother, she’s already taken care of’ [My eyes get huge and I smile. Sam smiles as well and pats my leg. Jenny looks over to me and winks. This is too good.] Family Attorney: “Maria, you’re next. ‘Maria, my wife. You’ve been through everything with me through all the years when we were poor and when we started gaining wealth. To you, I give you my hidden bank account which contained over thirteen million dollars. I’ve been saving since Johnny was born. I know you’ll live life to the fullest dear' [He finishes and everyone is in shock.] Mom: “Thirteen million dollars? How…” [My mom asks and none of us know. I guess he was trying to build something for when he died. He always thought ahead. The Family Attorney, whose name I found out was Paul, asks if we have any other questions and we all shuffle for the exit. Jenny walks over to me and grabs my arm.] Jenny: “A trip to Paris. I’m so excited!” “If you need half a mil, I’ll give it to you. Maybe you can relocate over there. Get a new life for yourself” [I say with a smile. She just looks at me and shakes her head.] Jenny: “I couldn’t do that Johnny. That’s your…” “I’m not going to spend it all, Jen. I mean, hell, I’ll probably just take Sam on a nice cruise. I want you to start anew. Forget Erik, he’s a jerk. You can start fresh. Then we can chat in French” [Smirking, she nods. Sam grabs my hand as we make our way to the parking lot. I head to the Lexus and Jenny looks over to my position.] Jenny: “I’ll think about it” [She says and waves before we make our way back to the house. Tonight, Sam and I head back home. We’ll get away from James and all this bullshit. I think we need it to clear our head. I just hope there are no more surprises in store.] [The sea will come to kiss me] [For I am going home] ------------------------------------------------ "Would some one please tell R&R the Al Snow gimmick has already been done. Seriously, does he really think addind a bunch of numbers together that he saw done in a movie is going to help him walk out of Monday or SummerSlam a winner? Then the kid is more retarded then I had imagen. Why are you trying to protray yourself as a fighting spirt, Welling to go against the odds to step ahead and go into battle with or without your teamates, But bro lets tell it how it is, you're going into Monday night a sacrificial Lamb! You're 'teammates' have already realize there faith and have abounded ship. How can you even call this a main event? A main event? Throw a couple steaks to a lion, and see if he doesn't tear them apart is what this is." "Exactly, What it is bitches." "Maybe you're starting to understand who I am, and what I can do. I could see the underestimation, the lack of respect for me. "Stylez flash has come and gone.", "Stylez a one time affair" "Fuck that shit, Johnny Stylez is you're next world champion, like it our not!" "Same competition, the same result! Let's make this clear. R&R you and your partners don't stand a chance in hell. This could quite possibly be the easiest six man tag-team victory I've ever dealt with. And I've faced some shitty opponents before." "R&R Don't ever fucking compare yourself to a REAL LEGEND, You see I didn't steal this title of Legend from some hack in a dead promotion, I earned it! And after are past bouts...You know the ones where I MADE YOU MY BITCH for 20 mintues a match, I would have though you learned our lesson about calling my legend status out like this." "Guess I was wrong, Guess you need another End Result to refresh you memory" "R$R, We'll never be in the same league. You're wasting your breath if anything. You're garbage went right out the window when you sputtered it from your cock suckers. A nasty bitch like yourself should find a better hobby." "Wrestling ain't your calling, Fucker." "So while there is still time, take key from your partners, and bow out respectively, this has been a shit show since day one. Can you feel the hate? Nah, I bet you can't. There's nothing to hate about you anyways." "I'm just here to take out the garbage, and make stacks while I'm at it." "But I guess I should give you some props for at least showing up..." "Congratulations, you're able to string together a couple verbs and nouns. Too bad you bore the fuck outta everyone involved. Hey! This guy knows the English language." "Fucking Dick" "You must not realize how tired I was of your garbage. Four hour nap at best. See at first I thought you might be something original, something fresh. But apparently, you've fallen in to the trap that is this business. You are exactly like every other emotional fuck to cross my path. For god sakes man." "You're spewing garbage, quoting bad movies and all" "It'd be impossible to sit there and try to cipher anything, of the least importance, out of your statements. I'm more astonished that people actually listen to you. Fact is, you're boring." "Just like your in ring credentials." "There's no originality left is there? Instead, some Low Life wanna be is going to step to me and attempt to do what Troy Daniels did at No Mercy?" "Here's where it gets interesting." "Troy beat me, every bitch has his day. Am I ashamed? Fuck no, why? because I knew damn well I would be getting my rematch. I do what I have to do to survive. Therefore, my survival is smearing your blood across the ring." "It'll be more about your survival." "So here's a pack of smokes, and a white flag." "I suggest you use them." "You and your recycled garbage." "Speaking of the Trojan horse himself..." "It seems as if these last few weeks continue to replay. Troy Daniels against Johnny Stylez. Champion of today, against Champion of yesterday. But there is a difference. There is a far greater embodiment of self, when I was holding the GCW Gold it meant something, It meant you were the best, rather than the meaning it has around your waist, Around your waist it means shit.. It may as well be the chop shop gold around your waist." "There is NO comparison." "That piece of garbage you cherish, the one that makes you feel like a legend compared to anyone else; is merely another hunk of tin, proclaimed to have proven your status among the greats. Instead, and in reality, it proves the mediocrity for which you still remain in. An inadequate sense of accomplishment plagues your mind, the false pretense of success giving you confidence." "You still don't impress me." "What you need to understand about our last squaring off, is that YOU did not beat me. You never once had the upper hand, nor the chance at a near fall. You're false confidences rely on the fact that Daffney (even if she didn't touch me physically) beat me. NOT ATroy. I've tossed around trash better than you." "I've seen shit look better than you." "The GCW isn't deserving of any of my respect. No one in this match deserves my respect. Danni sucks. Payne sucks. Who else is there? Every week I face you, Troy, just to bring fans to the arena. I'm tired of being the main draw. I'm tired of being the number one guy running the GCW. The GCW was always shit to me, and my observations are still the same." "With you as Champion, GCW and Monday night Retribution is merely a shit show." "But there is only one promise I have left to make. After I win on Retribution. After I dismantle the "great" GCW champion, I will take your belt at Summerslam. Plain and simple. Heh, try and stop me." "Try another Deadline push" "I dare you." "Danni boy, Why haven't you showed your ugly little mug as of yet? I mean I can smell the dislike. I can taste the way you loathe me. I’d be pissed too if someone had ruined the years of anticipation built up with one simple challenge. I’d be foolish to stand and apologize, because I see the game here. All of your cronies are expendable; they just haven’t realized it yet. You’re following worships you; they kiss your feet and praise your legacy. You strive on the attention Danni." "Isn't that why you tossed my name out on the Haunting?" "For Attention" "You weren’t shit until then, you weren't even a figure in the main event scene until you mentioned my name, until you became this prophetic piece of shit you pretend to be. You want your words to be lived upon. Your word is supposed to be something of another level. You want to be a god among men." "You’re still mortal." "You’re thinking is amazing, and I’ll give you that Danni. You’ve become one of the best things around, and I’m proud. Proud that I'm the guy who is gonna expose you to the world, not only on Monday but at SummerSlam as well." "That’s what makes are factions different, That's what makes me different. That’s what allows me to think freely. You can take your bullshit, word of Mastema, to some other empty minded schmuck, because I know what your all about" "I know where you get your kicks from." "I'm leaving my impression within the community. I'm here to let my name live on after I die." "It starts with beating the fuck outta you." "You want to drag my name out? Knock yourself out. You wanna play googly eye's with Marisol, Do your thing playboy and Take all that fucking baggage too. But The World Championship, well that's coming to me after SS." "You called me out with hopes of exposing me, and it turns out your the one who has been exposed." "exposed for the mid-card hype that you are" "Your not the only one to have called me out and fail. The difference is, I'm gonna pop back up and crush in your face." "But honestly bro, if you wanna hype yourself up against me, and you wanna think you did a great job getting me all rived up, then congrats." "Let me know when you win a World title, bitch." "You wanna be great kid, get a clue, and get some talent. You'll never be what I am. You bring your emotions up so high, believing that you'll always be the answer. You wanna be the Savior?" "Start with saving yourself." ---FIN--- |