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Fo diarfa m‘I gniht ylno eht m‘I
He emerged from out of nowhere to take something someone longed for. He wanted to defile God and he, unfortunately, succeeded more than once. He stepped into a world filled with chains, bodies, and blood and did not emerge victorious. All of a sudden, people started to hate him. He aligned himself with the most sadistic, vile, wretched human being in eWo and he soon became docile and useless. That was the plan after all. Kill Matt Marvell. But the man couldn’t be stopped. He returned for his lust of revenge. Something everyone in this match has in common. Their thirst for revenge brings them closer and brings them down. Except for one. The Myth. A man walking through the smoke to create his legacy. Through many countless battles he emerges victorious time and time again. He holds a championship for the longest time in a federations history and believes he is the greatest of all time. However, just like the seasons, things change. Things blossom and the lights darkened on the myth. He fell to his knees looking for an answer to return and set things straight. Just like the man, his light was revenge. His beloved was raised in the lights for everyone to see and his eyes lit with rage. He returned for his lust for revenge. Something everyone in this match has in common. Their thirst for revenge brings them closer and brings them down. But not S…B…K. The person who has the most prestige in this entire match. He walks down the ramp with a swagger unlike everyone else. He generates a presence that is terrifying and intimidating. No one can touch his success in HIW. He graces the halls with people who don’t deserve to be in there. He doesn’t care about revenge in this contest. He cares about killing. The one thing that will bring him happiness in his time of sorrow. With no wife and no children, what does he have to lose? Nothing. Fo diarfa m‘I gniht ylno eht m‘I The whispers were right – if your nose grew every time you lied there would be some Pinocchio shit going on… you’d be able to pole vault with that thing by now. But I digress it appears that Matt has let you down hasn’t he fans of HIW? Is this all he could muster this far, what is taking him so long for serious replies? Where is the man who possesses the Cure, Matt Marvel? It’s fitting isn’t it a man that claimed to be fighting for each and every one of you, just last week. Has been nowhere to be found the last couple days, I mean he hardly does anything all week, then with Vital Signs quickly approaching, he finally has something to say. Not much. But really didn‘t expect much. Everyone has been waiting to feed off my words that when you throw a curve and wait to get the last word there all left wondering what happened. Matt is a man who is deeply hiding behind is own pathetic façade of being a Cure, to the potential cesspool he believes the HIW is turning into that he hasn’t realized that the only cesspool around here that is corrupting things and slowing the progress of how great this place can be is him. He simply has his head so far up in a cloud, that he can’t see the forest for the trees… bad pun intended. You see it’s just like Matt to say something that might sound good in the heat of the battle, at that given point in time but it’s just a lie to attempt to gain an edge. Though he realistically has no real intention of backing it up his claims, each week his story changes to what suits him best in the situation at hand, he changes his story and positions on what he is truly about just so he can please and pander to the masses who he believes really provide something to this business and are an important part but lets face it you fans have nothing to do with the outcome of any matches much less one of this magnitude. However don’t fret, I’m sure Matt will reply soon enough with more fallacies that you will happily going along with. Just so you can make-believe that for that brief time in which you are watching the show either home or live in the arena, that you are somehow important and known in this world. Sure for those few hours you can play that role but when the time cuts the reality is you all are just like Matt Marvel, you played a role for a while to feel good about yourself but the reality is when the show is said and done you just like him go back to being a nobody in a sea of mediocrity where people like me aka your superiors, call you Tim, even though your name is Tom and you take it and do whatever we ask without a second thought for fear of the consequences. It’s quite simple really, wrestling might be your escape and your passion as fans or as a wrestler in Matt’s case but at the end of the day no matter how much you accomplish or how much you feel you have won or done a good job, there will always be people like me; who can change your lives for the worst at the snap of the fingers, or perhaps a snap of the neck. Either way you look at it people like you fans and Matt have no control over how things happen, you are simply followers who flock together for a common cause without really knowing what it is… and that is why whether you believe it or not – the fate of your lives is in my hands. For I don’t conform or sugar coat things to fit in and follow with the pack like a bunch of good little soldiers. No I stand a part from the pack and dare to challenge the current status quo – so condemn me for things you don’t understand if you must but just remember I am truthful and honest man, and it has been said that the truth shall set you free. Which I suppose is why I am so enlightened and why you all Matt Marvel included are still hoping for the miraculous Modern Marvel of a cure to happen, however this cure has been promised for the last five months and still hasn’t arrived. Nor will it ever for it there is no cure for what is going on in the HIW because it is beyond anyone’s control and to try and cure something such as what is going on in HIW now is impossible for it is simply natural progression. You only have two choices, Adapt to it like I have or refuse to and fall into obscurity for doing something as trivial as trying to stop the evolution of HIW. So believe in Matt Marvel and Modern day Marvel ‘cure’ all you want should you choose to be so foolish but the promise of the cure itself is just as false as the words uttered from the leader and Elite champion, lie after lie after lie. Just like how earlier in the week and a bit of the week prior to this, Matt talked about how he was going to show me how I should be doing things, in what he would dub I’m sure as the right way. However look where it has gotten him, it has simply proven my point that he must hide behind the façade he has created. For he is afraid to be what he really is, because he knows deep down that he is simply a flash in the pan mid carder who happened to be in the right place at the right time. So despite all of his wins and all of his championships, and all the hard work he put forth trying to look like the greatest thing since sliced bread, it’s all just a cover up. It has become a role he is forced to play because of his shame in who he really is, for he is just like all of you viewers watching out there via TV, webcast or live in the arenas. He is a liar and hypocrite just like each and every one of you. So he does his best to hide behind this façade of a great competitor who will take on all comers and who isn’t afraid of anyone or anything. The truth is though, yes he’s won many matches, and yes he’s held countless championships but he does so hiding beneath a façade, like a good magician. One that you people buy into without fail and believe the hype because you are foolish but I see right through all those illusions, I see past the smoke and mirrors that he places around him to fool you into thinking he’s something special. I’ve called him on things he’s said over and over… watching a promo from him is like watching Criss Angel perform a trick at first your like holy shit how did he levitate from the ground to a ledge in front of him. Fans buy into it as soon as he does or says something and see him as great and untouchable as he says he is just like you do with Matt. I however am the one that looks at that feat of which supposedly makes him great and in the case of Criss Angel says; You do realize there is a false front to his pants, and attached to the false pants is his shoe that is magnetized. So it sticks to his other shoe, he simply takes his foot out of his right shoe after opening the panel on his false pants, steps his matching tight covered leg onto the ledge and raises himself up. The feet stay together due to the magnet and you all watch in awe and believe that he really levitated. Just like your really believe in all that Matt Marvel has accomplished and done, you believe that he is as great as he says he is, he might have you fooled but not me – I’ve caught his reflection in the smoke and mirrors too many times now and have exposed him for it. Why else do you think it is that Matt stops showing his face for a couple days after I shoot a promo at him, telling nothing but the truth. It’s not because he’s busy training or wants to pick his words carefully or any excuse he might through out there. It’s because he has to think of a clever little lie to tell that will allow you all to believe he is still as great as the cover he has built to hide behind has dictated. That’s why he has stopped showing his face for a while after I put him in his place earlier this week. Come to think of it both sides of this support system you have seem to be using the other for gain. I mean think about it while Matt has been not seen from, out busy thinking of his next lie in a vein attempt to look credible, why is it that there has not been one single fan of yours Matt, that you claim to wrestle for because they pay for their tickets which you believe means you owe them something for it’s as if they are paying you. Please face facts the truth of it is, if you build it they will come – it has nothing to do with those fans being played up to and honored or thanked. The truth is whether you admit it or not, is that you care about them as much as they care about you. Why else do you think there has been not one fan asking about you or wondering where you have been or what’s up or even perhaps more important how your doing after that little run in we had with each other, they haven’t wondered or asked and do you know why? The answer is simple Matt, these fans don’t care about you, or idolize you as much as you’d like to believe. The fact of the matter is that these people cheer for you because you will give your soul to them, you will risk it all to entertain them. So for a while both parties will allow you to play the avatar role, So they can feel like they are a part of a team with you and live vicariously though you. Not because they care about you but because they are leaches and will latch on to anyone who will allow, So that they can feel as if they too really helped you accomplish your goals, so they too can feel important. They leach of you to feel important and you will feel the same way as if you are accomplishing something and are truly important, because you’re getting cheers and a fairly large chunk of a spotlight, which you don’t deserve. All of this importance and greatness you feel is based solely because you connect with these pandering masses on what you believe is a meaningful level. Hoping all the while that they truly have your back and rely on you like you rely on them to be there for support, as that all important corner man or another wave of an army on which to fall back on when you and your precious Modern Day Marvels get in trouble. Of course as I’m sure you have figured out by now when the time comes that you really need them they won’t be there for you. Hope and pray that they will be, but where were they when you got tossed through that table – nowhere to be found – they were simply watching the show still as if what happened to you didn’t even matter. You see Matt it is that selfish pride that you hold with these people in the belief that they are part of the reason you have achieved the championships you have and the victories you have gotten, have been with the help and support of all for them. For some reason you feel you owe them something don’t you Matt, so you choose to be there martyr you choose to give them all the credit in the world for supporting you as you compete in the sport you love. It is exactly that which drives you the most that will lead to your down fall. It’s really apparent Matt whether you want to admit it or not but for as good as you are and for as much faith you put in these fans, you will not be able to be a superman at Vital Signs and instill your cure. For you have far to many matches to wrestle in and you will stretch yourself far to thin and as I place my foot on your throat and slowly step down watching you suffer, breaking you down piece by piece until I am ready to finish you off, showing the world once and for all that you might have beaten a lot of people but none of them were as focused or as great a competitor as I am. I am coming into this match more focused and at an advantage then ever thanks to your foolish strategy in the game of mental chess. You have a huge target not just on your chest but your knee as well and all these mistakes you have made this week, just make it even easier on me to pick you apart piece by piece. I know your senseless devotion to these people and your pride won’t allow you to save yourself from a serious injury. So instead you will go ahead and let the cheers of the fans get to you, so you will attempt to fight back but I will stop your breath pathetic come back, in fact I will stop your breathing if I have to in order to take my rightful place. Either way Matt following Vital Signs I can assure you, you’ll end up out of action for several days or possibly weeks. Now here comes the cold water: these people won’t wonder where you are or worry about if you are coming back soon, or if the Modern Day Marvels is finished. That won’t even be an after thought. They will simply scan the sea of wrestlers performing and single out another star that they will latch on to in order to feel connected and fill the void. Yet for some reason you believe that these people who cheer for you are some how going to be loyal to you. What makes you so different from all those in the past? Hmm is it different because you’re going to be the one administering a Cure? No, you are no different than anyone else who has come in here and been overwhelmingly attached to by these parasite like fans, who will use you up and spit you out the second something more interesting or fresh comes along to attract there attention. If you believe you are somehow different and that earning there respect is going to happen, through working hard and carrying around this championship or that championship, or even the fact that you’re the Elite champion as if you can make yourself truly matter from a quick rise to the top, and honestly keep a sacred bond with the fans then you are seriously delusional. Yet I digress, I understand why you pander to these people Matt, not because you really believe you are different or something special but I believe you pander to all of these people because you crave attention, you crave acceptance but just like the red headed stepchild no matter what you do or how well you do it, you will never truly be accepted you will simply be tolerated for a while until, you make just the smallest of mistakes and then it will be time for daddy to get the belt and remind you where you come from and where your place is. It’s bound to happen sooner than later in fact if I had to pick a day I would say it’ll be sooner rather then later. So try as you might to fit in to stay in the good graces of these fans it won’t change what happens when you get placed into a match against someone like me. It doesn’t matter if you are a savior or if you’re promising a cure or if you were a Legend yourself or even if you just showed up as yourself the fan loving; Matt Marvel or if you’re feeling the way you do because you believe that you are the same type of person as everyone in the arena. The only thing that matters is once again as you try so desperately to get the pat on the back and be told you did well, you will fall short you will not live up to expectations. Then just like the step child whose always in the way, nothing you can do will ever be good enough for these people or good enough to get a victory over someone like me. These people that you hold so close are thieves, who will steal every last ounce of your being until you finally burn out. I don’t mean that in the way you’re used to either Matt… I’m not talking about getting high… yes there’s something more than getting high. I suppose burn out wasn’t the best choice of words… go with fizzle out. No matter what word you chose to use in the scenario it all ends the same way. When your career is over nobody will ever wonder what happened to insert fan favorites name here. They won’t care and should you ever wind up in trouble or dead these people will show their true colors. They will accuse you of anything they can think of to explain why, he on drugs, he beat his girlfriend, he in debt, he sold out, he got in with the wrong people. They will never blame themselves even though just like in a case before they will be the reason, they will have killed there own so called hero and not think a second of it. They won’t feel as if they are at fault and in a week or two’s time they will have moved on to another pathetic person who will pander to them and allow them to leach off, those are the people you want to represent? Well fine do that and see where you end up. – See the truth is everything I do and say has a reason. You will ultimately end up with nothing of consequence and just a tarnished long forgotten name filled with just a year of success before he became a nothing filled with personal and professional problems. Turning your once quick rise to success to an even swifter ride to the depths of the abyss. Not to mention the way that I was always to be vilified and seen as the problem in their eyes just like in yours – you too shall be the same as them for they had a quick rise… a faster fall and most importantly not one of them ever – ever beat me. After Vital Sign is over, from that point on now all of the wrestlers in the back all of the fans you have fooled they will all look at you and see you for what you really are. A nothing compared to SBK, for sure you have enjoyed this rise to the top and sure you haven’t lost in a long time … but that doesn’t make you a true champion. A true champion does lose and will admit when he has – just like I have. You see Matt you build yourself up to be the best – but the reality is you are paranoid to lose. You haven’t suffered any true setbacks yet- and when you do you won’t be able to recover, just like fallen stars before who couldn’t hack it in this business – after a quick rise because they don’t know how to deal with being a true winner and true champion. For before you can truly appreciate what it is you have, you must first have found your way through the trials of darkness to fully understand the light. That is something I and a select few here already have a firm grasp on, and it is something you will never understand or at least not until it’s too late. You see the gold doesn’t make you a Real champion, sure all us greats want the gold and do eventually get it. However – the gold doesn’t define people like me...like it does in your case Matt. When you are a real champion like myself you define the gold. That is why the main stories around here have been about myself, Scorpio, Purcell etc these last few months in the headline story and you have simply been page five filler. For we don’t need to be undefeated, be a double champion or world champion or even bother kissing up to the fans in order to be the big story in the main event picture. We don’t pretend to be something we’re not. I’m Johnny Styles losses, wins, championships, set backs and all. I am who I am scars and all sorta speak it’s an open book with me. I don’t find the need to hide behind what I want people to see me as like you do. I am real while you hide desperately behind this untouchable like façade because you haven’t truly figured out who you are. You need to face it Matt after Vital Signs your star will forever be dimly lit at best once I snuff it out. For no matter what you say or do after I put you in your place at Vital Signs, Everyone will see what you do and hear the words you speak and know it’s all a façade wrapped up in a bullshit lie, for just like I have done from the get go the HIW world shall be able to now read you, like a polygraph. Finally allowing them to see you in a whole new light as the pathetic liar you are. -- FIN -- |