Au Revoir
Part Two

A young, cocky yet talented star walks into HIW. She manages to get a few victories and earn herself a championship. But she wants more. She wants to rule the place. So she brings in her sis and another guy, who enjoyed recycling and together as a group they accomplish their goals. They take over the company. They are the undisputed rulers of the HIW. But then power goes to their heads. They can't co-exist. One gets the boot from HIW for airing reruns, the sister who was brought in to aid her to the top, gets a shot to be at the top. Soon, she'll be left alone, woundering just what happened, unsure of where to go. She stops caring until she meets that one enemy, that one man who forces her to really show everything she has to offer, who forces her to work her ass off, the man who forces her to care.

The story of Katherine Stryfe

My story? I've spent the last year of my life with one eye on the ring and another on my personal life. I have a family now, a wife, a future away from wrestling. One day I hope to have children and when they're old enough to ask about what daddy. I did for a living I want to be able to show them video of Johnny Styles winning matches cleanly. I want them to see promos that aren't filled with threats and swearing. I want them to see their dad as a good guy, as a hero. I don't want them to see me as the egotistical, arrogant bastard that took this company by storm all of those years ago.

But if that's the case, I won't be showing them No Exit.

Because in a way the real Johnny Styles has sold himself out. He comes out to the ring with a smile on his face. He has respect for everyone. He places the needs of the HIW far before his own. The Johnny Styles you see today is here to soak up experiences, he's here to work hard and leave the ring with his head held high.

But even that's not the Johnny Styles you're going to see on Sunday night.

This is could very will be my last match Kat. And it's going to be an all out war. Will I work my ass off? You're damn right I will. Will I appreciate the fans and this company? Until my dying days. Will I win a championship I created? You bet your ass. Will I walk out of that ring with my head held high? I sure hope so. But the difference on Sunday night will be that the old Johnny Styles will be back. Will I do everything I can to win, even if that means mutalate a female's body? Every FUCKING chance I get. Will I thumb you in the eye, hit you with a chair, choke you with a cable? You'd better be ready for it. And will I use every God dammed dirty trick in the book to make sure that you are the one pinned on Sunday night?

You haven't seen anything yet.

Because you did a stupid, stupid thing Katherine Stryfe. Sure, you can look down at your shoulder and see the Barely Legal Championship there and I'm sure you feel really good about yourself when you do that. But what you also did is you woke Johnny Styles up. No longer can I get by with pure athleticism and quality wrestling. That may have worked 10 years ago, but that's not the case anymore. It's time to bring that edge back. You want to bury me? You'd better be fucking ready to die with me, because I am not going down like the cheap whore you paid last night. Every ounce of blood, every bead of sweat, everything and anything I have to do on Sunday night I will do it. You're going to die. You say you're not sure what made me so fucking good?

You're about to see first hand.

When I became a three time Elite champion, I did it with smart wrestling and raw talent, but I was also completely willing to throw the rulebook out the window and have guys from DOA jump my opponent from behind before - or during - the match.

And you'd better be ready for it.

You're right Kat "No Talent Necessary." Not in this match.

This isn't wrestling.

This is life.

This is real.

You're asking for a reason to care? When I'm bashing your brains in with a steel chair you better pray to God that you have a reason to care about stopping me.

Because otherwise you'll die.

This isn't a wrestling promo. This isn't here to entertain the audience or impress the front office. This isn't even here to impress or intimidate you. I'm beyond that now. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks. All I want is your blood. All I want to do is cause you pain. All I want to do is kill the Living Nightmare.

Au Revoir?

Fuck you.

You're dead.

You fucking no talent, self-absorbed, son of a bitch.

This is the finale for us both