One On The Way: IV

I want to steal your innocence
To me my life it don't make sense
Your strange manners, I love you so

It’s a thought I’ve kept in the back of my mind for a while. What if the child is a girl? What if the child plays with dolls and the child doesn’t want to follow in my footsteps? What if I get detached from this child and she becomes a fan of Samantha? I mean, Jen wasn’t like that. She was a daddy’s girl, so maybe our child will be like that.

I can only hope.

I think this while I touch Sam’s pudge on her stomach. It’s become something I rest my arm on at night knowing this is mine. If you would have asked me weeks ago if I was ready for this I would have said no. Now?

I’m more ready than I was before.

We see the valet as we pull up to the restaurant as I give him the keys to the Lexus.

“You scratch this and I will kill you. No joke”

I stare a hole through his eyes and he gets in the drivers side as I help my wife out of the passengers side. Canoe Restaurant and Bar. Scorpio said it was good. Shit, he gave us a $500 night on the town. I guess it’s about time we lived it up. We settled in our house, finally, and now we’re ready to start anew. I grasp onto Sam’s hand as my Louis Vuitton shirt drapes across my arm. You have to look fancy to be in a place like this. We make our way to the front as Sam looks around in awe. This place is damn nice. Hello England.

“Name please”

The man at the front says while eyeing my wife. I give him a stare through my white Gucci shades.

“Styles. Two.”

“Ah, yes. The special seating. Follow me sir”

he says as I grab Sam’s arm again. She looks phenomenal in her pale peach dress and a white sash around her waist. Breathtaking as per usual. We make our way over to a table overlooking the city skyline.

Samantha: “It’s beautiful”

Sam says as her breath is taken away by the English skyline. I smile and pull her chair our for her.

“For you Madame.”

Samantha: “Why thank you.”

“What can I get for you two… to drink, that is.”

“Do you have Nino Franco?”

“Yes we do.”

“A bottle of that”

I say and sit down and look into my wife’s eyes. I can get lost in these for hours. Tonight, we celebrate. We celebrate the death of the old and the birth of the new.

Your little problems, they're not yours they're mine
Come on listen to what I say

This place isn’t half bad. The owner has come out and asked how everything was. It’s great so far. I mean, look at her. She’s happy. I haven’t seen her this happy in years. She’s always so worried. Usually worried about me, about us, and about life. She never worries about herself. I always worry about her and make damn sure I take care of her. I was immature years ago. I won’t let her slip again.

“How is yours honey?”

she looks up at me and wipes her mouth of the halibut she’s eating.

Samantha: “Mine is great. You can’t mess up a ribeye”

She says and I just smiles.

Samantha: “Isn’t this lovely? I mean, England is a fabulous place.”

“I told you it would be great.”

Samantha: “You know me. Always worr…”

“…Always worrying, yes dear. I know you too well. How is yours?”

Samantha: “It’s great. I think the baby will love halibut when it gets older”

she says with a smile and looks down at her stomach.

Samantha: “Isn’t that right?”

“The baby will love seafood. Hell, it’s the thing that makes us who we are. It’s odd: every Gray loves seafood. Must be a stylish thing”

I say with a smirk and Sam just chuckles.

Samantha: “Yeah, maybe. Now you have me addicted”

she says with a slight smirk and I just smile back. The stars paint a lovely picture on the outside as Sam takes a drink of her champagne.

Samantha: “Is this good for the baby?”

“Hell, my baby can get drunk at an early age.”

Samantha: “You know what I mean. Will it damage it?”

she asks and she looks at the wine glass and puts it down.

Samantha: “I think I’ll just have water for the rest of the evening.”

“Well, can I have your wine?”

I jokingly ask and she pours it in my glass.

Samantha: “I just don’t want to take any risks. There’s a history of birth defects in my family and I want this to be perfect. Here I am, almost thirty with a loving husband and a child on the way. I want everything to be just right”

she says with the sincerest of looks. I grab her hand across the table and look at the wedding ring on her finger.

“Don’t worry. It’ll be perfect. And if by some chance it isn’t I will be right there with you. When we got married, I vowed to be with you through everything. I promised you I would take care of you. I love you. Here I am, almost thirty with a loving wife and a child on the way. Everything is already just right”

I say as our eyes lock and the waiter comes and presents the check. We say nothing as he walks away and we continue to look into each other’s eyes. I’ve been on this earth for twenty nine years and I’ve never seen a prettier sight than the one right in the front of my face.

Samantha: “I love you”

she says to me and I just smile as we both lean in to kiss. The first time in weeks we haven’t argued, thrown something, and been worried about something. All we have is us. In the end, that is all we need.

Together again, like the beginning
It all works somehow in the end


"Everywhere I go I get the same fucking questions, How does it feel to be apart of a winning Lineage. And the answer is always simple, Fucking fantastic, I did what I told everyone I was going to do, I went into RTTR and took the Elite Championship, and in the process showed the world how big of a joke Eric Young was, and how HIW is a even BIGGER joke in it's self. I am a eight time world champion, I'm also the man who well step into Vital Signs and shit on who ever is peared across from me, weather it be one brave soul or the whole HIW pathetic roster! And in the process single handy destroy the HIW in one single night. I need this win, you see. I need this win because above it all, I need to etch my name in HIW history. I am already there, beating Young and all the other stellar accomplishments but if – when – I win this here blind date, I will be that much closer to being called the greatest in HIW history. I well be called the Executioner of the HIW. THE BLACK PLEDGE if you may."

"The things I’ve done to get to this point in my career. The bodies I’ve had to dismantle to get to greatness. Sure, the World title was nice and all, but I lost it in my first real title defense. Back then, however, I was not complete. I stand before you complete. I stand before you a man I never thought I would be. How many people can say they have beaten all the people I’ve beaten? Not too many, And for me to be standing here with the Elite Championship after the verbal lashing I gave are chairmen, just shows how great the HIW really is"

"It's two highest champions hate this fucking company!"

"But I guess are fearless leader Scorpio is to busy touching up his new highlights, comparing himself to my bobble head doll to even notice."

"Some Chairmen"

"Do any of you even think he pays any attention to anything we do here?"

"That's like saying The Olsen Twins aren't crack hoes"

"Do you think he paid any attention to any of my promos? Of course he didn't the fucker was to busy spamming up Eric Young's good-bye speech. Way to go Boss, Kick a old friend when he's down. Remind me never to hand you a knife while my back is turned. Scorpio your a disgrace to everything in the world of wrestling. You don't have friends, and Greg Manix and the rest of the Geek Squad at eXperts picking dingle berries from your crusty sag don't count. Sorry Mate”

“Facts are facts, and The HIW is on a downward spiral, hell DUW is rising higher then this shit hole. And that’s TEWF take 86!”

“Oh did I really say that?”

“Sorry Drake, but the fact remains I like being called champion even if it’s for a promotion headed to the dumps, I guess I am stealing your “JWF Invasion” Gimmick, how did that do By the way?”

“That’s right I folded the company after you made Joe sell”

“Love the Sex tape by the way, but I’m wondering why did you wait so long to air it bro? I mean the ordeal with Cutie Pie and Joe Faggo happened so long ago, and it was just months ago you came clean with the tape. I bet it really was hard for you to give up your sperm producing aid ay broody?”

“Guess I should ease up a bit since you’re no longer blowing Scorpio anymore. You two have some sort of animosity, right? Whatever, it’s like a soap opera between you two. And now I could end up facing you this week? This is pretty laughable."

"I kid Drake, I kid. Were still buddies, even if you got some crust around your lips"

"I kid Bro, I kid I'm just so fucking Marvelous!"

"Other wish they were this Marvelous, hell some even call themselves "MAREL"ous!"

"Some peace of work you tossed out there, sad thing is it took all your effort, and it blew more then Amy Winehouse's crack addiction. Yea I know you've been patting yourself on the back with that one. Giving yourself the "Atta Boy" chant, It just sucks that your "Championship" material was like watching a Hillery Duff movie!"

"Please, Matt tell me what the fuck you were thinking doing that promo? Is there something that you want to tell us that the company doesn’t know? Are you eating too many Hash brownies to remember who the fuck you could end up facing? You’re not facing “The Never Ending” Purcell. You’re facing a completed Living Legend."

"See, I’ve come back and completed myself. I defeated someone who many superstars cannot say they have beaten. I defeated every big name this game has to offer. I made the monarch of the mat pass out from pain. If you thought that was something of a masterpiece, then you’re in for a rude awakening."

"You’re in for something called a massacre if we meet."

"Put it this way Matt, you the little puppy scampering around my yard. You're pissing on everything and you're a fuckin’ nuisance. You need a muzzle but won't accept it. So now I'm left with not options and I have to get rid of you. You could have been something big instead of some joke of what you are now. If you would have stayed under my wing you could have followed in my footsteps. You could have even main evented a PPV or someshit (and I'm not talking about DUW Purcell...Your next bitch) but instead you held open the curtain for me to trash you"


"This match if to happen won’t be based off of ‘Best Face’ and ‘Best Heel’, kid. In my eyes, I’m the best face and the best heel. This is a match against ‘Good Wrestler’ against ‘Bad Wrestler’. You happen to be the latter. Don’t you feel privileged? I would if I were you. It’s not often that people like yourself get to face people like myself. I’m everything you wish you were. You can retort saying that you aren’t anything like me, but deep inside next to your doggy heart you know you want to be like me. You want everything I have. The money, the power, the woman. You envy me because I’m a success and you’re one of those people that second guess themselves."

"But at least your not dubbing me, at least you haven't hit the low of Scorpio"

"Hold on, I need a smoke."

"Ok… that’s better. Where was I? Right, fucking with Matt Marvel’s mind."

"Playing with people’s mind is something I love to do. Matt knows this because he stated it. That, and that I’m not a man. Wait… I never proved I was a man. Matt, did you see my match at RTTR? What I went through is what men do to get what they want. What I did is what men do to survive. I was the hunter and I savagely destroyed the enemy."

"I was a man."

"I have zero respect for you Matt. None, zilch, nada. No one can call themselves a wrestler if they have to gamble with Under age chicks"

"Ladies and Gents I give you the R Kelly of HIW"

"Face it Matt, You’re just a little bitch just like Eric Young was. Nothing more and nothing less. But, everything happens for a reason right? You did that to make a name for yourself and you succeeded. Congrats."

"Vital Signs, something will happen for a reason. Your life expectancy will shorten a few years if we meet. All thanks to a tragic End Result. You’re welcome in advance."

"Purcell, you're like a bad rash I can't seem to get rid of. I mean I leave one promotion, and poof you follow, I come to another promotion and Son of a bitch your there to!"

"I got a Mini-Me and a stalker, I feel so blessed!"

"Hey Purcell were good friends right, I mean how's it been? The last time I saw you, I was driving you face first into the matt with a deadly End Result at DUW."

"I hope your Ego still isn't bruised"

"Second thought, I hope it is, as far as I'm concern I should have dropped you ten times harder, Should have broke your nose, you know give you something to remember me by."

"You’re fresh meat, Purcell. You’re still walking around in the pig pen so very naïve. and if my name is called against yours at VA, your slaughter is on the main stage for the night. Millions will line up to watch you become a victim, again, to a tragic End Result."

"But Purcell, people know who I am. I’m an asshole. I’m a jerk. I’m that son of a bitch parents tell their children to not imitate. I’m Johnny "Fucking" Styles baby."

"I’m the man who made you so popular at DUW."

"There is no stopping me, Purcell and you know this first hand playa, When I am motivated and when I am on point, you can’t beat me. You’ll come with something about how you’ve beaten me before or how you’ve changed, but don’t. I don’t want to listen to little kids talk about how they’ll get the bully this time. You’ll never beat me Purcell, so stop. Take a breath and think about this match if its booked. Just lie on the mat like a fish out of water. Let me put the harpoon through your heart and get it over with quick. But, knowing you, you’ll fight the harpoon and try and attack me. Then and only then will I make your death last for a long time."

"I’ll make you hear every bone in your body crack. I’ll make you watch your tears pour from your eyes as your cry for forgiveness. I’ll force you to take every remark, slur, comment, or question towards me and cram it down your virgin throat. You’ll remember this match, Purcell. You’ll tell your wife that the reason you can’t produce children is because of ME."

"This is something you’ve never experienced. See, Purcell, I’m the Elite Champion for a reason. I’m not fighting for something. I am something. You’re still fighting for something and you’re absolutely nothing. I help you keep your job. I help you pay for the McDonalds dinner you have while traveling from show to show."

"You’re welcome Mate"

"At VA if your card is up, it will be a wake-up call. VA will be the day you realize that you really aint nothing special. You’ll realize that you’re nothing but a joke, a nobody and a failure. I’m a trendsetter, kid. You’re just… not. While you’re sitting in a locker room looking at Playboy, I AM a playboy. I am the bedroom messiah and I am the King of HIW."

"And if were paired against each other you’ll realize this. If it happens, your back is broken, and your crippled as is spuming like a modern day Brian Pillmen, That I really am this fucking good."

"Looks like I found the cure to this rash."

"Who's next...Luke Perry WTF?"

"Wait that was a typo, its Luke Knight...Yea I'm still saying who that, at least if it was Luke Perry we would know who the fuck the kid is, instead of a 90210 burn out we got Luke Knight, a nobody"

"Luke, if we meet all I ask is...don’t make this match anything it aint. Don’t try and force the thought of respect down my throat. Don’t try and gag me with words of you wanting this one chance to face the Elite Champion. This is about championship gold and that’s all it will ever be about. It was great you won the UK Championship, but like everything else No one gives a rat ass about the UK. At least if it comes down to us, You can say you were my opponent on HIW's big return. You are out to be the first victim of a newly born God."

"You’re going to be the victim of a man who puts the asses in the seats and the one who keeps you employed. You’re going to be the victim of the one who has done it all and beaten them all. The list ranges from one legend to another to just about everyone who has crossed paths with me. You’re about to be the victim of the man who brought HIW back from its knees to the promise land."

"Luke, are you ready?"

"If this match is to happen it's not going to be for the faint at heart. You see, there well be more to this match than you understand. This is about me being a champion HIW has never had, and I'm not like Eric Young, I aint retiring!"

"There’s no stopping me from being the Greatest HIW superstar EVER!"

"See why I’m God, Luke?"

"This is what I live for. I live for people like you to try and take what I’ve earned. I want you to give me a challenge Luke. I want you to bring your best. And when I bring my best, it will always trump you."


"Believe in destiny and believe in hope. You’re not a legend and you never will be. You’re nowhere near my league or anywhere above it, as you might want to claim. You’re the thing on the bottom of my shoe that’s bugging the shit outta me. You’re the pounding ache in my hand right now. I want to get rid of you but I have to wait. Wait to see if are time comes up, that is when I get rid of the pain. That is when I well take out Luke Knight!"

"Am I done yet, this shit isn't fun, this is like lining up a row of cows as they go into the grinder one by one!"

"What about the "Biggest Come Back since Jesus" Jeremy Vaan...Biggest comeback? I'm sorry mate, but who the fuck are you again?"

"Guess it isn't a come back when no one has any idea who the hell you are."

"You see Jeremy I don't see anything in you, but I can see something in your eyes when you look at me, it's the same thing that's in everyone's eyes when there paired against me"


"Your looking at the Elite Champion, the guy who did what no one thought he could do and beat become the Elite Champion for a second time if you count my run playing Dwyane Johnson."

"It’s not looking good for you Jeremy if were paired against each other"

"Look, Jeremy, I know your trying to be a cocky SOB, I know your trying to make a comeback, even though your first time around no one had any idea who you are, I know this bro, I know you suck and I know it took you like 20 attempts to get a full application to the offices of HIW. Couldn't figure out how many E's are in Jeremy now could yea? But check it Vaan, you mounting a comeback and your doing a really lack luster job of it."

"Sorry to drag you in the mudd, like this...Alright I'm not..."

"Let’s face it Jeremy, you’re in the 'Eric Young' situation. You can try and be the face of HIW but when it comes to facts you’re just not HIW. When someone sees HIW they don’t see someone trying to be The Standard. They want someone who goes above and beyond the standard. They want someone who takes action against pissants trying to run amuck on his turf. You, sir, are not that kind of person."

"You’re just in the middle, looking for some acceptance."

"In reality, Jeremy, you don’t have a place here. You’re just… here. People don’t go crazy when you come out. People don’t go ‘Holy SHIT, there he is!’ or anything like that. You’re just stuck in mediocrity. On the other hand, I’m the most hated man in wrestling. People don’t appreciate what I do and I really don’t care. Fans want to kill me yet they always go crazy for me. It’s like they’re happy to see a fresh breath of air in wrestling. It’s like I’m the savior of wrestling from people like you. I’m The Entity and I am the king of HIW."

"Get used to it."

"Jeremy, I don’t give a rat’s ass if you think I’m a joke or not because when you don’t beat me if you get the shoot, you’re going to look fucking retarded."

"In the end, it’s how you’ve always looked. Right?"

"To think that I don’t have a high tolerance for pain is to say that you are even good. You can’t say that, Jeremy. You know nothing about me. You know nothing about what I’ve done in my career. You don’t know the battles I’ve won to get where I am at. You know what you want to know about SBK. It’s a circle that I’m tired of Jeremy. A ridged, unkempt circle that everyone here tries to follow."

"Not this time."

"What makes you think that you can beat me if your called to the plate Jeremy? What, deep down in that chest of yours, believes that you can beat me? What forces you to get the extreme honor of facing me in the ring? It’s like I said to you before, kid. Just because you get handed a shoot doesn’t mean you are guaranteed the championship. I was guaranteed it when I pinned Eric Young’s limp carcass at RTTR. And for the second time, I ruled the HIW kingdom. I was the lion among all the rabbits and possums. I’m still the lion among the rabbits and possums and every month or so, some rabbit tries to take down the lion. I’m lying on the grass, licking my paws trying to keep myself clean and I see a little rabbit hop over."

"This time, it could be you Jeremy."

"You cock your head a bit and I just take a deep breath and get up. Without hesitation, I pounce on you and my claws tear wounds into your fur. The fur begins to turn red and you whimper in pain. All the other rabbits and possums you thought were your friends cower behind a tree as they watch as I maul the hell out of your body. When it’s all over, all that is left is blood in an ever growing puddle all over the grass. Then I’ll return to my position in the grass licking the blood from my claws."

"A job well done."

"Evaluate all the steps necessary to beat me. Do you wish to suffer the fate of Eric Young? Do you want that fate? If not then you better cross your fingers and hope not to be named my foe, because When you look at me in the ring, the mind games will have done their job. All your beliefs of wrestling better than me can go out the window when your head explodes like a watermelon on stage due to a severely above standard End Result. I’ll be the Leo Gallagher of HIW and everyone will clap and applaud when I smash your brains all over the ring."

"Then you’ll finally understand why Eric Young left. You’ll finally understand why I’m a the Elite champion and you have yet to grace the title. You’ll finally understand why you want what I have and I don’t want anything you have. You have nothing. I have everything. If are card is pulled, I guarantee it will stay that way. I will remain The BEST and you can go back to being what you always have been."


"Just Like Joey Daniels"


"I said the same fucking thing, feels like I've been saying this shit all fucking night!"

"Joey Daniels is nothing but, you guessed it, another name on the what if list."

"I mean, let’s face it. This Joey Daniels fella has been back and forth with companies more times than Lindsay Lohan has done lines of cocaine. He always appears and tries to say he deserves this, that, and the other. I guess he gets the shot at the greatest wrestler alive because he would get big then go MIA. Seriously, the Eric Young strategy doesn't work."

"Anyways Joey, just like everyone else, posses no threat on so many other levels as well. You’ve have a chance to throw mud at the champ and you haven't even been seen? Yeah, that makes sense. If you thought you were good at mind games or mind manipulation, then you should reconsider your philosophies. You should reconsider everything you do because so far your pathetic."

"Joey you have to realize, you can’t do anything to get the upper hand on me. You can’t come at me from behind, you can’t make a failed run in to save someone, and you sure as hell can’t get into my mind. You pride yourself on being A prophet. You pride yourself on being the one who is at the top; the supreme ruler of HIW. But to be at the top, you need desire or the fire in your eyes. I honestly don’t see any fire in your eyes. I honestly don’t see you wanting this championship. If you do, then that’s a huge shock to me but ask yourself this: why do I want this championship? Is it because you want the gold… the power, or is it because you want to rid me of my throne. A throne I’ve had for less then a week and everyone is already calling me the greatest champion EVER!"

"Let’s see what the answer is if your number is called"

"Or, if you want, I can tell you the answers now. Do you want the power? Well, you might want to add something to your Hall Of Fame resume saying you defeated the greatest HIW champion ever. You might want to try your shoot at being a SUPERSTAR. Or do you want to dethrone me? Do you want to try and stop my Manifest in its tracks? That would make you and the rest of the HIW locker room very happy, wouldn’t it? I’m sure it would. Almost as happy as it will be when I take your voice box from your throat so you can keep my name out of your mouth for good."

"Believe that Joey"

"Still, you’re going to come at me full force to fulfill some sort of personal destiny. You want this win more than anything in your life so you are going to try as hard as you can. You’re going to crack in the ring and while you’re not Humpty Dumpty, you will have a great fall."

"It will be the fall from this invisible pedestal you’re standing on."

"You think you’re so good and you think you’re the best. Well, Joey, when you’re not atop the proverbial mountain, you’re just another climber inching your way to the top. Then when you don’t reach the top, your fall will leave you scattered. Your body will be scattered as I tear you limb from limb and throw your body parts to the left and right. Your mind will be scattered to the point where I, finally, force you into retirement and save the world from the trash we call Joey Daniels."

"You all can thank me later."

It’s what I do, Deka Zukito. Sorry fucking allergies are kicking in, hahahaha, not that funny mate, Your a Chinises Superstar and I'm sure ill be in for a night of kung fu kicks and all that good bullshit. Yes its all bullshit, just like the Chiniese Gymnist being over 16 years of age, its all bullshit!"

"You See Deka, and Joey When I see a person like you two try and take what is mine and I just dismantle you. I take what pride you have and crush it. I take what ability you have and I cripple your legs so you can transfer your ability to playing wheelchair basketball. That’s the only time you’ll have some sort of recognition. It will be when people see you and they have pity. They’ll comfort you and for the first time in your life, you will be recognized. You will be known as the former wrestler turned cripple-ball hero. You’ll finally be someone people can relate to. You’re a commoner now and I don’t relate with commoners."

"Which is why destroying you two in the ring will be so enjoyable."

"I’m not going to make this easy on you two, In my eye's its about that time to get rid of you young bucks, it is time to Old Yeller your young asses. One bullet, for Joey and another for Zeka, and you’re both done. Or maybe, for fun after you’re dead, I’ll roll you over on your back and put the shotgun to your nose and pull the trigger. If your blood happens to fly on my face, it will make the job even better. So don’t plan on a wrestling career after this match. In fact, don’t plan on having any social status because I’m going to make your face look like Rocky Dennis."

"Too late, it already does."

"Zeka, you should have been laid to rest at birth, lucky you were the first born, now I get the pleasure of laying you to rest Deka"

"Your death is now, kidios. You’ve both been a couple of dead man walking for years and you’re just now getting ready to sit on the electric chairs. You’re guilty as charged for trespassing on my turf. Once I hit the switch, there is no turning back. And while the lights in the room blink and your body shakes from the excruciating pain, you’ll see God standing in front of you with the most devilish of smiles. Your days of claiming to be HIW are over. I am HIW and there is nothing you can do about it. Especially not at VS. That is when I officially get my own kicks, kicks of just dragging the bodies of the Fuckers who utter my name, or come across against me along"

"This is done, This is over, This is Epic, this is Greatest promo ever..."

"This is my Championship."

"Cause Life is my Bitch..."

"And this is A wrap!"
