
Commenwealth Championship

Makayla Fox def. Twilight Rayn

One Shot Contendership

Brandon Maddox def. Chad Vargas

One Shot Championship

Skit-Zo def. Drake Daniels

Main Event: Tag-Team Match

Porter MaCleod and Jinx def. Hallow Wicked and Requiem

June 14, 2009
Live from Defi Ariake Arena, Tokyo Japan


The WU logo flashed across the screen and the opening video to Parental Advisory began to play. "Accidents" by Alexisonfire is the theme and it ran behind highlights from past WU events. And the events that took place at Screaming for Vengeance as Requiem is crown the new Champion for the second time, as we witness Jinx being screwed by Hallow Wicked and the return of Porter MaCleod

We then cut to the crowd, who were, as always, rowdy here in the Defi Ariake arena in Tokyo. Signs all over the arena tonight, some of the best reading; "Why Req why?!', 'Real Men wear skirts', 'JINX – STILL World Champion fuck Wicked'

Jacob Smith is sitting behind his desk as his first Parental Advisory is about to air. HE is viewing the ratings for the PPV Screaming for Vengeance, and he doesn’t look happy about them. A knock is heard at the door.

Smith: “It’s open!”

He goes back to reading the ratings, and you hear a voice come from behind the door.

Santiago: “No its not, its closed.”

Smith slowly looks up from his ratings and his mouth drops. He whispers.

Smith: “You stupid motherfucker.”

He gets up and goes to the door and opens it. Santiago comes on in.

Smith: “What do you want cock stain?”

Santiago: “I just came in to tell you that I didn’t appreciate what you did to me last week at Screaming for Vengeance. I am a professional, and I deserve to be treated like a professional.”

You can see his eyes are tearing up, ready to cry.

Smith: “Are you crying?”

Santiago: “No, something flew in my eye.”

Smith: “You fucking pussy, you are crying.”

Santiago: “I AM NOT!”

Santiago rubs his eyes. He turns to leaves, and when he does, he runs right in to Peaches, almost bumping heads with him. Peaches looks at him, with very seductive eyes.

Peaches: “You found me beautiful once..”

Santiago hurries out of the room, knowing what it was Peaches was referring to. Smith looks at Peaches.

Smith: “Great, I get rid of one fagot and gain another. Its like a never ending cycle of fagots here.”

Peaches laughs.

Peaches: “Don’t worry boss, you are not my type.”

Smith: “I am not sure if I should be relieved or offended by that.”

Smith said that sarcastically.

Smith: “What do you want fruit loop?”

Peaches: “I wanted to tell you just how much I enjoyed the PPV. You gave me a whole night of nothing but shear gratification. I mean, I got to see Jinx, Requiem, Skit-Zo, and tons more. Needless to say boss man, I had the lube in stand by.”

Smith looks at Peaches with a disgusted face.

Smith: “What the fuck is the matter with you?”

Peaches: “What do you mean boss man?”

Smith: “I mean what the fuck is the matter with you? Were you dropped on your head as a child, or was your momma a crack whore?”

Peaches: “Why don’t we got off of mothers boss man.. I just got off your’s.”

Smith looks furious.

Smith: “Well you are a load that your daddy should have made your mom swallow you little cock sucker.”

Peaches starts to tear up.


Peaches runs out of the room.

Smith: “I knew I should have never bought this shit place.”

Smith sits back behind his desk and continues to read the ratings as the scene fades…

[Makayla Fox Vs. Twilight Rayn]

Fox raised her right hand to gesture a friendly high five before the match began, but Rayn rolled his eyes and punched him in the mouth. Fox staggered but kept her balance, briefly placing her hand on her mouth and dodging another punch, throwing an elbow against Rayn’s chest and following with a short-arm clothesline. Rayn quickly recovered and nailed Fox with a roundhouse kick, flooring her. Fox got back up, parried an incoming punch and took Rayn down with a drop toehold. She turned around and began to back away when Rayn furiously stood onto his feet, yelling as he was clothesline against one of the corners of the ring. Rayn stepped back and Fox staggered forward, only to be kicked in the midsection and lifted into a vertical suplex position. Fox quickly escaped the attempt, fell behind Rayn and locked in a cobra clutch. He held on tight, hit him with a bulldog and maintained the submission hold.

The crowd cheered Fox on as she tried to lock the hold in on Rayn for as long as she could, but the bigger man was still too strong to keep down for long, beginning to make his way towards the ropes. When he grabbed the bottom rope, Fox let him go and quickly pondered a new strategy. She thought too long and Rayn attempted to surprise her into a crucifix pin, but Fox was ready for this as well, hooking him into a Million Dollar dream. She quickly crossed her legs and other arms, spun a few times before swinging Rayn into the mat with a bulldog-esque facebuster. This received another pop from the crowd as they supported Fox on. She went for the cover, but Henry Wayne was only able to give him two when Rayn kicked out. Majority of the fans booed at Rayn’s persistence and Fox sat up, contemplating again. She turned around and noticed Rayn was dazed, walking over and lightly tapping his side with his right foot. Without an immediate reaction, Fox pulled Rayn onto his feet, Irish whipped him into the ropes and took him down with a leg lariat. Fox had the match under control as she took a moment to clap for them, their cheering growing louder.

Makayla Fox nodded, turned her attention back to Twilight and Irish whipped him to one of the corners, nailing him with a flying forearm smash. From here, Fox attempted the Femme Fatal, but Twilight managed to reserve it into the True Blood, dragging her from the second rope and applying more pressure around the neck and head. Stopping in the middle of the ring, Twilight kept a stern hold on Fox and the fans booed in disapproval. Wayne checked on Fox and asked her if she wanted to give up, but Fox answered “no” much to the fans’ delight. Unable to get herself to the ropes within a minute, Fox reached back around Makayla’s neck and-- still locked into the True Blood -- nailed a falling neckbreaker, forcing the both of them to fall onto the mat. Wayne looked at them both and began to count to ten. Twilight stirred and turned on his side at two while Fox was trying to regain her breath. Rayne was on one knee at four, but he was able to pull himself up with assistance of the ropes by six. Fox was wearily up right after him at seven and Twilight attempted a punch, but Makayla blocked him and retaliated with a jab, slightly knocking her opponent back. Twilight tried to counter with a wild lariat, but Fox ducked as the crowd yelled “Duck!” Twilight quickly turned to meet Makayla and was met with another jab, avoiding an incoming strike from Twilight, getting behind him at the same time the crowd yelled “Duck!” again. Frustrated, Twilight faced Fox, but he was forced to the ground by an unavoidable STO. “Goose!” finished the crowd as Fox grinned and dragged him to the center of the ring. Makayla wasted no time as she leaped to the top rope nailing the Femme Fatal granting her the title defense…

Samantha Love: Here is your winner Makayla Fox!

[Bat Shit Crazy]

The scene fades in on the beautiful lights of the Tokyo. The streets are crowded and in amongst the crowd is Jinx, carrying as Styrofoam belt, talking to himself. He is asking himself question about the title and answering them.

“So Jinx, how does it feel to still be champion?”

Jinx answers his own question.

“Well, it feels great to be honest with you. I am extremely honored.”

He asks himself another question.

“Jinx, how do you feel about Porter announcing himself as the new #1 contender for your title?”

“Well, I don’t know how I feel about that, really. I don’t know if I am happy or pissed about it, but either way, I will show him that real men do not wear kilts.”

He finally gets to the arena. He looks up to see the advertisement showing above. He raises the Styrofoam title over his head, and to an empty street, screams.

“Your champion has arrived!”

A peddler standing outside the arena looks up at Jinx and laughs.

Guy: “Come on man. You are not champion anymore. Requiem is. He beat you.”

Jinx looks at the guy with anger.

Jinx: “I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t, I said I don’t.”

Guy: “Yeah, you do. It happened. Hallow Wicked came out and made you his bitch.”

That was the last straw as Jinx tackled the man. He gets on top of his and starts beating in his head. He throws punch after punch after punch and once his hands hurt from punching, he picks up the guys head and slams it into the concrete sidewalk. Once Jinx feels like he has had enough, he gets off of him and goes for his title.

Jinx: “I am the champion.”

He looks up at the advertisement again and as he does, it changes. It now says ‘WU Champion Requiem in action tonight.’ Jinx falls to his knees and stares down at the title.

Jinx: “Hallow will pay.”

He stands up and tears the Styrofoam title to shreds. He walks in the arena, heading to the ring to get his revenge.

[Chad Vargas Vs. Brandon Maddox]

Chad and Brandon Maddox locked up quickly with Maddox taking Chad down into a headlock. Chad shoved Maddox off into the ropes and upon his return, greeted him with a stiff boot to the mid-section. Chad then hit the ropes himself and nailed Maddox with a running neckbreaker. Maddox went down hard and Chad dove for the pin. 1..! Louie Fox couldn't even count to two as Maddox's shoulder shot off the mat. The two warriors rose and Maddox blocked a shot from Fox into a side Russian legsweep. Both men went down but Maddox rolled over onto Chad into a mount. He then began beating on Chad Vargas as the crowd went nuts. Maddox stood, after pounding on Chad for a moment. He greeted the fans, much to their approval.

As Chad Vargas staggered back up to his feet, Maddox took hold of his arm and then ran up to the top rope. He then walked across the ropes, leaped off and caught Vargas with a hurricanranna! The crowd went insane as Maddox recovered and pinned his opponent. 1..2..! Referee Louie Fox's expert eye sees Chad's shoulder come up before the three. Maddox stands, calls to the fans. He charged at him but Chad caught him with a boot to the mid-section. He took a moment to recover and then planted Maddox with a sit-out piledriver. The crowd boo'd as Vargas covered. 1..2..! Brandon Maddox was just able to kick out in time, much to the crowd's delight.

The Confederate Icon stands and looks around into the crowd. Maddox gets up to his feet, but as soon as he does, Chad Vargas plants him with a devastating clothesline. Maddox went down hard to the mat but Vargas was immediately back on top of him. He shot him across to the ropes and on his return, Vargas leap frogged over Maddox. He hit the opposing ropes and on his return, Maddox planted him with the Right on The Money!

Samantha: Here is your winner…Brandon Maddox!

[Prepare for War]

Skit-Zo is in the back, getting ready to head the ring. He opens the door, ready to head out to the ring and take the One Shot title, but as he is heading the ring, the lights in the hall go out on him. They stay off for a few seconds and when the come back on, you can see Twilight Rayn standing directly behind him. Rayn has a smile on his face as he just looks at the back of Skit-Zo. He turns around, and while he is, the lights go out again. When they come back on, Rayn is standing directly in front of Skit-Zo.

They both stand there, staring at one another. Rayn is smiling as Skit-Zo is remembering what happened to him at Screaming for Vengeance.

Rayn: “Prepare for war!”

As soon as he said that, the lights went back out. When they came on, Rayn was nowhere to be found. Skit-Zo stands there, looking around, ready to unleash his fury on Rayn’s head, but he realizes that Rayn is nowhere to be seen. He shrugs and heads out to the ring.

[Skit-Zo vs. Drake Daniels]
[One Shot Championship]

The next bout of the night after the commercial break saw a classic case of speed and power versus technique, as the newly crowned One Shot Champion, Drake Daniels, battled Skit-Zo. Both competitors started off aggressively, displaying an incredibly fast pace. It wasn’t until a stiff knee to the gut, until Skit was able to take advantage. From there, he was able to set up and hurt his opponent with a devastating Headbutt Drop. Skit looked to finish with a cover- 1…2…but Drake snapped out of it.

From there, Drake looked the control the match with her technical ability. Skit was able to reverse a Neckbreaker attempt from Drake, by locking in a textbook Guillotine Choke. It looked as if Drake would pass out from the choke, but he was able to get to the ropes for the referee save. Skit continued his smart, but conservative attack- until he was caught by a thunderous German Suplex which looked to hurt the monsters neck. Skit-Zo saw an opportunity to pin his opponent, but only earned a 2 count as he took too much time to recover.

The sold-out WU audience began to rally behind Drake, as he took over the match at this point. Drake toyed with Skit-Zo, as he waited for him to get to his feet before delivering an amazing Superkick. Drake quickly made the cover- 1…2…….but the Monster Headcase was able to Kickout at the last second. Obviously frustrated, Drake Daniels brought Skit-Zo to his feet, only the reveal a large cut on his forehead. Drake proceeded to work over the cut and damaged neck of his opponent with knees and elbows.

Drake took advantage of this momentum, by nailing Skit with a series of forearm shots. Drake brought Skit to his feet and sent him into the ropes, only to be surprised by a slick roll up attempt from Skit-Zo. 1…2…but the Champion able to kick out. Being upset with this, Drake aggressively charged at Skit and nailed him with his finisher, Daniels Unplugged! 1….2…..NO! Skit-Zo was able to put his leg on the rope at the last second. Drake is shocked, the WU fans are shocked, and Skit-Zo still appears to be in serious trouble.

At this point, Drake seems desperate, as he is pacing around the ring thinking about his next attack. He doesn’t, however, allow Skit too much time to recover. He starts putting the boots to Skit-Zo. Drake looks angry, as he viciously grabs the hair of his opponent and pulls him to his feet- only to be surprised yet again by a deadly Fhate! Skit-Zo rolls Drake up. This time, Skit-Zo used a bit of leverage from the ropes- 1….2…..3!!!

Skit-Zo releases the roll up as soon as the referee’s hand hits the mat for a third time. Drake sits up in absolute shock. Skit-Zo rolls out of the ring, holding the One Shot championship, but the celebration is cut short as Twilight Rayne Stands behind the monster and as soon as Skit-Zo turns Twilight drops the monster with the True Blood! But Rayn doesn’t stop there as he pulls a razor from his thight and begins craving the intails T.R. on to the exposed arm of the One Shot champion!

Samantha: Here is your winner and the new One Shot Champion…SKIT-ZO

[The Wicked Return]

The arena is jam packed under Hallows feet. Every time they erupt with cheers, he can feel the building shake beneath him. He stands up there, lurking in the night, looking down as they walk by him.

“How many nights like these have I stood on these roof tops, watched as they pass me by? Too many, that’s how many. I have been doing this for centuries, and it has worked for me. I am a hunter, a predator, a devil, I am evil in its purest form.”

He takes in a breath of air.

“I don’t owe anybody an explanation for what I did to Jinx. I don’t even owe Jinx an explanation for what I did.”

He looks up at the summer sky.

“Only thing I will tell you people is that Jinx has ducked me long enough. He has avoided me long enough. Now the time has come for him to come face to face with someone just as demented as he is. He has made quite the name for himself, but that name is about to become a forgotten memory.”

The crowd erupts again. Hallow just smiles.

“Reflect back Jinx. Think about the night I screwed you. Let it eat you away like a cancer. But, keep in mind that the torture and the suffering I have caused you thus far is only the beginning of the end of you. Tonight, you will get a glimpse of why I am dangerous. You will see exactly why people hate facing me, and after tonight, you will realize that you, yes you, have met your match.”

Hallow looks back down at the people walking along the streets. He doesn’t blink, he just watches them closely, contemplating his next move as the scene fades.

[ Hallow Wicked and Requiem vs. Porter MaCleod and Jinx ]
Main Event of the Night

Porter and Req started the matchup - Porter looked dismissive of Req at best, and nothing happened in the opening moments to change his opinion. Req backed him into the ropes for an Irish whip, and Porter reversed, shoulder blocking him to the ground. He ran the ropes looking to follow up, and Req rolled to the far side of the ring, throwing him over the ropes and taking advantage of his aggressiveness. Hell quickly broke loose. Wicked rushed across the ring and knocked Jinx off the apron, and Req jumped through the middle rope and knocked Porter off his feet. Wicked showed surprising ring awareness as well, passed up the free shot at Jinx and dove an elbow down on Porter, who's still the active man.

Jinx rolled him back into the ring, followed up with a handful of blows to the head, and finally scoring with a knee that knocked him down. He pressed the attack, rained punches down on him, but Porter rolled Req over, devastated him with a hard right hand that knocked him loopy, and transitioned to a rolling armbar that had the ref checking for a submission. Req grits his teeth and managed to escape, climbed on Porter and transitioned to a camel clutch - Wicked didn't waste time either, going across the apron and booting Porter in the head. Jinx finally had seen enough and kicked Req across the back, which broke the hold. Porter stood and shoved him away, looking less than pleased as he made the tag.

Jinx quickly came out of the apron, and as Req climbed to his kness, Jinx punted him squarely in the forehead, knocked him flat on his back and rather rudely spat in the face of the current World Champion. Jinx stood on Req's neck, choked him with the rope as the referee made the count, and Porter went back, knocked Wicked down before he can interfere. The referee escorted him back to his side of the ring, and Jinx didn't waste any time going for the eyes. When things returned to normal, he threw Req into the corner and gestured for Wicked to make his entrance.

He started with a clothesline - Jinx ducked and staggered him with a headbutt, but Wicked answered right back with a hard right. Wicked rallied, hitting him with a handful of blows that drove him back to the ropes, but Jinx evaded, and Wicked hung himself between the top and middle ropes. Jinx stepped through the ropes and followed with a kick to the chest that knocks him backwards. He tagged in Porter MaCleod - Porter came off the rope with a diving chop block that knocked Wicked off his feet.

Wicked went for the corner, but Porter grabbed him by the shoulder inches from the tag and ran his eyes across the ropes. He followed with a series of knees to Wicked's head and pulled him up with a palm strike. Porter pressed the advantage and hit Wicked with a series of strikes to the body even as he tried to get up.

Porter worked a few suplexes and went for a DVD, which Wicked flipped into a modified swinging DDT. Feeling the comeback, Wicked went for a flipping kick that showcases impressive agility. Impressive, most impressive. The eye rake that followed from Porter was less impressive, but effective. That distracted him long enough for Porter to take him off with an fireman’s slam. Two count.

Porter turned around into a surprising double leg takedown by Wicked, followed by a high-elevation catapult and the crowd MARKED after the bump that Porter MaCleod takes! He went facedown into the mat and flopped around. Wicked took the opportunity to make the tag to Requiem, who rushed in with a sliding basement dropkick. Jinxcame through the ropes, but Req was quick to his feet and dropkicked him in the knee. After rallying the crowd, he dropped the elbow. He went for a pinfall, but Jinx powered out at two. He tried to run the ropes, but Req ran right behind him and landed a stagger inducing knee to the gut.

Req started to follow up, but paused, clutching him head and suddenly fighting a dizzy spell. Unsure what was going on, he fell to his knees, and the crowd quickly alerted him as Jinx rose to his feet. He tried to fight up, and Jinx pulled him up, backhanded Req and hauled him into the corner. Req went for an avalanche - and missed, as Req slipped to the side out of instinct or fatigue. Now both of them are down. Jinx's taken it squarely in the head, and he's knocked dizzy - both of their partners are trying to get the tag. Req got up first, face still red, still panting, and he looked over towards Hallow Wicked, whose hand was already stretched out...

He waved a dismissive hand at him and went to follow up on Jinx - and walked into a Last Laugh from Jinx. The move dropped Req on his head, and if he was in bad shape before, it was even worse. Jinx backs up as Porter tags himself in and hooks the leg of Requiem .

Samantha: Here are your winners…JINX AND PORTER MACLEOD!

Porter gets up standing over Requiem, as Jinx pushes Porter. Porter and Jinx stand face to face before Wicked cleans Jinx’s clock with a spear that takes Jinx out of the ring. Porter grabs the back of Wicked and begins punching the former BLWA champion. But he is cut short as Requiem sets up and punt kicks the number one contender. Requiem stands in the center of the ring holding up the Championship in the mass of broken bodies. As Parental Advisory comes to a close…