_-Caution| ladies and gentlemen, you're about to enter the world of one Cody fuckin' Carson. Easily offended? Fuck off, before I traumatize you for life. If blood, violence, gore, stupid humor,religious jokes, sexist jokes, and a whole lot of fucking sound a little too outrageous for your tastes, then grab your purse, adjust your skirt and get the fuck out of my sight.
_-Pissed off Ranting| Whatever.
_-Till the end.|
Cody Carson sat looking out over the world. Well not really the world but Hokkaido, Japan. He was sitting atop one of the many mountains around the place. He had a red and white CANADA toque on. He has a pair of yellow sunglasses on and a red and white Canada jacket. He was in baggy ripped up jeans and a pair of gloves. I know what your thinking Cody Carson, poor ass mother fucker, how can he afford this. Well, he has a couple of friends that get discounts. 5 fingers that is. He looked like he was part of the Canadian Olympic team. He sat on the top of the mountain and looked around.

Hey Carson!” came a yell from behind him. Cody turned and looked behind him as a man dressed in, a yellow jacket, Oakley sunglasses and a pair of black jeans. He shifted his weight from side to side, coming down and turning forward stopping and sitting down beside Carson. “What’s up dude?” he asked as he lifted his sunglasses. Cody smiled, not knowing if the man has gelled his hair or if it was just frozen that way. “Earth to Cody?”

“Nothings up. I‘m just admiring the view.” Cody said looking back. The snow cracked and made the sound the snow makes as a woman in a pink shirt and a pair of jeans with goggles and a Canada toque plopped down beside him.

“Cody…” She said leaning over and pushing him with her shoulder.

“That’s my name.” He said, pushing her back.

“Leon, Can we have some privacy please?” She asked looking at the man, now know was Leon. He looked at Cody who just smirked and shrugged.

“I‘ll see you bitches at the bottom.” He said standing up and hopping heading down the hill, catching some good air off of a mini drop Carson had stopped just a little bit above.

“Bitches?” Cody questioned with a shake of his head he looked over at the woman. She was pretty. Her face with round and her Reddish Medium brown hair hung out from under the toque and her eyes were brown. She pulled her goggles up and smiled at him with her luscious lips. And reached over, putting her arm around him and leaning her head on his shoulder. He leaned his head on her head and put his arm around her. “So what‘s up?” He asked taking his head on of hers.

“Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing.” She said looking at him.

“Nothings wrong.” Cody said, looking back to the city below the mountain. He took a deep breath and sighed.

“You just seen so distant lately.” She said staring at him, trying to read his reaction.

Cody glanced at her and realised what she was doing. He learned along time ago how to hide everything from almost everyone. Three people in this world could tell what he was feeling. Jalie Thomas, Seth Thomas and Carmen Dumas. Others might have thought they knew but they had no clue. “I‘m fine.” He said, the tone in his voice was strong and hate no hint of pain or confusion in it.

“Cody, you don‘t always have to be the tough guy.” She said, resting her hand on his back. “I know everything that has been going on the last little while.”

“No.” Cody said. “No you don’t.”

“Then tell me.” She said.

“Why do you push this shit so hard Jenine. When there‘s something wrong with you, I don‘t push this fucking hard to get it out of you.”

“So there‘s something wrong…” She said, catching it.

“Nothing fucking wrong.” Cody said raising his voice.

“Don’t you yell at me mister. You just remember all the crap I sent through with you.” Jenine was now glaring at Carson.

“You know what?” Cody said, raising to his feet and clipping the board to the boots.

“What, you just gonna run away again.” She replied. “True Carson fashion.”

This stopped Cody dead. HE was about to jump and start down the hill when she said that. He turned to her and the look he gave her made her regret saying what she said. “I Have never ran from anything in my life. Don’t you ever say I did again.”

“You run from yourself and you run from the truth.” She shot back, she was scared but wouldn’t show an ounce of it.

“How?” Carson asked.

“You run from yourself all the time. You always put your problem down. You never to solve them, you just keep putting them under that layer that you have.” She said, calmly. “And you run from the truth.”

“How the hell do I run from the truth?” He yelled at her.

“Brand James in happy without you. She doesn‘t need you. All she wants to do is use your ass to get what she wants. She loves Rick for Christ sakes. I didn’t she her running to help your ass when You and Jimmy were beating each other up on the outside. No, she was making out with Rick young. Face it she doesn‘t want you.” She glared at him. “You still believe that Seth Thomas will suddenly turn around and be your brother again. Without Carmen around he doesn‘t have to be tied with you. The only reason he puts up with you is because of Jalie.” She took a deep breath. “Face it Cody, without Carmen, Seth will never like you.”

Cody paused for a minute. “I‘ll prove to …”

Jenine cuts him off. “That what? You know how to take a beating?”

“No. That I deserve…”

“His friendship? That world title that you so frequently talk about? Your spot above him?” She questioned. “Your never going to do that. Because you and Seth are so much alike it makes me sick. Never wanting to let the other have the edge over you. Never wanting to just say, fine that’s enough I‘m done. No, you could have ended it all at the last pay per view. But you pushed it. You made it a match that almost killed in about 2 years ago. You talk about being the best… This match only proves that you are fucking dumb.”

“What the fuck do you know?” Cody said, refusing to admit she was right.

“I know that after your match with Jarvis you changed. And no for the better Cody. You changed and thought nothing could hurt you.”

“Nothing can.”

“Bullshit.” She yelled. “That’s all you are any more. Your not superman Cody. You will get hurt.”

“Why the hell do you care anyway?” Cody said.

“I lost Josh, I lost Dan… I don‘t want to lose you.”

“You don‘t have me.” Cody said, taking it the wrong way.

“You‘re like a fucking brother to me Carson” Suddenly she wrapped her arms around him. “Please…”

“I‘m not backing out.” He said taking a deep breath. She looks at him. “But, after this match… win or lose, I will end this with Seth.”



She smiles and then kisses him on the cheek. “See you at the bottom.” She said, turning an heading off the lip, also landing cleanly. Cody watched her go and smiled to himself.

He took one last look around at the scene and smiled. “Till the end.” He whispered to the wind. He bent down and clipped the last clip on his boot and hopped, hitting the lip with a little sleep he popped his knees and got a lot of air, not as much as Leon but still some. He grabbed the edge of the board and shot his arm in the air for balance as the cameras freeze shot him like that. They slowly fade to black.

_-To many days. ¤ Feb 24th 2006 Vs. Seth Thomas ¤|

Some people ask me if I’m dumb? Crazy? Like the feel of the warm liquid running from the face down my body as I stand up to take another chair shot to the face? The answer is no. I’m not dumb, I’m not crazy, and when I’m busted open, I don’t like the feel of it. I do it because its part of my job. Part of who I am and who I want to be. I choose the life of a wrestler, it wasn’t chosen for me.

Seth Thomas, for those of you who don’t know the history between us, Seth and I go way back. Back to my first ever fed. Back to the days where we hated each other and wanted nothing for then to beat the shit out of each other. Back in the RWA. But back then we found a common enemy. An enemy who was my ally. Shawn Walsh. This guy was a dick, one of the biggest ones I have even met. Nothing mattered, not even his wife. Nothing but having that world title around his waist. Seth hated him. And I secretly hated him. Seth couldn’t take him alone, so I slowly eat away at Shawn. Made him think everyone was against him and then we struck. Seth too the title and left we with…. Nothing. I had to go on my own. No one to watch my back nothing. And I did. I won the tag team titles on my own. I defended them on my own and Seth stabbed me in the back when I gave him one. But none of that matters. The past in the past.

See, some who ever watches RWA may say I have turned into the very thing I hated. Some may say I turned into Walsh. Some may say I couldn’t take the pressure of being world champ and that I should just give it up. But anyone that has watches my career would know that I don’t work that way… I fight for everything I get.

I invented this damn match. I made this sadistic match up when I faces Lawrence Jarvis. This match was worth everything to me. it’s a hell in a cell made out of pure barbed wire. Not this cheap shit you get at the stores. I mean true barbed wire. The army barb wire. This stuff will make you bleed and make you scream in pain. Don’t believe me? I was in a match with it already. I hold the record for the only man to walk out of the match still on my feet. I was bleeding, I was hurt and I had Seth, Jalie and Carmen to hold me up. But I still had the National title. I almost ended Jarvis’s career, and my own for that matter. I super kicked Jarvis on the top of the cell, he staggered back and took about 80 percent of the roof down with him as he fell. You remember the look in my eye Seth? When I looked down at the prawn Jarvis, then sprang from the top land landed fuck fear? Do you remember?

You where the first person by my side. The world was spinning and you where the first person there. Look at us now man. I thought we where brother. But I guess Jealously makes us change. Its strange isn’t it Seth. Back in the day I couldn’t beat you. Now it seems what ever you do you can’t beat me. Sucks when the table is turned eh? See, That last man standing match was nothing. Jalie screwed us both dip shit. This time there is no way she can. Well, there is a way but nah. I think she wants this to end just like the rest of the world. I wanted it to end in the last man standing match. I wanted it all to just come to a head and it be done and over with. But you, You don’t want it to end. You don’t want to except the fact that I have surpassed all odds and can beat you now.

Its all you. I know you think its all about me. I know you think that I’m conceded or that I’m selfish. But god damn it I have the right to be. No one in this fucking fed; including yourself, can touch me. I’ve been the world fucking champion since September of last year. That’s five fucking mouths. And still no one has touched me. They have come close, but they haven’t. This fed would have fallen apart without me. I stepped up and took the title from a weaker champion. I stepped up.

There has been talk around the back, that Cody Carson’s time has come. The time for him to give up. Saying I can’t hang with the big boys anymore. The talk around the back of me not being able to do it anymore. Talk of even my retirement. Heh, well talk is cheep. And I sure as hell don’t believe it. I mean sure I have been getting by, by the skin of my ass. But I’m still hanging in there. I’m still here and ready to fight. But I will admit it. I’m not the same. I’m not the same person, not the say man I was back in the day. Some may say I’m stronger because of my past, some my say I’m weaker because of it. I know that I’m twenty seven years old, and I could care less what happens to me…

People think its easy to be a celebrity. People think its fun. Its not fun to have a camera shoved in your face twenty four seven. You don’t have a personal life, You don’t have anything. But Seth, if you want the fame, and you want this belt, I’m not giving it up without a fight. So come Sunday, I plan to see you to the end and back. Hell would be a lovely place to be. Its warm there. But Sunday will defiantly be a Bloody Valentine. The question is, who’s will it be?

©Yves-05-06 All Rights Reserved, bitch.