Lawrence Jarvis
Go ahead you little shit. Say 'You're good. I'm better.' Go ahead. Not like I haven't heard that before. Funny thing is, whenever someone says that to me... I shut their mouths pretty quickly after dominating them in our upcoming match. Is that what lies in your future, Jarvis?
Of course it is.
Nobody cares about you. Nobody cares about the people you have beaten. Nobody cares about your entire family. It's like you push record on the camera to sit there and bore us. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT!
Just shut the fuck up and smile widely. A silent Lawrence Jarvis appeals far more than one that whines about me beating people. Whines about his family. You claim to be undefeated. I was undefeated for about twenty matches is the MFW. Fuck off, tough guy. Four matches isn't shit. And you think you're special? You're nothing. You're the shit the comes out my ass. That gets flushes.
You're in the big leagues.
I see that you bitched about me saying what I did. Go ahead, bitch away. You ARE lucky and I will destroy you. People shouldn't bother to watch. They really shouldn't. It's already obvious as to who will come out victorious. But do you know why the people watch? They just can't get enough of me. I ooze sexuality and the people love that. They really do.
The only thing you ooze is cum in you pants. But the only thing that will ooze out of you at bound of glory is blood.
But I mean really what the hell are you? A fucking clown collage retard. You make me sick, you are nothing to me. All you are is a sack of shit, that will finally be sent to the dump when I beat the living fuck out of you.
Maybe you should just you should just stick to something that you’re good at, blowing up betty and blowing you load on her face. The next time you think about talking shit about me, don’t, it will only get you in more shit then you already are in.
Your so fucking stupid, not only are you boring but your fucking stupid. I mean look at you man, kicking the shit out of a pathetic fan that has nothing to do with me. I will admit, I lost my temper with one of your fucking fans, but I didn’t make a big deal out of it, I just nailed End the Sensation, you, you tie him up, beat the fuck out of him and then scream my name. I mean did I really get under your skin that much? Ha, I no I did you fucking idiot. Why do you think I sit back and take time out of my day to trash the shit out of you? For one reason, to piss you off.
Now, using my material against me eh? Saying that it sound me the other way around. I have to beat you to call myself the Sensation. Ha, I don’t have to do anything, really its you that has to do everything. The pressure is on you. If you lose this match then everyone will fucking point and laugh, calling you a fluke, a wannabe, a nothing. But if I lose this match, big fucking deal, all the shit I said would have become a lie, but its not the first time I have ever lied, and it won’t be the last.
So really you have a lot more to prove then me. When you have to prove something, you want to make the point noticeable, you want me to suffer for pointing out the truth and for being the first person to open up every ones eyes to want you really are. As you little Buddy Jeff said, you need to calm down man. Kicking the shit out of fans and all. Ha ha ha, everything you said before the cameras went off the air was true, but one thing. That one thing is that it is not time for everything to change. Your not going to destroy me. If anything I’m going to kill you.
Jeff was right, I’m not Jason blade, I’m Cody Carson. No one know what I will do next. I’m crazy, and that what make me dangerous. I’m nothing to you right? Ha, its funny you think I’m underestimating you, Well maybe I am. I don’t care man. I know that you come out with flying colors and whoop my ass in the beginning, but I have this thing called heart, and endurance, I can take a lot, unlike you who had trouble taking on Jason Blade. I mean that guy is a fucking loser.
So, I’m a sick little bastard. Oh my god man, that really hurt my manly feeling. Man what the fuck are you talking about? I’m not sick… I feel fine. But I am a bastard, my dad is dead. My mom might be proud of me, if she was fucking alive. Man, get you fucking facts before you start talking shit, go to a fucking grave yard.
So I would have to put your ass six feet under and yank the title from you hands before I could call myself a champion. Ha, that’s fucking funny, because I know I could do that. But I won’t, I will make you cry and beg for mercy before I end you suffering. But you know what, I don’t want to end your suffering. I will let you live with the fact that you can’t beat me. You know what, I fucking hate you, everything you say is just annoying. I mean did you take a fucking lesson on how to talk like you have a dick up your ass or does it just com naturally?
I can’t believe you, you fucking dumb ass. I mean for a guy that has been in the business for 17 plus years and reveals his weakness. I guess old age is starting to take you. I mean you basically told, and showed me your weaknesses. I can lock the fucking ankle lock on faster then you can blink. A couple of shots to the back and I could cripple your ass. I could break your back and end all the pain in both your ankle and your back. But I won’t because I really love to see you suffer. You will be begging me to end your pain. To end your suffering. But you know what, I will spit in your face.
Ha, I still can’t believe that you have been in wrestling for 17 years and you do the most rookie mistake ever. You revealed that you are hurting. That you have weaknesses. I don’t go out and tell everyone my weaknesses, but if you can’t figure it out then you really are stupid. You know what, I’m sick of this fucking clown. Fuck this match and fuck you.