Party Hardy

»The scene slowly opens up and you see Cody Carson’s home, trashed. You see three people passed out on the front yard, beer bottles smashed or laying around. As the cameras pan around to the side of the house you see Spray pained in red “Our National Champion” As we go into the house Cody’s couch has a man passed out, beer in hand. As the cameras slowly make their way up the stairs stepping over people as they go. You see a man laying on the floor in a fireman’s helmet and no pants on, a man passed out sitting on the toilet. A woman is sleeping in a very weird position. The cameras slowly move into Cody Carson’s bedroom where you see Cody Carson out cold. His has no shirt on and his silk checkered boxers are showing. The clock slowly ticks and Cody moves a little. All of a sudden the curtains get thrown open and the bright light blinds Cody momentarily. As he opens his eyes, squinting through the might you see Carmen Dumas standing there.

Carmen: Good Morning.


» He pulls the pillow over his head and starts to drift back to sleep.

Carmen: Cody…?

» You hear a muffled snore through the pillow and Carmen looks at him, cocking her head to the side. She walks over and pokes him.

Carmen: Cody?

» She smiles and then jumps on him, landing ass first on the small of his back. Cody’s head shoots up and she stands up, thinking she has hurt him.

Carmen: You okay?

» Cody falls back down and starts to snore again. Carmen raises an eyebrow.

Carmen: Cody Carson, if you don’t get your ass up right now you will never see me naked… again.

» Cody jumps up and falls off the bed. Carmen laugh as he staggers to his feet.

Carmen: Now god damn it, go have a shower. You got a video to shoot.

Cody:Aw…Since when?

Carmen: You don‘t remember?

Cody: Remember what?

Carmen: Cody hun, you okay? You don’t look to good.

Cody: I’ll be fine.

» Carmen sits down beside him and puts her arm around his shoulders.

Carmen: If you want, we can reschedule.

Cody: I don’t know. I got a lot of shit to do today. I might be able to do it later, but if I no show don’t be surprised.

Carmen: I won’t be. I know you got to prepare for Jarvis and all.

Cody: Why do I have to prepare for him. I’m 10 times better then I was when I faced him the first time. No, I mean I got this house to clean.

Carmen: Ah. Well, if you get the chance, come down to the shoot and watch me, then you can shoot your movie.

Cody: Okay.

» Carmen stands up and kisses Cody on the cheek.

Carmen: Have fun.

Cody: You to babe.

Carmen: I hope to see you later.

Cody: I will try.

» She smile sand kisses him on the lips.

Carmen: I hope so.

» Carmen walks off and head down the stairs. Cody stands up and staggers over to the bathroom. He walks an in slams the door in the cameras face. The scene reopens about 20 minutes later. Cody Carson walks out of the bathroom in a white towel as the people in his house start to come to. Several have already left and the final few are just leaving. Cody walks into his room and opens the sock drawer, He pulls out a pair of boxers and a new pair of sock, opening the drawer under it and grabbing a pair of faded blue jeans and A white wife beater. He looks at the camera man and slaps him.

Cody: You overweight homo get the fuck out of here, no free peep shows.

»The cameras slowly move out of the room and the door closes. After a couple of seconds the cameras cut back inside Cody’s bedroom where he is just pulling on his pants. He buttons them up and picks up on old black belt and feeds it through the loops. He does the belt up and is about to slide on his shirt when there is a knock at his bedroom door.

Cody: Carmen, what?

» The door slowly opens and isn’t not Carmen standing there. Cody still has his back to the door.

Cody: I said what!

» Cody turns around to face her and he is stunned. There standing in front of him is Brandi James-Walsh. She has a white skirt that comes to just above her knees. She has a white tank top on and her hair tied back in a pony tail.

Cody: Brandi… Ummm… What are you doing here?

Brandi: Hey Cody.

Cody: Hey…Umm…

Brandi: Cody, cool down man.

Cody: Where’s Josh…Whatever the fuck his last name is?

Brandi: He’s out in the car. Cody please, try to get along with him.

Cody: What ever Brandi. As you can see I got work to do.

» Cody slides the shirt on and puts a necklace that is sitting on the top of the dresser on. He grabs his wallet and brushes by Brandi who closely fallows him down the stairs.

Cody: Look, what are you doing here Brandi?

Brandi: What, I’m not allowed to stop by to see you.

Cody: Not with him.

Brandi: Cody, you haven’t even given the poor guy a chance.

Cody: And why should I? Is he going to be like Shawn, treat you like gold, but treat you friends and family like shit.

Barndi: That’s enough Cody.

Cody: No Brandi, its not…

Josh: Hey Cody.

» Cody looks over towards the door and You see Josh standing there.

Cody: Hey Josh.

» Cody looks back at Brandi and the two’s eyes meet, both with looks ready to kill.

Josh: Wow, have a good party?

Cody: Yeah.

» Cody and Brandi still have their eyes locked on each other. Cody finally looks away and looks at Josh. Cody just smirks and walks through the bottles and cans and walks past Josh. He turns around to see the two staring at him.

Cody: Brandi, come here for a minute…

» Brandi looks at Josh then walks out to Carson who is just getting into his car.

Barndi: What Cody?

Cody: If you can convince you Boyfriend to stay and help clean this shit up, I will give him a chance. But I got to go get some paint and shit… I seen the boys did a number to the deck and my wall. So yeah.

» She smiles and hugs Cody. He smiles and then backs out of the driveway and Brandi walks back up to Josh.

Josh: What?

Brandi: Nothing.

» The scene fades out as Brandi starts to talk Josh into helping. The scene opens up later that night You see Cody Carson pull into a parking lot and hop out of his car, running and bursting through the doors, he slows his pace at the sign of Seth Thomas and Jalie Thomas talking to Carmen.

Carmen: Cody, you made it.

» She runs up and hugs him as Jalie looks on.

Cody: Did you really think I would miss this?

» Cody hugs her and then looks at Jalie who has a look of “Touch her like that again and Die”. Cody holds his hands away from her as Jalie turns and looks the other way, Cody grabs Carmen’s ass and gets a playful smack for it.

Carmen: You know my sister would kill you if she saw that...

Cody: But she didn't.

»Cody smiles and kisses her. They holds hands and walk up beside Seth and Jalie.

Carmen: Hey sis, come look at this...

» Carmen grabs Jalie's arm and leads her off screen. Cody leans in towards Seth.

Cody: Just out of curiosity, what would Jalie do if she found out Carmen and I slept together... If we were to, that is...

» Cody tried not to make it obvious, but Seth could tell.

Seth: You've heard of our basement, right?

Cody: Yeah...

Seth: Have you ever actually seen it?

Cody: No.

Seth: You want to keep it that way?

»Cody nods.

Seth: Then don't let her catch wind of it...

»Cody nods slowly and then gulps.

Cody: So, you ready for this match with Jarvo man?

» Seth crosses his arms and shifts his weight to one foot.

Seth: Of course I am. I have nothing to worry about. And neither do you, really. You've beaten him before. And this time I can make sure he's in no shape for the match to begin with.

» Seth smiles. Cody grins as well.

Cody: I only have one request. At least save he some of him.

Seth: Don't worry. I'll leave plenty. But it won't be enough for you to worry about. We're going to leave him empty-handed Sunday night.

» Cody chuckles and Jalie and Carmen come back. Jalie looks at Cody who is just staring at Carmen. Carmen smiles and then moves her head a little motioning that Jalie was looking. Cody jerks his eyes to Jalie and makes them go cross eyed.

Jalie: Want me to smack them straight...?

»Jalie takes a step toward him.

Cody: Ask Carmen she should know I like it… um… Yeah I’ll shut up before I put my foot in my mouth again.

Jalie: Or I do it for you.

Seth: So, what's going on with this shoot?

» Seth obviously wants to divert the attention away from a potentially dangerous situation. Cody turns and looks at Carmen.

Carmen: Well, they are taking pictures of me and several other girl to be put on a billboard and in a mags.

Cody: Yeah, but I got some stupid ass movie thing to do. Something that Jimmy hooked me up with. I have to have a part…

» Cody looks at Seth.

Cody: ner…

Seth: I'm assuming that you're hoping I'm going to volunteer.

Cody: That was the idea.

Seth: I don't think...

» Before Seth can finish, a crew member comes over and begins pushing the two over to the set.

Crew Member: Come on, we're running late.

Seth: I'm not apart of this...

» The crew member ignores him and finally gets the two on set. Seth doesn't look amused. Jimmy Stryker’s voice can be heard.

Jimmy: Okay guys, don’t actually hit the guy.

Cody: Jimmy man, this guy won’t know how to fall, he might get hurt.

Jimmy: And what do you suppose we do?

Cody: Why not bring your oompa loompa ass up here.

Jimmy: I don’t trust Seth.

Cody: Come on Jimmy, I’m sure Seth won’t hurt you…

» Cody whispers towards Seth.

Cody: Much.

» Seth grins as Jimmy reluctantly makes his way over to where Cody and Seth stand.

Jimmy: Ok, this is how it's going to go...

» Seth punches Jimmy.

Jimmy: God damnit. You weren't supposed to hit me yet...

»Seth shrugs.

Seth: Oops.

» The director gives the cue and the shooting begins. A voice-over can be heard, so the three can follow along.

Voice-Over: Are you tired of being covered in bruises all the time?

» Seth punches Jimmy in the gut.

Voice-Over: Do you have the black and blues?

» Cody knees him in the face, sending him to the ground.

Voice-Over: Well then this is just what you need. From the laboratories of F.U.B.A.R comes Bruise-Be-Gone. It's a revolutionary cream that actually makes your bruises disappear in just sixty seconds!

» Cody and Seth look at each other then pounce on Stryker and begin beating the shit out of him.

Voice-Over: No mater how bad the bruising, Bruise-Be-Gone can make them disappear. The secret is in the poison oak extract, that reduces swelling and takes away the nasty color from it's source. So in one minute, all your bruises will be gone!

» The cameras stay on Cody and Seth as they continue to beat on Jimmy motionless body, the voice-over speeds up.

Voice-Over: Side effects may include death from allergic reaction. F.U.B.A.R is in no way responsible for the stupidity in you using this product. Talk to your physician to see if Bruise-Be-Gone is right for you.

» Cody and Seth stand up, dust themselves off then leave the scene. The camera focuses on Stryker's bloody carcass as the scene fades out.

Match Talk

Loser -One that fails to win: the losers of the game or match.
One who takes loss in a specified way: a graceful loser; a poor loser.
One that fails consistently, especially a person with bad luck or poor skills
One that is bad in quality: That guy is a real loser.

Idiot-A foolish or stupid person.
A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers.

Two words that describe Lawrence Jarvis. I mean really Jarvo, I made you a loser and I will end up doing it again. You see, Seth Thomas gets you early on, which mean, your getting a shit kicking. Then you have me in a barb wire cell, hmm, I smell dumb-ass.

Oh my god Carmen look at his brain it is so small… Its just so… not there.

Jarvis man, you didn’t have to sign the contract for this match. So obviously there is something deep down inside you that you want to bring out. Something that made you sign the contract. But Hell, I would have kicked you ass anyway even if you didn’t sign. I mean come on , I gave you a shot last on violence to take me out, but it just didn’t work mister Oh shit Carson and Thomas duplicated. AHHH lets attack them all. I gave you the shot at grabbing my throat and ripping it out. But you just couldn’t find me.


Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given. Than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an OPINION. Impossible is not a Declaration. IT"S A DARE ! Impossible is POTENIAL . Impossible is Tempory. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING! YOU ARE NOTHING. I made you a nothing. So you grabbed the prime time title? Whoopdi-fuckin-do. Seth Thomas is taking that shit from you anyway. You walk in with something walk out with nothing. Sorry Jarvo man, but that’s just the truth. If you don’t want to face the music, that’s your own problem.

The slaughter will come soon…

Yes, it will be coming soon. Now you may say something like “Well he has been getting the upper hand on me week in and week out, its my turn now.” HA. Your turn? You Have never gotten the upper hand on me. You will never beat me. I am the only person in this fed that has given the world champion a loss. The only person to make Even Dylan Dunn run away like a pussy. I Am The only true undefeated superstar here. No one can stop me and you have witnessed it first hand.

“But Mommy, I don’t want to fight Cody Carson, I want to say home and bake cookies with you.”

Boo Jarvis, did I scare you? I mean really man, did I? Because I know for damn sure if Dunn hadn’t kicked your ass, you and I wouldn’t be having this match. You would take a sigh of relief. You can live in the past, but I am the future. I know your weaknesses. The bad back, the bum knee, I know them all. And I know how to get under your skin man. I have done it before. I have done everything before. The only thing you have done is beat big bad Bill Dynamite. You couldn’t even dispose of Dunn, yet Dylan ran away from me. Hmm, if you put two and two together, you might get… Wait, this might be to much for that pea size brain of you to handle. So I will put it in turns you might under stand… YOU ARE FUCKING DUMB!!!

The end is near…

Jarvis, you have three days. Three days to call all the loved one, and say your good byes. Three days to write your will, to prepare for a beating of your life. You see, you think that I have forgotten about you, you think that I was just sitting back, with my back to your as you slowly creped out of the shadows. But you see, I caught you. I turn around when you where about to strike. I never forgot about you, I was just waiting. You see, everyone I have fought I have destroyed. Except you. You see, I have a need to destroy you. The need to show that it wasn’t a fluke. But when you where about o strike and I turned around, you, being the coward you are, jumped into the hole again, not wanting to face me man to man. Because you know, you can’t beat me. You say you have nothing to prove, I smell… Bullshit. You have everything to prove and more. I should be the one saying I don’t have anything to prove but as I just mentioned I do. Sunday, you will see, I HAVE YOUR NUMBER JARVIS! SUNDAY YOU WILL SEE, I HAVE A LICENCE TO KILL!


»Next Match
Cody Carson Vs. Lawrence Jarvis
International Title
Barb Wire Cell

»People That have felt The Sensation
Czecher (x2)
Johnny Legend
Darren Damarcus
Lawrence Jarvis
Rayne Young(x2)
Aaron Fellows
Matt Flash

Internation 1x {Current}

Main Events:

• Wins oo7
• Losses ooo
• Draws ooo

• Wins o46
• Losses o26
• Draws oo6

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