Match Talk
Dark house... Horse What ever the fuck your name is...
Thats what i have to fight, this beast from the underworld.
Oh my god I’m shanking in my little skate shoes.
Good god what the fuck s this all about I have to face this six foot nine two hundred
and eighty six pound thing and i don’t eve get anything for it. No title shot, no contnders race nothing
but a fucking match with a relative from the Adams family.
Ladies and Gentalmen this is what happens when lerch, Cuz IT, and the little hand thing
all had a big orgy. You got Dark Horse. What The fuck kinda name is that Anyway. Fuck it it
doesn’t matter. Your bigger then me, and you think your going to walk all over me in this match for the
simple fact that you can;t fail right? Well guess what you oversized peice fo horse shit, NO ONE. NO
ONE can stop me.
But you see I know why you think you will win this match. Its simple because you have
those rejects down there to help you.
But you see, I know something that you don’t.
Friendship is over-rated. Why is it people think they need others to support them in
times of distress and need? That answer is simple.. because they are weak fools. They don't have the
strength or the courage to stand on their own two feet. The weak people of the world have to band
together under the guise of friendship in order to fend off the strong.
I have learned this lesson well. I, too, was once weak and had to band together in a
group that made me think I was cared about. They abandoned me, leaving me to face the
consequences of what was mostly their actions and doings. I'm not saying I was completely innocent.
Going through what I have has made me who and what I am today. A heartless mother fucker bent on
wreaking havoc wherever I go, so I've been told. I don't mind. It's fun, actually.
Yet what I find funny still is that there are people like you all over this world. Just like
your Dark House. You seem to think you are one of a kind when really you are just one big breed of
worthless pathetic animals who should be shot. There is no place for you in the FFP and there never
will be and after I beat the shit out of you in the ring, in front of the Tokyo Fans, then you might realise
and the member in your sable might see that I am the real shit and I am not here to lay down and be
treated like a bitch,
Just so that you know though, the only reason i got you in this match and not a worthy
opponent was because I bet Mr. Prez heard my comments about your stable leader sleeping with him
and all that. Hell Maybe he is hoping you will just beat me enough so I quit. Not gonna happen but
maybe thats what he thinks. Quiet frakly I don’t give a fuck and I have never given a fuck what anyone
has ever thought of me. I am who I am.
Can;t deal with it
Get out of my face
Before I break you.
Final thoughts Dark horse, pull up your skirt bring your tampons to play and get the
fuck out of here before someone like me makes an ass out of you...
To late bro, I just did.
Fuck the rejects
Fuck the prophecy
And thats the final thought
From the Legacy