So many times I have been underestimated and this time is the same. Fate is what you make it to be, not what everyone thinks it will be. My fate is to live my life. My life with my fiancée, my baby, and my career. My career is a wrestler, I take pride in my career, but if I had to choose I would choose my life with my family. Some people think that I’m crazy but what the hell do they know. My choices are my own and no one will rule them or my fate. My fate in the Universal title.
12:08 pm
He stood in line for the plane, his bag draped over his shoulder and his MP3 player plugged into his ears. As he walked to the plane me closed his eyes. ‘Nine months I have been out and now I’m getting into the ring for a possible two matches. Oh god.’ His stomach twisted and his body jerked. ‘How fucking stupid am I, its my first match and Carmen isn’t gonna be with me.’ As he walked up the steps of the plane he smiled at some of the people that waved and called his name. He found a seat against the window and put his bag above him and then sat. the man in front of him turned around and was awed. “You‘re cody Carson right?”
“Yep.” Cody replied as he paused his music.
“Man I love you.” The man exclaimed. “I was there when you fought Shawn Walsh. I was so scared that you had died.”
“I did.” Cody replied in a low tone.
“No man, you‘re the best now.” The man was so excited that he spit a little. “You‘re the best in the world Cody.”
Cody Scoffed. “No I‘m not.”
“Yeah you are. You‘re gonna with that title, and we got front row seats.”
“Good for you man.”
“Can you sign my RWA T shirt.” The man asked as he held out a marker and a White T.
“Sure.” Cody signed the shirt and then the plane started to me. “Better sit down, I got to get into my own head. I‘m glad you have faith my friend.”
“Thanks.” The man smiled and turned. He sat down and started to Hyperventilate. Cody put his music back in and closed his eyes. He started to play a video in his head to the music.
I’ve got another confession to make I’m your fool Everyone’s got their chains to break Holdin’ you
Were you born to resist or be abused? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Are you gone in onto someone new?
Cody Carson grabs Gust and drives a chair into his head then lands a Hellious DDT on Nirvana, cover. 1...2...3. Cody Carson jumps up winning the match.
I needed somewhere to hang my head Without your noose You gave me something that I didn’t have But had no use I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose My heart is under arrest again But I break loose My head is giving me life or death But I can’t choose I swear I’ll never give in I refuse
Carson and Seth Thomas tie up, Dryden has been Eliminated my Thomas and Now Cody And Seth are locked up. Seth tries him into a head lock and the Get pushed across the ring. Bouncing off the ropes he gets a super kick to the face.
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Has someone taken your faith? Its real, the pain you feel Your trust, you must Confess
Cody fell down on Seth Thomas 1.…2.…Suddenly the music stopped and Cody looked down. “God damn batteries.”
Seth Thomas is my main focus, I don’t care if I have to kill to beat him, I will. I will fight to the end and win the Universal title. That belt is mine and I will win. I am great. I am better they you. I will win.
Seth Dryden you think you’re all hot shit, but in reality Steh Thomas and I have fought as Tag partners so you will be the first to go in the final match. Then Thomas and I will fight. There will be no love lose between myself and him, I remember the mast time I was in the RWA ring with Seth Thomas. We were inside A steel Cage and he I speared him off the top, he got the pin just from a lucky bounce but it won’t happen this time. Oh now, Thomas is going down.
As for Gust and Nirvana, you two bitches don’t have a hope in hell of beating me, I am Greatness you stupid fucks. I am perfect and I will win. It has been said that if Nirvana doesn’t win the Universal title then he is leaving. Well, goodbye dick ward because you are not getting anywhere close to that title you baby eating freak. Gust hasn’t said shit because I verbally bitch slapped him so, I guess he knows I can physically bitch slap him to.
Thomas, you and I are brothers but in that ring you are my enemy. One more step for me to get to the top. As is Dryden. So boys as a final word, I will be walking out of Resurrection with that title around my waist you can bank on it.
Your god
Cody Carson