Here is a list of all of my previously used characters, what fed(s) they were in and their accomplishments. I'll try to keep them in chronological order, but I do have a bad memory at times.Zac "Big Gorilla" Hicks
This was my very first created wrestler I had ever roleplayed as. I wasn't anywhere as good as I am now, but I still won some stuff. Unlike the current Zac Hicks, this character only shared my name. He didn't share any of my background or personality. Zac Hicks only has competed in the Extreme Badass Wrestling (EBW) company, which I created. I owned it for a month, then passed my CEO title to the co-CEO so I could wrestle. While in the EBW, Zac Hicks won a total of three titles. Those were the Hell In A Cell Title(2X), the Blood Title, and the EBW Tag Team Titles (With Joseph Baskin). I quit using him because I could never think of any interesting promos. Occasionally, I would bring him back as a "legend" or something, but now his character is permanently in the vault of my past characters.
Joseph Baskin
Joseph Baskin's character was based off of my best friend. He was skinny, but strong as an ox. He was also the fastest in our grade. He could have easily become a prep or a jock, but instead he made friends with nerds like myself, so I made a character to represent him, who would team up with Zac "Big Gorilla" Hicks. Eventually, he broke off from Zac "Big Gorilla" Hicks and competed in singles matches. As with Zac Hicks, he only competed in EBW. In EBW, Joseph won 3 titles, which are the EBW Ladder Title, the EBW Shootfighting Title, and the EBW Tag Titles(2X...With Zac Hicks/Destroyer). I continued using Joseph Baskin, along with Destroyer(You'll read about him next.), until EBW was closed down, due to inactivity. When I found a new fed, I dropped Joseph Baskin and just stuck with Destroyer...Speakuing of Destroyer...
Creative name, huh? lol. Destroyer was my first powerhouse wrestler. He easily overpowered all of his opponents, which I loved. Destroyer was who I used to want to be when I was little. A huge, strong man who struck fear into people's hearts, but was nice on the inside. Destroyer competed in a few feds including EBW, United States Championhip Wrestling, and the National Championship Wrestling companies. Destroyer didn't win many championships...In fact, he only won two: The EBW Hell In A Cell Title and the EBW Tag Team Titles(With Joseph Baskin). The NCW was my final fed with this powerhouse, as I got bad feedback, because everyone was using the huge type of wrestlers and I was wanting a change. In comes Streb Holly...Streb Holly
Streb Holly was a product of the WWE. "Hardcore" Bob Holly was my inspiration for this character. What with him being from Alabama as well as I am. Streb Holly was supposedly Bob Holly's cousin/twin brother(It changed between feds). Streb wasn't my best character, by far. At this point in my life, I was around 13 an I wasn't as creative as I was or am now. Streb was a disappointment, but he still managed to win the NCW Hardcore Championship. After the NCW closed its doors, I took a long break from fedding until one day when another powerhouse of a wrestler emerged.
This big guy was inspired by a Norweigian exchance student named Steena. She told me about her history and that she was related to a famous viking. This spawned an idea for a wrestler that thought he was a Viking. Thus, Gunthor was born. I kinda stole the name Gunthor from a character that was a Barbarian. Gunthor only was in CWA and it's rookie fed, LSCW. Although he didn't have much success in the CWA, Gunthor was at one time the LSCW champion, before having to relinquish the title when he was called up to CWA. Gunthor's career lasted until a backstage scandal got him fired from CWA. He's still seen nowadays hanging around with my current UWF superstar, Dios.