[align=right][color=goldenrod][u]Match:[/u]Carlito (c) vs John Cena
[u]RP Title:[/u]Prologue; CENA'S DREAM Part 1: Four Words To Choke Upon[/color](This entire first two parts take place inside of Cena's dream. Thus explaining the more sensitive, slightly darker John Cena)[/align]
You can say that silence can never be broken, nor be tamed. Silence is known to tear the strongest of minds apart. Hate, hate is something that manipulates the mind and triggers countless outbursts of insanity if the rage, the anger is too strong to overcome. Our scene opens up to the backstage of the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas. It’s nearly an hour before tonight’s sports entertainment extravaganza; Wrestlemania will take place. In the backstage area, we see WWE staff members rushing around the corridor with clipboard sin their hands and walkie talkies on their belts as they communicate with one another, getting prepared for tonight’s show. It’s rush hour in the arena as also the WWE superstars are getting prepared for tonight’s super show pay-per-view. The cameras pan over to an open wall where one of the promotional Wrestlemania posters hangs high. This poster shows the combatants of the WWE World Championship match-up that is making up tonight’s HUGE main event. It shows the number one contender, John Cena, and the WWEE Heavyweight Champion, Carlito staring eye to eye with one another as Carlito holds up the belt. All over the Internet, especially the WWEE official website forum, mixed predictions are shown for the outcome of the Main Event. “John Cena will totally win, man” “Carlito has this in the bag” “John has so much hatred in his arsenal that he’ll burn Carlito into a crisp” “NAH UH!” Posts by WWE fans are shown throughout the forum board as people get hyped for tonight’s HUGE main event, which has a HUGE show following it. More promotional posters for tonight’s Pay-per-view are scattered throughout the arena as they’re scene on nearly almost every locker room door. On one door, we see the noted Carlito/Cena poster, on another door; we see the promotional poster for the #1 Contendership match between Christian Cage and Randy Orton, Cena's opponent just one night before. The two former opponents are headlining this pay-per-view as both have the desire to walk out of Wrestlemania with world championship in their hands. We see several WWE superstars standing around by the lounging area, talking amongst themselves over who they think will come out victorious in tonight’s championship bout. In one side of the lounging area, WWE Divas are seen gossiping over the Womens Championship bout between Champion Maryse Oullett and Taylor Wilde. It seems as if there’s a match for each person here in the arena as every WWE superstar hype up the show that will be starting in nearly an hour’s time. The cameras fade away from the talking superstars and then pan over to a locker room door with a gold nameplate on the front of the door that is entitled “John Cena” The cameraman who is in control slowly opens the door and sneaks inside with his heavy camera equipment in hand. The camera pans across the room then directs its attention straight ahead to keep its attention on one spot of the room, where the only activity can be noticed.
John is seen sitting in a wooden chair as he holds onto a pile of pictures. He stares at each picture with either tears in his eyes or a constant rage that builds up within him. Pictures of him holding onto his ex-fiancé are seen. Cena drops the picture onto the dresser in front of him. Cena closes his eyes for a brief moment before dropping the picture on the dresser in front of him. John rests one of his elbows on the dresser in front of him as he rests his chin in the palm of his hand. Cena continues to think about the past memories that he’s had over the WWE career that he holds so dear to him. John Cena’s baby blue eyes stare at the mirror as his gaze reflects back at him. Cena then runs his hands through his hair. Cena’s clean-cut shave makes him look 10 years younger. John once again reviews each photo and studies each one closely. Cena gulps as he drops the pictures down and then picks up another batch of pictures, which involves mainly old pictures of himself, his brother, and his father whom he hasn’t seen in a while. Cena places selected pictures in between the mirror frame and the mirror itself as he surrounds his mind with broken memories, and memories that spark a smile on his face. John looks on the side of his mirror to see the Wrestlemania promotional poster showing Carlito and himself standing face to face with one another as they share dangerous glares with on another. Even a poster, a mere picture shows so much intensity; it’s hard to imagine how intense the actual confrontation between the two superstars will be. Cena looks outside his window to see fans fresh from Houston or other close-by states scrambling into the Reliant Stadium with their WWE merchandise and their tickets in hand. There are fans that seem to be more than prepared for tonight’s show as they have their homemade custom signs held in their hands as well as their children. The WWE cameras manage to gain shots at John Cena as the door of the room is quietly closed, leaving WWE cameraman filming Cena for a WWE.com exclusive for tonight’s pay-per-view event. John Cena realizes that there are a few pictures that are left out of the pile on the side of him. He picks one up and it’s a picture of his brother and father with John standing besides them, all smiling and all seeming very happy. Cena closes his eyes for a brief moment before opening them back up and speaking out of feeling.
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
So this is where it ends?[/color]
Cena places a picture of himself standing with his brother and father on his dresser in his locker room
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
So many memories . . . So little time one could think, right?[/color]
Cena closes his eyes for a brief moment for opening them and picking up another picture. It’s a picture of himself standing with his former best friend. Cena drops the picture on the dresser, next to the other picture. He stares at the picture as it rests on the dresser. John seems to become irritated as memories flash within his head. The memory of destroying people with the use of a steel chair to boost his own moral cycles within John’s head. Cena drops his elbows onto the dresser and places his hand on each side of his head.
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
I can’t go back in time and erase what I’ve done . . . If I had the chance, I’d do it in a heart beat. Now, all I have left is a beating heart and scars that spell out my name.[/color]
Cena now stares into the cameras with a look of sorrow in his eyes as he brushes his hair
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
Carlito . . . I guess you can say that it’s finally time to end this, right? Look at us, we have blood running coldly within each other’s veins and all it does is leave a chill throughout our beaten bodies. Carlito, what do you think about you and I meeting tonight in the center of the ring once last time? You may say that you’ve beaten me once and you can easily do it again, but let’s face the facts, man – how I was a month ago at Royal Rumble and how I am now for Wrestlemania are not the same. Now, I could careless what happens to me, what people think of me, and especially what you think of me. Carlito, the big question in all of this is . . . Why do I hate you with such a raging passion? Is it that simple to answer, or is it too complex too answer because of the fact that it’s too true for words? Carlito, I ain’t the strongest, aint the baddest, or aint the fastest cat on the roster, but I have something that separates me from everyone else, and that’s my undying emotions that burn from within. My hate for you is too powerful for words, dude. My soul burns and I can feel the fire’s warmth from it each time my eyes set its glare at you. After that faithful night, I went home and stared at myself in a mirror . . . Did I like what I saw? No, I didn’t. What I saw was a man who was turning pale and shaking due to the emptiness inside of him. You can say that you put the final nail in my coffin that night, but you didn’t do a good job on nailing it shut. I’m still here, Carlito, and I have only one goal . . . And that goal is to finish you off where you stand, I do not respect you, I do not like you, nor do I acknowledge you as the champion. You sit backstage of RAW each and every week with that admirable smile on your face that wins over the women, the children, and every WWE fan who chants the name “CAR-LIT-O” each time they set their foot in an WWE arena. Do you know how that feels, Cena? Do you know how it feels to go to your own hometown and see kids holding merchandise, posters, and action figures, but the man being honored ain’t you . . . it’s the man who broke you down. That’s what I go through each time I go home. I see women and children always talking about you, always praising you, and always ‘worshipping’ you. They look at me, and they ask if I could get an autograph from you for them. That just tears me apart, Cena. It feels as if this world is for you and is against me. I have this loneliness on my shoulders and I can slowly feel myself breaking down. What do I have besides bruises, scars, and cuts for each time I tried to end my own life due to not hearing the voices answer me back anymore. You see, Carlito . . . After a certain time of being left out by society, a man begins to make his own friends, his own admirers, and his own life with the use of his mind. I created friends for myself; I created people who loved me. You’ve taken my friends and the people who loved me away from me. They’re now your friends and your loved ones. I thought the ones I created would never leave me. Just like my art, they’re a piece of me that should bear with me until the day I’m six feet under this salted earth. Every now and then, these voices would comfort me when I was cold, when I was lonely, and when I was scared. Now, these voices don’t even bother to comfort me anymore. Even my own mind’s creations won’t even comfort their pitiful creator. I have literally lost my mind because of you . . . All because of you. I wanted it all to end, Carlito . . . I wanted the bleeding, the aching, the insanity, and the heartache to end. Maybe the only thing I have left to try is using a loaded gun to blow my brains out with a bullet to the head. Only if you had the humanity to take the gun for me and pierce the bullet through my head, or take the knife and cut my throat. I mean, the fans would praise you for being the one to silence me once and for all. Black my eyes, Carlito and let the sun burn through my pupils . . . The only thing I want to see is my mother welcoming me in her arms as she leads me to the stairway to heaven. My tears wouldn’t create a staircase to heaven, maybe she could do it for me and lead me to prosperity.[/color]
John Cena clenches his fist together as he sits on a chair, staring at himself in a mirror
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
Time just comes and goes, man. It’s like our distinct future just collapses onto us and we can’t climb our way out. The fans of WWE look at me as someone who can make a difference, show resilience, and be the one who can stop something that people think is unstoppable. Through my eyes, all that’s needed is will power. Will power is what drives the weak, overpower the strong, and overcome the odds. The question that seems to ricochet from the distance then back at me is: can John Cena pull the big one yet again? In my mind, in this point of time . . . I think I finally have the answer to the question, and that’s YES. I was born a Cena, and I will die as a Cena. I was born with will power in one hand and desire in the other. Fear is just a four letter word that kicks down the weak minded, and come tonight, fear won’t even be a consideration. I open my eyes and I keep askin’ myself – what the hell am I fightin’ for? Y’all out there keep making the conclusion that this fire has burned away, leaving me barely with a spark of fire. Well, here’s news for y’all, man . . . This fire hasn’t gone out; this fire hasn’t burned out. I’ll pray to God to ignite these flames with a lil’ prayer. ‘Hollowed be thy name’ ‘cause this fire is lit, people! I’m fuelin’ this flame with hatred, sacrifice, and pure desire; there ain’t nothin’ that’s goin’ to break me down come tonight. Carlito can come to me with the gold, but Carlito ain’t got the fire to back it up. He’ll be crashin’ and burnin’ along with his belt. I may not be the biggest, the strongest, but I’m sure as hell one of the most deadliest sum’ bitches you can set your eyes on. I will be straight with y'all and straight up and say that I might’ve not been the saint of WWE, but I’m sure as hell the most honest superstar here. I have a goal here tonight and that’s become the world champion. Carlito has his world championship that he keeps close to him, and he has a glare that just makes me think, what do I have? What do I have, Carlito? It’s quite simple, man . . . I still got desire, I still got DRIVE, and most importantly . . . I got the blood in my hands that has me accustomed to goin’ into any war that I get pushed into. Carlito, like I’ve said before . . . You got the WWE fans, you got the friends & family, but do you have the rage, the insanity, and the overall craze to jump into the ring tonight with y’fists pumpin’ and y’tears droppin’? Tonight ain’t a wrestlin’ match; it’s a war, bro. This war is goin’ to go down in history next to the Civil War ‘cause this war is goin’ to be the war entitled: “The Most Bloodiest War.” I might not have the momentum that you have comin’ into this match, but I do have a pumpin’ heart that still remains strong after my constant abuse of it. I bet you’re comin’ into Wrestlemania with y’guard down ‘cause you knocked me on my ass once. Well bro, let’s have a reality check . . . That man you stepped into the ring with just a month ago was someone else, and compared to the person that's speakin’ right now – he ain’t nothing. Tonight is MY night, Dude, and it sure as hell ain’t yours. You see my eyes, Carlito? These are the eyes insane, the eyes of the truly demented, and the eyes of the fearless. The first things that someone notices about me are these eyes that tell countless stories ‘bout heartbreak, sacrifice, and bloodshed. I can go on for days ‘bout how I’ve been beaten, battered, and scarred but the past is the past, and it’s all about the present. The present is where I’m goin’ to rise up and wipe the spit from my face and cover these scars ‘cause I’m ready for a FIGHT. You look outside your locker room window and look at the world around ya’, man. You can see the chaos, the breakdown of society and the collapsing of reality. This is the world we live in, man, and there’s no way of getting’ out. You’re stuck on this earth with me, and at the end of the night . . . There’s only one man who’ll be walkin’ out of the ring tonight and out this salted earth; sure as hell ain’t me, kid. You may got everythin’ that an average WWE Superstar would struggle for but I go everything that the WEAK, the BEATEN, and the SANE, LACK! I got what you need, Carlito, and that’s a motive; and my motive is to take you six feet under with me as we DESCEND THE SHADES OF NIGHT! This no longer is a dream, Carlito . . . This is now the 2009 year where the fallen step back on their feet and stand in line for that belt you have in line, and it happens to be me whose next in line. Welcome to reality; welcome to my world, Carlito. This ain’t your story anymore, Carlito; it’s mine. This is my story of where the most abused man in professional wrestling screws the fact that everyone can see his scars and decides to break through the walls of confusion and become something that’s been his desire for oh so long now – the WWE World Champion. I’ll be sure to make you listen to the sound of your tears droppin’, the sound of paranoia invadin’ your thoughts ‘cause the only thing you can pray to help you is the deafening the noise of silence. I’ve lived in silence, Carlito, but no longer will I be suffocated by the words of sorrow ‘cause I’m breakin’ the silence tonight. You can bleed your beliefs tonight, man, but the only thing I’ll be bleedin’ is a tear ‘cause I will embrace pain, I will channel anger, and I will withstand torture in order to keep grasp onto the shattered dreams that I’m slowly puttin’ back together. Carlito, you’ve already made a judgment on who I was, and I actually don’t care ‘cause all that matters is who is holdin’ that gold at the end of the night. Nobody will be able to help ya’ cause it’s all about BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS! I ain’t like Samoa Joe, I ain’t like Striker, and I sure as hell ain’t like any Evolution member ‘cause the thing they have that makes me so different is sanity. I lack sanity, and I lack a thought process. I just go out there and fight; I shed blood, I cause pain, and I relinquish sufferin’. Carlito, tonight you are just goin’ to be like everyone else who have underestimated me OVER and OVER again. I’m goin’ to be the one who will twist your fate and snap you into what is REAL and what is FACT. The scars across my body, and the sorrow that burrows deep in my soul is factual reality, but these fists that bruise after extracting screams from someone is what will become real to you tonight, Carlito. I’ve been livin’ with a weight on my back, man and this weight constantly pushes me down into the ground, makin’ a grave I can say. The world, the rules of society, and the chains of rebellion are all around me and it’s goin’ to snap me in half. You live a carefree world where nothin’ bothers you. Open your eyes, man; look outside the box; look and see that everything we know ain’t the same. Emotions, strengths, and weaknesses have been altered. For example, my hatred for you has skyrocketed over weeks since Royal Rumble and now I’m here getting’ ready to battle it out with you again, hoping for revenge and a requiem to this torment that I put myself through each time I see your face smilin’ as you hold that championship gold around your waist with such pride. I hold guilt, regret, and sin around my waist and I take pride in it ‘cause it’s those very things that bring me to heights that you can’t even dream about doin’, man. You want to be the one to show the thousands of WWE fans what limitations are, but chances are . . . You won’t reach it ‘cause the great Carlito CANT. I have broke my body though tables, through ladders, and through objects that causes the human body to flinch due to the inhumane reactions to contacting your body with. I have gained scars across my body that could tell each story of with standin’ pain. I got pain runnin’ through my veins from each and every time I managed to get up then instantly fall right back down. This is what World Wrestling Entertainment is, now, Carlito. It ain’t about respect, it ain’t about whose strong and whose not . . . It’s about pure desire and sacrifice. In order to be somethin’, you gotta have the desire to sacrifice everything you know and love in order to obtain what you want to obtain. I wanted to obtain love, and I had it, but I lost it shortly. I wanted the United States championship and I sure as hell got it. What do I want now? For one, I want a new skin to hide all these cuts and scars that remind me of the pain and torment I’ve put myself through, and most importantly . . . I want that gold from you, Carlito. I have bled the consequences, I have screamed the lectures, so now it’s time to show tears of sacrifice and obtain the world championship. This is the end of the road, Carlito and there’s no way out at this point. I have brushed red in a world of black in white, I have been hung by the words of regret, and I have turned screams of the shadows into whispers of the dark. I got the armor, I got the shield and I got the blade, Carlito . . . I’m comin’ in tonight with nothin’ but hate in my eyes as I go out there with the intent to hurt, the intent to harm . . . THE INTENT TO MAKE YOU BLEED! You’ve made me feel extreme humiliation, made me lose all sense of reality by questioning the unquestionable and have made me cry out the support I’ve had; the voices that comforted me when I was alone. Now, the only thing keeping me ‘stable’ are these memories that rest under my hand, and the dreams that have never lived . . . I fight for them all. The past is the past, but the past will never die. Their dreams never made it so now it’s up to me to make those dreams alive; to make those dreams pure fiction. Tonight, Carlito, my dreams will come true and I will have the WWE World Championship in my bruised hands that will be drenched in your blood. We both have scars, we both have stories, and we both have a raging hatred for one another . . . The question is: what are the things that matter? Well Carlito, the things that WILL matter tonight, will be the things that will leave you with everlasting nightmares, blasts of insanity, and doses of sorrow, ‘cause the bottom line will be MY FIST . . . YOUR FACE . . . AND OUR SCARS![/color]
John folds his hands over his face as closes his eyes for the moment.
Knocking at the door is heard as John keeps his state of mind. After a moment, another set of knocks is heard. After the last knock, Cena removes his head from his hands and then directs his attention towards the door
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
Come in . . .[/color]
Suddenly, the infamous WWE interviewer, Todd Grisham appears at the doorway with a microphone in his hand. As the WWE cameras keep their sights on John Cena, Todd Grisham makes his way over to Jeff Hardy with a smile on his face
[color=orange][u]Todd Grisham[/u]
Welcome everybody to another edition to WWE Backstage Pass, and tonight . . . We are here with WWE’s Number one contender for Carlito’s Heavyweight championship, John Cena.[/color] [Cena motions “What the hell . . .” with his mouth][color=orange] Now John, as you may know, this is the biggest match of your WWE career. Tell me; are you ready for tonight? Are you ready for the BIG match against Carlito?[/color]
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
Todd, man . . . You gotta’ chill out with the constant interviews. They pretty much drain me. Todd, it’s simple as this . . . I’ll go out there and I’ll bleed, I’ll fight, and I’ll fall, but I’ll get back up. I’ll keep fightin’ and I’ll keep wiping the crap from my face ‘cause I won’t stop going ‘till my bones collapse. Carlito has something to prove tonight, Todd, and so do I. Carlito thinks he’s simply unstoppable these days, well guess what; he hasn’t taken me out completely and as long as this heart is beating, this brain is still workin’ and this body is till mobile; Carlito will be getting’ a lil’ taste of hell. Carlito, look at me, man . . . Let’s set aside my feelings for you and let’s what’s real and what’s false out in the opinion. You see, there’s no way that I’m goin’ to let you take my final stable dream away from me. You shattered it once and you ain’t goin’ to shatter it AGAIN. You can shove y’hands in my face and preach, but guess what; having HUSTLE, LOYALTY, and RESPECT means that John Cena just don’t give a[/color][color=red] [CENSORED][/color][color=darkblue] about who you are or what you stand for. I’m here in WWE and I don’t plan on leavin’ till I get the blood outta your body and onto the gold that you hold so close to your heart, man. I’ve fought my whole career and you’ve done the same, but I’ve dealt with more pain, I’ve suffered more and I’ve fought with the chaos of society oh so many times, man and tonight, I plan to put it all to a rest. I’ve paid my dues, I’ve sang the sorrow, and I’ve screamed the silence; now it’s time to bleed the desperation and to breathe the pain. I shoulda’ watched you get your dreams and career beaten out of you; I shoulda watched you get destroyed by your own goddamn medicine. I bet you’re sittin’ on a computer watching this with hate in your eyes, but Carlito . . . Don’t expect any apologies ‘cause I can still spit in your face as you stand across from me. I ain’t your friend, I ain’t your acquaintance, but I’m sure as hell your enemy. I’m your total opposite, Carlito, and when we clash tonight, I’ll be sure to be the on who stands tall with both hands crossed . . . You’ll be the one to get punk’d. I’m not sorry for what I’ve done at the Royal Rumble, neither. I can stills it here and smile about how I smashed the senses out of you with a chair, bro. The feeling of spillin’ your blood by MY own two hands was an experience that I’ll never forget ‘cause at that moment, I felt ALIVE. Despite my feelings towards the fans at that time, that was the best moment of my career. I showed you and I showed thousands of wrestlers worldwide that I ain’t no punk; that I ain’t no pushover like how I was just nearly a year ago. It’s now Wrestlemania and it’s time to rise from the ashes of the fallen and show y’all haters that I’m still burnin’ with the fuels of desire, and that I’m still here with integrity on my side. . Carlito, do you have the slightest clue on what is driving me tonight? It’s the lust to touch gold in my hands once more. I have so many motives and being the world champion is what will push me over the edge tonight. Me losing to you won’t happen again ‘cause I have no loose ends this time. I got a killer instinct runnin’ in my blood and it allows me to smile as I shed blood, it allows me to show rage with a passionate smile still bein’ on my face. Tonight, I’ll be drivin’ off of my HATE, my RAGE, and my INSANITY! I’m the only man you’d ever face that’d be willing to break his body in half in order to assure you a place in the cemetery around the block from this arena. I’m the only man who has had enough scars to inflict pain in all of the right spots to assure an immense amount of pain so unbearable that only a bullet to the head would be the most suitable thing to level out the painful suffering. Hate me, Carlito . . . Hate me for being what you’re not . . . Despise me, Carlito . . . Despise me for being the one who will bless you with the taste for blood . . . Spare me, Carlito . . . Spare me from allowing me to go on this life knowing that I have never drowned you under the ocean of broken dreams. Carlito, this is real, this is now, THIS IS WHAT IT ALL COMES DOWN TO! There’s no such thing as mercy at this point. There’s no such thing as an apology ‘cause hate has become too warming to me at this point. Your blind insults couldn’t enrage me any more ‘cause I’m at the peak of my anger for you. This beating heart will come into the ring with me, bleeding the sins, bleeding the pain from it’s unsown wounds and fueling my overall adrenaline with this misery that overcomes my mind, body, and soul! Carlito, people like you have always told me that I wasn’t good enough to be in the main event against someone as pathetic as to yourself. To those people, and to even you, Carlito . . . I got FOUR WORDS TO CHOKE UPON . . .
LOOK. AT. ME. NOW!![/color]
With that said, Cena gets up and picks up a gym bag. He palms the WWE Camera’s lens as he exits the scene, thus fading to black
[align=right][color=goldenrod][u]Match:[/u]Carlito (c) vs John Cena
[u]RP Title:[/u]Prologue; CENA'S DREAM Part 2: I Got Nothing Left To Prove And I Will Live With My Regrets[/color](This entire first two parts take place inside of Cena's dream. Thus explaining the more sensitive, slightly darker John Cena)[/align]
[color=red][u]WARNING:[/u] The following program is not suitable for children. Viewer discretion advised.[/color]
The bright, bolded, red [color=red]“WARNING”[/color] is seen upon everyone’s television set following the words “The following program is not suitable for children. Viewer discretion advised” in bright, white, text in a Times New Roman font. The screen fades to the inside of the arena to show thousands of fans on their feet waving their WWE merchandise, their homemade support signs, and anything they could get their hands on. The cameras pan over the fans of Houston, getting a glimpse of fans who are wearing merchandise supporting superstars such as – Carlito, John Cena, Randy Orton and Christian Cage. The cameras then get a good view of the Reliant Stadium. At that very moment, a plethora of pyros cascade out of the steel stage in a variety of colors such as red, blue, and green. As the pyros shoot out, clouds of white, grey, and black are left behind that spread across the WWE fans. The smoke practically covers the WWE fans as the WWE Wrestlemania video package is shown on the huge, yet expensive “Tron”. While that plays, WWE Wrestlemania’s official theme song “Eye Of The Tiger" blares out of the PA system. With that heard, the fans start to let out ear-popping cheers that echo all throughout the arena. The cameras then get a good look at some of the fans of Houston Texas. There are fans all different ages, size, appearance, and attitude all here tonight. We see new WWE merchandised shirts such as the “I Speak In Volumes, But Do Not Utter A Word” Jeff Hardy shirt, the new “Got Punk?” CM Punk shirt, the popular, yet effective “Don’t Smoke Weed, Smoke Haze” Daizee Haze Shirt. As the fans cheer, they start to chant the names of their favorite WWE superstars.
“…Let’s Go John…!”
“…Let’s Go Carlito…!”
“…Let’s Go Randy…!”
As the fans chant their favorite superstar’s names, they wave around their homemade signs in their hands. We see signs that has cut out pictures of magazines that’s been pasted onto a piece of cardboard, and see signs that gives the WWE fans their very own voice. Signs that say: “Stacy is so fine!” “Where Am I!” “This Is MY WORLD, man!” “CALL ME” gives the fans a voice even if it’s on the stupid side. The cameras then pan over to the WWE announcer table where the WWE Veterans, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are currently seated. Jim Ross is wearing a black business suit with a blue tie, a silver wristwatch on his right wrist, and his official WWE headset over his neatly gelled hair. Ross has a happy expression on his face that reeks of excitement for tonight’s show to take place. On the other hand, we have our “Color Commenter” Jerry Lawler. Jerry is wearing a grey business suit with his sleeves rolled up and a gold wristwatch around his right wrist. He’s wearing no tie but has his undershirt unbuttoned around the top. Lawler has a content expression upon his face but seems prepared for the show to take place. The cameras get a glimpse of Jim Ross as he clears his throat and begins to speak out to the WWE fans who are sitting at home watching from their television sets on this history making night, only on Pay-per-view.
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
Welcome to WWE’s biggest Pay-Per-View, Wrestlemania! We have an amazing show prepared for you, the fans tonight here from Houston, Texas in the Reliant Stadium![/color]
A match graphic for one of tonight’s main matches appears on the Tron
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
That’s right folks, both John Cena and Carlito will FINALLY go one on one. Can we see a new champion? Or will Carlito overcome the odds? These men have started off after Royal Rumble. Since then, these men have shown nothing more but burning hatred for one another. From push to shove, Carlito and Cena will not stop tearing each other apart. The WWE Universe have thought that at RAW, these two superstars would settle their dispute; wrong, this just added more fuel to the fire in my book. We’ve seen the anger from John Cena as well as his hatred. Can Carlito be able to take on the insanity that is John Cena? We’ll see for tonight’s main event.[/color]
Another match graphic for another championship bought is shown on the Tron
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
Not only does John Cena have his hands full tonight; his opponent from Saturday Night's Main Event, Randy Orton has also his hands full tonight as he takes on the Christian Cage for the number one contendership. Can Cage defeat Orton and become the new number one contender? [/color]
Suddenly, “Your Time Is Up” blares out of the P.A. system as the fans have a standing ovation for the upcoming superstar with the notable theme music. The titantron belonging to the number one contender for the WWE World Championship is shown on the Tron. At that moment, John Cena comes out from behind the curtains with a huge amount of momentum being shown. He stops at the stage and begins to execute his signature solute, Cena is wearing a pair of baggy army pants and football jersey. Cena has a look on his face that seems to be almost inspirational as he begins to make his way down the ramp as he delivers high-fives to the WWE fans
[color=orange][u]Todd Grisham[/u]
Please welcome . . . The number one contender for the WWE World title, JOHN . . . CEEEENAA![/color]
Cena reaches the bottom of the ramp, and then directs himself to the steal steps where an WWE Microphone is placed. He picks up the microphone then walks up the steps and steps inside of the ring.
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
Cena ain’t even supposed to be out here ‘till the main event which is a long time from now! Despite that, these fans are giving him one hell of an ovation tonight, King![/color]
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
These fans look like they’re going to blow the roof off this place any second now. Damn Cena marks[/color]
Cena jumps down from the turnbuckle and then goes over to the microphone he placed on the ground. Cena picks up the microphone and walks towards the center of the ring
Chants from the fans are heard as they chant between the world champion and the number one contender. Cena simply smirks to himself before addressing the WWE fans here tonight in Houston
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
At Royal Rumble . . . I lit the city into an inferno of flames. I lit this city in flames as well as the hearts of the thousands who watched that pay-per-view to watch me crash and burn. I look back to remember the faces who are standing in that crowd who represented symbols of hate, then I look in this crowd and I see the same people, ready to see me fall to the hands of Carlito. I see hope so strong that it pierces through my skin, man, and I respect that. All I ask for is a couple of minutes to spread the wealth and allow me to show my hope, to show my emotions . . . To show the inferno burnin’ inside me.[/color] [Cheers mixed with boos can be heard as Cena finishes his line] [color=darkblue]Houston, I’ve graced my presence here once before and what I did was show the fans who backed me up WHY they should continue to place their faith in me and I showed those of you who resent me that my fire will never burn out. I’ve placed faith in each and every one of you, and y’all can throw it back at me ‘cause I’m here to guide the few who still place their hands against my heart, and can still see truth in my cloudy eyes. Carlito has ripped something out of me on that night that made me want to rip out each and every strand of my hair. I can’t put my finger on it, nor will I ever find out what it was, but I can tell you this: tonight, I’ll be rebuilding those broken pieces. Carlito has the world championship title on his waist and he treats it as if it was the meaning for him to live. That feeling . . . To hold onto something and have it as the meaning to live must be a strong feeling and I won’t criticize Carlito for that. It seems as if Carlito is still mesmerized by the events that happened between him and I at the Royal Rumble. I have taken him out NOT once with a steal chair, but TWICE with a steel chair. I watched his body crumble to the ground and all it did was trigger my guilty conscious. Now, I look back at that moment and now . . . I’m proud I did what I did. It showed majority of the WWE universe and most importantly, Carlito that I mean business for a change. You could see the emptiness and the confusion roamin’ around and just invadin’ John Cena’s mind. At the Royal Rumble, I wanted y’all to see what was in me, I wanted y’all to see the fire that was burnin’ inside of me; I wanted it to burn all of you, but that wasn’t the right approach. I wanted to do all these things to benefit my own damn self, but I forgot what mattered to me in this business in the first place . . . What mattered to me was the happiness and praise I’d get from entertain’ you all, and not receiving it anymore just hurt, man. I look at you guys now and it seems as if some of you won’t fotgive me for the sins I’ve committed, and for that, I thank you . . . Y’all just gave me more of a reason to keep going in this board game we all call life, and I ain’t goin’ to give up and lose like before. At Royal Rumble, I poured my heart and soul into that beating, HOPING I’d not only dismantle Carlito, but hoping I’d murder the man where he stands. I wanted to tear everything apart and look inside of him to see what is actually ticking in the world champion. What I saw in the world champion was not only a heart that was packed with resilience, but I saw the heart pulsating a wave of fire that made my eyes tear from the heat. I guess at that moment, the battlefield changed and I wasn’t the man who was fightin’ a war with the man who is the icon of insanity for me. I had dreams that became shattered, I had desires that became burnt out, and I had a drive that became paper-thinned by the lack of dreams. That same night, I walked backstage and looked at myself in a mirror and I saw the mask I put on myself slowly cracking. At that same moment, the mask broke off my face and all that was left was the same kid from Cameron who brushed red living in a world of black and white, the same kid who was suffocated by the words of sorrow, and the same kid who lit the city into flames. Carlito, you best be backstage listenin’ to me; my words may seem sporadic but the fire behind each word will show the intensity of scorchin’ rage to come later tonight when I rip the WWE world championship from your cold hands.[/color]
The chants continue as Cena finishes up his line. Cena simply nods his head before continuing
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
Carlito, last night on the Saturday Night Main Event, I gave you a SAMPLE of what’s to come tonight. I showed who you were to me, and what I will to do to assure your disappearance off the RAW brand. You see, man, people say that hate is the strongest emotion and that it shouldn’t be used at all . . . The thing is, why lose experience in an emotion that I know awfully so well? Hate has become apart of my mentality, hate has become the motive in me, and hate has become the power behind my desire. I’ve taken you to my battlefield, Carlito, and I’ve made you witness the taste, the smell, the feel, and the sight of pure animosity. I could tell that these senses, these new feelings that overcame you were too overwhelming for the great Carlito. The way your admirable smile has turned into a half-assed smirk that has nothing more than fear written all over it. Why do you fear me Carlito? Is it because of the fact I’m different from the other challengers for your title belt, or is it because you know that it’ll be your last night as an WWE champion? I am not speakin’ crap just to be sayin’ it, I’m speakin’ it so I could hear you say it! Look around me, Carlito . . . There’s thousands and THOUSANDS of WWE fans who are here to witness Carlito and John Cena in the state of Texas. This city will burn in the ashes that will be made as we clash, this city will be devoured by the screams of pain and hopeless dreams ‘cause of the inhumanity that will be showered in this ring. Tonight man, I ain’t going to go backstage and continuously ask myself “what have I done?” after spilling your blood later. You know where the line is, man, and we’ve obviously crossed that. We’re supporting each other by lines of hate, incontrollable roots of rage and insanity. I’ve destroyed my own damn self in every damn way possible. I’ve cut the flesh off my body, I’ve broken my fists against walls to ventilate pain, and I’ve watched my veins slowly collapse from the constant abuse I’ve poured upon my own self. You come out here tonight with the attempt to cause me further harm. Tell me Carlito, is that quite possible? Can you harm someone who has already harmed himself to the fullest of extents? Please, humor me ‘cause I don’t think anyone in his or her right mind can shower as much pain and suffering that I’ve showered on my own self. Unless you’re God, Carlito . . . The only suffering I’ll be getting will be the burial I’ll receive when I’m six feet under or just by my own two damn hands. Hold your hands up high, Carlito and cross with much pride ‘cause I’ll be aimin’ to hold up the world championship in my hands by the end of the night. We can replay the events from Royal Rumble and go through the same levels of abuse that we put each other through, we can replay the hatred we have for another, but these fans came here to see an ENCORE not a repeat of what shouldn’t of been. It’s an encore Carlito, but this time I plan on making the ending where you don’t walk out as champion, I DO! For weeks, you’ve been watching your back and showin’ nothin’ but hatred towards Randy Orton, but bro, Randy Orton ain’t the one you gotta’ be worrying about; it’s me that you gotta be worryin’ about cause I’m the one who will be takin’ you to hell and back, makin’ you suffer in the sound of silence. Randy is not capable of harming ANYBODY, all he’s capable of doing is running away when things get too hot. Well Carlito, luckily for you, you’ll be up against someone who is more than capable to handle the heat when things get a lil’ hot. Tonight man, stand up tall and kiss that gold . . . While your at it, ask the fans what your name is one more time ‘cause it’ll be the LAST time you’ll hold that piece of gold and it’ll be the LAST time you hear the voices of the fans that motivate you so damn much. Carlito, I’ve done everything I could ever want to do so far in WWE[u]E[/u], but one thing: become world champion, and tonight I will do just that. If I could turn my back on this place and leave, I couldn’t ‘cause I haven’t done all that I could of done. Remember man; I was born with the last name of “Cena” and being a Cena means to LIVE FOR THE MOMENT! This is my moment, this is what I’m living, Carlito! I’m going to stand up high and fight for what I have left, fight for what I want, and fight for the things I’ve lost. Texas . . . Tonight, I’ll pray for y’all to close your eyes on me ‘cause when you open them . . . You’ll open 'em to me holdin' the gold. Carlito; I've fought my heart out so many times, I've bled pints of blood, and I’ve cried rivers . . . I’ve begged for forgiveness from people and I’ve prayed for countess endings. These are in fact my last words, and this is in fact my last breath. With these last words, and with this last breath, I’ll take back what you’ve stolen from me, and that’s MY LIFE . . . MY PRIDE . . . AND MY DREAMS! Win or lose, Carlito . . .
…I got nothing left to prove, and I will live with my regrets, believe me, I’ll have no regrets.[/color]
With that said, “Your Time Is Up” blares out of the P.A. system as Cena drops the microphone onto the mat. He stares at the fans that are either booing him or cheering him. Cena salutes to the crowd as he begins to climb out of the ring. WWE’s Pay-per-view, Wrestlemania now goes on a quick commercial break before the first match-up can start. The picture closes out on the face of John Cena. It goes pitch black and all you can see is the light at the crack of the door, the panning into a room of somebody sleeping as we see John Cena jump from his bed and proclaim;
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
It was all a dream. . . The real 'Mania, starts now...[/color][/align]
[align=right][color=goldenrod][u]Match:[/u]Carlito (c) vs John Cena
[color=goldenrod][u]RP Title:[/u]The Real 'Mania, Starts Now . . .[/color][/align]
[align=center](As the customary parental advisory and strobe lighting warning finishes playing to the millions of viewers watching live from their homes, the screen fades out, and the live streaming now joins the WWE faithful in the Reliant Stadium. The intro video for WWE's huge Pay-Per-View, Wrestlemania, begins to play over the Tron, hyping all the huge interpromotional matches which will be taking place throughout the night. As the video draws to its climatic conclusion, there is no wasted motion as the cameras cut to live inside the arena, as an overly impressive pyrotechnic display engulfs the Tron, leaving behind a low lingering cloud of grey smoke. As the smoke begins to settle, the fittingly-named "Eye Of The Tiger" beats loudly over the PA system as the sold-out Texas crowd rise to their feet, anxiously anticipating tonight's unique event. A small black and white graphic appears in the top left-hand corner of the screen, letting people know that Wrestlemania is broadcast "live from Houston, TX", and then quickly changes to say "SAP Transmitido En Espanol" before disappearing off-screen. The thousands in attendance slowly become aware that they're on live TV, as the camera pans wide amongst the crowd, catching short glimpses of all the signs and placards that people have brought to show their support for their favourite Superstar, or the-lack-there-of for the ones they dislike. As the camera sets its focus on the people a little closer to the front, a lady can be seen holding up a piece of pink card saying "RAW Divas FTW", featuring a large picture of Mickie James, and proudly wearing a RAW T-shirt. A young gentlemen is then seen, wearing a green Hornswoggle-style bowler hat, excitedly jumping up and down, holding a large neon green billboard with a four-leaf clover drawn on it and "FINLAY 4 TV CHAMP" written in the middle of it. The final sign which catches the camera's eye, held up by a twenty-something looking gentlemen, features simply the phrase "Match of the century", featuring a prominent WWE logo underneath, and pictures of Carlito and John Cena, in reference to the night's huge main event. As the crowds' fifteen seconds of fame comes to an end, the camera takes one swift final scan across the sold-out crowd, then focusing in on the commentary booth, and the glowing faces of WWE's mainstay broadcasters, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. JR is dressed in his usual black suit, with white undershirt and dark blue tie, whereas "The King" has a similar attire, although sporting a pale blue shirt and no tie. The two sit, hands neatly clasped in front of them on the desk, soaking up the electric environment, before launching into their usual warm welcome to their worldwide audience...)
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Jim Ross, as always, joined by my broadcast colleague, Jerry "The King" Lawler, as we welcome you to WWE's top PPV extravaganza, Wrestlemania! We are live from the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas, and folks, what an outstanding line-up of matches we have in store for you here tonight, this has got to be one of the most stacked cards we've had in WWE history, King...[/color]
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
It's hard to argue with you there JR, I mean usually it's pretty easy to argue with you, in fact I usually enjoy it, but that's another story. Right now, right here tonight.. this is history in the making right here, I can definitely see this turning out to be one of the most exciting and unpredictable nights we'll ever have the pleasure of calling, JR. I mean, I'm looking forward to the ladies' match here tonight, is that something or what? And at least I can rest assured that this time it won't be the main event...[/color][color=black] *King begins muttering under his breath*[/color]
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
You're never gonna let that one go are ya King? Anyway, with that aside, let's give you a quick rundown of some of the headline matches here tonight, starting off with the Womens champion Maryse Oullett versus Taylor Wilde, facing off here tonight![/color] *A match graphic promoting said match appears on the screen* *The match graphic disappears and we're taken back to the broadcast position* [color=darkred] And whilst we're on the subject of champions, King, how about this one; tonight, we're gonna crown a new Intercontinental Champion![/color] *Another match graphic consumes the screen* [color=darkred]The Deadman will defend his title against Y2J Chris Jericho and Shannon Moore[/color] *The match graphic disappears*
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
And speaking of clashing, Jericho better watch out he doesn't get clashed upside the head with that big boot. Bottom line is, Jericho can fly around the ring doing all the pretty moves he wants, but when it comes down to it, Undertaker is undefeated at Wrestlemania, and he fights well. If you plan on making a trip to the bookies tonight, my advice would be to bet on 'Taker walking out of here with his title when it's all said and done here tonight.[/color]
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
We'll certainly see a little bit later on, anyway ladies and gentlemen, what a huge main event we have for you here tonight,[/color] *a match graphic appears for the following match* [color=darkred]It's gonna be the WWEE's World Heavyweight Champion Carlito is gonna be taking on the masked man John Cena![/color] *The match graphic disappears*
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
Without a doubt JR, it's gonna be great to see John Cena here tonight! I can't wait JR![/color]
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
And speaking of the main event, it looks as though we'll be being joined by the John Cena momentarily...[/color]
(Sure enough, Ross looks to be right, as the camera now focuses on the ring, and the ring crew are putting the finishing touches to the "Carlito's Cabana" set, fixing up the usual artificial palm trees on the ringposts, aswell as a hammock, two beach chairs, and a table featuring various exotic cocktails. As "Eye Of The Tiger" fades out, the several members of the ring crew exit through the ropes and scuttle off up the side of the ramp, and the anxious buzz circulating amongst the crowd suddenly comes to a halt. A rush of awkward silence falls over the thousands in attendance as they await the host of the Cabana. After a few more seconds, much to everyone's surprise, the opening horns of "The Time Is Now" ring out through the Reliant Stadium! Massive cheers echo throughout the arena as everyone rises to their feet in disbelief. As the intro draws to a close, after a few seconds, John Cena frantically bursts his way through the curtain!)
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
Oh my God Bobby, it's... well, that's not the WWEE World Champion, but it is the former Champion! John Cena putting a premature end to Carlito's Cabana, before it even got underway! What a way to kick off Wrestlemania![/color]
(Cena jogs wildly to each side of the entranceway, excitedly throwing his arms around, acknowledging the WWEE faithful. He then makes his way back to the middle, taking time to stand still, placing his hands proudly on his hips and looking around at the masses, and visibly mouthing "WOW!" at the amazing reception he's recieving. He is wearing an aqua-blue Thomas #54 Miami Dolphins football jersey, blue jean shorts, white Reebok sneakers, white sweatbands, and a blue baseball cap sporting the RAW logo. He then continues his trek down the ramp, in his usual high-octane manner, multiplied by ten, occasionally making unheard comments to himself. As he reaches the end of the ramp, he slows down and stops for the second, seemingly "admiring" the Cabana set. He nods his head in approval at the fake palm trees, before taking a brief run-up to the ring apron, sliding under the bottom rope and popping right back up to his feet, throwing up the "Word Life" symbol in the process. He then runs to the left side of the ropes, grasping the top rope with both hands and looking out amongst the sea of people, shaking his head in amazement as he soaks up the unique reception from the Texas fans. Once again, he walks around the ring, taking a good look at the Caribbean-themed set pieces. Without warning, he picks up one of the beach chairs, folds it up, and throws it over the top rope causing it to go sliding up the ramp a little! He then quickly grabs the other one and does the same, then dusts his hands together with a smile on his face as the crowd pop hard for his "moving of furniture".)
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
WHOA! I guess Cena isn't a fan of Carlito's Cabana![/color]
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
I just wish he could of thrown one of those chairs in your direction, that would've done us all a favour...[/color]
(Cena, still looking overwhelmed with the response, throws up one last double-clutched salute to the fans, and then makes his way over to the ropes, motioning for a microphone from Todd Grisham. He then makes his way back to the middle of the ring, pacing back and forth a little, microphone in hand...)
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, dead the music, dead the music, dead the music, dead the music![/color]
(The crowd cheer loudly just at the sound of Cena's voice as his entrance theme fades out. He then raises the microphone to his mouth to address the sold-out crowd as a loud "CENA!" chant breaks out, causing Cena to pause for a moment, as he takes another look around. The camera quickly cuts to the crowd, zooming in on a gentlemen holding a white sign saying "The Champ Is Back", and then cuts back to Cena, who is grinning from ear to ear. As the "CENA!" chant dies down, Cena finally begins to speak...)
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
HOUSTON, TEXAS!...[/color] *the crowd pop at the mention of their hometown* [color=darkblue]Ya know I may not have the hardware to back it up anymore, hell, I've only been here like five minutes already, but let it be known, it has to be said... THE CHAMP.. IS... BAAAAAACK![/color] *The crowd once again launch into frenzious cheers*[color=darkblue] AND DAMN, Y'ALL ARE LIIIIIIIIIVE TONIGHT![/color] *This naturally elicits another pop* [color=darkblue]And now that I got some 'a this... faux-Caribbean crap out 'a the ring.. I'll be damned if I don't say that it feels great to be back, in an W.. W.. E ring right here tonight![color] *The crowd cheer* [color=darkblue]Now, I--I apologize to those 'a y'all who... [/color]*said in a sarcastic tone* [color=darkblue]were reeeeeally lookin' forward to seein' Carlito come on out here, shinin' his Granny Smith and tellin' everybody how un-cool they are, my bad...[/color] *Cena rolls his eyes* [color=darkblue]but dammit, this is my homecomin', this has been a long time comin', I just had to get out here, y'know what I'm sayin'?![/color] *Cena walks over to the ropes which are facing the Tron and leans over them* [color=darkblue]So Carly, consider the Cabana rescheduled, 'cause I got a lot 'a things to catch these people up on in the life and times 'a John Cena![/color] *The crowd cheer as Cena makes his way back to the center of the ring, occasionally glancing at the remaining set pieces which surround him*[color=darkblue] Now I... I know there's probably a little unrest out there, I mean.. I saw some people lookin' at me funny when I came out here, but that's cool, 'cause I know exactly why... There's probably a lot 'a folks out there right now, pointin' fingers at John Cena for, goin' back on his word, y'know, after all the--the fanfare and ballyhoo I caused when I took my proverbial ball and went home just three months ago, but... [/color]*The crowd boo* [color=darkblue]Yeah, yeah, I know, that's exactly what I'm sayin'... But yo, take it easy, I'm 'a be straight up, I'll spare y'all the sob story, we been there and done that already, this is now, this is live, THIS IS 2009! However... with that said, if you guys wouldn't mind me changin' the tone for a second, just so I--I can be sure that I've, put everybody's minds at rest, I believe that there are still a few unanswered issues floatin' around out there that I need to address...[/color] *Cena almost nervously paces the remaining ring space a little as he contemplates what he's about to say*
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
This looks like it could get interesting...[/color]
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
It's like this... you go to any Superstar or Diva backstage, go to any of the guy back there and they'll tell ya, this business... the professional wrestling business, the sports-entertainment business... it's extremely hard to know when to walk away. No matter whether you've been in it ten months or ten years, once you get a taste for it, once the bug has bit ya in the ass, you attach yourself to it, it consumes ya... On the contrary, as much as those same group 'a people would hate to admit it to ya, deep down inside, they know that there comes a time in every athlete's life that they have to... step back and take a look at the big picture. They need to take a moment away from the limelight, away from everything that comes with bein' in this business, and re-evaluate themselves, find themselves.. Ya see, that's exactly what I did when I let my employers know that I was on my way out, that I needed a break, there was just no way that I could continue to be the Superstar that I needed to be... Which also meant, that I couldn't be the champion that I wanted to be...See unfortunately for me, this whole issue couldn't 'a came at a worse time, I was at the absolute peak of my WWE career; I was holin', the WWE Heavyweight Championship... [/color]*The crowd boo as Cena lowers his head for a second and adjusts his hat* [color=darkblue]In the middle 'a the ring in a main event match was... to be honest, it was the last place I should 'a been. Unbenknownst to everybody else, I knew goin' in that this was my last hurrah, and I wanted to go out the exact same way I came in, IN A BLAZE 'A GLORY! And I'll be the first to come out here in front 'a everyone, hold my hands up in the air and say yeah, that night wasn't my finest hour. With all due respect to both of The World's Greatest Tag Team, I didn't want the last image 'a John Cena to be him gettin' pinned by Charlie Haas and walkin' off with a tear in his eye a broken man. Those guys gave myself and Jericho one hell of a match, one hell of a fight, and it paid off for 'em, they had one hell of a run as one of the best tag teams WWE has ever seen. The point is, at the risk of soundin' like I got my head up my ass, I didn't want the definin' moment 'a my WWE career to be me losin' a main event Pay-Per-View match because my head wasn't in the game. Don't get it twisted, that's no excuse, I can take a loss like a man, ya win some, ya lose some... but I don't want one moment 'a madness to overshadow everythin' else I'd accomplished durin' my stay here. Nobody was talkin' about John Cena goin' nine matches without losin' a single damn one of 'em anymore... No-one was talkin' about him makin' his Pay-Per-View debut at Backlash, havin' a hell of a ... The only thing they were talkin' about... is why? "Why did John Cena leave WWE when he had the world at his feet?".. "Why did John Cena throw everythin' he'd worked his ass off for away like that?"; believe me when I tell you, and I've said it time and time again, I can't reitterate it enough, havin' to relinquish the WWE Heavyweight Championship was one of the hardest things I've had to do in my career--no, in my entire life. Ironically, the way it turns out, it could've been a blessin' in disguise, 'cause it allowed me to realise what was important in my life, and that's this.[/color] *Cena points downwards towards the ring he's standing in* [color=darkblue]Moments like this, these are the moments that people will remember, and there's no way I'm gonna let myself down like that again![/color] *The crowd cheer wildly*
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
Cena shootin' straight from the heart tonight, King...[/color]
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
I wouldn't expect anything less from John Cena...[/color]
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
For three months, I sat at home and I watched WWE on TV... I watched guys who were here when I was, finally gettin' their big break, the big break they'd be workin' their whole careers' for... and they went and threw it all away. I saw a guy I know all too well, John Morrison..[/color] *The crowd boo* [color=darkblue]finally gettin' the World Championship match he'd always dreamed off, and what did he do? He screwed it up... and that same week, he left the company... I saw a guy like Edge..[/color] *The crowd boo once again*[color=darkblue] he was on top of the world, havin' great match after great match, he was the WWE World Champion... then he went and screwed it up, and then he left the company too... and that pissed me off. Watchin' guys get all these great opportunities thrown their way, only to throw 'em right back and turn their back on the company that gave them the chance.. Y'know why it pissed me off? Not 'cause 'a jealousy, not 'cause 'a spite, and not because I hold grudges... It's because three months ago... that was me. I had everything to stay for, but for what a lot of people may say were selfish reasons, I turned and I walked away. Watchin' other guys make the same mistake I made, it helped me see where I went wrong.. Seein' guys with unlimited potential to become one of the absolute best WWE had ever seen let themself down like that, it helped me see the error of my ways; I, too, let myself down... But not only had I let myself down.. not only did I let WWE down, not only did I let you guys down... that night, I let myself down.. Damn right... and while I was sittin' at home tryin' 'a get myself together, my phone was ringin' off the hook, day and night, with people askin' the same questions over and over; "Hey John, are you ever comin' back?", "John, are you coming back yet?", "please come back John, I'm beggin' ya!", calls from people I've wrestled, people I haven't wrestled, people I know, people I don't know.. to tell ya the truth, after a while it became pretty damn redundant. I was at a point where I realised that life's too short to let any opportunity go to waste... then New Year's Eve, I get another phonecall... And this phonecall... was from one Chris Jericho.[/color] *The crowd go crazy at the inevitable name-drop of the veteren* [color=darkblue]And, after a couple of minutes of.. mindless banter, Chris Jericho tells me that he's heard through the grapevine that Ric Flair was puttin' together a special "Wrestlemania" match for the upcomin' Pay-Per-View... And.. hell, I thought it sounded great! So he asked me how I'd feel, about takin' him up on the offer, and reunitin' the Ayatollah's of Rap 'N' Rollah for one night only. Soooo, I thought about it for a little while... and, after a moment of clarity... I then came to my decision...[/color] *Cena lowers the mic a little, and pretentiously rubs his chin in mock-thought. He then quickly jerks his head upwards, with fire in his eyes, and marches towards the camera* [color=darkblue]I told him to tell Flair to batton down the hatches, lock the door at the country club, 'CAUSE JOHN CENA WILL BE THERE MARCH 28TH![/color] *The crowd launch into a frenzy of cheers*
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
Wow, is Cena ever fired up! Somehow, I don't think anything would've been able to stop John Cena from appearing here tonight![/color]
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
That's what makes you the best play-by-play announcer in the business, JR...[/color]
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
For three long months, I was physically and mentally burned out... BUT I'M NOT BURNED OUT ANYMORE![/color] *The crowd cheer* [color=darkblue]See while everybody else was lookin' down there noses at me, placin' judgment on me for walkin' out on WWE the way I did, the one man that understood where I was comin' from, the one person that was there for me, was Chris Jericho, and there's no chance in hell that I was gon' let him down this time! Jericho has been holdin' things together, holdin' RAW together ever since I left the scene, and I can't tell him how much I respect him for doin' what he's been doin' these past few months. Y'know, some people say John Cena is the guy who put the RAW on the map, and not only is that one hell of a compliment, it's also somethin' I hold near and dear, y'know what I'm sayin'? When I think back to last December, sittin' on the couch watchin' Y2J, not only was it one hell of a match... but seein' Jericho do exactly what he promised me he would, walkin' out as the winner... man, I'd be lyin' if I said that I wasn't overjoyed... I'd also be lyin' if I followed that up by sayin' "no disrespect to Carlito"...[/color] *A murmur of laughter is heard from the crowd*[color=darkblue] I've made no secret of the fact that the John Cena you saw walk out here and hand over his Championship last year was a shell of his former self, his mind was elsewhere... But right now, 2009, March 29th, WRESTLEMANIA!... the John Cena you see stood in front of you is more hungry, more focused, and MORE DETERMINED THAN EVER! However, it seems that, in my absence.. everyone still had an opinion on yours truly. Hell, I've seen guys like.. Mark Jindrak...[/color] *The crowd boo* [color=darkblue]a guy who I.. unfortunately never had the "distinct honour" of meetin'..[/color] *Cena rolls his eyes* [color=darkblue]condemn me for leavin' the way I did, but that's cool, he's not the first, he probably won't be the last, so whatever, you keep doin' your thing "Reflection of Perfection"... I've seen that Edge..[/color] *The crowd boo* [color=darkblue]WWE's own self-made millionaire, still hasn't let his ego get over the fact that I handed him his spoilt ass three straight weeks and shattered his main event aspirations... [/color]*The crowd cheer* [color=darkblue]I've seen him time after damn time revellin' in the fact that I took the high road, oh so "coveniently" after he "took me to the limit" back at Bad Blood...[/color] *Cena walks towards the camera and leans into it, as if addressing Edge* [color=darkblue]Bro, you keep thinkin' that...[/color] *He then backs up again* [color=darkblue]Seems even when I'm not here, even when I'm an WWE afterthought, I'm still a main talkin' point to a lot 'a people... but... no-one has been more vocal about me than, one of my opponents here tonight, the WWEE World Champion, Carlito...[/color] *the crowd boo*
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
Carlito's gotta be furious that Cena's commandeered his Cabana here tonight![/color]
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawlery[/u]
I don't blame him JR, I would be too! But this is John Cena, so I'm willing to let it slide...[/color]
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
Now, now, I know Carlito pretty well, we have a very... colourful past together, but that's exactly what that is, it's the past and.. to tell ya the truth, when I first heard about this match here tonight, I was willin' to give Carlito the benefit 'a the doubt, y'know, start a fresh... but it seems that the Puerto Rican Chia Pet has John Cena on the brain the way he's been yappin' on me these past few weeks.. And y'know the more I listen to what he has to say, the more it becomes apparent what his.. underlying problem with John Cena really is... Seems Mr. Caribbean Cool has a morbid case of the green-eyed monster... And even better, he doesn't seem too keen me! Now I've been called a lot 'a things in my life.. a lot of 'em I couldn't possibly repeat on TV, but that's another story for another time, and anyway, that's besides the point.. See Carlito, being his usual complimentary self, simply said that I am.. "OK"..[/color] *Cena scratches his chin*[color=darkblue] Well I, I thank you for that, that's a start I suppose, but then he went on to say, that he can't believe how guys like myself and Shawn Michaels are praised by the WWE fanbase. Now, don't get me wrong, I know I've had my fair share of choice words when it comes to these people..[/color] *Cena smirks* [color=darkblue]but homie, real recognizes real, and if these people are throwin' up the double horns for me then that's their prerogative..[/color] *Cena smirks slightly and scans the crowd as they cheer* [color=darkblue]I'm just doin' me, some like it, some don't, but good, bad or indifferent, all these people know that I can talk the talk, and I can walk the walk to back it up, ya heard? I've done it time after time, and I intend on doin' it once again here tonight. Carlito on the other hand, seems set on the idea that I've had my moment in the sun, and that I have no place in WWE in 2009... [/color]*The crowd boo* [color=darkblue]I know, I know, but--wait, wait.. y'know, maybe he has a point... [/color]*There is a slight gasp from the masses as Cena's eyes widen* [color=darkblue]man, who the hell am I kiddin', he couldn't be any further from the truth! [/color]*The crowd cheer* [color=darkblue]Homie, I'm not one to believe my own hype, but these people demanded it, they wanted John Cena back in WWE, and for one night only, THEY GOT IT![/color] *The crowd cheer* [color=darkblue]Whooooa, whoooa, and the plot thickens... the deal is, Carlito thinks he's bein' overlooked by his peers.. by you people... and by the WWE higher-up's.. yeah... I saw him the other week, comin' out here all mad, all bent out 'a shape, stompin' his feet, throwin' his apple out the pram, claimin' that he's beaten champion after champion after champion and still got no recognition, well let me put this one to ya Señor World Champ... did you beat Chris Jericho?[/color] *The crowd "Oooooh!" at Cena's stinging rhetorical question*[color=darkblue] I DIDN'T THINK SO! You even resorted to gettin' some obese black Aferican-American beach whale to try and take 'care 'a ya bid'ness for ya and yet you still couldn't get the job done! Look, the only reason you've been "overlooked" is 'cause... it's because you allow yourself to be overlooked. Yeah, you won the World Championship, but what have you done since then? ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN'! When I was WWE Champ, each and every week I reminded everybody, every single person watchin', exactly why I was the guy carryin' the brand! You, you just allow yourself to fade into the background and become complacent. Yeah, you may be the World Champion right now... but homie, it's not the championship that makes the man... it's the man that makes the championship. Right now, all I'm seein' is a bitter young man who got lucky. So don't sit back there, puffin' out ya chest, gettin' ya nappy roots in a twist, and worryin' about why everyone's more concerned with "John Cena's return to the ring"... [/color]*Cena once again approaches the camera and leans in*[color=darkblue] just worry about what you gon' do about it in about two hours when the bell rings and you're standin' across the ring from him! *The crowd cheer*[/color]
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
I think wherever he is right now, Carlito just took a huge gulp...[/color]
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
Of course he didn't JR; Carlito doesn't swallow, he spits![/color]
*Awkward silence*
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
... thank you for that valuable piece of information...[/color]
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
You're very welcome...[/color]
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
If you're such a "bigger name" than me like you claim, if I'm so "unimpressive", surely you'll have no problem bringin' it to little ol' John Cena a little bit later on, right? I'll look forward to it... Let me make one thing clear to you Carlito, you're not the only guy to ever win a world championship.. heh, you're lookin' at a former world champion right now, dawg![/color] *The crowd cheer* [color=darkblue]Actually, come to think of it... a fun fact regardin' tonight's match... ... I won my world championships before you! How 'bout that?! And despite what you say, we alllllll.. earned it. Hmmmm... remind me Carlito, how did you earn your championship? I mean surely you must've earnt your title shot, right? I mean, you quite obviously practice what you preach... I don't suppose that.. anybody back could.. refresh my memory could they, it's just.. I really can't remember! Can anybody.. I mean--ohhh, wait, wait, wait, wait... Now I remember.. Yeah, the way I remember it, is that after Jericho got done beatin' your ass and becomin' WWE Heavyweight Champion, you were sent back to RAW and that somehow qualified you to be a contender to the WWE World Championship... So while guys like John Cena, guys like Chris Jericho, guys like Shawn Michaels were off winnin' matches left and right in order to solidify their spot as a serious contender, you "earned" your title shot by gettin' beat, only to end up sent back to where you couldn't cut it in the first place! The only you reason you so against this match here tonight is because steppin' in the ring with myself, Y2J and HBK reminds you of that.. It reminds you that quite simply.. you just don't belong. You're the odd one out, you know it, and it eats you up... And look, you ain't doin' yourself any favours by talkin' down on the guy you've gotta co-exist with here tonight. Don't get me wrong, in the past, me and Jericho, yeah, we've had our differences, our disputes.. but right now, I got nothin' but respect for the guy. By you makin' all these unflatterin' comments about HBK, all you're doin' is further decreasin' your chances here tonight. Look man, I know Shawn Michaels, me and him, we've teamed together before outside of WWE and time and time again, I'd have to keep eyes in the back 'a my head, because he was poised and waitin' to kick my teeth down my throat courtesy of some Sweet Chin Music, and that was on a good day.. The last thing you wanna do right now is anger the only person in Houston who's "got your back" here tonight. Whether you like it or not, tonight, it's not all about Carlito for a change... 'Cause tonight, you're goin' to battle me.. Although the way you been carryin' on, the more I think about it, the more I feel like you're gon' end up goin' into this by yourself tonight. Guys like John Cena wouldn't be stood here doin' what I'm doin'..[/color] *The crowd cheer*[color=darkblue] That's the same reason I respect Chris Jericho, and the reason why I'm proud to go to war with him here tonight! Now Carlito, I know you're watchin' right now, and just like me, you can't wait to in-ring competition here tonight, you're just itchin' to come on out here, step inside the ropes and show each and every one 'a these people why you're the Showstopper, the headliner, the main event! But as good as that all is Carly, tonight's different. Tonight, yeah, no doubt, you're gonna be havin some fun that you always were, the headliner that you've always been... as for 'the main event'... Tonight, as much it may damage your ego, the limelight isn't entirely [/color]
(Cena glances behind him, and walks over to the small picnic-like table which still has the coconut shell cocktails resting a top of it. He picks one up, takes the straw out and discards it on the floor. He then holds up the beverage to the crowd as they cheer, making sure to hold it up to each side of the ring...)
[color=darkblue][u]John Cena[/u]
Fans... this one's for you...[/color]
(Cena then knocks back a huge swig of the unknown cocktail, then holds up the empty shell in a toast to his former brand, the brand which he'll be representing in the night's main event. He then places it neatly back on top of the table, as "My Time Is Now" hits the PA system and the crowd rise to their feet, giving Cena yet another amazing ovation as he exits the ring under the bottom rope. He throws up the "Word Life" symbol before leaving up the ramp, going to each side and slapping people's hands. He even takes a "The Champ Is Back" sign from a front row spectator, pausing to hold it up eliciting another pop. He then shakes the person's hand and makes his way up the ramp and through the curtain, as his theme continues to play...)
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
One word, King: wow. Cena is undoubtedly still on top form, and personally, I can't wait to see the main event here tonight![/color]
[color=royalblue][u]Jerry Lawler[/u]
Ya know, it's funny.. despite not featuring Carlito, the host, at all... I think that was my favourite edition of the Cabana I've ever seen! I love it![/color]
[color=darkred][u]Jim Ross[/u]
Haha, well, indeed a very unorthodox setting for Cena's homecoming here tonight at Wrestlemania, but I'm sure Cena will feel right at home in the main event tonight when he takes on Carlito for his WWEE Championship[/color]
(As ring crew swoop the ring to remove the last fragments of the Cabana set, an WWEE promotional video plays over the Tron to bide time, as they prepare for the opening match...)[/align]

Superstar Information
Name: Triple H
Greenwich, Connect..
Weight: 260 Pounds
Finishing Move: Pedigree
The Cerebral Assassin, The Game, The King of Kings.
Associates:Coming Soon
WWER Career Highlights:
WWER Career Record W/L/D: 1/0/0
WWER Roleplay Number: 002
The Defeated List.:
Handler Information
Name: Drew
Age: 15
Hometown: US
E-Fed Experience: 1 year 3 months
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