[Fade to the backstage dressing room of the Crimson Calling. The athletic pair of Ivan Dalkichev and Erik Black sit in a pair of steel folding chairs while their manager, Nathan Fear, stands before them. Both men are already dressed in their ring attire, with Erik sporting a red short-sleeve silk shirt and Ivan draping his shoulders with a towel.]

NF: I'm not going to accept failure, you two. You will go out there tonight and show these two why we are the RIGHTFUL Tag Team Champions... and they are not. Understood?

[The two of them nod.]

NF: Good. And Erik? Keep your temper in check.

EB: ...well, we'll see what happens, Boss. I ain't takin' any shit, though.

NF: You let me deal with any "shit" should it come to the surface, okay? Now no more talking... let's go do our thing.

[Fear turns and makes his exit. Erik and Ivan both come to their feet, the Russian straining slightly to control his weight. He takes a few steps forward, limping on his right leg. Black quickly notices.]

EB: Hey Ivan... are you okay?

[Ivan turns to him, smiling slightly.]

ID: Just a little stiff... from banging your mother other night.

EB: Yeah, fuck you, ya vodka pisser! [The two laugh and slap each other on the shoulders as they exit the room.]

[CUE UP: "Imperial March" - Rage Against the Machine. A video montage plays, featuring smoke-wreathed images of various wrestlers, some of them leaving blurred trails as they move.

CUT TO: Beast nailing the Absolution on Adam Benjamin.

CUT TO: Karl Brown coming off the ropes with a Quebrada.

CUT TO: Christian Sands and Lindsay Troy standing victorious in the ring.

CUT TO: Troy Douglas standing victorious on a turnbuckle.

CUT TO: Adam Benjamin delivering a Shining Wizard to Karl Brown.

CUT TO: Golem cradling his claw, smirking.

CUT TO: Boogie Smallz lighting up a blunt.

CUT TO: Lindsay Troy dropkicking Christian Sands.

CUT TO: JA and Sebastian Dodd locking up in the middle of the ring.

CUT TO: Dan Ryan sitting sedately in a chair, staring into the camera.

CUTTO: With a clash of metal, a logo slams across the screen, its edges flickering.]

[Cut backstage to Dan Ryan's office. A knock is heard on the door.]

Ryan: It's open.

[The door swings open and Boogie Smallz walks in. Ryan looks up from some paperwork and waves him over.]

Boogie: I got this note you wanted to see me.

Ryan: Right. Come on in.

[Smallz comes in and eyes the room, then reluctantly sits.]

Ryan: This situation between you and Zieba is getting pretty interesting, no?

Boogie: [shrugging] He ain't shuttin' me down. I speak the truth and you know it as well as I do.

Ryan: Nevertheless, I need you healthy if you're to continue on with the promotion.

[Smallz starts to speak, but Ryan waves him off.]

Ryan: Let me break it down to you like this. I've been asked why I've allowed the Boogie Smallz/Erik Zieba soap opera to go on in my company and the answer is simple: ratings. Quite honestly, the fans seem to be interested in it and so I have seen no reason to put a stop to it.

Boogie: Not that you could if you wanted to.

Ryan: [smiling] Right. As I was saying....so long as I find it entertaining, and so long as the situation continues to put money in my pocket, I'll allow it to continue. But I see no profit in allowing Gabriel Poe, Kevin Powers and Erik Zieba to beat the hell out of you with no recourse and cause permanent injury to someone under contract to this company. Those sorts of things only happen if I wish it. So as a little present to our former employer Mr. Zieba - and to you as well I'm banning Erik Zieba and Gabriel Poe from the arena tonight.

[Smallz doesn't change expressions but nods.]

Ryan: Take care of your business tonight and the next move in this little game is yours.

[Smallz smirks and stands - Ryan returns the favor and nods, and Smallz leaves the room.]

DT: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Aggression!!!! Alongside me as always are Mike Neely and Dean Matthews. Very interesting opening to the show as we have learned that Erik Zieba and Gabriel Poe will not be allowed in the building tonight.

MN: Sounds like racism to me.

DT: How is that possibly racism?

MN: Well, it's not nice.

DT: ANYWAY....let's head up to the ring and the one and only Tony Fatora!

Pulsar vs. Priest

[Pulsar is already in the ring.]

TONY FATORA: The following match up sis scheduled for one fall, presently in the ring...PPPULLLSSSSARRRR! And his opponent....

[Cue UP: “I Am the Bullgod” By Kid rock as Priest comes striding down the ramp]

TONY FATORA: Hailing from Detroit Rock City.....weighing in at 248 pounds .......PPPPRRRRRRIIIIIIEEEEEESSSTTTT!!!!!!!!!

[Priest slides into the ring looking at Pulsar as the bell sounds]

DT: And here we go as Priest and Pulsar are circling each other. Pulsar goes for a clothesline which is ducked by Priest

MN: He’s a quick one, he can duck anything!

DM: Bet you couldn't duck a duck.

MN: Duck you!

DT: Do you always have to yell? And Priest answers back with a few right hands and sends Pulsar into the ropes. Pulsar on the rebound.... Priest ducking....but he ducks too early and Pulsar nails a swinging neckbreaker on Priest followed by a pin 1....2.. kick out.

MN: And we could have had a commercial break if that was a pin...

DM: But it wasn’t....

MN: But it could have been....

DT: Pulsar now picking up Priest and delivers a clubbing shot to the back and suplexes him back down. Priest gets up backing into a corner. Pulsar follows and begins to choke him with his boot and ref begins to count 1...2....3...4.....Pulsar breaks the hold.

MN: SLOW COUNT! That was totally a five...

DM: What’s the difference?

MN: Um....

DM: You have no clue do you?

DT: Pulsar picking up Priest and whips him into the opposite turnbuckle and charges at him....BUT PRIEST MOVES! Pulsar goes flying into the turnbuckle chest first!

MN: Do you always have to scream?

DT: It was called for. Pulsar stumbles back into a flying clothesline by Priest. Pulsar gets to his feet and walks right into a Somoan drop by Priest.

DM: Priest hooks the leg for the pin! 1..2.. Pulsar gets the shoulder up.

MN: And we were about THIS close to having a break.

DM: Has the concept hit you that the fans can not see how close your fingers are?

MN: Well put that damn camera on me!

DM: We sort of like our ratings this high, Neely.

MN: Duck you!

DT: Priest begins to put boots to Pulsar.... Pulsar grabs Priest by the trunks and throws him to the outside.

DM: Cute.

MN: Very.

DT: Pulsar slides out of the ring and makes pursuit of Priest as he leans against the ring barrier. Pulsar clothes lining Priest and sends him back into the ring.

MN: What a shot!

DM: That one...I mean...that HAD to hurt

DT: Priest lying on the canvass, Pulsar delivers a elbow drop into a pin 1..2.. Priest gets his foot on the rope.

MN: That was pure luck.

DT: And Pulsar is arguing with the ref! Priest opening an eye as he rolls up Pulsar...PRIEST GRABBING PULSARS TIGHTS AND NOW PUTTING HIS FEET ON THE SECOND ROPE! 1...2...3!

[SFX: Ring Bell]


DM: Cheap! Cheap!

MN: Now now, Dean. Priest's feet weren't really on the ropes. It was, um, an optical illusion.

DM: Duck you, Neely. Duck you and your little mallard too.

DT: Wow....well, I think we need to take a commercial break...

MN: Finally...

DT: And we will be right back with more EPW Aggression after this break, stay tuned.

[Cut to a commercial for the new Big Meat Loafy Meal.]