(We see Dan Ryan’s office in the backstage area of the FedEx Forum. Ryan sits in his office chair shuffling through some papers. Ryan smiles as he holds a pen in his right hand and signs. A buzz is heard.)
Ryan: Yes?
(A voice on the other end of the speaker phone speaks back.)
Voice: Mr. Ryan, Paul Freeman has arrived and is waiting out here in the foyer.
Ryan: Wonderful, send our faithful commissioner right in.
(The feed clicks off and in moments the door swings open to show EPW Commissioner Paul Freeman walking in, manila folder in hand)
Ryan: How’s it goin’ Paulie?
Freeman: (smiling) Wonderful, got something you might be interested in. I’ve managed to sign a rather important star to an Empire Pro contract.
Ryan: I thought I made it clear that I didn’t want you meddling in the business side of things anymore, Paul.
Freeman: (still grinning) True, but hear me out. Technically I still have contract signing powers and I think you’ll like this one.
Ryan: Trying to win brownie points are we?
Freeman: Something like that.
(Freeman catches a glance of Ryan’s desk.)
Freeman: Wait... you sign someone too?
(Ryan smirks a bit and leans back.)
Ryan: As a matter of fact I did... filling out the tag ranks a little bit.
Freeman: Anyone I know?
Ryan: If you were smart you would, so no probably not.
Freeman: (annoyed) Right... so who is it?
Ryan: Well, I spent some downtime in Detroit last week. It just so happens that I ran in Max Mayhem at a local gym.
Freeman: Max Mayhem?? Like from the Motor City Maniacs Max Mayhem?
Ryan: The one and the same. You know how these things go. One thing leads to another and boom... the Maniacs are under contract to Empire Pro as of about five minutes ago.
Freeman: (Regaining his smile) Well boss, I think I’ve got something even better.
Ryan: (leaning back and relaxing in his chair) I find that hard to believe.
Freeman: (handing his folder to Ryan) See for yourself.
(Ryan takes the folder and opens it up. After a few moments his face freezes and his eyes dart back up at Freeman, who’s beaming.)
Ryan: Uh..Paul?
(Freeman just smiles smugly)
Ryan: Paul, this says you signed Hornet.
Freeman: (through a smile that threatens to pull a muscle in Freeman’s face) That is correct.
Ryan: You signed Hornet?? You... signed Hornet?
Freeman: (smugly) That... is correct.
Ryan: You mean to tell me you just called Paul up on the phone and offered him a contract and he accepted?..Just like that?
Freeman: Well, no not exactly. As a matter of fact... he came to me…or at least, his agent did.
Ryan: His agent...
Freeman: Yeah, short guy...kinda starting to bald.
Ryan: You didn’t meet with Paul personally?
Freeman: Well... no not really. But I’ve got all the necessary paperwork right in the folder. It’s all legit I promise. (Ryan sifts through the paperwork once more and his brows furrow as he concentrates on what he reads.) Ryan: Hmm... so it would seem. I promise you though, I’ll check into this and if you’ve done what you say you’ve done...
Freeman: I can have my old job back?
Ryan: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I might consider giving you your parking spot back...and maybe I’ll stop the big guy on security from tossing you in the dumpster behind the offices.
Freeman: (after a sigh) Yes sir.
Ryan: Well, Mr. Freeman this has been an interesting meeting. I’ll call you on the road after the show.
(Freeman nods and turns to walk out the door, the click signaling the resumption of privacy as Ryan looks down at the folder once more.)
Ryan: Interesting indeed...
(cue up a commercial for the new Emo Boyz CD "My Girlfriend Broke Up with Me and Now I'm Crying.")