The Entourage vs. J.A. & "Queen of the Ring" Lindsay Troy (c)

DT: Folks, this next match is one that was destined to happen.

DM: Well, after what happened at Black Dawn, you knew that the World Champion wasn’t going to stand for something like that. Plus, I’ve never really seen the Anglo Luchador, or anybody for that matter, take kindly to a chair to the face.

MN: I’ve actually seen a guy that liked it once. He-

DT: The Anglo Luchador was very angry after that chair shot, Dean. I’m really anxious to see how this one plays out.

[CUE UP: “Take Me Out” by Franz Ferdinand. August De La Rossi makes his way out from behind the curtain, followed by The Mysterious Zoltan to some MASSIVE heel heat.]

DM: These guys certainly didn’t make any friends at Black Dawn, did they?

DT: You can say that again, Dean. And they have every right to be mad. That was a main event in which the fans paid to see Lindsay Troy take on Cross, and then these two monkeys and their leader, or whatever you want to call him, have to come down and ruin everything.

MN: Are you guys crazy? I mean, I didn’t pay for the pay-per-view, but I saw it first hand and I was more than happy with the presence of Troy Windham and his Entourage.

DT: You would be Neels.

MN: Because I have taste? Even though that puts me in the minority, it doesn’t make me a freak.

DT: No, but it makes you a brown-noser like no one else.

MN: If you’re referring to my preference to the betterment of this company, then I accept your compliment.

[CUE UP: “Eat the Rich” by Fozzy. The crowd pops out of their seats as JA makes his way out from behind the curtain.]

DT: Neels, if you want to talk about betterment of the company, look no further than this man right here. He has been nothing a positive force here in EPW as of late, and he is definitely a cornerstone in this company.

MN: A cornerstone in stagnation. When’s the last time this guy even had a match that involved some sort of decision?

DT: Since when are decisions pertinent?

MN: Since when? Ask Lindsay Troy how pertinent decisions are. Ask her where she would be if she didn’t have a decision against Beast.

[CUE UP: “Money, Power, Respect”. The crowd dies down a bit, but the cheers are still heard blasting throughout the arena. Troy then makes her way down the ramp with her title draped over her shoulder.]

DM: Speaking of the champ, here she comes now! She looks none too happy with the two men standing in the ring either.

MN: That’s just the wrinkle her face has after that massacre she endured at Black Dawn.

DT: And it was ridiculous! Troy Windham and his Entourage, once again, had no business being out there!

MN: How long are you going to whine about this, Thomas? Don’t be mad because Troy Windham was able to send a message to the champ that he’s here.

DM: Speaking of Mr. Windham, where is he exactly? Doesn’t he have a lot of stock in this match?

DT: That’s an excellent point, Dean. Maybe Troy’s collar-boy here knows where he’s at.

MN: So I’m a collar-boy now? Why? Because I enjoy his work?

DT: Because your nose is stuck in his-

DM: We’re ready to get this thing underway, guys!

DT: Good call, Dean. It looks like De La Rossi is going to be starting this match for the Entourage, but JA and Lindsay seem to be having a hard time deciding who’s going to start this match.

DM: Both of them are clearly angry with what happened at Black Dawn, and they’re ready for payback.

DT: And it looks like Lindsay has finally persuaded JA to let her get this one underway. It will be Troy and De La Rossi to start this match.


DT: And here we go. The two quickly charge each other and lock up in a collar and elbow! Troy quickly pulls August into a side headlock. August backs her into the ropes and presses her off into the opposite set. Lindsay hits the ropes…

DM: Troy just caught De La Rossi with a spinning heel kick! She now mounts De La Rossi and begins pounding away at him with those right hands!

MN: Those are illegal ref! Stop her!

DT: She is obviously infuriated with the Entourage, and she’s showing it right here! And the ref has to peel her off of August! She now reaches down and pulls De La Rossi to his feet and back to her corner. There’s a tag to JA as Lindsay grabs De La Rossi in an armbar.

DM: Good evening from De La Rossi! JA just introduced himself with a big springboard dropkick to De La Rossi’s jaw! JA stays on the attack and pulls De La Rossi to his feet. He backs him into the ropes with a hard knife-edge chop.

DT: There’s an Irish whip. Another dropkick by JA! De La Rossi quickly rolls to his corner and there’s a tag to Z!

DM: Z! charges into the ring. Drop toehold by JA! Z! just smashed his face into the canvas! He tries to bounce back up quickly, but JA catches him with a bulldog! He quickly reaches up and tags Troy back in!

DT: Look out! Troy’s heading up top!

DM: And JA just nailed Z! in the ribs with a baseball slide!

DT: And there’s Troy with a twisting senton bomb! She rolls Z! over for the pin…



…broken up by De La Rossi! This match was almost over right there!

DM: And now Troy’s going after De La Rossi!

MN: He’s not even the legal man! Disqualify her ref!

DT: For attacking someone who’s not in the match? What about disqualifying the Entourage for De La Rossi interfering?

MN: De La Rossi got trapped in the ring! He realized that, and now he’s trying to get out before the ref can count to five, but that wench Troy won’t let him exit!

DT: I think he deserves of it all, Neels. And Troy nails De La Rossi with a right hand! There’s another! She backs him into the ropes. There’s an Irish whip. Troy looks for the clothesline, but De La Rossi ducks it. He hits the other ropes…

DM: And he held on! Troy was ready for the rebound, but De La Rossi stopped her and her plans short.

DT: Roll up by Zoltan!



…kickout by Troy! She quickly gets to her feet to attack Z!

DM: Z! blocks the right and nails her with one of his own! He backs her into the ropes and now gives her an Irish whip. Troy rebounds.

DT: Big boot to the face by Z! There’s a pin…



…broken up by JA!

DM: Z! is quickly back up to his feet! He nails JA with a right hand! And now he reaches down…

DT: Gorilla Press Slam! He just sent the Anglo Luchador FLYING across the ring! He makes his way back over to Troy.

DM: Small package by Troy!



…kickout! Both competitors spring up…

DT: Right hand by Z! Blocked by Troy! And now she’s literally chopping down the big man with those crazy martial arts strikes and kicks! Rights! Lefts! Legs! They’re flying everywhere from our World Champion here!

DM: Here comes De La Rossi to try and slow her down!

DT: But he’s met with a stiff roundhouse! De La Rossi hits the mat!

DM: And there’s JA launching off the top rope and nailing him with a guillotine leg drop!

DT: Meanwhile, Troy has chopped Z! down to his knees. She now barrels off the adjacent ropes…

DM: Dropkick right to the chops! She’s heading to the top rope!

DT: JA has De La Rossi by the legs…

DM: The Liontamer! De La Rossi is squealing in pain!

DT: The Crowning Glory! Lindsay Troy has just nailed Zoltan with that corkscrew moonsault Tornado DDT, just as the big man had made it up to a knee! There’s a pin…





TF: Ladies and gentlemen, here are you winners… JA and the EPW World Heavyweight Champion, Lindsay Troy!

DT: This was not a good night for the Entourage! They were definitely unsettled by the absence of Troy Windham.

DM: Well, we were just as stunned to not see him as they were. He was supposed to be here, but yet there has been nothing heard so far tonight. I’ve got to wonder if he doesn’t have something up his sleeve.

DT: Regardless, he’s in the hole for now as his Entourage has taken a loss at the hands of two of the people they attacked at Black Dawn. He can’t be happy about that.

DM: Troy Windham will not settle for this, but I can’t help but wonder why he wouldn’t be out here to watch his henchmen in what would seem to be an important match for him being that the World Champ was one of their opponents.

DT: Well folks, for Dean Mathews and Mike Neely, I’m Dave Thomas…another night of action is in the books!…Goodnight!!