"PHENOMENAL" Frankie Scott vs. "the Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka

DT: Back from the break fellas and I don’t know about what’s going on right here…

DM: Yeah, Dahaka and Scott are in the ring but Scott doesn’t look right. He’s obviously nursing some sort of illness out here…

DT: In fact I’m told he’s got a case of the flu and a temperature of a hundred and two, but refuses to miss his match tonight.

DM: I can’t believe this….. how could the referee allow a very sick Frankie Scott compete?

MN: I don’t know but this has to be unsanitary. I mean look at him he is sweating before the match even starts!

DT: Determination Mike, he has a 102 degree fever, that is determination!

MN: That’s disgusting is what it is he’s going to give his disease to the rest of the locker room!

DM: The flu is a virus Mike.

MN: Where’s that bell……


MN: There it is!

DT: Nakita and Frankie circling up, Nakita going to grab Frankie Scott, but Frankie ducks it and runs past Dahaka.

DM: The key for Frankie is staying out of Dahaka's way without over straining himself due to his illness.

MN: No, the key is for him to take medicine so I won’t catch whatever he has!

DT: Dahaka going to another tie up, Frankie ducking it again, Dahaka stumbling forward, and here comes Frankie like a bolt of lighting towards Nakita! And a back elbow smashing into the face of Frankie Scott…… And a big elbow drop to follow it by Nakita Dahaka!

DM: Like I said Scott has to pace himself him running full speed into Dahaka is only going to make this match that much shorter.

MN: Well I hope he taps of cause Nakita is locking in that side headlock!

DT: Frankie Scott may be sick but he will not give up. Frankie Scott building up to his knees, no to his feet, a shot to the gut of Dahaka, and another he shoot her off, Frankie holding his head from that flu not really paying attention…BIG neck breaker from Dahaka and a cover…1….2..! Faint kick out as Frankie is coughing up some mucus.

MN: DISGUSTING! You sick freak get out of the ring!

DM: He cant help the fact he wants to put on a show for these fans.

MN: Card subject to change! SUBJECT TO CHANGE! Sick means change the subject of the match and get outta here for you don’t get your dieses near me!

DM: Well back to the match, Dahaka picking up a very ill Frankie Scott, and puts him back down with a scoop slam, rebound off the ropes, looking for a leg drop…NO! Frankie Scott with a side roll, on his feet and a fairly weak drop kick to Nakita.

DT: Frankie Scott’s pace has slowed down dramatically it is the key to this match, his moves are starting to look sloppy but he is still executing. Frankie Scott seems to be coughing up a storm as he uses the ropes to get up. Dahaka back on his feet as Frankie bounces off the ropes with a hopeless sprint that has now ended with Dahaka putting him back to the mat with a hard shoulder tackle.

MN: That’s right put his ass down!

DT: And Dahaka picking Franking up again and a forearm to the jaw line of Scott as Frankie falls back into a corner, and Nakita is using Frankie Scot for a straight up punching bag in that corner as she whips him into the cross corner….Frankie Scott leaping to the second rope HIGH CROSSBODY! Cover 1…kick out!

DM: This is not looking good what so ever for Frankie Scott his opponent is using his sickness against him. Frankie Scott now rolling off Dahaka as Nakita is getting to her feet. Frankie has to be burning up because he is shaking on the ground as Dahaka is now putting boots the rib cage of Frankie Scott.

MN: Key focus! Ok, ready? He puts the boots to his ribs or cuts his air anyway Frankie cant fight it cause he is sick which means this match is over and we can all decontaminate!

DT: Smart assessment Mike, stupid reason. Nakita grabbing Frankie and lifting him up by the neck, she's choking Frankie Scott in mid air! Wait…Frankie is leaning his head back…..FRANKIE SCOTT JUST SNEEZED! He has just sneezed in the eyes of Nakita Dahaka and Dahaka has dropped Scott!

MN: He has just become contaminated!!!

DM: Frankie Scott wiping his nose, a clothes line to Nakita that forces her into the ropes…BIG ARM DRAG FROM FRANKIE SCOTT! It didn’t have enough power to put Dahaka down for good….Nakita back on her feet…..Dropkick square to the face of Nakita that sets her down for good!

MN: That is disgusting, mucus in Nakita Dahaka eyes….poor girl.

DT: Frankie Scott crawling towards Nakita, who's wiping her eyes clean, 1…2..! Kick out! And Nakita grabbing the refs shirt and wiping her eyes, she turns around to a weak Frankie Scott who slugs Dahaka in the jaw! Another slow swing and Nakita blocks and a forearm to the face of Frankie Scott….Frankie turning around.

MN: YES! Dahaka with a Dragon sleeper hold that is making Frankie Scott squirm like a worm!

DM: Not a good position for Frankie Scott! He is already out of breath from being sick!

DM: And the referee lifting up Frankie’s hand…..1............2………..3….

SFX: Ding Ding Ding!

FATORA: Here is your winner by submission….NAKITA DAHAKA!

DT: And now Dahaka sliding out of the ring and grabbing a chair…oh no, come on! Frankie Scott has given all he could and this is the treatment he is receiving!?!

MN: Good Medicine! Haha!


DM: And a sickening chair shot to the skull of Frankie Scott! Jesus…..

MN: Lesson learned don’t sneeze in peoples eyes!

DT: Oh man….we’ve gotta get some help for Frankie Scott here folks….we’ll be back right after this!