[CUE UP: "Love Me or Hate Me," Lil Wayne.]
ANNOUNCER: This next contest is scheduled for ONE FALL and is a NON TITLE MATCH!
[Boos begin to rein down.]
ANNOUNCER: Making his way to the ring first ... from Orlando, Florida weighing in at two hundred and fifty-two pounds, he is the Empire Pro Wrestling WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION ... THE BLUE-EYED BADASS ... "TRIPLE X" SEAN STTTTTTEEEEEEVVVVVEEEEENNNNNNNS!!
[The curtain opens as Triple X walks through, in a sleeveless "King of the Cage" t-shirt, black and silver wrestling tights, and boots. His hair - wet - tied in a pony-tail, his EPW World Championship around his waist. The champ pauses at the top of the ramp, as the boos echo even louder with his every step. Slowly, he begins to make his stride down to the ring, raising his hand - and, cast - up in a slapping motion at one fan in particular who heckled him. Once Sean entered the ring, he snatched his championship from around his waist, and climbed up the nearest turnbuckle, raising it proudly in the air, as the camera bulbs flashed. Once he climbed down, he handed the title to the referee and took off his t-shirt as the lights dimmed.]
ANNOUNCER: And his opponent...
[SFX: Ding, ding, ding.]
DT: Now that all of the formalities are out of the way, we are ready to get this thing underway. EPW World Champion Sean Stevens is still jawing something at some of the fans in attendance, as - I think - someone threw something in the ring and hit him ... ADAM BENJAMIN CHARGES IN WITH A FLYING FOREARM! He nailed Triple X directly on the back of the head, sending him into the turnbuckle!
DM: You never turn your back on a wrestler the calibre of Adam Benjamin! I don't care WHAT his record is of late, or what title you possess!
MN: That was a cheap shot, but I assure you, the champ won't let that one get away!
DT: Benjamin turns Stevens around and begins to wail away at the blue-eyed badass, as he tries to cover up to no avail! Benjamin pulls Sean to the center of the ring, he sends him to the ropes, Stevens reverses, Benjamin bounces off, Trip catches him with a tilt-a-whirl-- NO! Benjamin countered with a swinging head scissors!
MN: This is NOT fair! I like Adam Benjamin just as much as the next man, but he caught Triple X completely off guard! I say we give the champ a five minute breather, then let them start over! Not to mention Triple X has a FRACTURED wrist!
DM: Benjamin is fighting like he's got nothing to lose, and I agree - he doesn't! Stevens gave him a pep talk this week in one of his promos and Benjamin clearly listened! This is how you start a match!
DT: Triple X is up, so is Benjamin, Dropkick sends the champ to the mat! Both men are on their feet, Benjamin bounces off the ropes, Spinning Heel Kick sends Stevens back down on his back! The champ looks discombobulated! Triple X is still a little dazed ... he's in a sit-up position, Benjamin charges ... SLIDING DROPKICK! Benjamin with the pin... ONE! TWO! Stevens gets a shoulder up!!
MN: That was a quick count by the referee! They're trying to SCREW Stevens for the second week in a row!
DT: Both competitors are up ... Benjamin with a couple of right hands ... he sends Stevens to the ropes again ... attempts a backbody drop that countered with a kick to the face by the 2007 King of the Cage ... Trip moves in ... Benjamin hops on his shoulders ... HURRICARANA INTO A PIN! ONE! TWO! THR-- KICKOUT!
DM: I'm surprised how off guard the champ really is! Could it have something to do with that cast he's been forced to wear all week? Something, something just doesn seem right in there.
MN: It HAS to be the cast! That idiot Ice Tre has Stevens TOTALLY off his game! Too much pressure!
DT: Trip staggers to the corner, as Benjamin keeps on him with the pressure! Right hand! And, another! Another! Benjamin shoots Trip to the opposite turnbuckle, Stevens reverses, Benjamin crashes into the turnbuckle, his back in pain, Sean charges in, Benjamin with a boot to the face and again the champion is staggering!! Benjamin props himself up to the second rope ... Stevens charges back in ... Benjamin hooks his head ... SWINGING DDT!!
DM: Benjamin planted him good! One! Two! NOOO! STEVENS KICKED OUT! But, the end may be near, his neck has GOT to be killing him after that one!
DT: Both men are on there feet again, Benjamin nails the champ with three consecutive chops ...
[SFX: Wooooooooooooh!]
MN: Why are these idiots making Police Siren noises?!
DT: Nevermind. Benjamin swings Sean to the ropes again, he attempts another back body drop, Trip counters with another kick to the face, Benjamin staggers back, as Triple X charges with a clothesline sending the Englishman over the top rope, where the land isn't too pretty! The referee begins his count as the champion takes a moment to get a breather!
MN: That'a'boy Trip! Take your time. Slow things down.
DM: Not for long, as the champion heads to the outside at the ref's count of three.
DT: Triple X nails Benjamin, and begins to hammer him! What is he doing? OUCH! Stevens slammed Benjamin NECK FIRST onto the guardrail as fans continue to yell obscenities at our Champion!
DM: The referee broke his count to warn Stevens about using his surrounding in the manor in which he did! But, Stevens clutches his right arm, I'm telling you, he is in TREMENDOUS pain!
MN: So is Benjamin, he's gasping for air, he can barely breathe!
DT: Sean rolls into the ring, then back out, to break the referee's count ... Benjamin's on his feet, as the champion closes in and NAILS him with two VERY powerful LEFT HANDED chops! My God! You can hear the echo through the arena!!
DM: That sound IS sickening, but it's NOTHING like the feeling. That I know from personal experience.
MN: Please, you were bush league then and you're bush league now. You couldn't walk a mile in Triple X's shoes, so stop pretending like you were EVER anywhere NEAR his level!
DM: Did I ever tell you that you can go screw yourself?!
MN: Yeah, but screwing your wife appeals to me more...
DT: Kids, kids, let's do our job. Stevens rolls Benjamin back in the ring, as they both make it to their feet. Sean with two vicious right hands, sends Benjamin to the ropes, Adam comes back, Trip with a clothesline that Benjamin sees coming and ducks, Adam bounces off the other end of the ropes and runs right into a Cross Body Block! And, Adam Benjamin is down again!
MN: The tide has officially TURNED.
DM: Stevens with a cover ... ONE! TWO! Benjamin kicks out!
DT: Triple X positions Adam Benjamin in the corner, and begins to wail away at him! Benjamin stoops down, which isn't helping his cause any, Trip continues only with BRUTAL kicks to the face, the neck, and chest! And, why would he do this?! He's using the rope as leverage as he CHOKES the life out of Adam Benjamin with his boot! Referee you've GOTTA do something!
DM: Indeed he IS taking control of this match! He uses force to pull Stevens off of Benjamin to Sean's dismay! That referee is going to get his head knocked off! We've already seen tonight how Sean feels about the EPW officiating crew.
MN: And, it'd be rightfully so, too! You don't put your hands on a man the status of Sean Stevens... he's like the President around here!
DM: Please SHUT UP!
DT: Trip returns his focus to his opponent... but, Benjamin is on his feet! Two shots by the blue-blooded traditionalist only to be met with a Throat Thrust by the champion that sends him back to the mat! Trip -- with a handful of hair -- tosses Benjamin back outside of the ring! As the referee begins his count!
DM: Stevens is a PIT BULL! He's not going to rely on the referee to count him out! He's already out after Adam Benjamin!
DT: Stevens sends Benjamin crashing into the steel steps, and Adam Benjamin is on his back again! Stevens tosses Benjamin into the ring, as the refereee begins to argue with the Champion about keeping the action on the inside. Stevens loses sight of his opponent as Benjamin creeps to his feet, and charges the champion NAILING him with a sliding dropkick that sent him CRASHING into the referee!
DM: The referee is out! Stevens is out! And all Adam Benjamin needs to do is pin the champion and he has this match in the bag!
MN: Triple X isn't the World Champion for nothing. Just when you think he's down, or out, he plays a different card! This man is an eleven year veteran. Don't count him out just because Benjamin suddenly has the upper hand.
DM: You are SUCH a mark!
DT: Adam Benjamin rolls Stevens inside of the ring, as the blue-eyed badass crawls for distance. Adam closes in, pulling the champ up by his hair ... he hooks him up by the head ... INVERTED DDT! Stevens landed on the back of his head and this move could have him unconcious! Benjamin with the cover!!
MN: C'mon Sean! You can DO THIS!
DT: Benjamin is up, I think he's preparing to finish the champion off! Stevens is slowly staggering to his feet--
[SUDDENLY, the arena's lights go out -- completely, at first, only to slowly turn into a flicker simultaneously with the Thunder and Lightning display on the EMPIRE-tron.]
DM: What in the HELL happened?!
DT: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are experiencing a power outage, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, I'm sure the workers in the back are solving the problem as we speak....
DT: Nevermind that, look at what's going on inside of the ring, from the little that we can see!
[As the EMPIRE-tron flickers on and off, little glimpses can be seen, while the rumbling of carcass hitting the mat can be heard. A figure is seen in the ring attacking one of the competitors inside of the ring, but the darkness prevents you from actually seeing it.]
MN: Dean ... hold me!
DM: Kiss off!
[SUDDENLY, just as they went off, the lights in the arena come back on, however, the only two individuals in the ring are the two that started there -- Stevens and Benjamin, with Adam Benjamin now out cold.]
DT: Folks, I can't tell you exactly what just happened, all I know is, before the power went out, Adam Benjamin was firmly in control of things, and looked as if he could have put the champion Sean Stevens away. Now, he's out cold in the center of the ring, with the champ slowly inching over to his body for the cover.
MN: You're not suggesting that Triple X had anything to do with this, are you? Because that's just WRONG.
DT: I'm not suggesting anything, it's just rather CONVENIENT wouldn't you say?
DM: Anything is possible, and anything can happen, but right now, the champion is taking advantage of whatever just happened, by draping his arm over Adam Benjamin's prone body for the win.
DT: The referee -- who was out cold for a couple of minutes seems to be coming along. He crawls over to the two athletes.
..................... ONE!
.................... TWO!!!!
DT: And, Sean Stevens is LIVID! The champion is on his feet, and he's signaling for the end. Benjamin is a bit loopy and rightfully so, he took a beating while the lights were out in the arena by God knows Who! Triple X is posturing in the corner ... Benjamin is on his feet ... Sean moves in aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnndddddddd CONNECTS!
MN: X marks the spot, baby! It works everytime!
DT: Sean Stevens just took Adam Benjamin's head off with his patented superkick -- the X-Factor -- and, it's academic. The referee drops down ... ONE! .....TWO!! TTTTTTHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The champion's done it! Sean Stevens beat a MORE than game Adam Benjamin!
DM: Wow, what a contest, what a MAIN EVENT!
ANNOUNCER: The winner of the match, the EPW World Heavyweight Champion, SEAN "TRRRRIIIIIIPPPPPPPPLLLLLLEEEE ECCCCCKKKS" STEVENS!!!!!!!
[The referee hands Trip his EPW World Championship, as Stevens tries to climb the turnbuckle with his one good hand, as the lights dim -- yet again.]
MN: Okay now, this is getting REAL old!
[Suddenly, a strobe of light leads us up the entrance ramp, onto the stage as EPW superstar The Stalker steps through the curtain, and his theme begins to blare over the PA system.]
DT: Could it be?! Was it the Stalker who aided Triple X to victory tonight?!!?
DM: Unbelievable! We all saw that they had a conversation earlier today but no one could've guessed this alliance would start so soon!
MN: This HAS to be a Stalker ploy ... this reaks of Jason Reeves.
DT: Ladies and Gentlemen, we need answers, just like I'm sure you want them, however, not tonight! Thank you for tuning in to another EPW Aggression, we'll see you next week!