DT: Well folks, as most everyone knows…Dan Ryan has announced his retirement from professional wrestling, and tonight is planning on addressing the Empire Pro fans regarding this historic turn of events.
DM: Yeah Dave, I never thought I’d see the day but today is the start of a new era in the business – one without one of the greatest to ever lace em up.
[“Zero” by Smashing Pumpkins blares over the EPW speakers and the familiar video plays on the EmpireTron…..one last time….
The crowd goes ape**** as “The Ego Buster” Dan Ryan steps out onto the stage in full business attire and with one last piece of jewelry, the UNIFIED World Championship around his waist. He stares through sunglasses at the crowd with more smile than his usual smirk, the pyro reflecting off of the eyewear. Several groups of fans do the ol’ bowing down gesture as Ryan makes his way to the ring, climbs up onto the apron and swings his legs through.
Ryan climbs the turnbuckle and the place erupts again as he raises his arms, bringing the arena to life with a thousand pops of camera flash.
Ryan resumes a more neutral position in the middle of the ring and pulls out a wireless mic.]
Ryan: As you all know, I’ve recently announced my retirement from the wrestling ring. Some say I was forced out. But the truth is, I was ready. I’ve been ready for some time. It only took a couple of extra nudges. When you’re winning and defending four World Championships at the same time, it finally kicks in that hey….maybe there just isn’t that much left to do in this sport anyway….
[huge pop]
Ryan: Then you look to your family and realize there’s plenty left to do at home. I have a family that I look forward to spending lots of time with, a daughter I plan to be there for, and a wife I intend to keep my promises to.
Of course….where does that leave all of you? Where does that leave Empire Pro?
It’s true, part of my retirement means that I will no longer be on your televisions from week to week as your owner. The good news so to speak, is that I won’t be selling the company exactly. The company will remain in my name, or rather in the family name so that my children will reap the benefit of my hard work over time. In the meantime, it only seems suitable that another …..eminently qualified member of my family be brought on board to run the day to day operations of the company….
MN: Oh no….
DM: Your face just went pale, Mike?? What’s wrong??
[CUE-UP: "Yer Majesty" by Shinedown. The tune is unfamiliar to the EPW faithful; however, after an intro like the one Ryan just gave, does anyone in the arena not know who he's talking about?]
DM: I'd even say that she's returned to her Empire, Dave.
MN: Oh..oh God! I'm finished! FINISHED!
[But this isn't the same Lindsay Troy that everyone around here knew for so long. Gone is her long, curly hair. Gone is the color of smoldering wood on an open fire. In their place is a chopped cut a little above her shoulders, the color of blackened cherries. And in case you're wondering what the hell is going on with that...don't worry. Here, the reason's not important.
Now, you might be thinking Hillary Clinton has the market cornered on pantsuits for the "power" woman. Not so...that'd be Mz. T over here. She's rocking the all-black with the black-cherry shirt, pinstripes and pumps, with a trendy jacket that falls above her waist and hugs hazardous curves. The pant legs cling to her thighs, then spill downward into wide, wide leg. Troy stands up at the top of the ramp, duly noting the craziness from the fans that is spilling from their mouths, and starts to swagger down the ramp to the ring.]
DT: I--I am nearly at a loss for words here. The Dan Ryan Retirement Express has stopped in the company that he helped build from the ground up, and it's letting a big, big passenger off!
DM: Your words may not be the only thing that's lost. Neely might be out of a job now!
MN: Oh why? WHY didn't I have the forethought to see this coming? WHY GOD? WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?!
DM: And don't think she doesn't remember every little thing you've said about her. Thank God I play the impartial one in this trio.
[Troy's at the ring now, climbing up the steps, her eyes locked on her brother-in-law. Dan Ryan returns the smirk she's giving him, and he he walks over to the ring ropes to sit on the middle one, assisting the Queen as she walks back into her kingdom. She pats his shoulder, then slips easily into the ring. Dan stands up, and the two make their way to the center of the squared circle. Troy gives the sideways look to the entrance ramp, tilting her head slightly. That's the cue to cut the music, but that doesn't stop the crowd from still losing their ish.]
TROY: (after a moment) I bet you thought I forgot all about you kids.
[Troy nods her head, her smirk growing.]
TROY: The way I left is clearly not the same way I'm coming back. When I took my leave of the Empire last September, I did so quietly and seamlessly. I gave no big announcement. There was no article on the official website or on the official fansite. There was merely speculation, all around. And being such a staple to this place, I realize that I cheated the fans out of a reason back then. For that, I'm sorry.
DT: It's true, after Lindsay Troy dropped the World Title after a monstrous and unparalleled reign, she slipped very quietly out the back door. No explanation and no real goodbye.
MN: You say that like that's a bad thing.
DM: Why are you digging yourself into a bigger hole, Neely?
MN: Aw hell, I'm F-ed anyway. Might as well get the parting shots in while I can.
TROY: But anyone who's ever been a fan of mine for the long haul, and even those newcomers who were just climbing on the bandwagon, knew where to find me. Knew what I've been doing. And in all my other travels, EPW is still the place that I talk about most fondly. And how could I not? This place was the catalyst for my meteoric rise, all because that man...
[She points to Ryan. So what if it's not polite to point? The fans don't care.]
TROY: ...opted to buck convention and so-called better judgment and gave me a chance that everyone else was too chickens[BLEEP]t to give. He gave this world the middle finger and told me to go take what was mine and all it was worth. Not because we're related through marriage. Not because of a long-standing friendship. Because he knew I earned the right to take the big, gold ball and run with it. I have to repeat that because some people still don't want to recognize my reign for what it was, still want to knock it down. For two years I ran the tables in this place and if I had to, I'd do it all again, and I'd piss off even more people in the process.
TROY: But obviously, that's not what I'm here for. What I am here for is to answer the call for a favor. It was only fitting that the end of my title reign came at the same PPV where I first won it and the last thing I told Dan before I walked out the door was that if he ever needed me to return to the Empire, all he had to do was ask. Despite my other obligations, despite how many different directions I let myself be pulled in, all Dan ever had to do was say, "I need you back here" and I'd be here, saving questions for later, putting plots aside. And I suspect some of you back there won't be too happy about this. [SMIRK!] I don't have many friends left in this place, but if I'm in charge then I'm not your friend. I don't give a f[BLEEP] if we've ran the circuits together, if we've traveled the road together, sat next to each other on a plane. I am your boss, and there's little to NO ROOM for me to have friendships amongst my employees. The Ruler's back and kids...Danny went and made me an EMPRESS. Just wait and see how I'll rule.
DR: Now….before I go – there’s something else….someONE else I need to address to make all of this complete. As my final act….as operating owner of Empire Pro, I’d like to call Marcus Westcott…..BEAST….out to the ring….
[A few moments pass….]
DR: Come on out Marcus…..
[A few more moments pass, then Beast…still in street clothes, comes striding warily down the ramp. He gives an evil look to Lindsay Troy, who returns a stoic ‘who cares?’ look of her own. Finally, he rolls into the ring and leans against the turnbuckle.]
DR: Beast...for weeks now, I've been thinking of the best way to leave you…and EMPIRE PRO WRESTLING [loud pop!] a parting gift that will NEVER be forgotten.. For days, I dreamed, conceived…[RYAN shakes his head] I’ve had ideas in my head that I didn’t believe were there and don’t even want to admit right now.
[For a moment, RYAN looks down at the ground and the crowd murmurs in confusion. Slowly, his eyes rise and meet BEAST’s in the ring...]
DR: I couldn’t even find the answer, Marcus. The hatred I have clouds any semblance of judgment in determining the imprint I want you to REMEMBER as I walk out of here.
[RYAN pauses as the crowd gets louder, trying to get behind the man that’s led them to where this magical place is at the current moment. RYAN nods negatively, motioning for them to quiet down. As he does…his eyes meet LINDSAY TROY’s squarely.]
DR: There are things I’ve hidden from you, Lindz. I’m sorry. At the same time, with what I’m about to do, you are the ONLY one I trust.
MN: [v/o] Ok, I’m now getting creeped out…Ryan even looks nervous right now.
DT: [v/o] I’m not sure where or what Dan Ryan is segueing to, but I don’t think I’ve heard him speak in these types of terms before…
DM: [v/o] This…is taking on some dark overtones, I agree.
[CUT TO: TROY cocking an eyebrow at RYAN and about to say something, when he reverts his attention back to BEAST.]
DR: The truth is Marcus, I never did find the answer because I realized when I leave...then there's NOBODY in EPW that would come close to what I want because there's NOBODY here that feels about you...the way -I- do. Furthermore, this thing between you and Lindsay? It’s ancient history. No one cares anymore. She doesn’t care. She’s not interested. And nobody likes a re-run. And when I realized that, Marcus…the strangest sound chimed.
MN: Oooooook.
DR: It was my doorbell, Marcus. [RYAN laughs, almost in disbelief] The answer had arrived…’cause when I opened the door standing across from me was a man that’s put me through more physical hell than YOU ever could hope…without touching me.”
[RYAN starts laughing as if this waterfall of a revelation is a public admission of his own insanity.]
DR: A man I’ve HATED looked me straight in the eye and held out his hand, Marcus…
[RYAN has to wipe away a tear…he can’t believe it. CUT TO: BEAST looking confused at TROY, who can only shrug.]
DT: This is very strange, I’ve never seen him like this.
DM: Shh, I’ve got a feeling about this.
[CLOSE IN: RYAN collects himself, regaining his eye contact with BEAST and maintaining a confident smirk.]
DR: …he said, [RYAN quotes the air] DAN…I’ve put you through so much sh[BEEP!]t, bleeding your heart and soul dry to watch you become a legacy to MY dreams. If you’re gone for now, if you’re out…let ME…do that for YOU. [RYAN unquotes] Right there and then it hit me, Marcus. Everything I’ve hated about that man…as he looked me in the eye and said that, I knew as I always have that I RESPECTED HIM.”
[The crowd roars in approval.]
DR: I don’t know if I can say that about you, I didn’t know if I left if you’d ever understand what that MEANT. And that’s when I knew, Marcus…the PAIN of learning, the STRUGGLE of that education will be more than enough entertainment for me while I drink a cold one in my Lazy-Boy.
[More crowd roars, RYAN waves them off without batting an eyelash during his staredown with BEAST, smirk intact.
DR: When I drop this microphone, Marcus…I will do so as a KING of this SPORT. [huge pop!] I leave my kingdom in a worthy QUEEN’s hands and on the night we announce the KINGS OF THE CAGE, I would like to let you know that you have been ENTERED INTO IT.
[Loud crowd shock!]
MN: What!?
DT: Dan Ryan just entered Beast into Kings of the Cage!
[BEAST starts shouting down at RYAN, but the Ego Buster isn’t fazed and doesn’t budge. Meanwhile, TROY has a look of large concern on her face…something about RYAN’S smile is disconcerting and too satisfied.]
DR: I will NOT leave this sport knowing one of my greatest enemies wasn’t WORTHY of being tied to MY name in my heart, and I will NOT leave this sport without knowing he didn’t face the same types of FIRES I was forced into during my career. A1E was BARELY part of my legacy.
[TROY has to slightly restrain BEAST from leaving the ring as RYAN’s eyes dance with glee.]
DR: I want you to join me, Marcus. I want you to stand ABOVE the names of your championships, the letters of your federations…I want to know you understand the GLORY and HELL of this sport like I did… and YOUR PARTNER in the KINGS OF THE CAGE…promised to do that for ME as I shook his hand. He said you’ll LEARN or your ego won’t even BUST…
[RYAN laughs]
DR: It’ll BURN.
[RYAN drops the mic. It’s OVER and before the crowd can scream—]
[Out of NOWHERE, a jetstream fire cannons out of the ringpost, while a bombardment of pyro explodes everywhere. BEAST and TROY duck down in a flinch as ‘SLEEP NOW IN THE FIRE’ – RATM explodes over the PA Speakers, the crowd looking at the Tron and freaking out as a single, gritty, bloody CRIMSON STAR keeps flashing repeatedly. CUT TO: TROY’s eyes looking at the Tron, hearing the music…and her eyes start BULGING like half-dollars!]
MN: What the hell is going on!?
DT: More fire just shot out of the ringposts, I’ve never heard this music…I don’t kn—WAIT! THERE’S SOMEONE SHADOWED BEHIND THE CURTAINS!
[CUT TO: The curtains part…and the CROWD LEAPS!]
MN: Oh.
DT: My.
DM: God.
[CUT TO: LINDSAY TROY swallowing a lump in her throat. BEAST, meanwhile squints…then turns to TROY and asks “Who is that?” TROY looks slowly back at BEAST in complete shock.]
DT: The…He…Devil…
MN: He’s already possessing Thomas!
[CUT TO: CRAIG MILES. More could be said, but it doesn’t matter right now. The trademark smirk, Newport Cigarette and silver sunglasses haven’t been left at home.]
[MILES flicks his cigarette starts taking a few steps, when all of a sudden he just starts SPRINTING and screaming like a wild hyena! Within seconds he’s sliding into the ring as LINDSAY TROY drags BEAST out as he’s still confused.]
DM: I don’t believe my eyes!
MN: This is completely out of nowhere! This is off the charts on what anyone could be expecting!
[CUT TO: Security rushing around the ring after TROY starts barking orders. She glares back at RYAN…]
LT: Do you know what you’re doing?
[RYAN smirks.]
[CUT TO: MILES sitting on the ropes and yelling for RYAN to get in the ring as the entire arena is in a standing ovation! RYAN enters the ring as TROY watches on cautiously, while MILES raises RYAN’ arm in the air in a half-bow…CUT TO: BEAST watches in confusion as security surrounds the proceedings with haste. . . . FADE.TO.BLACK.]