EPW Television Championship
Fusenshoff (c) vs. "the Dark Phenom" Nakita Dahaka

["Gently" by Slipknot ques up as the arena blacks out. A fog drifts out of the enterance way as Nakita Dahaka makes her way to the ring with a chorus of boos following her. Climbing into the ring she stares at the mat then out into the crowd with an evil glint in her eyes.]

MN: The Future Television champ right there!

DT: Well... Folks it's now time for our Television Championship match. As you can see Nakita is in the ring and ready to go.

["A little less conversation" by Elvis Presley comes on the PA and the fans jump up in cheers. Fusenshoff walks out from behind the curtains dragging the belt along as he does. He stares darts into the ring as he makes his way down and slides in, handing the belt to the ref he raises his arm in the air as he's ready to fight.]

DT: Fuse and Dahaka are staring each other down in mid ring. The ref holds up the Television title and rings the bell! Here we go!

DM: Fusenshoff is circling Dahaka while she just grins at him. 

MN: That's the grin of a woman who knows she is about to get what she wants.

DT: We will see about that Mike. If the Fallen have anything to say about it, she will definitely be leaving tonight with the gold around her waist. 

MN: Come on energy boy do something!

DM: Energy boy?

DT: Anyways.. Fusenshoff is still waiting for Dahaka to make the first move. She stares at him for a second more before.. wow.. like a bolt she darted at him and charged him straight into the corner with brute force! Dahaka wails at Fusenshoff with a few punches before leaning back and CRUSHING him with a right hand to the back of the head. Fusenshoff stumbles out of the corner as Dahaka smiles and looks on. Charging him from the back she BULLDOGS his head into the mat.

MN: Great start.

DM: Yeah well their is a reason why matches aren't decided in the first few seconds.

MN: Well mine certainly do! Go Nakita go!

DT: Guys.. seriously. Dahaka is quick to take control of Fusenshoff with an arm bar in the middle of the ring. I have a feeling she wants to break Fusenshoff down.

DM: It's the only way she'll have a chance.

DT: She is really wrenching that arm and Fusenshoff is trying his best to ignore the pain while he's pulling himself along the mat. Dahaka with a blow to the back of the head, she gets up still holding his arm... OH MY she just drove both knees directly into Fusenshoff's elbow making him yelp in pain. 

MN: Keep it up Dahaka show the world why you deserve to be television champion!

DM: She looks ready to break Fusenshoff's arm. This definitely isn't the start he was looking for and Nakita is taking complete advantage of it.

DT: Picking Fusenshoff up by the arm now, she wrenches it around as she drives him back first into the corner. She flattens him in the corner with a stiff clothesline, she's now stepping through the ropes. Grabbing his arm again she stretches it out across the top... oh my... Fusenshoff falls over in sheer pain clutching his arm.

MN: Now that was pretty sick.

DM: Dropping off the side of the apron while holding his arm at the wrong angle... damn. That had to hurt. 

MN: Dahaka is a BEAST. I keep telling you idiots but you never listen.

DM: Whatever, she's always a beast.. but she's a beast that can't get the wins that matter.

DT: She looks to be on track tonight. Sliding in she looks at Fusenshoff who is still clutching his arm in the corner. Walking over to him now, she stomps him, stomps his arm, his chest.. finally the ref breaks it up. Dahaka is furious at him, and pushes him to the side.

DM: That's cause for a warning right there and that's exactly what she's getting. 

MN: Who cares. She's got this match in the bag.

DT: Dahaka lifts up Fusenshoff who nails her in the gut with a right that sends her stumbling back. He follows it up with a charging clothesline! He uses his hurt arm however and is still in pain. But he's pushing through it, pulling her up now he hooks Dahaka, SUPLEX. Quickly scooping her up again, he nails her with another!

MN: Suplex? That's the best he has to offer? How about he does something inventive like Nakita did?

DM: Mike.. shut your face.

MN: Good one.... NOT.

DT: Well yeah... Fusenshoff is now giving Nakita a dose of her medicine as his headlock has her scrambling to get free.

MN: Again.. be inventive. 

DT: Hrmmm... Mike I could be wrong but I think he heard you.

DM: Yeah I think he did.

DT: Well you'll be okay Mike, Fusenshoff's the kind of guy that doesn't let stuff bother him. 

DM: He's had enough of trying to wear her down, I think he's going to demolish her now.

DT: Picking Nakita up by her hair, Fusenshoff grabs a hold of her, hooks her, lifts her up with a hooked leg.... and holds her there?

MN: Wow Fisherman's Sup....... uhhh..

DM: Can you say, INVENTIVE?

DT: Folks.. wow, we sure hope you didn't miss that. A Sit out powerbomb delivered out of that... simply amazing. Fuse stands up over her and picks her up again, slings her into the ropes and she comes flying back but ducks his clothesline... he turns around right into a FLYING CROSS BODY! She hooks the leg.. 1...2....NO!

MN: See she has the upperhand still.

DT: Picking Fuse up now Dahaka sets him up for a piledriver.. but he refuses to go... he takes the legs from under her.. but she kicks him backwards and is quickly back on her feet. Fusenshoff comes charging in however but she ducks another clothesline attempt, spins him around.. kick... no Fusenshoff grabs her leg. Dahaka with an eye poke!

DM: Cheap!

DT: She follows it up with a clothesline. Dahaka is quick to capitalize on it and lifts Fuse up sending him down to the mat with a quick DDT. Dahaka with a leg cover.... 1......2....NO! Fusenshoff gets the kick out. Dahaka slaps the mat but continues none the less, dragging Fusenshoff to the corner.

DM: Looks like she's going aerial.

MN: Yup this is where it's over for the Champ.

DT: She sets herself atop the top turnbuckle and hooks Fusenshoff's head.... TOP ROPE TORNADO DDT!! Nakita.... slowly... gets the cover.... 1.....2...NO! Fusenshoff with another kick out!

DM: Dahaka is not happy about the count and letting the ref hear about it as she picks Fusenshoff up.

DT: She grabs him by the head and leads him over to the turnbuckle.. Fusenshoff pushes her off and face first into the corner, she spins around angry and charges at him, he ducks a right hand and counters with a right of his own! He grabs her arm and slings her across the ring, she bounces out of the corner and he catches her, BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!

DM: Got anything to say now, Mike?

MN: .....

DT: Fusenshoff looks ready to put a stop to this he lifts her up, kick to the gut, WHISKEY BOMB! Wow she is out cold after that move and Fusenshoff knows it. He hooks her leg this has to be over... 1.....2....NO! Last second kickout by Dahaka. Fusenshoff looks extremely surprised by it.

MN: Come on Nakita!

DT: Fuse picks Nakita up and pulls her to the center of the ring... he's setting her up for The Domination. Ohhh.. no.. a low blow out of nowhere. The ref didn't see it either. Fusenshoff stumbles backwards against the ropes as Nakita tries to regain her composure. 


DM: Well.. well she sure knows how to hit a man where it counts.

DT: Yeah.. and finally she's up on her feet walking over to the doubled over Fusenshoff. She lifts him up by the head and drags him to the corner, hooks him in a bulldog she looks to be setting up her own finisher. Fusenshoff wraps his arms around her however and drives her face first into the turnbuckle! 

DM: Fusenshoff is still dazed after being hit in the groin. 

DT: Nakita slowly stumbles back into a waiting Fuse who spins her around... ANOTHER WHISKEY BOMB! He slowly gets over her for the count this has to be it... 1..........2......WHAT?!?


DT: Folks i'm not exactly sure what just happened her but it seems we have lost the house lights. NEELY STOP TOUCHING US DAMMNIT!

MN: But.. the lights... they need to come back on.

DT: They will... just calm down. I do see a lot of movement in the ring... wait... Stalker?!? Folks the lights are back and Stalker is staring at the back of Fusenshoff who is staring down at Nakita and a knocked out ref. She's grinning up at him and the fans are screaming at Fusenshoff to turn around. He does and Stalker is staring at him with a wicked grin of his own!

MN: Now this is what i'm talking about!

DM: OH MY GOD! What rotten bastards these idiots are.

MN: HAhah.. he got crumpled! 

DT: In one swift motion, a still limping Stalker almost cleared Fuse's head off with the butt end of his cane while Dahaka took out his knees. Stalker now hobbles out of the ring and is grabbing the Television title. He comes back in and is standing over the fallen Fusenshoff screaming at him. He spits on the title and throws it down nailing Fuse in the face with it. The ref finally waking up rings the bell and DQ's Nakita who's smiling like a devil at Fuse.

[Stalker, looking down at Fusenshoff still starts to heave again…]

DT: Oh no no no….not while the guy’s incapacitated like that…

MN: I think I’m gonna be sick!!!

[Stalker regains his composure and Dahaka checks on him, helping him out of the ring.]

DM: Stalker and Dahaka are sending a clear message to Fusenshoff right now. But honestly their minds are so whacked I don't even know what it is…

MN: And someone get that man some Pepto Bismol for cryin’ out loud! …

FADE: Marcus Westcott, or for those more obliged, BEAST is rocking back and forth from a seated position on a locker room bench. He’s muttering under his breath, gritting his teeth and cursing as he looks at something off to the side of our view. He looks up in confusion as the crowd starts chanting “MIIIIIIIIIILES! MIIIIIIIIIILES!” like they did before. He heard it earlier in the night, followed by a massive amount of cheers…with a man like that, it could only mean that he was out of the King of the Cage tournament.

…Or possibly worse, he wasn’t.

Oddly or coincidentally, there’s this pulverizing drum of sledgehammers cracking against what sounds like splintering wood in the background.










MILES V/O: Hey…uh…Marcus…since I could only find some scrawny internet dweebs incapable of breaking down a door with sledgehammers, but pound a surprising amount of whiskey without thinking…well, I’ve decided to steal something from the local…pyrotechnics crew.

CUT-TO: Beast’s eyes bulge open as once again, he sees smoke billowing from the doorknob.

MILES V/O: I’d totally get behind a wall right now.

CUT-TO: Beast running into the back in panic as…


…with a LOUD clang and following crowd roar, Beast witnesses the doorknob ricochet near his feet and off two walls before spinning to a smoking stop near a shower drain.



Beast’s eyebrow arches in confusion as he comes running out of the back, looking to spear Miles in half. Unfortunately, he has to put on the brakes immediately because Miles has about 5 security guards on him, keeping him pinned to the ground. Miles has this huge smirk as some random fans sprint out of the picture. The crowd suddenly POPS! LINDSAY TROY IN THE HOUSE. Her eyes look exasperatedly down at Miles who isn’t fighting the guards, but simply smirking back at her. She pinches her nose and shakes her head…

TROY: Ugh. Don’t answer that. I already know the answer.

Troy looks up and now sees Beast…her face twitches briefly before her eyes widen.

TROY: …what are YOU doing…HERE?

BEAST: I’ve been here all night, someone locked me in thinking it was HIM! He’s known about it ALL NIGHT!

Troy whirls around to look back at Miles…

MILES: I know what you’re thinking…and I swear it wasn’t Phil that gave me a stick of dynamite. [wink, wink]

BEAST: After the last thirty minutes, I’m kinda thinking he’s dumb enough and it WAS him…he didn’t get anybody for help until AFTER our match.

TROY: Well, you did go in HIS locker room, Marcus. Are you seriously that stupid? Why haven’t you called anyone? Why haven’t I heard from you?

BEAST: I tried calling Thomas, but Neeley had his phone…I don’t have your number nor do I want to pay $4.95 a minute.

TROY: Oh, I'm sorry, are you still screwing the Chicken of the Sea can? I'm surprised Jessica's tuna hasn't rotted by now.

MILES: Can I go now, I don’t want to interrupt anyth—


Crowd mark. Beast and Troy? Not so amused. They wince and groan, start pacing and massage their temples. Miles starts standing up slowly, while EPW security surrounds him cautiously. Miles pulls out a lighter from his pocket and as he tries to light his cigarette, Troy immediately snatches it out of his hand.

TROY: Matches, thank you.

Miles smirks and obliges, pulling out a well-used book and striking one up. As he inhales his American Spirit, he starts nodding in approval.

MILES: I think its time to admit what’s going on right now.

BEAST: Thank…

MILES: There’s just a lot of love in this room.

BEAST: …you sonofa*****.

Miles walks over towards Beast making his way for a hug, but instead receives a violent shove into the corridor wall outside the charred doorway. Lindsay laughs out of frustration, but then realizes Miles is coming towards her for a hug. Shocked for a moment, Miles hoists her up!

MILES: Let the big guy see how you’ve just gotten all growned up!

Lindsay pushes him off, kicks Miles in the chest so hard that he caroms off the wall…all the while coughing from getting a face full of cigarette smoke.

TROY: Get him OUT of here! Follow him and make sure he gets in my office, sits down…and DOESN’T move until I get there.

Lindsay’s eyes stare straight into Miles’ sunglasses angrily as he gets dragged away and led off-screen. Strangely, Miles doesn’t say a word…he just takes a long inhale, while watching both without a smile. A stark contrast to his prior demeanor, which he accents with a waft of smoke exhaled towards both of them. Troy doesn’t stop watching until Miles is completely out of sight and then turns to face Marcus.

TROY: Why do you think someone wanted to lock HIM in?

CLOSE-UP: Beast doesn’t make a motion nor a noise for a brief moment, but just before Lindsay spouts off an eventual insult…he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Lindsay.

BEAST: I can’t believe he’d go and throw a ******* match, then probably try to blame me…

Lindsay looks back at Beast confused for a moment, but then realizes that he has no clue what happened earlier in the show. She starts reading the note and purses her lips.

TROY: That’s Stevens and Dahaka’s signatures…where did you find this?

BEAST: Miles probably slid it under the door after he locked it.

TROY: He didn’t throw the match, Marcus…that’s the very least I could say from what I saw.

Beast laughs and shakes his head, but when Lindsay’s expression starts telling him to start thinking otherwise. He looks back at her in slight confusion…

BEAST: …what do you mean?

Lindsay squints back at him.

TROY: You really don’t know what you’re dealing with, do you?

BEAST: Don’t you mean who?


Lindsay closes her eyes slowly, then reaches behind her back and pulls out the walkie-talkie from her holster...She’s about to shout into it, but sees that its somehow already in talk mode.

TROY: …Miles flipped the switch, he just heard everything…


TROY: He won’t…oh Jesus Hell…

Before Beast can’t say anything, Troy runs out of the picture and starts barking into her walkie-talkie.