Well if you all missed out last Episode. Erik Dean turned into a
monkey. Don’t ask how. Go back and watch the last Promo/Episode. When we last
left, Monkey Dean was going at it in a fierce battle with Aj Nin Yek Mon, One
of the 5 Elite Fight Monkeys. Aj Nin and Dean collided and were sent troughs a
wall sending them both into a hidden Chamber inside the temple. Dean got to his
feet first; in the middle of the chamber was an Orb. Dean walked up to it and
picked it up, Aj Nin then got back t his feet. Dean then stairs into the Orb
and then the Orbs flashes off an Image of a Tiger Growling and showing off his
teeth, then the light and the image goes away and then orb is gone. Then Dean’s
monkey body starts to glow and Aj Nin gets back into a Fighting Stance
Dean: What the hell?
Nin Yek Mon: So you found the Orb, you broke the rules you know. You had to
defeat us first. You should have died when you grabbed it. I don’t know how u made it.
But you wont leave much longer.
Dean gets in a fighting stance and Aj Nin jumps of the ground and charges at
Dean. Dean then gets on all floors and pushes him self up. Aj Nin Stops, but
then Dean pushes all of his power and him self-downward and crashes right into
Aj Nin sending both monkeys into the ground creating a huge crater. Dean then gets up our of the crater, but Aj
Nin Just lies there in a pool a blood. Then from out of now were a huge rock
comes crashing into Dean sending him through the wall and out into the jungle.
Dean then gets back to his feet; he then starts to look around for Aj Nin but
can’t find him any were.
Dean: Little Shit, That monkey can sure take a beating. I wish he would be in the Battle Royal on
Sunday. Having a Fighter Monkey going at it with the world champ, wouldn’t that
be something. But the spot for the Number One Contender is revered for me. No
madder what I have to do to get there. God can throw what he wants at me, but I
will make it to Sunday.
out of no were a banana gets throws at Deans Head. Dean then starts to rob it
as he looks over to the banana tree and sees Aj Nin standing there out of
breath; he then grabs the banana tree and starts to bring it up out of the
ground. He then lifts it into the air and lunches it at Dean.
Dean: Now that’s not something you see every day.
the tree goes head on with Dean’s head sending him right into the temple wall.
Aj Nin is out of breath as he walks over to Dean’s body. When the smoke clears
Dean is not there, Aj Nin looks above him to see about 3 tons of banana’s
coming down onto his head. Aj Nin gets hit hard with the 3 tons of bananas.
Then Dean shows up to the ground landing on all floors. Dean then walks over to
the pile of Bananas.
Monkey Dean: Well Aj Nin Yek Mon, It’s been fun. I would have liked for this to go on. But I have a Battle Royal to go too. I hope you understand. I wish for you to be there. You are a true opponent. But now I will head off and find my self now that I have defeated all of you.
from out of no were a Monkey with long blond hair shows up and missile drop
kicks dean into the wall.
Salsh: I am the 5th and final fighter monkey.
Dean (On floor): Oh great.
Fake Dean is walking into the SFT HQ. Nice building yes it is. It seems that Fake Dean knows that he is a wrestler, and has shown up to the HQ to see what he has to do for this weekend. He does not want any one to know of what’s been going on and that the Fake Dean, is not really Dean. As Fake Dean is walking down the halls. SFT President and good friend of Erik Dean, Nathan Gust walks out of his office and waves to Dean and starts to walk over. Fake Dean has no idea who this is until he sees a poster on the wall with Gust’s Face and his Name. Fake Dean then starts to smile and walks up to Nathan.
Fake Dean: How’s it going Nat.
Nathan Gust: Um…Are u feeling ok? You never call me Nat.
Fake Dean: oh Really…Um, Well every one else does so I decided
to as well. Any way do you happen to know what is planed for this weekend?
Nathan Gust: Um yea. It’s only the thing you have been talking about for a few weeks now. The battle Royal at the PPV to see who will be number one contender. Are u are you are ok? I think you might want to be checked out.
Fake Dean: No I am all right. Do I need to shoot a promo or any
Nathan Gust: Um yea. To let the world know your going to be in
the Royal. Let me take you to the nurse or something.
Fake Dean: No Its Alright, I am going to go shoot a promo now.
So long.
As Fake Dean walks away Gust gets a puzzled look on his face.
Nathan Gust: So Long? That can’t be Dean. Oh well off to my
very important President stuff.
Gust walks off down the hall into Big T’s office as Fake Dean
goes for the stairs and walks down, He looks behind him to notice a Camera
Fallowing him.
Fake Dean: Buzz off I need to shoot a promo
Cameraman: Um sir that’s why I am here. I am the cameraman, Your
not suppose to see me sir. I am just suppose to fallow you around town and not
even be noticed even when your in bed with a hot woman.
Fake Dean: Um Right…Ok. Promo Time, Start
Cameraman: Sir I have been filming this whole time, even before
you saw me, that’s my job.
Fake Dean; Uh ok. Alright this Sunday is the battle Royal for
the number one contender ship, not like I know what that is, But I am going to
fight for it. I don’t know whom I am fighting. But It wont matter because I
will just beat them any way. I have not…I mean I have done this before so I
should know what I am talking about.
that’s right, I am crazy, and you know what they say about crazy people. What
do they say about crazy people? I don’t know. But any way I am guessing this
match will have a lot of people and it will be wrestling. So by that it must
mean that I will be told that I am going to win before hand and its all staged
anyway so I wont have to do any thing.
Fake Dean then falls down the flight of stairs in till he reaches
the bottom, all you hear is thud…thud…thud until he reaches the bottom, then
all you head is a man screaming in pain.
*And on the other side.
Salsh Is now flying through the air looking for Dean. On the
ground in the jungle Dean is resting and waiting. Thinking about what he is
going to do. He does not know what to do. He just wants this dream to end. He
wants his body back. He wants to win this to go on to the battle royal on
Sunday. He wants to beat the shit out of every one who stands in his way. Dean
then gets a flash of light and can now sense all sorts of things. The orb that
he picked up has taken its effect. Dean can now sense every thing around him,
he now feels a great power that is inside him awake, Dean is now on his feet
and he takes flight. Up above Salsh stops and looks down. Then the trees just
crash beneath as Dean comes charging through the air at Salsh. Dean collide
headfirst into Salsh’s midsection, Salsh is in paint major as he go crashing to
the floor below. Once to the floor Salsh is out cold. Dean just floats in the
air and just starts to laugh.
Dean: Ha, Just like Walsh. He will fall at my hands, or head when we meet. That
is if he wins the Title. And if I win the Conterdership. But we all know I am
going to win that, it’s if Walsh can win the title. Now off to find my self.
Dean then speeds up and flies off into the sky in hopes of finding himself.
Were now back at SFT HQ, the cameraman is helping Fake Dean back
to his feet. Fake Dean looks a little beat up Fake Dean gets back to his feet
and brushes himself off. He then walks out the door with out addressing the
cameraman, so the cameraman fallows of course.
Fake Dean gets to the parking lot and walks down the parking lot. Then
fake Dean stops. He then looks at the wall and a shadow of a monkey is seen
walking. Fake Dean then turns around to see a brown monkey with jeans and a
t-shirt on and a pair of black sunglasses.
Monkey Dean: You didn’t expect me to show up like a dork did you?
Hell no.
Fake Dean: I don’t know how you did it and got out of there, or
you found close your size, but your not getting your body back.
Monkey Dean: Oh Really, well I got this orb thingy that says
other wise. And all I need to do is jump into you. My Cool new Tiger mind will
let me do that and all. Because I can run really fast, like a tiger, and sense
stuff, like a tiger, and have more power, like a tiger. What that has to do
with jumping inside of you I don’t know. But hey that’s what this orb does, and
when I do you will be spat into nothing.
Fake Dean: Oh Fuck that.
Fake Dean then throws a knife at monkey dean slicing monkey Deans
arm, his arm is now bleeding badly. Monkey Dean then grabs his arm. He has a
look of anger on his face. He charges around Fake Dean, then he taps into his
tiger and runs at super speed and just flies into fake Dean like a ghost.
Inside the body a war goes on, both sprits going at it. The real Dean gets the
upper hand and shoves the fake Dean out of the body, With out a body the fake
Dean’s soul because disrupt and just dies and disappears…
Erik Dean: What the hell?
Its now daylight, and were back in the apartment of which we
started out in, Dean lies on the table were we found him. Dean tries to get up,
but he is injured badly some how. Dean
gets up anyhow and walks around the apartment; it’s a real mess. Dean then head
for the front door, or what’s left of it. He then makes it out into the fresh
air. And just stairs into the sun.
Erik Dean: What a night. I had the weirdest dream. But Dreams
are nothing more then a fake image given by the brain to make us weak. I don’t
need that. I need to be strong. To fight in the Royal. I need to be strong to
fight the champion whom ever he is. Wither its Walsh or lane makes no
Different, I got something to prove to both of them. I have lost to both them.
To me there is something to prove, which is why I enter this royal. To get my
chance. I have waited for something like this for along time. While others got
their shots, I did not. While others who were not worthy got shots, I stood
behind and waited. Not any more.
am here to make my move, try it out. I know I can hang with the best of them, I
have proven it before, But many forget. So I must prove my self time and time
again to these people. But It does not madder any more. Because now I get my
chance to shine, The light Shines bright now. Its like I can see the way.
Fallow the yellow brick road, that’s what I am doing, and its going to lead me
to the champion. And to my chance at ruling over every one, to get the respect
of others. TO final be one of the great SFT superstars. To be one of those guys
who can say, yea I was SFT Champion, hell even be one of the guys who can say,
I fought the champ in a title match and almost won, That would be good enough
for me.
if this is not my time, and I am truly wrong, I will accept it and wait till
the day when it is my time. But as it gets later and later, it feels like my
time will never come. And its ending fast. I sure do hope this is it.
Dean then looks over to his left arm, blood drip downs like it
was cut by a knife.<font color=olive> Was it a Dream? Or was it Real?
Fade out-