So it’s true then? My boy Dean has a match this Friday at inferno for the World heavyweight championship, and against the one person who Dean has always had hatred for.  That person being the world champ of course, Goldeneye. How he became world champ is beyond me, but there is a side of me that was happy for him, and I am sure some were inside Dean there was a peace of him that was happy too.  

Why Does Dean hold so much hatred towards Goldie? Well you would have to know the story. A match took place, a pretty random match, it was July methinks.  It was Goldeneye vs. Erik Dean. Dean was winning most of the match, but Goldie grabbed a chair wile the referee was down and hit Dean across the head knocking him out. Giving Goldie the win. All of that month SFT felt the force of Dean and Goldie fighting through almost every SFT show.  Shadow decided to book them in a match at the PPV, he also decided it should be a No DQ match; Dean was thrilled when he heard this. Winds of Change came around and the first match on the card was Erik Dean vs. Goldeneye. Lets take a look at that classic match. 


Erik Dean versus Goldeneye No DQ Match


Phil: Yes baby the first match at Winds of Change is about to take place!

Steve: Hell yeah! Whoo can't you feel it?!?!? The crowd is electric!

Phil: What better way to kick this night off when we are going to pit the two men that have had an on going feud for the past month! They are Erik Dean and Goldeneye!

Steve: Damn this so intense listen to the crowd.

Phil: Oh hell yeah!!!

Steve: Yes here comes the challenger...Erik Dean!!!

Suddenly "Breakdown" by Tantric hit's the P.A. system and out walks Erik Dean. His walks out onto the entrance ramp and is suddenly followed up by an echo of boos by the mass sum of fans. Dean looks around the arena and simply smirks away the crowd. He rings his hand around the tape of his right wrist. Dean walks down the ramp at a very slow pace looking to his left taunting some fans and looking to the right taunting some fans. Dean reaches the ring eventually as he slides underneath the bottom rope and enters the ring. Dean stands up and does a twist. He stands in the middle of the ring as he awaits Goldeneye to come on down.

Phil: Boo!

Steve: You got a problem with Erik Dean?

Phil: No I just prefer that he doesn't win.

Steve: I see well too bad because my man is going to lay out Goldeneyes punk ass!

Phil: Sure...

Just then Steve and Phils commentary is interrupted by "Slaming" by Buckcherry. The crowd erupts in cheers and claps for the veteran. Short time passes by and finally out walks Goldeneye. He walks out onto the stage and receives a large ovation from the crowd. Goldeneye after seeing and hearing his response raises both arms into the air just to further the crowds celebration for his arrival. Goldeneye doesn't waste much time as he runs down the ramp and reaches the ring. He stops before the ring and hops up on the ring apron. He looks to his right and singles out one fan that is booing him. Goldeneye shakes his head and climbs underneath the middle rope and into the ring.

Steve: Wow the crowd is actually excited to see Goldeneye, that's a first.

Phil: Theres a first time for everything.

Steve: But theres never been a first time when it comes to you getting laid.

Phil: What? I...I...I've gotten laid before!

Steve: Sure...whatever.

Phil: Yeah whatever!

Meanwhile in the ring the ref is standing in between the two men as he explains the rules of the match. He backs off from in between the two men sounds for the bell to ring. The bell rings and initiates for the match to start.

Steve: Yeah remember people this match is a No Disqualification match.

Phil: In other words, No Hold Barred! Anything goes and anywhere!

In the ring Erik Dean and Goldeneye stand face to face constantly bad mouthing each other. Each word angers one another more and more. Suddenly Goldeneye steps back and throws a hard right and nails Dean in the face. The match is finally underway. Goldeneye continues with hard rights to Dean. He works him into a corner and starts delivering some blistering chops to the chest each glistening red with each hit. Dean holds his chest in pain as Goldeneye continues the unforgiving assault. Goldeneye pushes Dean into the ropes and whips him off of it sending him to the other side. Erik Dean bounces off the ropes and runs back at Goldeneye where Goldeneye catches him with a spinning spinebuster. Goldeneye holds onto one leg on the ground and decides to pin Dean. The ref counts.

1...2...Kick out!

Steve: Damn that spinebuster was sweet, almost got him an early victory.

Phil: Hell yeah, like I said Goldeneye is the man in this match.

Steve: We'll see.

Phil: Yeah we will.

Once again as we go back into the ring Goldeneye has stood up and has grabbed

Dean by the hair and brings him as well to his feet. Dean is breathing heavily as he desperately attempts to fight back, but Goldeneye will have none of it. Goldeneye kicks Dean in the gut and hits a nice DDT. Goldeneye gets up and drops a elbow drop. He stands up again and hits another elbow drop. Goldeneye retrieves to his feet yet again and runs the ropes and lands a body splash on Erik Dean and makes a pin out of it.

1...2...3...Erik Dean barely lifts up a shoulder!

Steve: Whoa that was close. Come on bud snap out of it!

Phil: Damn Goldeneye sure has me impressed tonight at Winds of Change.

In the ring Goldeneye gets up onto his feet along with Dean. He whips Dean into the ropes. Dean bounces off the ropes and suddenly jumps into the air and catches Goldeneye with a reverse neckbreaker drop. The crowd boos at the turn of events but Dean doesnt care. Dean stands up and picks up Goldeneye. He kicks him in the gut and pulls him down. Just then Dean powerbombs Goldeneye. Goldeneye hits the mat with tremendous tenacity and his power suddenly transforms over to Erik Dean. Dean looks down at the fallen Goldeneye and laughs at him. Dean runs over to the closest turnbuckle and climbs it to the top rope. Dean jumps off and lands a flying elbow drop right across the chest of Goldeneye. Erik Dean finally gets off his first cover of the night.

1...2...Kick out!

Steve: Ah hah! It is now time for Dean to show the people that he will win!

Phil: Your an ass! Just watch Goldeneye will revive.

Back to the action Dean has stood himself backup and he picks up Goldeneye. He punches him in the face, again! Again! Again! Dean continues the hard rights to Goldeneye. He runs over to the ropes with Goldeneye and tosses him over the top rope. Goldeneye reaches the outside and stands up. Suddenly Erik Dean grasps onto the ropes and gets an evil look in his eyes. He leans back and throws himself forward as he launches himself over the top rope and hits a vaulting body press on Goldeneye. Both men go down, but Goldeneye takes the most pain out of it. Both men are pretty much out cold but push to go on. A small amount of time passes by but Erik Dean reaches to his feet. He picks up Goldeneye and walks around the ring and over to the ramp. He turns him around and delivers a cheap shot right under the jaw. Dean continues to work him up the ramp. Dean and Goldeneye are now halfway up the ramp and Dean continues to retain control. They reach the stage where are all the PPV set up has been laid out for a nice presentation. To the left side of the stage is a cart full of chairs and 2 x 4's and kendo sticks. Dean punches Goldeneye one more time and lets him drop to his knees. Dean walks over to the cart and starts picking out all the weapons and tossing them all over the stage. By now Goldeneye has gotten to his feet and is able to pick up a kendo stick. He slowly walks behind Dean and prepares to hit him right on the back of the head. Dean is not aware and continues removing all the items in the cart. Suddenly Goldeneye reaches back and hits Dean right in the back of the head with the kendo stick. Dean drops everything in his hands and falls flat on his face. Goldeneye drops to his knees and falls over Dean. The ref runs up the ramp to the action and makes the count.

1...2...3...Dean somehow kicks out!

Steve: Oh my shitting god! Erik Dean barely kicked out of that stick shot!

Phil: Wow it should have been over right there. How does Dean do it?

Steve: I dont know, but your guy is starting to make me wonder.

Phil: Ha, I knew you would come around.

On the stage Goldeneye rolls off of Dean and puts his hands over his face and starts crying because he can't believe Dean kicked out. Goldeneye throws his upper torso forward into a sitting position. Dean lifts his head up and touches his forehead and looks at his hand and sees blood. Goldeneye reaches to his feet but staggers. Then miraculously Dean pushes himself up. He stands as well and blocks an on coming punch being thrown by Goldeneye. He reverses it and punches him in the gut. He does two more times and then low blows him. Goldeneye leans forward and yells out a painful moan of agonizing pain. Dean reaches to his feet fully and starts punching Goldeneye in the face. He kicks him in the gut and sets up for what he calls "Spoken Words". Dean hooks the arms and is prepared to deliver the all so devastating move but Goldeneye reaches deep down and lifts his back up and overhead body drops him onto the steel ramp. Goldeneye struggles to his feet but does it. He picks up Dean and walks over to the edge of the stage. Goldeneyes takes himself and Dean right over to the edge just inches from being able to fall to a possible death or injury. Goldeneye lifts up Deans head and winds up for a punch. He swings but Dean ducks and Goldeneye clocks the ref that was just standing there. Making sure the ref is okay Goldeneye walks over and goes to his aid. Time passes and Dean reaches over and picks up a trash can lid. He taps Goldeneye on the shoulder. Goldeneye turns around and is suddenly smacked in the face with a trash can lid. He eye rolls to the back of his head but he manages to stand. Dean looks around confused, but suddenly a smirk appears on his face. He looks over to his right and down below where a bunch of tables and what not is set up. Just then Dean kicks Goldeneye in the gut and sets him up for another "Spoken Words". The ref reaches back to his feet and watches in shock and amazement as Dean risks himself and Goldeneyes lives as he makes a leap of faith. Dean jumps off the staging area and hits a Spoken Words ten feet off the stage and through a bunch of tables!

Steve: No fucking way!

Phil: Holy shit I can't believe he did that!?!?!?

Steve: Goldeneye has to be seriously injured!

Phil: Screw that, I'd bet everything I own on death!

As we see on stage the ref looks down at the carnage in complete awe and shock. He looks around and is completely freaked and confused to what he should do. But down below a very erie sight suddenly gets just so much weirder because Erik Dean is able to place an arm over the chest of Goldeneye. The ref slowly bends down and hits the steel for a count.


Steve: It's over! Dean has done it!

Phil: That son of a bitch has pulled this one off!

Steve: Shit and he probably took a life doing it!


What a match that was. All the way down into a whole bunch of tables.  It’s still amazing that both Dean and Goldie can still move after that match. Hey I am not one to complane, who would have thought that later on Goldie would win the title and that Dean would be facing him one more time. Its almost like Fate is laughing at them. Because if I recall, Dean said that one-day they would face one another for the title. Well I guess he was right. Fate really is laughing at them both  

Want to know something else that’s funny? Fate works in weird ways. Because at the last SFT PPV. Dean was in the battle Royal. Switchblade and Dean were the last ones in the ring. And Switchblade eliminated Dean making Switchy the Number one contender to the title. Now Dean has wanted a shot at switchblade for sometime now. But if Dean were to defeat Goldie at Inferno. Guess who gets a rematch with Switchy…. Bingo Dean does. I am thinking that there is a conspiracy going on. It’s almost a 2 for 1 deal. If Dean wins, He got a chance to finish his chapter with Goldie, and move on to fight and finish what had been started with Switchblade.  

Its truly one of Deans greatest Days ever. His Dreams might be coming true. For the longest time he has dreamed to fight a champion one day. And all this time, he has been fighting one in Goldeneye. But the last time they fought. Dean won…  

Now were the hell is Dean at right now… Ah yes there he is. Right now driving down the road in a 67 mustang is Erik Dean. In the passenger side seat is his good friend Mark Barnes. Its funny, every one in SFT knows about this match…other then Erik Dean himself. Right now Barnes is taking Dean out to launch to celebrate his Title shot. Only Dean thinks it’s just to go out. Some time I wonder if a really does pay attention. 

The roads are packs with cards due to because its launch hour. in traffic right now there are many cars, but one that can easily be seen in this Black 67 Shelby Mustang GT 500. We get closer to the Car, and we can make out that its Erik Dean in the drivers side, and Mark BarnesF in the passenger side. As you get closer you can hear the sounds of very loud music. It’s Point of Authority by Linkin Park. A great song, the music ends and Barnes turns to the windows and looks out at the long of Traffic  

Mark Barnes: You know, being the god that I am of the greatest Federation should mean we can travel by like…Jet or something. Not me stock here in Traffic. 

Erik Dean: Yea it should, but it doesn’t, but we do have this kick ass car, be thankful were not stuck in that thing.  

Dean points at this old 40s ford truck. Both Dean and Barnes both starts to laugh.  

Erik Dean: But man what I really want to know is, whom am I booked to fight at Inferno. I mean, Sunday was a disappointment with Brandi not showing up. Maybe I will be luck and get a title shot to like the TV title again and get a rematch with Brandi.  

Barnes starts to laugh at Dean.  

Erik Dean: What’s so funny?  

Mark Barnes: I take you really haven’t seen the Inferno card yet.  

Erik Dean: Mark, whom am I booked to fight.  

Mark Barnes: Don’t like pass out or any thing, But you are due to fight Goldeney…For the World title.  

Dean has a look of complete shock on his face as we fade out…  

See, the boy had a world title shot, and did not even know about it. Should this man really have a title shot? Well yea it makes perfect Sense. Lets look at the chart  

First, Lane had it, he would then go on to lose it to Walsh, who would lose to DVD. Now none of these people so far had no story with Switchblade.  

Lets Continue  

Then DVD lost the title to Goldeneye, now lets face it, Goldie would have never won it if Lane had it.  So now we come down to Erik Dean vs. Goldeneye. Now Erik Dean will walk out the winner, closing the chapter with him. And then moving on to fight Switchblade, the man who cost him his spot at the title, Fate works in funny ways.  

But lets not get to far, Dean must first end his chapter with Goldeneye. We now go back. Lets go ahead to about…two hours form were we last left them. We see them in a near by restaurant, a wing house. Oh I can smell the hot wings.  

We take a closer look and see Erik Dean and Mark Barnes seated outside at a table. They seem to be waiting for a waiter.  

Mark Barnes: So are u ready for Goldeneye? I know most people think he is a jobber, but he really isn’t. How can a jobber win the SFT title?  

Erik Dean: I don’t think he is a jobber, I know this form the last to encounters with him.  It’s going to be great to finish of this chapter and move on. And take the world title with me. Hey man, When the waiter comes by, order me something other then Fried Toad, I need to go do something.  

Mark Barnes: heh. I wont, Heh.  

Dean gets up from his chair and pushes it in. He then starts to walk a bit into the ally were it is nice and dark and cool.  Dean then walks to the wall and takes a seat. He then goes into his long black trench coat for his small camera. He then sets it up in front of him and turns it on. The red light starts to blink, then it stops.  

Erik Dean:  The 3rd match, the final round, Goldeneye and Me. One more time, but who would have thought it would have been for the World title. Its been almost a year now sense the last time we stepped into the ring Goldie.  

This match will end what we had started one year ago. After this I plan on leaving the past behind me. For you see, it has been haunting me in my dreams ever sense out last match, for you won the first. But I wont the second. It was a tie; no one was proven to be better, now we get a chance to prove to our selves that one of us, it truly better then the other. And what better way to do that then at the Main Event of Inferno for the SFT World Heavyweight Championship.  

Who will win the third? That’s up to God, and our selves, who really wants the win more? I know you want to win and keep that title that you worked so hard for, but I need to move on, I need to go to the PPV and fight switchblade, I need to prove that I can become the Champ, and prove that I can go into the light, and shine so bright that even the people in the past can see me. This is my chance, my chance to shine.  

Knowing you, you will want to hold me back, because you want to have your chance in the light, you my friend have been there though, I have seen you with your Title shots. May not have been an World title shot, but you have had more then me, what have I ever gotten, a Lightweight title shot. Big Deal. What have u gotten, IC title shots, US title shots, TV title shots.  I am not saying that you did not deserve them, but what happened to me? I awaited in the shadows, waiting for the light.  

I can’t wait any longer. And you wont stop me…  

Dean then stops the camera and places it back into his trench coat, he then leaves the ally and walks back to his table, he can see that the waiter just left the table area. Dean runs up to his Table to see what Barnes had ordered him.  

Erik Dean: Barnes, what did you order me.  

Mark Barnes : Just what you wanted. Some Hot Toad legs.    

Erik Dean: Ok good…WHAT!  

Dean then runs after the waiter as we fade out to Barnes laughing his head off  

Fade out-