The air is crisp, and thick, and a heavy lair of fog covers the ground and air, nothing can really be seen from a far, but up close, things can be made visible. Birds and other animals still lie some were as they rest in this peaceful hour, for the sun has just begun to rise. Not many things move at this hour, most animals, just like humans, stay sleeping though the morning hours. In till they feel rested enough and awake from there slumber.
As the wind begins to pick up, the fog begins to lift, and the days begins, as people get in their cars, and drive off to work, to earn some money to support their family. Others enjoy there day off and walk out side to get the morning paper. And some times greet a neighbor, and other times to just wish you didn’t have to greet your neighbor.
The fog begins to lift even more, and now a park can be seen, and a lake in the middle can be seen, only a few trees, and the grass is cut nicely and short like a golf course, People out for there morning walk, some just sitting there on a park bench, just looking into the lake, as ducks swing across the lake with there youngens. Over to the side, Parents with there children play in the playground, because they have the day off, or they want one.
Soon walking down the concrete path, through the trees ahead, and over near the lake. We can see a figure, a normal size man, maybe in his 20’s. Black boots, Black Jeans, and a black T-shirt. His hair is brown; some may say black, but really its brown, and a black trench coat. And soon, we can tell, its Erik Dean.
He has been walking around, just thinking over and over about what he will be going through this PPV, after requesting the match time and time again, after getting it, but being post-pond again and again, but after many times, it will take place.
Dean hasn’t really spoken his thoughts on why he has wanted this match, but he has been asking for it sense Glenn came back. And they have granted it, Dean is happy, he can feel it that this will be a challenge unlike no other, where he will have to put his body, heart, soul, and life and much more on the line in this match, because in all the years Dean has been in the sport, every person has felt like a jobber to Dean, which is why he never really tried, but now, a real challenge.
Dean is a very odd person to tell the truth, if he doesn’t feel that some one is a challenge he will throw the match and just lose, and not even care. But to the few that are a Challenge, he will do any thing and every thing to fight and try to win. But this time is different, even though he knows and feels Glenn will be a challenge, he will walk in, and expect a loss.
Some would want to try and over throw the Great Glenn Owen, and try and steal his thunder, and defeat him, so that they would be know as a great. Dean, Dean doesn’t want that, he wants this match, so that he will learn something, he will walk in as a student, and be taught by one of the best, inside a hell in a cell.
Dean then looks into the lake, and looks into the water, and stairs at his reflection; and just stairs and notices how is has changed sense the last time he was here, In England. Oh how he has changed sense then. Dean then smiles as he sees him self, older, and wiser then he was last year. Even though he is only 23, inside he feels older, and feels like he has been through so much, and he feels he has grown into some thing better.
Some say he is the next Glenn Owen, to some, people look at Dean, and they see a man of power, and a man that could do any thing, they see some one like Owen, some have even called him the Future Glenn Owen. Dean doesn’t want that, he wants to just be him self, he doesn’t want to become something more, just himself.
Erik Dean : Well, it sure has been some times sense I was last here, maybe its been a year now, It amazes me on how things have changed, in the world, in SFT, and in myself. A year ago, most would have bet their lives on me screwing up and being fired from SFT. But look, I am still here, I have even outlasted them. Every one that called m a screw up, a fuck up, most of them are gone, and I am still here, all of them, never once felt the SFT Gold, I have, none of them could ever get the power and respect they wanted, I have. I have proved the world wrong on many things time and time again.
But this time, they say I will win in this match, I have asked a few people, each one said I am sure to win, that Glenn is to old. Looks like I am the favorite in this match, but, as much as I would love to prove the world right for once, I will prove them wrong once again, because I am going to lose when I step into the Cell on Sunday.
Its not that I don’t have faith in myself, I am confident in my abilities, but my skills could never touch yours Glenn, I am the underdog in this match, and I won’t climbing out of that Cell on Sunday
To the fans who have no Godly Idea of the Carnage match that I have come up with. It takes place in a Hell in a Cell, also a 2 out of 3. The first match is really a street fight, second match, a park bench match. Benches are harder to break then a table, so it fits the match well. And then last, is, there will be a whole in the top of the cage, you have to use the ladder that is in the ring, and climb out and get to the ground.
Am I right?
Dean then gets up, and turns around toward the path, and walks till he reaches it, he stops, and feels the wind blow up against him, the morning air feels good. He then looks into the sky, and can see there are no clouds in the sky. The sky is clear.
Just like myself, not one cloud, my mind is free, and no longer clouded, I can see every thing in front of me so clear, I have been awoken, and can see things that I couldn’t see before. I can accept things now that I couldn’t before.
I'm not a Dogg, a Legion, or an ICON. and my name it not Glenn. I have no Shadow, and I am not made of Steel, nor do I own a switchblade, I am the one, the and only. I am Erik Dean.
Just do you know Glenn, you may be the winner of our match, but I wont give up with out a fight. Even though I respect you, I will fight back. And even though I think of us as friends, I wont back down….
Dean then walks away, and the area seems to be losing light……