What happens, when you play the game all your life, love it, breath it, eat it. What happens after you gave up every thing, your loved ones, even your life for this game. And then the game turns on you. Even though you love this game. Would do every thing for it. The game no longer loves you. But you still stick around. Things then change, and the game begins to love you, but then something happens, and you yourself, the person who gave up so much for this game, no longer loves it. For a few months you wonder, “What am I doing here”? A question that cannot be answered. It’s a mystery of the game.

Some would go on a quest to find this answer, but the ones who come back, never found it. So there has never been an answer. But the ones we come up with an answer. It could be guilt? Could be you love the people who are still in the game, and stay for them. It could be many things. Hell it could even be because of a dream. But some times, if u stay, the game takes a toll on you. You become sloppy. Some times things should end. But you find a way to go on.

You know what I am talking about, don’t you? Every one of you understands this feeling. We all chose a path to find an answer. What would u do, if after to long, you just want to step away? Even if your, lets say the President of one of the greatest federations out there, what would u do if you found out, then soon you could very well become owner, what would u do if you found out all this? But deep down, you know you wont last that long, you just want out. Every day it feels like your dieing inside. Would you stay and wait out for the dream of becoming owner to come true? Or would you leave and maybe find happiness?

What path would you take? What road would you fallow? How far down the rabbit whole will you go?

The area is dark, mostly because the lights are out; there are even some streetlights that are knocked over. We look down the street, and we see some headlights, as the card zooms by, we see it’s a green MR2 – SW20. We then fallow the car, and then jump inside, we see a young girl in maybe her mid 20’s. She has long brown hair; she has on a yellow shirt and blue jeans. She looks too peaceful curled up in the seat. She has been asleep for the past hour. We look in the drivers seat and see a man; he has on a black trench coat, black shirt, and black jeans. We look at him and he has short dark brown hair. This man is the SFT President, he is Erik Dean.

They just came from the hospital; Dean had gone to pick up his girl friend, Jamie, who we saw in the passenger seat. You see a few months ago she got injured badly at the SFT PPV. She had been out cold for the passed two months, but a week or so ago, she woke up. Dean took the week off to drive up and bring the woman he loves back to him, and her home. Dean looks over at her and just smiles, his heart is filled with great happiness to have her back, just to see her brings joy to Dean. But Dean smile fades away as they enter the highway, because soon he will be back with SFT, and soon all the happiness will fade as well.

Dean is going through some hard times right now, SFT is being torn down before his very eyes. There is little any one can do. Some just give up on the place and leave, others stay and try and help the place where really, they grew up. Dean is one of them. He will be there till the very end. And even then, Dean will die with its ship. If SFT were to ever die, Dean will die with it. And he knows it. And it scares him to death.

Its PPV week as well, the busiest time of the month for an SFT staff member. All the chaos that goes on backstage, and in the offices in meetings and such. Dean was happy to be able to get away for the week. But he is coming back.

Deep down inside though, Dean wishes he could just run, leave every thing behind and just walk the earth as a wonderer with Jamie at his side, all he really needs is her. But still he stays, in hopes to save the place he loves, and hates.

But how much farther can this man go till he cracks, for so long has he took the weight of the world and thrown it over his shoulders, most would never even go to the owners to talk, most would always stop at the Presidents office to talk to Dean, because most respect him more then any one else in office. For so long as Dean been acting like an Owner, some one say his is the aria to the thrown of SFT. That Dean is there king. But like all things, time will tell.

But what if Dean doesn’t make it to that point? What if something happens? That is what scares Dean. And he wants to run. But something deep down tells him to go back, to back to that place, where he grew up. And take the ones he loves and hold them tight, for something is about to happen, and it could be something great, or something bad, again only time can tell. We are slaves to this world, and all we can do is sit back and watch.

But I won’t sit back, I will do something.

Dean speaks, dean refuses to be a puppet. Dean will stand up and fight for the place, keep building it back up, till he can no longer do so.

I will fight for the place, and the people I love, to keep the doors open, and give them what they want. I will step in the ring this Sunday and fight a legend, and myth, some one from history that only the true fans would know, some one that I respect, and that will help give life to SFT. I will show the world that I am the person that will not fail, that I am King, and I am the one that will one day be not only the King, SFT’s God. I will be that some one known as the “Chosen One” for SFT. Soon the world will know it, soon they will see it. I am The SFT President, I am Erik Dean

I am the man that came from street trash, that people said wouldn’t amount to any thing, I am the person that gets mocked for being who I am, and no matter what I do, I still get mocked for who I am. But soon I will show them all that I am something to watch, I am the true King, I am the one who will save SFT. I am its Jesus. They all know it, for they all fear me. I am like a prince, waiting for my time. For to long have I been held down, been kept away from what’s mine, no longer. I am ready to take that step, and take that step I will. Differently is what you all will think of me when it’s my time.

As we move down the highway, the sun is rising, what a beautiful sight it is to see. We look over to the passenger seat once more and see that Jamie is waking up. She yawns and stretches out as much as she can, she then sits up in her seat and looks over at Dean, and she then reaches for his hand to let him know that she is awake. As she grabs his hand, Dean smiles and looks over at her. Dean is smiling again, and it’s because of her, and it will always be because of her.

Jamie: Are we almost there?

Dean then smiles at the sound of her voice, he then reaches over and turns off the A/C.

Erik Dean: We are almost there, took a little longer then I liked, but soon we will be back home, and back to SFT

Dean lets out a sigh

Jamie: Something bothering you?

Dean then sighs again, he wants to tell her about what’s been going on in SFT, but for some reason he doesn’t want to, Dean searches for a moment to tell her something, she looks over at him with a puzzled look. Dean then clears his throat and begins to speak.

Erik Dean: So many things have happened sense you left, so many things that I can’t even begin to tell you here and now, so many things that bother me. I hold the weight of the world on my shoulders; every one around me turns to me when something goes wrong. Its hard to keep up with every thing some times. And then this week, I have a match with an old Legend, a myth from the past, he found his way back. And I challenged him.

Jamie: Who might this person be? And why did you do that if you are so stressed out?

Erik Dean: He is from the past feds, he is Ghost, and I challenged him because he is a man I respect, a legend, and he is on my list of people to defeat. I crossed out Glenn Owen, I did not defeat him, but I came close and that’s what matters, sense then I have become stronger, now I want to advance once more, and to do so I must challenge Ghost. Win or lose, it will better me.

Jamie: Don’t you already know that you’re pretty much a God with out going and beating people?

Erik Dean: People don’t see that though, people see a person who came to the fed 3 years ago who was nothing but a loser, people see a man who won the world title from Goldeneye, and lost it 8 days later, when a women like Brandi James can keep it for 3 months. People see me as a Fuck up with power. I am tired of it.

Jamie: I didn’t know you felt like that.

Erik Dean: most wouldn’t, none really want to, all they care is that I hear there problems, take care of there shit, and run my show. They don’t see me, they do not see who I am, or what I can do. But, a Ghost, who has never known me, sees who I really am, and I see who he really is. There is no point to this match other then for me to learn something. And learn something I will.

Silence fills the air as “Build a Bridge” by Limp Bizket begins to play on the radio; Dean then turns up the volume and listens to the music. The words seem to be speaking to him, almost like they are playing the song just for him; Jamie looks over at Dean to see that he looks tired.

Erik Dean: Jamie, I am a very tired person, for so long have I been fighting, sense you have known me you have seen me as a strong person. But you are the only one to see who I really am. Its time I show the rest of the world who I am, who Erik Dean really is, and what I can do. This is my time to shine, its my time to show the world that they were wrong. This Sunday I will step into the ring to prove one more time, that I am who I say I am, a legend, a king. When I step in the ring with one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, Ghost, and beat him. I will hopefully gain the respect of many, and maybe even him.

Jamie then grabs Dean’s arm and leans up against him, Dean then smiles.

Erik Dean: I think its time we got off this high way and took a rest, SFT can wait a little longer. Lets get something to eat.

Jamie then smiles as we back out from the car, we then see the MR2 get off at the B-32 exit and drive off into the sun. we then fade away to darkness…

So this is what goes on in this mans head, what he has been wanting. He wants the world to see him. Kind of reminds you of some one doesn’t it…

Fade Out-