The show opens with a picture of General Manager JENSEN KENT on the X-TRON as One by One by Alter Bridge begins to play. Then his picture comes off and a sign that says "Welcome to Anarchy from the Abdi Ípekci Arena, Istanbul, Turkey!" comes on as the crowd is on their feet. The GM steps out from the back and onto the entrance ramp. He stands there in his Versace suit and dark shades with a smile that stretches from ear to ear. He then takes off the glasses and picks up the mic as the crowd continues to chant "Welcome Back"

JENSEN: Well i'll be damned. I thought you would have forgotten about me by now. I mean you've had such a class act of a GM since I was gone that I thought i'd never need to come back. But much like Obama after Bush, I am here to clean up the shit the former GM left behind.

The crowd cheers in approval

JENSEN:So with that said, tonight you will see what could possibly be THE biggest Anarchy I have had the pleasure of being GM for. Tonight's matches will not only bring the action to your face like the XWF superstars always do, but I promise you it will be a night you'll never forget. With that said, I have sort of an announcement to make. Now, this hasn't been approved yet, but once I get word from the big boys, I am going to unveil what will be the new XWF title belts. I know, I know, a lot of people are used to seeing the same old belts we've had here for an eternity. But the fact of the matter is, this is a new era. This is a new XWF. Believe it or not, this is not the XWF I was in when I ran Anarchy so long ago. We are entering the year 2011 people! It's time for a change. And that change starts tonight!

JENSEN then drops the mic and heads to the back as One by One begins to play again. We go to the ring where our first match is ready to get underway.

The camera then cuts backstage where we see DAMIEN BATES walking around as if he's looking for someone. He walks up to one of the key grips and grabs him by his shirt.



DAMIEN: Are you sure?

KEY GRIP: Ye.......yes!

DAMIEN tosses the key grip to the side and continues to look for JAYZON WILLIAMS. He then passes by JENSEN KENT who is heading to his office. He stops in front of him and doesn't allow him to pass.

JENSEN: You mind getting out of my way buddy?


JENSEN: He might be in the locker room. You know, where you should be instead of in my way?

DAMIEN gets in his face and then smiles before walking away.

JENSEN: Who the hell was that?

JENSEN then continues on as we head back to the arena where JOEY CASO and MANNY HARRIS are standing in the ring, breathing heavy after a victory on the dark match pre-show. They've each got a microphone, and they look like they're about ready to address the people of Istanbul.

JOEY CASO: You look at us with doubt and skepticism. What is it with you people? You can't show us the least bit of respect? Why aren't you celebrating our victory with us? Did we not just come out and bust us our asses for your amusement? Something is wrong with this picture...

MANNY HARRIS: We weren't deemed "ready" to wrestle on Anarchy, so instead we get stuck putting on a show for you people in-house. Meanwhile people like that doofus PETER GILMOUR get live television time, AND a chance at the top title. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but somethin' isn't adding up...

JOEY CASO: Just because we're new here doesn't mean we're new to this sport. If there's anybody here who has worked harder; put in more hours; been in more pain than anybody else, it's us. We've been doing this our whole LIVES!

MANNY HARRIS: So keep thinking we're nothing worth paying attention to. Keep thinking whatever you want to think. In time, we'll make you realize that you've all thought wrong. Just you wait and see!

"I Made It" by Kevin Rudolf (ft. Birdman, Jay Sean and Lil' Wayne) picks up. They drop their microphones and roll out of the ring. They walk up the ramp and to the back, completely ignoring the fans.

Again we go backstage where we see various production people walking around. The camera then focuses on some legs, female legs if you will. They are the very sexy legs of ROSE SMITH, PETER Gilmour's girlfriend. The camera pans up to show ROSE in a nice pink dress with a necklace around her neck. We then see the camera move a bit as PETER Gilmour grabs the cameraman and shoves him into the wall. PETER looks pissed off. The cameraman regains his composure and follows PETER and ROSE down the hall. They go around a corner and then stop as we see a sign on the door saying "GM JENSEN KENT" adorning it. PETER grins wickedly and then knocks on the door.

JENSEN: Come in.

PETER and ROSE walk in.

JENSEN: Nice to see you two again. Have a seat. Just so you two know, I’m a very busy man so make it quick.

GILMOUR: Let me first say welcome back to the XWF and congratulations on becoming the new GM of ANARCHY. It's about time that Aidan Collins used his brain and got rid of that asshole DANTE ANGLAIS. He was nothing but a piece of shit and probably the worst GM in XWF history.

JENSEN: Well, I couldn’t agree with you more. But rest assured, as the GM I will be fair, but I will also make sure the right people get what they deserve. No freebies, no “you’re my friend so get me a title shot” kind of thing, no alliances. I am here to do one thing and one thing only. And that’s to bring Anarchy back to the heights I took it when I ran things before. So why are you here?

GILMOUR: I'm here to welcome you. I know you will be a fair and just GM. Not like DANTE who wouldn't give me the time of day. There is something bothering me and it's pissing me off. I know I'm in the Universal Title Tournament but I don't like who I got to face in Round 1. I mean no disrespect to CENTURION, but I think I could've faced someone better. ANDY and I have already taken ourselves to new heights and he has beaten me once. I just feel like this tournament is not for me. So I'm here to take my name out of it.

JENSEN: Now PETE, why would you wanna go and do something stupid like that? Listen, you’ve been here for a while now and I’ve seen the potential you have. You just need to keep away from backstage drama and politics and focus on your skills. I remember watching and seeing the late FAMINE himself say he saw something in you that reminded him of himself. What happened to that? Stick with the tournament. Win or lose you’re still going to be an XWF superstar. You just need to get rid of the doubts that are in your head.

GILMOUR: That seems fair. Ok, I will stay and I will defeat CENTURION tonight and then continue to work my way through the tournament and I will finally win a major title other than that shitty Hart Title. But I do have one other thing to ask you.

JENSEN: And that is?

GILMOUR: I want that piece of shit DAMIEN BATES one on one! Did you see what he did to me and ACE VINCENT? He thinks he's some devil or something and showing pictures on the XTRON. I still haven't forgotten about what he did to me 2 weeks ago JENSEN. What I'm proposing is this. At Rage in the Cage, we have a match pitting myself and that wannabe DAMIEN in the ring. But it won't be any ordinary match. I will decide the stipulations for the match before the pay per view. What do you say?

JENSEN: Well, see here’s the thing PETE. You and Damien are both in the tournament. So if either one of you gets past the first round, things might change. So I’ll tell you what. You give me until next week and I’ll have an answer for you.

GILMOUR: Good. Thanks for the advice. Enjoy your time here in the XWF.

PETER laughs wickedly as ROSE gives JENSEN a wink. They leave the office and we get a shot of JENSEN sitting back in his chair. Back in the arena, “Bad Company” by Five Finger Death Punch playing. JASON MUDD is in the ring, the Mudd Pit about to begin! JASON MUDD is dressed casually, sitting in a chair across a couch, a coffee table in between. On the couch sits three... random guests? They are certainly not XWF superstars. One is a teenager, another a pregnant woman, the third a man looking to be in his early to middle forties. Who are these people? JASON MUDD turns on his microphone, each of the guests holding a microphone as well. “Bad Company” slowly falls off the speakers.

JASON MUDD: Hello all, and welcome to another installment of the Mudd Pit, the show where hate is the common commodity and someone ends up being made into a complete and total fool before the show finishes! Normally, the Mudd Pit is designed for a poor soul from the business to walk themselves down that ramp, straight into this ring, and get a very verbal, hate filled bashing. Originally, I was going to have ACE VINCENT on the show... but had a better idea. I didn't want the ratings to suffer. So, you know what? I said FUCK ACE VINCENT and pulled these three people right from the crowd tonight!

The fans cheer, well give mixed reactions. They wanted to be picked!

JASON MUDD: See, I picked them because of the announcement BLIZZARD, our humble XWF owner made last week with the Universal Championship tournament!

The fans pop to the mention of the path to the next Universal Champion!

JASON MUDD: I figured, I may as well pull these three, obviously different in many way, from the crowd and see what their thoughts are. I am going to be asking them all the same question. Very easy. Who do they think will win the Universal tournament?

JASON looks to the teenager.

JASON MUDD: You, kid. What's your name?

The TEENAGER lifts the microphone to his lips, looking nervous.


JASON MUDD: Okay, BRYAN... who do you think will win the Universal tournament?

BRYAN: That's easy. STEVE JASON!

The fans give a huge pop to the mention of the returning XWF Legend! BRYAN does a little show boating to the crowd, raising his arms. The woman and man beside the kid smile, JASON MUDD doesn't look all too amused with the answer, but gives a very sarcastic grin.


BRYAN: Yeah. The guy is amazing.


BRYAN: Because he's amazing! The guy's unkillable in this business. If STEVE JASON'S around, the guy deserves to be the Universal champion.

BRYAN showboats again and gets a small pop from those in the crowd that agree. JASON MUDD is simply shaking his head.

JASON MUDD: Really? I know STEVE JASON is a Legend. I know STEVE JASON is a multiple former Universal champion. I know STEVE JASON has a lot of people eating the corn out of his crap hole, but seriously? You that's your facts to back your choice with STEVE JASON?

BRYAN: Well... yeah.

JASON MUDD: How old are you?

BRYAN: Eighteen, why?

JASON MUDD: Get the fuck out of my ring.

The teenager looks confused.


JASON MUDD: I didn't tell you to ask questions. Get the fuck out of the ring before I put your ass out of the ring.

BRYAN: Touch me and I'll own this place! I'll sue you for all the XWF is worth.

JASON MUDD laughs, shaking his head.

JASON MUDD: BRYAN... BRYAN... BRYAN... if you don't leave the ring, you're name will soon be CRYAN, very similar to CYREN. You signed a wave policy and agreed to get in this ring. I can do whatever the FUCK I want to you, kid, got me? Not shut the fuck up, take your legal threats, and get off your ass and out of the ring. If you don't, I will take my foot and stick it directly up your ass. Got me?

BRYAN's face loses color as he pales, Cowering from the threat. He looks around for a few seconds, from side to side, drops the mic and jets out of the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and falling to his hands and knees on the outside. From there security help him to his feet and over the barricade so he can get back to his seat.

JASON MUDD: Wow... Children. For the dumb asses out there that think like BRYAN does and choose STEVE JASON. Please have better reasoning than he's 'Unkillable' or he's a 'Legend'... or he's 'STEVE JASON'... the guy may be all of these little terms that you give him, but you know what? The STEVE JASON from FIVE... hell, no, THREE years ago would be ashamed and kick the STEVE JASON we know now straight in the ass if he saw himself. Back your shit up with facts people. Just because you think someone's pretty doesn't mean they will have the ability to make it through four rounds of a tournament and win the Universal championship.

At this time the pregnant woman in the ring stands up, sits down her microphone and slowly makes her way to the ropes, security leaping up to help her out of the ring.

JASON MUDD: Woah, woah, woah! Preggers, where you going!?

She turns around. Grabs the microphone and turns it on.

PREGNANT WOMAN: I am leaving.

JASON MUDD: Why? Did I offend you or something?

PREGNANT WOMAN: Oh, no... just, well. I pick STEVE JASON too.

JASON MUDD: Okay... good for you, why are you leaving though?

PREGNANT WOMAN: Because... I think he's hot.

JASON MUDD rolls his eyes as the woman sits the microphone down and gets assistance out of the ring. JASON MUDD rubs his forehead and simply shakes his head in defeat.

JASON MUDD: STEVE JASON... wow. I wander the chances of that demon child she will be spawning being STEVE JASON's?

Boos from the crowd from the insult on the pregnant woman!

JASON MUDD: You're right, next to none. I think STEVE JASON had his balls chopped off years ago. Not saying he's a coward or anything, that's not the case. I just don't think the man has a single ounce of sexual tension in his body.

JASON MUDD gets more boos for insulting STEVE JASON, but looks to the man still sitting on the couch patiently.

JASON MUDD: You're not leaving yet? I bet you're another STEVE JASON lover, huh?

MAN: No sir, I'm not.

JASON MUDD sits up a little in the chair.

JASON MUDD: Oh yeah? Who is your pick for the Universal Championship?

MAN: You are.

JASON MUDD blinks for a few seconds and grins, looking out at the crowd all around.

JASON MUDD: I assure you, I didn't pay this man to speak his mind. This is of his own free will and his complete and total opinion. I have NOT influenced him in any way, shape, or physical form!

JASON MUDD looks back to the man.


MAN: Because you're the total package in this business. You may be an arrogant, egotistical asshole; however, you got charisma. People listen to what you say. Whether they boo or cheer you, you control the people. You have skill and talent. You've proven that so far. Most of all, it's in your blood. I know your family history and know how much wrestler is a part of it. You're practically bred to be the Universal Champion.

JASON MUDD is mouth gapped, smiling, and wide eyed.

JASON MUDD: Wow... wow, wow! That is SUCH A nice thing to say.

The smile fades off JASON's face, however, as he looks at the smirk on the man's face.

JASON MUDD: Seriously, who is your pick?


The crowd explodes into a fit of cheers and laugher, JASON MUDD grinning and waving the man off. A few seconds later and after the man is escorted out of the ring, JASON MUDD stands from his chair and looks out at the crowd.

JASON MUDD: Three out of three, the general thought? People see STEVE JASON taking the title home. Never mind you, the guy hasn't wrestled in ages. Never mind that the XWF is vastly different since the last time STEVE JASON was a major presence in the playing field. STEVE JASON is still the top pick for this just because of WHO he was years ago.

JASON MUDD shakes his head in disappointment.

JASON MUDD: Some people never change. Things around them do. You can choose STEVE JASON. You can CHOOSE people like CENTURION, or JAYZON WILLIAMS, or RJ PALMER, or ZACH RIZZA. You can choose whoever you want... but let me tell you one thing. Let me EXPLAIN where there is a flaw in your prediction and why it will come back to bite you square in your fat asses!

JASON MUDD gets a boo.

JASON MUDD: I am in this tournament.

JASON MUDD slowly paces the ring, his attention on everyone and no one at the same time.

JASON MUDD: That man, though bullshitting me, did hit a couple of key points. What he said, I believe to be sincere, but he was bullshitting in fear of my foot getting lost in his ass like it did a few weeks ago in RJ PALMER's. I was bred for this business. I was born to wrestle. It is in my blood, it is who I am. The Universal Title isn't an option, it's a matter of time. It's a matter of when I get there and put that gold around my waist. That's at RAGE IN THE CAGE.

JASON MUDD gives an egotistical grin.

JASON MUDD: I may be the XWF's Premier Asshole... but know what? After RAGE IN THE CAGE, I'll be something else for the business too. I will be it's Premier Universal Champion! And all of you in the back, all of you in attendance, all watching around the world. Not a GOD DAMN thing you can do about it! Only thing you got? IS TO FUCKING LIVE IT!

JASON MUDD drops the microphone on the coffee table as this weeks issue of the Mudd Pit comes to an end, Looking out across the crowd, “You're Going Down” by Sick Puppies begins to play, JASON MUDD's theme. Grinning, JASON MUDD nods and exits the ring, letting crew members take the set apart for the next match.

JASON MUDD has made it crystal clear! He is planning on winning the Universal championship, taking home his first major title in the XWF at Rage in the Cage!

- - Universal Title Tournament - Singles Match -

Both men stand in opposite corners waiting for the bell to ring and the first Universal Title Tournament match to begin. One man will not make it past tonight. The bell rings and GILMOUR charges at CENTURION and goes for an immediate closeline that CENTURION manages to duck. As GILMOUR turns around CENTURION nails him with a dropkick to the face that sends GILMOUR down. GILMOUR is able to get up pretty quick but CENTURION is waiting for him and hits him with a closeline that sends GILMOUR down again. CENTURION waits for GILMOUR to get back up and quickly hits him with a Korean Kick of Death! GILMOUR goes down hard! CENTURION waits as GILMOUR slowly makes his way up. When he gets to almost up CENTURION bounces off the rope and hits GILMOUR with a cross body. He thinks about the pin but decides not to. CENTURION runs and jumps off the middle rope and lands on GILMOUR with a lionsault. CENTURION waits for GILMOUR to get up and when he finally gets up CENTURION hits him with a boot to the stomach followed by a quick DDT. CENTURION climbs up to the top turnbuckle and waits as GILMOUR slowly makes his way up. When GILMOUR finally is up and turned around CENTURION jumps off and hits GILMOUR hard with a missle dropkick! CENTURION picks up GILMOUR who is pretty out of it at this point. CENTURION hits GILMOUR with a hard chest slap and then hooks GILMOUR's head from behind and drops him with a reverse DDT! CENTURION quickly climbs back up to the top rope and jumps off high into the air and falls onto GILMOUR with a shooting star press! CENTURION hooks GILMOUR's leg for the pin. ONE!.....TWO!!.....THR.....KICKOUT!!!!!

GILMOUR is somehow able to kick out. CENTURION kicks GILMOUR a few times in the ribs and then decides to climb up to the top rope again. He stands up straight and looks around the crowd before jumping off for a flying elbow drop! But somehow GILMOUR is able to move out of the way! CENTURION hits the mat hard and is in some serious pain. GILMOUR makes his way up and waits as CENTURION slowly gets back up as well with his back turned to GILMOUR. As CENTURION turns around the bigger GILMOUR levels CENTURION with a hard closeline! GILMOUR follows that up by bouncing off the ropes and hitting CENTURION with a leg drop. GILMOUR waits for CENTURION to slowly get up and once he is to his knees GILMOUR charges him and hits him with a yakuza kick! CENTURION goes down hard. GILMOUR picks up the much smaller CENTURION and puts his head between his legs. He lifts him up and drops him on his head with a piledriver. GILMOUR quickly picks CENTURION back up kicks him in the gut and drops him with a DDT! GILMOUR begins to stomp the body of CENTURION until the referee finally tells him to stop. GILMOUR quickly picks CENTURION back up and puts him back between his legs. He lifts him high in the air and slams him down with a hard powerbomb! GILMOUR lays on CENTURION for the pin....ONE!..... TWO!!....THRE!......KICKOUT!!!

CENTURION is somehow able to kickout. The legend isn't going to get put out of the Universal Title Tournament just yet. GILMOUR picks up CENTURION and grabs him around the neck and hits him with a stalling suplex. GILMOUR quickly picks CENTURION back up grabs him around the waist and throws him halfway across the ring with a belly to belly suplex! GILMOUR picks up the dazed CENTURION who seems to be almost out of it at this point and grabs him around the waist from behind. GILMOUR picks CENTURION and throws his body backwards with a brutal german suplex! GILMOUR is in complete control of the XWF Legend. GILMOUR picks CENTURION up off the mat and throws his body over his shoulder and holds him there for a moment before dropping him down with a shoulder breaker! GILMOUR thinks about the pin but decides to pick CENTURION up but CENTURION is somehow able to hit GILMOUR with an elbow to the face that gives him a little bit of time to recover. GILMOUR tries to hit CENTURION with a super kick but CENTURION is somehow able to duck under it and hit GILMOUR with a 1000 MILE SLAM! CENTURION is somehow able to hit GILMOUR with a 1000 MILE SLAM!! Both men are down on the mat trying to recover. GILMOUR is completely out but CENTURION isn't able to capitalize because he is still in some serious pain. The first match of the Universal Title Tournament hasn't disappointed as the two men have gone back and forth giving it their all to somehow make it to the next round of the tournament. Neither man wants their tournament to end tonight. CENTURION is finally able to make his way up and GILMOUR is still down after CENTURION was able to land his finisher. CENTURION drags GILMOUR to the middle of the ring and grabs his legs and locks GILMOUR up in the FALL OF ROME! CENTURION has GILMOUR in his signature hold the FALL OF ROME! GILMOUR is in some serious pain and is trying not to tap out. CENTURION continues to bend further back into the FALL OF ROME and GILMOUR is finally forced to tap out!


The match is over! CENTURION is the first contestant to win in the Universal Title Tournament and will move on to the next round.

The camera cuts back to the locker room where HUNTER RYAN is seen lacing up his boots getting ready for his huge match with STEVE JASON later in the evening. The fans pop for the former World Champ! Suddenly, NICK RYAN comes into the shot and the cheers turn to boos. HUNTER stands up and shoots NICK a grin as the boos get louder.

HUNTER: I think they like you, brother.

NICK RYAN: Shut it. I only came back here because I heard you wanted to talk.

HUNTER: Yes I do. But I'll make it quick.

NICK RYAN: That's what she said.

HUNTER: Shut it. Last week was pathetic, NICK. Seriously one of our more depressing performances as a tag team. You want to prove you're a "tag team legend" than you're going to have to put out a helluva lot better than you did last week.

NICK RYAN: That's what she said.

HUNTER: I swear to Christ, NICK, if you don't take me seriously right now I'm going to walk out of this locker room and out of this tag team for good. You'll never get another chance. Got it?

NICK RYAN: Yeah, yeah, I got it. Listen, I know last week didn't go quite as we'd liked. But I didn't see you in there to break up the pinfall, either.

HUNTER: I didn't say it was entirely your fault, brother. For argument sake, I'll say we lost. Not you lost. But I'm dead serious when I say...the next time we put up that kind of a performance, I'm done with us. I'm as serious as cancer, brother.

NICK RYAN: Fair enough.

HUNTER pushes past his brother and heads towards the door.


HUNTER turns back to his brother.

NICK RYAN: Good luck out there tonight.

HUNTER nods to his brother and disappears out the door and into the hall.

- - Universal Title Tournament - Hardcore Match -

JAYZON WILLIAMS is already in the ring as DAMIEN BATES makes his way out to ringside. DAMIEN is walking down the ramp when JAYZON decides to go outside and run at DAMIEN. They begin to trade blows but DAMIEN get's the upper hand. They battle outside of the ring but DAMIEN tosses JAYZON in the ring. He climbs the mat to get inside but WILLIAMS quickly goes on the attack and stops DAMIEN from coming in. He kicks him in the gut and DAMIEN falls backwards getting his leg caught in the ropes. WILLIAMS is on the attack kicking DAMIEN in the chest several times. WILLIAMS then goes over to the other side of the ring and goes under, looking for all sorts of weapons. DAMIEN is back in the ring. JAYZON tries to come in with a garbage can but DAMIEN kicks it and slams it right in the face of JAYZON who falls back to the floor. DAMIEN follows him out and then proceeds to pick him up and hits a hard stalling suplex on the outside! JAYZON holds his back as DAMIEN gets to his feet and grabs the garbage can. WILLIAMS is almost to his feet when he turns around and WHACK! DAMIEN knocks him back down with a shot to the head from that garbage can!

WILLIAMS is down but DAMIEN walks over, picks him up and tosses him inside the ring again. WILLIAMS is on the ground as DAMIEN picks him up and tries to hit a gorilla press slam but WILLIAMS counters and knocks him down. He tries to go for an ankle lock submission but DAMIEN counters. JAYZON then quickly gets up and grabs the garbage can lid and whacks him over the head with it. Now DAMIEN is down! WILLIAMS gets back to his feet but....wait a minute, what the hell is PETER GILMOUR doing out here? GILMOUR runs down to the ring unnoticed by DAMIEN or WILLIAMS. He gets in the ring and immediately attacks DAMIEN from behind! He knocks him down and then hits WILLIAMS as well! GILMOUR then focuses on DAMIEN attacking him relentlessly! JAYZON then gets to his feet and decides to join in and help GILMOUR! Both men are now attacking DAMIEN but the ref can't stop it as it is a hardcore match and there are no rules!

But suddenly during the attack, the lights in the arena go out! Everything is pitch black. A weird buzzing sounds can be heard through the PA system. Suddenly the X-TRON lights up and we can now see an image......

The image remains there and then we can hear someone laughing. They laugh for a couple of seconds but then it stops.

That which once was will be again! That which once lived shall live again! The blood of the innocent feed me. The pain and suffering of my victims comfort me. The time has come XWF! At Rage in the Cage......Darkness will come! And it WILL consume you!!!

The voice then starts to laugh again as the lights come back on. As we look inside the ring, DAMIEN BATES is nowhere to be found. GILMOUR and WILLIAMS are the only two left in the ring. Both men stare at each other for a moment until suddenly a bolt of lighting shoots out of the rafters and straight to the ring. On the canvas, the words "I Am The Ever Living" are carved into the mat cover. What the hell was that? Once again the lights go back out and when they return, DAMIEN is standing right behind WILLIAMS who doesn't see him. DAMIEN then lifts him up and hits a reverse suplex on JAYZON. DAMIEN then gets to his feet and walks over to WILLIAMS who is holding his mid section. DAMIEN lifts him to his feet and grabs him by the throat. DAMIEN is going for a chokeslam but WILLIAMS counters and kicks DAMIEN right in the gut! 187! 187! 187! JAYZON covers......1........2........3!! It's over! WILLIAMS moves on to the next round of this tournament!


We cut to backstage where XWF Interviewer STEVE SAYORS is on standby, smiling into the camera with his attention on the viewers.

Standing next to him, with arms folded in a dark blue t-shirt and beige cargos is none other than recent returnee STEVE JASON. A crowd pop can be heard as he becomes visible, then SAYORS begins to talk.

STEVE SAYORS: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with XWF Legend, former Universal Champion and recent returnee STEVE JASON. What can I say, STEVE, it's an absolute pleasure to see you back around these parts. I was starting to wonder if we'd lost you for good.

SJ chuckles at that, shaking his head.

STEVE JASON: I know. I'm still clearing out the goddamn answering machine with messages - mainly from you, SAYORS. I'm flattered, man, I really am, but you've gotta give a man some space.

Laughter from the crowd can be heard, while SAYORS assumes a sheepish, goofy expression shaking his head.

STEVE SAYORS: As witty as always I see. SJ, you are on the verge of what you hope to be a triumphant return to the XWF in the Universal title tournament. You're no stranger to tourneys - the path of destruction you cut in the 2005 X-Mas X-Treme tournament is still the stuff of legend. There's been a lot of critique about ring rust and fizzling - I won't go over that, you've more than addressed it - tonight you're going up against HUNTER RYAN, and if you get past him, then the prized Universal Championship is closer to your grasp. How do you feel about that?

STEVE JASON: Opportunistic. What can I say, I wasn't expecting to be handed this kind of opportunity right off the bat - I was certain they were going to throw JERRY ATRICK at me to make sure I'm not a vegetable. A fourth Universal title run - who could possibly turn that down? That's one thing that'd certainly have all the naysayers red-faced, wouldn't it? So I'm gonna seize the day, SAYORS. I'm pumped, I'm ready, I think I'm in top condition and I hope to demonstrate that tonight.

SAYORS nods, then pauses as if to question whether to ask something. SJ notes it.

STEVE JASON: Go on, SAYORS. I'm not gonna decapitate you.

STEVE SAYORS: Well... there are some folks who seem to NOT be too happy to see you back. I'm not sure if you've been watching the most recent promos, but JAYZON WILLIAMZ seemed to have more than a few things to say about some comments you made - particularly about the past. He actually seemed pretty angry about that. Do you have any rebuttal?

SJ's reply is cool and calm - like a man simply stating facts.

STEVE JASON: All I'll say is 'temper, temper'. It sounds an awful lot to me from that ranting and raving that JAYZON WILLIAMZ heard something that maybe, just maybe, he didn't want to hear. Yes, I could structurally build up and obliterate every single thing he's said right here and right now, but where would the fun in that be? Nope - I'm actually going to keep most of my rebuttal to that little tantrum to myself - and use it when it's most fitting.

STEVE SAYORS: Really? Are you sure? Because he's not the only person that's gone on the offensive, y'know. DANTE ANGLAIS...

STEVE interrupts SAYORS bluntly.

STEVE JASON: nothing more than a failed General Manager who is of little to no concern to me at this point. The man's a gnat buzzing for attention, and I'll be damned if I give it to him before it's due. Again, about all he really did with his diatribe is hand me a crateload of ammunition, but again, why use it before its most optimal time? You'll get your rebuttals, SAYORS - in due time.

SAYORS isn't quite sure where to go with that, but after several seconds he nods and carries on to the next question.

STEVE SAYORS: There's been a lot of speculation as to what will happen if you advance in this tournament, and one of the biggest, buzzing topics is what happens if you and your old friend CENTURION both advance. You'll be looking at facing each other across the field for the first time in nine years with the highest prize as a factor. What do you have to say about that?


STEVE doesn't complete that sentence and in fact begins to make his way back along the corridor, leaving SAYORS hanging. There is silence for several long seconds, then SAYORS takes a guess at what precisely STEVE might possibly say next.

STEVE SAYORS: undeniable?

STEVE merely shakes his head at that, making his way out of the hallway. His answer echoes behind him however.

STEVE JASON: ...will be an interesting day.

- - Universal Title Tournament - Singles Match -

"Pretty Handsome Awkward" rolls through the arena as the fans await VINIC DUSHANE's entrance. As the drums begin, strobe lights ignite from the entrance ramp and pulse wildly. VINIC DUSHANE emerges from the back and walks towards the ring, looking out into the crowd and pointing to some fans along the way. He slaps some hands casually and rolls underneath the ring ropes. He stands up to his feet and eyeballs the camera facing him, then wraps his arms around the ropes and stretches a bit.

"Schizophrenia" by brokeNCYDE starts to play through out the arena, the fans recognize the song and begin to boo at the superstar who is about to come out. Purple lights begin to light up the arena and a couple strobe lights on the stage start to flicker causing everything in that area to look like it's going in slow motion. R.J. PALMER walks out from behind the curtain in his wrestling gear and a black hoodie. He stands on the stage for a few seconds, looking around the arena before starting to walk to the ring, he looks over to a person in the front row and when the part of the song says '5, 6.. Suck on my Dick', he points down between his legs. He continues to walk to the ring and once near the end of the ramp, he begins to run and then slides under to bottom rope and into the ring. He quicky springs up and gets to the second turnbuckle and tuants the crowd. He jumps down and stands in the center of the ring and waits for the match.

PALMER and VINIC stare each other down as they slowly circle one another. They come together in the middle of the ring, both jawing at one another. The crowd starts to get behind them as the intensity on their faces becomes more evident. HERE WE GO! The bubble bursts they explode onto one another with a storm of punches. Right and left hands are being traded simultaneously with one another. PALMER blocks a VINIC right hand and then jabs him underneath the jaw with a short uppercut. VINIC staggers backwards and PALMER presses on. VINIC blocks an incoming right and he fires back with a sharp cross to the head and now PALMER falls backwards, down to a knee and holding the side of his head. VINIC marches in and PALMER moves quickly, kicking out his legs from underneath him and tripping VINIC DUSHANE to the canvas. PALMER presses him and comes over the top of VINIC with a fury of right hands to the head. VINIC is able to slip an arm up and through the punches reigning down on him and he locks PALMER into a headlock of sorts. VINIC rolls through and PALMER is flipped over onto his back, with VINIC clutching down and wrenching hard onto the headlock.

PALMER works up to his knees quickly and then both men are standing to their feet within a few moments. PALMER backs into the ropes and shoots VINIC in. DUSHANE off the opposite ropes and PALMER drives him down to the mat with a standing shoulder block. PALMER makes a run for the ropes and VINIC rolls over and up to his feet. VINIC leapfrogs over the top of a low lunging PALMER and RJ goes for the ropes again. He comes back and VINIC takes him head over heels with a hip toss. VINIC moves in and looks for an armbar, but PALMER surprises him by locking him up and rolling through with an inside cradle.




Both men stand up to their feet and engage in a staredown again, slowing the pace of the match down and the fans in the arena applaud the fast paced and highly intense start to this quarterfinal match for the UNIVERSAL TITLE. They begin to slowly circle around each other again and they come together for a tie up, but PALMER slips a quick hand in and pokes the eyes of VINIC DUSHANE, to many boos from the crowd. DUSHANE is momentarily blinded, but it's long enough for PALMER to start in on the offensive, with a series of sharp kicks to the left knee of DUSHANE. PALMER grabs an arm and backs VINIC up into the ropes. He sends him across the ring with an irish whip. PALMER charges in and he leaps at VINIC, spearing him with devastating force. The crowd "OHHHs" at the impact from the blow. PALMER is going for the win!




PALMER sits back on his knees, looking down at VINIC DUSHANE, who is holding his midsection in pain. A smile parts his lips and he grabs him by the head, lifting him up off the canvas. The crowd seems distracted from the match as they look to the rampway and see DANIEL MALCOLM coming down towards ringside with a very nonchalant type of pace. He's taking his time, but what is that in his hands? Are those bolt cutters? Tree trimmers? I don't know. Some kind of cutting device, but neither wrestler is paying attention to the entrance ramp or DANIEL MALCOLM. PALMER is still in control of this match and he backs VINIC into the corner. RJ takes a few steps back and then lunges in low, driving a hard shoulder into the midsection of VINIC, doubling him over. PALMER with a front chancery now and he's working himself up to a perch on the top turnbuckle. Could be going airborne here! PALMER leaps off with a swinging D... NO! VINIC just launched him off and across the ring. PALMER hits the ground on his back, arching it in pain and holding it.

VINIC takes a few moments, panting for breath in the corner and then he comes out, stalking RJ PALMER. VINIC lifts him up to his feet and then off the mat, before bringing him down onto his knee with an inverted atomic drop. DANIEL MALCOLM has made his way to ringside and he's watching the match what whatever those cutters are in his hand. VINIC DUSHANE pulls PALMER's head back into an inverted headlock and then lifts him into the air, before dropping him down onto his front side with a suplex. DUSHANE sits up to his knees and looks over at DANIEL MALCOLM, before giving a head nod. MALCOLM acknowledges and he... WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING? HE'S CUTTING THE RING APRON WITH THOSE CUTTERS!!!

VINIC DUSHANE grabs ahold of PALMER's head, pulling him up off the mat and then he dumps him through the middle ropes and outside of the ring. DANIEL MALCOLM is working his way around the ring, cutting the cords that bind the ring apron to the ring itself. What is this man doing? What did these two have planned for RJ PALMER tonight?!?

VINIC DUSHANE heads outside of the ring, dropping down onto the matting. He lines up PALMER and delivers a swift boot to the sternum, taking the wind right out of him. PALMER is trying to get to his feet, while VINIC stalks him and waits. PALMER puts his hands on VINIC's jeans, trying to pull himself up and VINIC looks down at him with a mocking laugh. Without notice, PALMER is up and he nearly barrels through VINIC and plunges his shoulder into his midsection. DUSHANE is driving backward and his back slams into the ring with authority.

DANIEL MALCOLM continues to go about his business with the cutters. He is nearly all the way around the ring now, cutting each individual strand of cord from the ring apron to the ring. PALMER goes to town on VINIC DUSHANE with hard rights and lefts to the midsection. He grabs him by the back of the head and then slams his face off the guard rails. PALMER takes a few moments to himself, before grabbing VINIC's head again and going for the second smash. DUSHANE grabs ahold of the guard rails and stops him, before shooting in a fast elbow to the gut and doubling PALMER over. VINIC DUSHANE brings that same elbow up into the air and then brings it down across the back of PALMER's neck. VINIC looks angry and he's shouting something at DANIEL MALCOLM, as the last of the cords have been cut. MALCOLM tosses the cutters aside and both men start to pull the ring apron away. VINIC is waving his hands frantically in the air, trying to get someone's attention.


Several moments pass and then the lights turn back on. RJ PALMER is in the middle of the ring, trying to pull himself up to his feet. He looks down and his face turns white. RJ PALMER is in shock! There is another ring apron underneath! It has something written on it!

DEAR GOD, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!! PALMER DOESN'T... JUST LOOK AT HIS FACE! HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. HE'S SHAKING HIS HEAD. HE'S SAYING NO! NO! NO! VINIC DUSHANE and DANIEL MALCOLM are backing their way up the rampway slowly, watching this unfold. They had a plan for RJ PALMER tonight. They are trying to get into his head. PALMER is shaking his head NO! NO! He's grabbing at his head and closing his eyes, trying to fight out something. There is the bell!! RJ PALMER IS GOING TO WIN BY COUNTOUT!

I don't get it. CONOR WUZ HERE?! RJ PALMER looks like he knows exactly what it means. He's down on his knees in the middle of the ring with his head in his hands. What in the hell is going on here right now? VINIC DUSHANE just got counted out and he's going to be eliminated from the UNIVERSAL TITLE tournament. RJ PALMER is going to advance to the next round. What does this mean for RJ PALMER after tonight?


- - Universal Title Tournament - Singles Match -

With both men in the ring the ref calls for the bell. They lock up in the middle of the ring, MALCOLM gets the better of the exchange catching TRENT with a well placed uppercut sending him staggering backwards. MALCOLM quickly follows it up with a big boot to the face sending TRENT down to the mat hard. MALCOLM climbs on the back of the downed TRENT and applies a camel clutch. TRENT sticks his foot on the ropes causing the ref to have to break up the hold. MALCOLM breaks it up but not before utilizing the 5 count to inflict a little more pain on TRENT. After breaking the hold MALCOLM tries to stay on the attack but is met with a punch to the midsection by TRENT. TRENT now plants MALCOLM with a sick looking DDT! TRENT with the cover, 1.. KICKOUT! TRENT couldn't even squeeze a two count out of it. TRENT goes to pull MALCOLM to his feet but MALCOLM counters with a small package. KICKOUT! Not even a one count on that one, its going to take more than that to keep either one of these guys down tonight. They both get to their feet around the same time and lock up again, irish whip by TRENT, MALCOLM bounces of the ropes TRENT tries a clothesline but MALCOLM ducks it. MALCOLM bounces off the opposite ropes and decapitates TRENT with a huge clothesline sending him tumbling over backwards. MALCOLM quickly scoops TRENT up and slams him back down to the mat with a power bomb. Cover by MALCOLM. 1.. 2.. KICKOUT! MALCOLM just couldn't keep him down. MALCOLM now stomps on TRENT a couple of times before lifting him up. MALCOLM now doing for a pile driver, reversed by TRENT who counters with a big back body drop. TRENT keeps the pressure on as he slaps on a dragon sleeper, keeping MALCOLM grounded. This time its MALCOLM who grabs the ropes causing the ref to break the hold. TRENT breaks up the dragon sleeper and begins to pull MALCOLM to his feet only to get a thumb to the eye for his troubles. TRENT turns around and BOOM!!! SAVING GRACE!! MALCOLM connects with the SAVING GRACE!!!1.. 2...THREE!!!! And this one is over folks. DAN moves on to the next round of this tournament!


After their match, TRENT GEIN and DAN MALCOLM are breathing heavily. Both men are exhausted from the fracas that just ensued. As the climb to their feet and begin to exit the ring, a bolt of lightning strikes the center of the ring, and almost immediately a ring of fire surrounds the ring, keeping them inside. They both cautiously back up toward the center of the ring, and back into one another. They resist the urge to tear each other apart any further and shake it off. The fire rises higher until the ring is aglow in orange. Then, suddenly, the fire dies out completely and the arena goes dark as if someone blew out a celestial candle, as if a star went completely dim with one breath.

In the silent darkness, the sound of an acoustic guitar strumming begins, it builds for less than a minute and then a gravelly voice breaks through with the advent of an electric guitar riff, drums, and a bass guitar. "Oh Lord, My God when I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made..."

"How Great Thou Art" by Becoming The Archetype blasts as the lights flicker to life. Standing in the middle of the two combatants is a tall, well built man in a black trenchcoat, his head bowed in reverence. His pale yellow, almost white long hair hangs slightly over his shoulders. He looks up and out at the crowd. He breathes in the energy as the crowd begins to recognize his battle hardened face. Standing between MALCOLM and TRENT GEIN is none other than CRIMSON KLINE!

Both men are shocked to see the man they each were affiliated with in the past. He glances over to DANIEL MALCOLM and smiles. He turns his attention toward TRENT GEIN, and cracks another smile.

He produces a microphone from inside his coat pocket. He looks a lot more jovial than ever before. Despite his rugged appearance, he looks rather refreshed.

KLINE: It's been a minute, boys.

The crowd erupts.

KLINE: Don't leave just yet. I see that as much as things change around here, some things never change. DAN, you can't stop complaining about management and TRENT, you can't stop complaining about society as a whole. Damn, it feels good to be home. I want to apologize for taking up your time. You two have busted your humps to get into this Universal Title tournament. Me, I just got a bit nostalgic. I remembered the good 'ol days, and how tragic my life was at the time. But here I am, a new man, a proud father, even. I just wanted to let you know that I refuse to let you two wallow in your misery anymore. It makes me sick to my stomach to see two former friends act like children.

He seems to have raised their ire at this remark. Both are chomping at the bit to unleash on him.

He raises both hands, slightly.

KLINE: Now, now, brothers. Hold your fire. You'll each have a chance to get your hands on me, because I'm back, baby! I'm here to bring a different perspective. Believe what you will, but I am a changed man. I have a lot of respect for the both of you, and I want to challenge either of you to a match. Maybe not next week, or the week after that, but in the near future, at your individual discretions, I want an opportunity. I think about all the accolades just beyond my reach in my previous tenures here, and I think, what better time than now to prove myself worthy of them? Legends are returning like some kind of religious exodus. It's time to find out if 'ol Crimmy's still got it in him. With that, dear sirs, I bid you adieu.

KLINE tips his proverbial hat to the two former rivals/allies as they both look a bit confused. But no matter, CRIMSON KLINE is officially back!

- - Universal Title Tournament - Singles Match -

“Dead Star” by Muse begins to play, and DANTE ANGLAIS walks down to the ring, ignoring the boos of the crowd. He climbs the ring steps, enters the ring, then walks to his corner, not bothering to pose or even acknowledge the fans. The lights go out, and the words “The Broad Street Bully” appear on the X-Tron, then disappear, replaced by the sneering face of ACE VINCENT. A lone voice is heard throughout the arena:

“Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of themselves without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I die, you are forgiven. If I live, I will kill you.' Such is the rule of honor.”

"Omerta" by Lamb of God hits with a thunderous breakdown, and the crowd cheers.

ACE saunters out from behind the curtain slowly, looking around at the crowd and smirking. From behind him emerges his new valet BREE BENZ, who is dressed scantily. ACE raises his arms as BREE kneels down, holding onto his leg. He walks slowly down to the ring, rolling his neck and shoulders, and sneering at the crowd. BREE walks up to the camera, grabs it, and motorboats it.

ACE climbs the steps slowly, walks along the outside of the ring while holding onto the top rope, then looks at the crowd, nodding. They know what he knows: DANTE ANGLAIS is about to get fucked up. He steps over the middle rope, ducks under the top one, and faces the crowd once more, smirks, then completes his entry of the ring.

BREE slides into the ring as he saunters to the opposite side of the ring, then climbs the ropes and faces the crowd as a king would face a group of peasants. He pounds his fist against his chest three times, then throws his hands back, receiving the cheers of the crowd, and channeling them into an energy he can use against his opponent.

ACE turns and looks at DANTE as BREE taunts him from the other side of the ring. DANTE, having had enough of ACE and BREE’s flaunting, rushes BREE BENZ, but ACE jumps off of the ropes and hits DANTE with the Lou Thez Press! He grabs the back of DANTE’S head and lays into him with punches! The ref grabs ACE and pulls him off of DANTE, telling him that the match hasn’t even started yet, and therefore he cannot attack DANTE! ACE shoves the ref out of his way, and reaches for DANTE, but DANTE hits ACE with an uppercut to the groin! ACE grabs his crotch and falls down, and DANTE jumps on top of him and lays into him with some punches of his own! BREE kicks DANTE in the back, causing DANTE to stop punching ACE, but only out of annoyance! He spins around and grabs BREE by the hair and begins to scream obscenities at her! He winds up a punch and BREE cowers, but behind DANTE, ACE grabs DANTE’S arm and spins him around, nailing him in the gut with a knee, doubiling him over, then following up with another knee to the face! DANTE goes down! ACE yells at the ref, telling him to ring the bell, and he obliges. This match is finally going to get officially underway!

ACE jumps on top of DANTE, trying to get the quick win, but DANTE kicks out before the ref can even count to one! ACE jumps on top of him and begins to stomp his limbs, but DANTE grabs ACE’S leg and trips him. ACE falls down, but both men quickly get to their feet and rush eachother. DANTE ducks underneath a clothesline, hits the ropes, and gets leapfrogged by ACE. He hits the ropes again, ACE drops down and DANTE jumps straight into the air and lands on ACE’S back with a double stomp! He stands on top of him for a minute, smiling sadistically, then jumps off and nails ACE in the back with an elbow drop!

DANTE picks ACE up and Irish Whips him into the corner, then follows up behind him and nails him with a splash! ACE slumps into a sitting position, and DANTE runs against the ropes and looks for a boot to the face, but ACE lays down completely just before it hits him and DANTE ends up crotching himself on the ropes! ACE quickly rolls to the outside and grabs his leg, then drops back with a heel hook, using the ropes as a way of adding pressure! DANTE is screaming in agony, and the ref begins to count for a DQ!


……ACE lets go of the hold just as the referee is about to count to five! DANTE rolls to the middle of the ring, clutching at his left leg! He gets up and stumbles, then grabs the ropes and tries to keep himself standing. ACE slides into the ring behind DANTE, measures him up, then runs and kicks the back of his leg! DANTE gets turned inside out by the force of the kick! ACE begins to yell at him, calling him a “little bitch” and various other names. ACE reaches down to grab DANTE’S head, but DANTE throws his legs up for an armbar! ACE pulls his arm out, then jumps on DANTE’S back and throws in a rear naked choke, but DANTE grabs the ropes! The ref forces ACE to break the hold! ACE stands up and pushes the ref, accusing him of being paid off by DANTE! Behind him, DANTE has stood up with the help of the ropes, and as ACE spins around, DANTE nails him with a boot to the gut, then grabs him and piledrives him! BREE BENZ is yelling at ACE from ringside to get up, but ACE is showing no signs of life! DANTE goes for the cover, and puts his foot on the ropes when the ref begins to count!

…..ACE gets a shoulder up!

DANTE doesn’t miss a beat, standing up and kicking ACE in the head a few times, then picking him up and dropping him right back down with a swinging neckbreaker! DANTE doesn’t bother going for the cover, but picks ACE up and throws him into the corner. DANTE rushes him and nails him with a clotheslines, then lifts him up onto the top rope. DANTE climbs up as well, but ACE nails him with a few punches, knocking him back down. ACE stands up and leaps off of the top rope, but DANTE nails him in the face with a superkick before he lands! ACE is out! DANTE falls on top of him for the cover!

…….Thr-ACE gets a shoulder up!

DANTE smacks the mat in frustration, as he thought he had ACE put away there! DANTE picks ACE up, boots him in the gut again, then puts him in suplex position! BREE screams at ACE again, urging him to get out of there, but DANTE flips her off then lifts ACE into the air and nails him with CR8 Chaos! DANTE dropped ACE right on his head! DANTE goes for the cover, not even bothering to hook the leg!

………..BREE BENZ grabs ACE’S foot and puts it on the ropes! The ref stops his count, not having seen her do it! DANTE gets to his feet and stares BREE down! He has a look in his eyes that could only be described as murderous! BREE turns around and runs, jumping over the barricade, with DANTE hot on her tail! DANTE grabs her by the hair and begins talking trash to her, calling her a “dirty skank” and accusing her of having a giant pussy. DANTE spins her around and puts her in his patented Dragon Sleeper! DANTE is choking BREE BENZ unconscious in the middle of an XWF crowd, not realizing that the ref is counting him out, and is already up to six!

DANTE drops BREE and she falls to the ground, completely out. DANTE heads for the ring, but before he can even reach the barricade, ACE springboards off of the top rope and nails DANTE with THE LIBERTY BELL, a frontflip plancha into the crowd! The crowd begins to chant “HOLY SHIT!” over and over as ACE and DANTE lie motionless in the crowd. The ref starts his count over!

Neither man is moving!
ACE shows a sign of life, but not for very long.

BREE BENZ is actually the first one up, waking up after having been put out from the Dragon Sleeper at the hands of DANTE!

She grabs ACE and helps him up, even going so far as to throw him over the barricade! She jumps over after him.


ACE slides into the ring, then rolls right back out! He doesn’t want to win by count out! ACE, now with his feet securely under him, jumps back over the barricade, grabs DANTE, and throws him over. ACE follows behind him, throws DANTE into the ring, and then slides in. ACE rolls DANTE over and goes for the pin!

……..DANTE gets a shoulder up!

ACE mounts DANTE and nails him in the head with a few punches, then spins around and hooks DANTE’S leg, falls back with it, and locks in a kneebar! DANTE screams in pain, but refuses to tap! He drags himself and ACE to the ropes and grabs the bottom one! The ref forces ACE to break the hold!

ACE picks DANTE up and throws him into the corner, then rushes at him for a clothesline, but DANTE hits him with an elbow and ACE falls to the mat. ACE stands up and DANTE nails him with a punch, dropping him right back down. ACE gets to his feet quickly, and throws a punch at DANTE, but DANTE ducks behind ACE and hooks him in the DRAGON SLEEPER! ACE is fighting for his life, and jumps in the air trying to kick off of the turnbuckle, but the ref is in the way and ACE kicks him right in the face! The ref is out! DANTE kneels down and locks the DRAGON SLEEPER in as tight as he can, but the ref can’t count ACE out! DANTE drops ACE, then nudges the referee with his foot a few times, to no avail!

Wait a minute! From out in the crowd jumps a man in an Arnold Schwarzenegger mask! He slides into the ring, then attacks DANTE! He kicks him in the stomach, lifts him onto he shoulders, then drops him with a cutter! That’s Peter Gilmour’s finisher! Arnold flips DANTE off, then slides out of the ring and runs backstage!

The ref is stirring now, but DANTE isn’t. BREE screams for ACE to get up, and he begins to stir! ACE gets to his knees, then looks at DANTE and the ref, unsure of what just happened. He gets to his feet, then grabs DANTE, who uppercuts ACE in the stomach and grabs him, looking for THE UPRISING, but ACE knees him in the groin, then hits him with THE ACE OF SPADES! DANTE is out, and ACE falls on him for the cover! The ref crawls over to make the count!


ACE rolls off of DANTE, victorious! BREE slides into the ring and helps ACE get to his feet! ACE VINCENT is moving on to the second round!


- - Universal Title Tournament - Singles Match -

"Party Monsters" by Kottonmouth Kings f/ Tech N9ne begins over the pa system as you see visions of "The Franchise", "The Icon", "The X-Rated" one himself, Dynamic Dynamite on the screen being flanked by various women of all ethnicities. He has either a microphone in his hand rapping or he is standing shirtless and making out with the women. From the entrance ramp now we can see walking out OG THUG, BLAKE CARSON, and of course "THE FRANCHISE" DYNAMIC DYNAMITE walk out onto the ramp. They stand and soak in the boos as the crowd knows that when he shows up he is going to make lives a living hell. Slowly walking down to the ring they are yelling at the crowd and are cussing at them. DYNAMIC spits at the crowd and is pulled back by BLAKE while they continue to go. Approaching the ring all three men get into the ring and DYNAMIC of course is the last one and flaunts his abs to the ladies in attendance.

“You’re Going Down” by Sick Puppies plays and JASON MUDD walks down to the ring. He eyes BLAKE CARSON and OG THUG, then slides into the ring and gets face to face with DD. The two men talk trash to one another, and DD pushes MUDD, who pushes him back. DD throws a punch, then MUDD throws one back! They begin to throw punches back and forth, one after another, then MUDD knees DD to the gut, bounces off of the ropes, and nails DD with an elbow to the face! DD bounces back to his feet, then gets hit with a few chest chops by MUDD, but hits him back with a few chops of his own! DD throws MUDD against the ropes but MUDD leaps into the air and nails DD with a neckbreaker! MUDD goes for a quick cover! ….One! ……Two! …….DD gets the shoulder up! MUDD gets him in a headlock, but DD stands up quickly and pushes MUDD into the ropes, then leapfrogs him, and as MUDD rebounds, DD hits him with a back body drop! DD runs against the ropes and then drops an elbow on the downed MUDD! DD picks MUDD up, then kicks him in the gut, and nails him with a bridging fisherman suplex!

….One! ……Two! …….MUDD kicks out! DD rolls him over and punches him in the face a few times then picks him up and holds him up in the air with a stalling suplex! DD walks around the ring with MUDD in the air, then gives him a thumbs down and drops him on his back! MUDD clutches his back in pain but DD jumps on him for the cover! ….One! …..Two! …….Th-MUDD gets a shoulder up! DD picks MUDD up and throws him into the ropes, then hooks him in a sleeper hold! DD hangs onto the sleeper despite MUDD’S attempts to get free! MUDD’S legs begin to give out as the blood flow is cut off to his brain! He falls to his knees, but as his first knee hits the ground, he quickly stands up and grabs DD’S head and hits him with a jawbuster! DD reels backwards, and MUDD gets to his feet quickly, then runs to the corner with DD hot on his tails, runs up the ropes and nails DD with the whisper in the wind! MUDD jumps on top of DD and goes for the cover, but DD kicks out before the ref can even count to one! DD gets to his feet, but MUDD hooks him in reverse DDT position and then hits him with a backbreaker! As soon as DD hits the ground, MUDD bounces off of the opposite ropes and lands on DD with the rolling thunder! MUDD goes for the cover! ….One! …..Two! ……Thr-DD kicks out! Mudd kicks DD in the face as DD gets to his knees, and DD falls to the outside of the ring! CARSON and OG THUG run to DD’S side and help him up, and as the three men stand outside, planning their attack, JASON MUDD flies over the top rope and hits them all with the MUDDSHOVEL! THE CROWD GOES NUTS, CHANTING “X-W-F!!” over and over! MUDD gets to his feet and throws DD in the ring, but behind him, OG THUG hits him with a low blow! The ref didn’t see it because he was checking on DD! BLAKE CARSON picks MUDD up and then powerbombs him on the mats at ringside! CARSON picks MUDD up and throws him into the ring! DD rolls on top of him for the cover!

….One! ….Two! …….Thr-MUDD gets a shoulder up! OG THUG and BLAKE CARSON are going crazy on the outside as they can’t believe it! DD gets to his feet and stands behind MUDD, sizing him up as MUDD gets to his feet as well. DD grabs him in reverse suplex position, then lifts him up and drops him! DD goes for the cover again! ….One! …..Two! ……MUDD kicks out once again! DD grabs the ref and accuses him of being biased, but the ref pushes DD off of him and MUDD rolls him up! The ref goes for the count! …..One! ……Two! ……..DD kicks out! MUDD gets to his feet but DD levels him with a clothesline! DD picks MUDD up and goes for boot to the gut, but MUDD catches his leg and immediately drops him with a dragon screw! MUDD quickly gets to his feet, bounces off of the ropes, and nails DD with a flying forearm! MUDD gets back up, bounces off the ropes again, and nails DD with a flying knee as DD gets to his feet! DD is down, and MUDD quickly climbs the top rope, then leaps off and nails DD with a frog splash! He hooks the leg! ….One! ……Two! ……..DD kicks out! MUDD picks him up, but DD nails him with a headbutt to the ribs, doubling him over! DD grabs him and then hooks him in reverse ddt position, looking for CREATIVE CONTROL! MUDD throws a few punches to the face of DD, then runs to the turnbuckle and uses them to propel himself over DD’S head! MUDD lands on his feet, then runs against the ropes and nails DD with the MUDD SHOVEL as DD spins around! MUDD goes for the cover! …ONE! …..TWO! ……THREE!


- - Universal Title Tournament - Singles Match -

STEVE JASON paces as HUNTER loosens himself up as the bell rings to signal the start of this match. HUNTER and SJ meet in the center of the ring with a lock up, both men struggling for an early lead over the other, neither man willing to give to much to there opponent. Ever the wily veteran, SJ slides through and under the lock up, grabbing HUNTER up in a side headlock before HUNTER bounces him off the ring ropes and takes STEVE down with a shoulder charge. HUNTER bounces himself off the ring ropes and goes for an elbow drop but STEVE is able to roll out of the way and gets to his feet, quickly meeting HUNTER as he climbs to his own with a neat looking dropkick. SJ doesn’t look like he’s been away at all as he pulls HUNTER to his feet and catches him with a big uppercut. HUNTER reels back against the ring ropes as SJ whips him off the ropes and takes HUNTER RYAN up and over with a neat Powerslam, flowing straight through into a cover, One... Two... Kickout! STEVE is quick to his feet once again and pulls HUNTER up, quickly shoving him back into the corner, laying the boots and punches in to HUNTER trapping him right in the corner. STEVE whips HUNTER into the opposite corner and SJ charges after him, leaping in with an attempted Stinger Splash but HUNTER is able to duck down and avoids the contact as SJ crashes into the top turnbuckle. HUNTER rolls back into the middle of the ring, hooking SJ up from and dropping him down to the mat with a Bridged German Suplex, One... Two... SJ gets his shoulder up! HUNTER climbs to his feet, shaking off the early beating SJ has delivered and he drives his fist right into STEVE JASON’S jaw as he slowly climbs to his feet. HUNTER pulls STEVE right up and onto his feet before scooping him up and slamming him down to the mat hard, STEVE’S back crashing off the mat. HUNTER bounces himself off the ring ropes and comes back at the Stinger with a fist drop before going for another cover, hooking the leg up this time, One... Two... Kickout from the former Universal Champion. HUNTER pushes himself up off the mat and begins stomping away at the downed Australian as he attempts to roll to his feet but HUNTER is tenacious, quickly dropping to the mat and laying in punches to the sprawled out STEVE JASON. HUNTER pulls STEVE up to his feet once again and sets him up for a DDT but SJ is able to block it and he counters with a picture perfect Northern Lights Suplex, holding a bridge in for the pin, One... Two... HUNTER throws his shoulder up at two.

STEVE is to his feet as HUNTER slowly climbs to his and STEVE drives his knee right up into HUNTER’S face. STEVE grabs HUNTER by the hair and slams his face off the padded turnbuckle over in the corner before pulling him out of the corner and slamming him to the mat with a snap suplex. STEVE slowly climbs to his feet again and climbs up to the top rope before diving off with the flying elbow drop that he calls Surf’s Up, quickly following it up with another pin fall attempt, One... Two... HUNTER RYAN is able to kick out at two. STEVE pulls himself up using the ring ropes and turns around, waiting for HUNTER to get to his feet and he runs at RYAN but HUNTER is aware to it and catches STEVE with a ferocious Spinebuster. HUNTER collapses on top of the fallen STEVE JASON and the referee counts it as a pin attempt, One... Two... STEVE JASON’S shoulder shoots up at the last moment. HUNTER slowly rolls off and sits up, looking slightly shocked and dazed at the same time. HUNTER pushes himself up again and pulls STEVE up, kneeing him in the chest at the same time, hooking his head up before driving STEVE down to the mat with a DDT. HUNTER rolls the seemingly knocked out STEVE JASON onto his back and he drops an arm right across his chest, One... Two... Thr-STEVE JASON, somehow, manages to throw his arm up before a three count. HUNTER looks incredibly frustrated as he climbs to his feet and calls for STEVE JASON to get to his feet and, as he slowly does, HUNTER charges at him but he is met with a boot to the mid-section and STEVE quickly hooks HUNTER up before dropping him to the mat with his patented Shockwave! HUNTER IS OUT! One... Two... Three!! STEVE JASON gets the win on his return, he advances!!


- - Universal Title Tournament - Harcore Match - World Title Match -

The lights in the arena go black, as the crowd gets loud. Knowing that Dr. EMO is about to make his entrance. Then a noise is heard of the PA system, as the song "Weightless" by All Time Low plays. "Manage me, I'm a mess; Turn a page, I'm a book half unread; I wanna be laughed at, laughed with, just because; I wanna feel weightless and that should be enough" The song gets louder, and a guitar enters, as the lights come back on, and turns the arena into a blue, and spot lights shine on the stage giving the arena a concert like feel, as the crowd gets louder than before. "Well I'm stuck in this fucking rut; Waiting on a second hand pick me up; And I'm over getting older; If I could just find the time; Then I would never let another day go by; I'm over getting old." White smoke begins to fill the arena, and Dr. EMO walks out onstage with his arms raised, and the arena cheers loudly, as the chorus hits. “Maybe it's not my weekend; But it's gonna be my year; And I'm so sick of watching; While the minutes pass as I go nowhere; And this is my reaction to everything I fear; Cause I've been going crazy; I don't wanna waste another minute here.” Dr. EMO walks down the ramp, as he high fives fans, and slaps a couple of the emo kids around for the hell of it. Once he reaches the end of the ramp EMO runs and slides into the ring, then getting to his feet and runs jumping up on the second turnbuckle posing for the crowd on each turnbuckle before standing in the middle of the ring, as the song fades.

EMO rolls his shoulders, stretching out and getting warmed up while waiting for the WORLD CHAMPION, ZACH RIZZA. The lights in the arena go out!

"House real big. Belly real big. Everything real big.

Rims real big. Pockets real big. Rings real big.

Let me tell you how I live.

Like that, buy that, 24's ride that.

Ladies, gentlemen, gangsters, pimps, mommas, daddies, stunnahs, shiners...


Pyro shoots off and after the pyro is done Zach comes out with a smirk on his face. He slowly walks down the ramp, looking around at the fans cheering for him. Zach walks to the steps and walks up to the apron, one step at a time. Zach slaps his hand against the WORLD TITLE wrapped around his stomach, then points at EMO, who takes exception and vaults over the top rope and nails RIZZA with a diving cross body! EMO stands up and immediately puts the boots to RIZZA, kicking him in the back over and over! EMO grabs the title belt from RIZZA, then holds it over his head and the crowd cheers!

But RIZZA is on his feet and levels EMO with a shoulderblock! RIZZA picks EMO up and Irish whips him into the barricade! RIZZA looks to follow up with a clothesline, but EMO leaps onto the barricade, then jumps off and hits RIZZA with a Tornado DDT! The crowd is going crazy!

EMO picks RIZZA up, then punches him in the face. RIZZA stumbles backwards, and EMO gets a running start, jumps off of the stairs, and hits RIZZA in the face with a dropkick! This fast paced offense of DR EMO is working for him thus far as he’s dominating the WORLD CHAMPION!

EMO takes a few steps back, and as RIZZA gets up, EMO rushes him and leaps into the air, but RIZZA grabs EMO, then throws him backwards into the barricade! EMO bounces off of it with a sickening thud! RIZZA gets to his feet and is already breathing heavily as the speed of EMO has taken quite a bit out of him, but as of now, it’s EMO who’s laying on the mat, not moving at all. RIZZA grabs EMO and pulls him to his feet, then throws him into the ring. RIZZA jumps up onto the apron, but EMO was playing possum and kicks RIZZA in the stomach, then springboards off of the ropes and hits him with a legdrop to the back of the head! RIZZA flips over the top rope and lands in the ring! EMO jumps on top of him for the cover!



……RIZZA throws EMO off of him when he kicks out! EMO quickly gets to his feet and hits the ropes, then goes for a hurricanerana, but RIZZA falls backwards and guillotines EMO on the top rope! EMO bounces backwards, stunned! RIZZA seizes the opportunity, hitting the ropes and going for the RIZZALINER, but EMO ducks then jumps on RIZZA’S back! EMO hooks a rear naked choke, but RIZZA runs backwards and slams EMO into the turnbuckle! EMO doesn’t let go, so RIZZA slams him again! EMO still won’t let go! RIZZA runs forward and then leaps into the air and crushes EMO under him! EMO’S ribs might be broken as RIZZA is the much larger man! RIZZA goes for the cover!


……EMO gets his foot on the ropes!

RIZZA stands up, then picks EMO up and throws him into the ropes, nailing him with a powerslam when he bounces off! RIZZA doesn’t bother hooking the leg, but stands up and poses for the fans!

RIZZA: Who’s Big Tyme?!

RIZZA turns around and puts a foot on EMO’S chest and the ref drops down for the count!



……..Emo gets a shoulder up!

RIZZA picks him up, but EMO punches him in the stomach! EMO begins laying into RIZZA with punches, but RIZZA just knees him in the gut, then throws him into the corner! RIZZA rushes EMO, but EMO ducks underneath the clothesline, bounces off of the ropes, and tries to clothesline RIZZA, but RIZZA grabs him and goes for a sidewalk slam, but now EMO reverses that and rolls RIZZA up in a small package!



………Thr-NO RIZZA KICKS OUT! RIZZA barely got out of that one!

RIZZA is getting to his feet, but EMO is already on the top rope! RIZZA rushes him but EMO leaps off and nails him with a 720 DDT! EMO rushes to the opposite corner, leaps onto it, then nails RIZZA with the EMOSAULT! EMO goes for the cover!



……..Thr-RIZZA somehow gets a shoulder up! EMO pulls his own hair out of frustration as he was half a second away from winning the World Title!

EMO looks at RIZZA as he gets up, then dropkicks him in the knee! RIZZA is on one knee now, and EMO bounces off of the ropes and nails him with a shining wizard! RIZZA is on all fours, trying to get up, but EMO is already bouncing off of the opposite ropes and nails RIZZA with a front flip bulldog! EMO climbs the top rope and signals that this is the end! He’s going to put RIZZA away once and for all! EMO leaps off of the top rope, but RIZZA rolls out of the way and EMO lands on his stomach! RIZZA gets to his feet, bounces off of the ropes, then nails EMO with the RIZZALINER! EMO gets turned inside out and lands on his head! RIZZA falls on top of him and hooks the leg!



…….Thr-EMO GETS A SHOULDER UP AND THE CROWD GOES INSANE! EMO SIMPLY WON’T DIE! RIZZA hits the mat in frustration, then picks EMO up and sets him up for the RIZZATUDE ADJUSTMENT, but EMO knees RIZZA in the head, and RIZZA drops him! EMO knees RIZZA in the gut, then bounces off the ropes and goes for the PANIC ATTACK, but RIZZA is too big, and slams EMO to the mat! RIZZA picks him up and quickly hits the RIZZATUDE ADJUSTMENT, dropping EMO right on his face! RIZZA rolls him over and hooks the leg!




ZACH RIZZA has retained the WORLD TITLE!


JENSEN KENT makes his way out to the arena once again. What a night it's been here on Anarchy. JENSEN looks at the excitement in the crowd and can't help but smile.

JENSEN: You see folks? THIS is what i'm talking about! When was the last time you were at a show like this one with action like this? Yeah I didn't think so. But if you think that tonight was something, wait until next week! The tournament bar has just been raised and I personally can't wait to see how it all goes down! Thank you all for coming out! See you next week. FADE TO BLACK...FADE TO BL ACK...FADE TO BLACK