JENSEN: Well i'll be damned. I thought you would have forgotten about me by now. I mean you've had such a class act of a GM since I was gone that I thought i'd never need to come back. But much like Obama after Bush, I am here to clean up the shit the former GM left behind.
The crowd cheers in approval
JENSEN:So with that said, tonight you will see what could possibly be THE biggest Anarchy I have had the pleasure of being GM for. Tonight's matches will not only bring the action to your face like the XWF superstars always do, but I promise you it will be a night you'll never forget. With that said, I have sort of an announcement to make. Now, this hasn't been approved yet, but once I get word from the big boys, I am going to unveil what will be the new XWF title belts. I know, I know, a lot of people are used to seeing the same old belts we've had here for an eternity. But the fact of the matter is, this is a new era. This is a new XWF. Believe it or not, this is not the XWF I was in when I ran Anarchy so long ago. We are entering the year 2011 people! It's time for a change. And that change starts tonight!
JENSEN then drops the mic and heads to the back as One by One begins to play again. We go to the ring where our first match is ready to get underway.
The camera then cuts backstage where we see DAMIEN BATES walking around as if he's looking for someone. He walks up to one of the key grips and grabs him by his shirt.
KEY GRIP: N.....no..s....sir.
DAMIEN: Are you sure?
KEY GRIP: Ye.......yes!
DAMIEN tosses the key grip to the side and continues to look for JAYZON WILLIAMS. He then passes by JENSEN KENT who is heading to his office. He stops in front of him and doesn't allow him to pass.
JENSEN: You mind getting out of my way buddy?
JENSEN: He might be in the locker room. You know, where you should be instead of in my way?
DAMIEN gets in his face and then smiles before walking away.
JENSEN: Who the hell was that?
JENSEN then continues on as we head back to the arena where JOEY CASO and MANNY HARRIS are standing in the ring, breathing heavy after a victory on the dark match pre-show. They've each got a microphone, and they look like they're about ready to address the people of Istanbul.
JOEY CASO: You look at us with doubt and skepticism. What is it with you people? You can't show us the least bit of respect? Why aren't you celebrating our victory with us? Did we not just come out and bust us our asses for your amusement? Something is wrong with this picture...
MANNY HARRIS: We weren't deemed "ready" to wrestle on Anarchy, so instead we get stuck putting on a show for you people in-house. Meanwhile people like that doofus PETER GILMOUR get live television time, AND a chance at the top title. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but somethin' isn't adding up...
JOEY CASO: Just because we're new here doesn't mean we're new to this sport. If there's anybody here who has worked harder; put in more hours; been in more pain than anybody else, it's us. We've been doing this our whole LIVES!
MANNY HARRIS: So keep thinking we're nothing worth paying attention to. Keep thinking whatever you want to think. In time, we'll make you realize that you've all thought wrong. Just you wait and see!
"I Made It" by Kevin Rudolf (ft. Birdman, Jay Sean and Lil' Wayne) picks up. They drop their microphones and roll out of the ring. They walk up the ramp and to the back, completely ignoring the fans.
Again we go backstage where we see various production people walking around. The camera then focuses on some legs, female legs if you will. They are the very sexy legs of ROSE SMITH, PETER Gilmour's girlfriend. The camera pans up to show ROSE in a nice pink dress with a necklace around her neck. We then see the camera move a bit as PETER Gilmour grabs the cameraman and shoves him into the wall. PETER looks pissed off. The cameraman regains his composure and follows PETER and ROSE down the hall. They go around a corner and then stop as we see a sign on the door saying "GM JENSEN KENT" adorning it. PETER grins wickedly and then knocks on the door.
JENSEN: Come in.
PETER and ROSE walk in.
JENSEN: Nice to see you two again. Have a seat. Just so you two know, I’m a very busy man so make it quick.
GILMOUR: Let me first say welcome back to the XWF and congratulations on becoming the new GM of ANARCHY. It's about time that Aidan Collins used his brain and got rid of that asshole DANTE ANGLAIS. He was nothing but a piece of shit and probably the worst GM in XWF history.
JENSEN: Well, I couldn’t agree with you more. But rest assured, as the GM I will be fair, but I will also make sure the right people get what they deserve. No freebies, no “you’re my friend so get me a title shot” kind of thing, no alliances. I am here to do one thing and one thing only. And that’s to bring Anarchy back to the heights I took it when I ran things before. So why are you here?
GILMOUR: I'm here to welcome you. I know you will be a fair and just GM. Not like DANTE who wouldn't give me the time of day. There is something bothering me and it's pissing me off. I know I'm in the Universal Title Tournament but I don't like who I got to face in Round 1. I mean no disrespect to CENTURION, but I think I could've faced someone better. ANDY and I have already taken ourselves to new heights and he has beaten me once. I just feel like this tournament is not for me. So I'm here to take my name out of it.
JENSEN: Now PETE, why would you wanna go and do something stupid like that? Listen, you’ve been here for a while now and I’ve seen the potential you have. You just need to keep away from backstage drama and politics and focus on your skills. I remember watching and seeing the late FAMINE himself say he saw something in you that reminded him of himself. What happened to that? Stick with the tournament. Win or lose you’re still going to be an XWF superstar. You just need to get rid of the doubts that are in your head.
GILMOUR: That seems fair. Ok, I will stay and I will defeat CENTURION tonight and then continue to work my way through the tournament and I will finally win a major title other than that shitty Hart Title. But I do have one other thing to ask you.
JENSEN: And that is?
GILMOUR: I want that piece of shit DAMIEN BATES one on one! Did you see what he did to me and ACE VINCENT? He thinks he's some devil or something and showing pictures on the XTRON. I still haven't forgotten about what he did to me 2 weeks ago JENSEN. What I'm proposing is this. At Rage in the Cage, we have a match pitting myself and that wannabe DAMIEN in the ring. But it won't be any ordinary match. I will decide the stipulations for the match before the pay per view. What do you say?
JENSEN: Well, see here’s the thing PETE. You and Damien are both in the tournament. So if either one of you gets past the first round, things might change. So I’ll tell you what. You give me until next week and I’ll have an answer for you.
GILMOUR: Good. Thanks for the advice. Enjoy your time here in the XWF.
PETER laughs wickedly as ROSE gives JENSEN a wink. They leave the office and we get a shot of JENSEN sitting back in his chair. Back in the arena, “Bad Company” by Five Finger Death Punch playing. JASON MUDD is in the ring, the Mudd Pit about to begin! JASON MUDD is dressed casually, sitting in a chair across a couch, a coffee table in between. On the couch sits three... random guests? They are certainly not XWF superstars. One is a teenager, another a pregnant woman, the third a man looking to be in his early to middle forties. Who are these people? JASON MUDD turns on his microphone, each of the guests holding a microphone as well. “Bad Company” slowly falls off the speakers.
JASON MUDD: Hello all, and welcome to another installment of the Mudd Pit, the show where hate is the common commodity and someone ends up being made into a complete and total fool before the show finishes! Normally, the Mudd Pit is designed for a poor soul from the business to walk themselves down that ramp, straight into this ring, and get a very verbal, hate filled bashing. Originally, I was going to have ACE VINCENT on the show... but had a better idea. I didn't want the ratings to suffer. So, you know what? I said FUCK ACE VINCENT and pulled these three people right from the crowd tonight!
The fans cheer, well give mixed reactions. They wanted to be picked!
JASON MUDD: See, I picked them because of the announcement BLIZZARD, our humble XWF owner made last week with the Universal Championship tournament!
The fans pop to the mention of the path to the next Universal Champion!
JASON MUDD: I figured, I may as well pull these three, obviously different in many way, from the crowd and see what their thoughts are. I am going to be asking them all the same question. Very easy. Who do they think will win the Universal tournament?
JASON looks to the teenager.
JASON MUDD: You, kid. What's your name?
The TEENAGER lifts the microphone to his lips, looking nervous.
JASON MUDD: Okay, BRYAN... who do you think will win the Universal tournament?
BRYAN: That's easy. STEVE JASON!
The fans give a huge pop to the mention of the returning XWF Legend! BRYAN does a little show boating to the crowd, raising his arms. The woman and man beside the kid smile, JASON MUDD doesn't look all too amused with the answer, but gives a very sarcastic grin.
BRYAN: Yeah. The guy is amazing.
BRYAN: Because he's amazing! The guy's unkillable in this business. If STEVE JASON'S around, the guy deserves to be the Universal champion.
BRYAN showboats again and gets a small pop from those in the crowd that agree. JASON MUDD is simply shaking his head.
JASON MUDD: Really? I know STEVE JASON is a Legend. I know STEVE JASON is a multiple former Universal champion. I know STEVE JASON has a lot of people eating the corn out of his crap hole, but seriously? You that's your facts to back your choice with STEVE JASON?
BRYAN: Well... yeah.
JASON MUDD: How old are you?
BRYAN: Eighteen, why?
JASON MUDD: Get the fuck out of my ring.
The teenager looks confused.
JASON MUDD: I didn't tell you to ask questions. Get the fuck out of the ring before I put your ass out of the ring.
BRYAN: Touch me and I'll own this place! I'll sue you for all the XWF is worth.
JASON MUDD laughs, shaking his head.
JASON MUDD: BRYAN... BRYAN... BRYAN... if you don't leave the ring, you're name will soon be CRYAN, very similar to CYREN. You signed a wave policy and agreed to get in this ring. I can do whatever the FUCK I want to you, kid, got me? Not shut the fuck up, take your legal threats, and get off your ass and out of the ring. If you don't, I will take my foot and stick it directly up your ass. Got me?
BRYAN's face loses color as he pales, Cowering from the threat. He looks around for a few seconds, from side to side, drops the mic and jets out of the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and falling to his hands and knees on the outside. From there security help him to his feet and over the barricade so he can get back to his seat.
JASON MUDD: Wow... Children. For the dumb asses out there that think like BRYAN does and choose STEVE JASON. Please have better reasoning than he's 'Unkillable' or he's a 'Legend'... or he's 'STEVE JASON'... the guy may be all of these little terms that you give him, but you know what? The STEVE JASON from FIVE... hell, no, THREE years ago would be ashamed and kick the STEVE JASON we know now straight in the ass if he saw himself. Back your shit up with facts people. Just because you think someone's pretty doesn't mean they will have the ability to make it through four rounds of a tournament and win the Universal championship.
At this time the pregnant woman in the ring stands up, sits down her microphone and slowly makes her way to the ropes, security leaping up to help her out of the ring.
JASON MUDD: Woah, woah, woah! Preggers, where you going!?
She turns around. Grabs the microphone and turns it on.
PREGNANT WOMAN: I am leaving.
JASON MUDD: Why? Did I offend you or something?
PREGNANT WOMAN: Oh, no... just, well. I pick STEVE JASON too.
JASON MUDD: Okay... good for you, why are you leaving though?
PREGNANT WOMAN: Because... I think he's hot.
JASON MUDD rolls his eyes as the woman sits the microphone down and gets assistance out of the ring. JASON MUDD rubs his forehead and simply shakes his head in defeat.
JASON MUDD: STEVE JASON... wow. I wander the chances of that demon child she will be spawning being STEVE JASON's?
Boos from the crowd from the insult on the pregnant woman!
JASON MUDD: You're right, next to none. I think STEVE JASON had his balls chopped off years ago. Not saying he's a coward or anything, that's not the case. I just don't think the man has a single ounce of sexual tension in his body.
JASON MUDD gets more boos for insulting STEVE JASON, but looks to the man still sitting on the couch patiently.
JASON MUDD: You're not leaving yet? I bet you're another STEVE JASON lover, huh?
MAN: No sir, I'm not.
JASON MUDD sits up a little in the chair.
JASON MUDD: Oh yeah? Who is your pick for the Universal Championship?
MAN: You are.
JASON MUDD blinks for a few seconds and grins, looking out at the crowd all around.
JASON MUDD: I assure you, I didn't pay this man to speak his mind. This is of his own free will and his complete and total opinion. I have NOT influenced him in any way, shape, or physical form!
JASON MUDD looks back to the man.
MAN: Because you're the total package in this business. You may be an arrogant, egotistical asshole; however, you got charisma. People listen to what you say. Whether they boo or cheer you, you control the people. You have skill and talent. You've proven that so far. Most of all, it's in your blood. I know your family history and know how much wrestler is a part of it. You're practically bred to be the Universal Champion.
JASON MUDD is mouth gapped, smiling, and wide eyed.
JASON MUDD: Wow... wow, wow! That is SUCH A nice thing to say.
The smile fades off JASON's face, however, as he looks at the smirk on the man's face.
JASON MUDD: Seriously, who is your pick?
The crowd explodes into a fit of cheers and laugher, JASON MUDD grinning and waving the man off. A few seconds later and after the man is escorted out of the ring, JASON MUDD stands from his chair and looks out at the crowd.
JASON MUDD: Three out of three, the general thought? People see STEVE JASON taking the title home. Never mind you, the guy hasn't wrestled in ages. Never mind that the XWF is vastly different since the last time STEVE JASON was a major presence in the playing field. STEVE JASON is still the top pick for this just because of WHO he was years ago.
JASON MUDD shakes his head in disappointment.
JASON MUDD: Some people never change. Things around them do. You can choose STEVE JASON. You can CHOOSE people like CENTURION, or JAYZON WILLIAMS, or RJ PALMER, or ZACH RIZZA. You can choose whoever you want... but let me tell you one thing. Let me EXPLAIN where there is a flaw in your prediction and why it will come back to bite you square in your fat asses!
JASON MUDD gets a boo.
JASON MUDD: I am in this tournament.
JASON MUDD slowly paces the ring, his attention on everyone and no one at the same time.
JASON MUDD: That man, though bullshitting me, did hit a couple of key points. What he said, I believe to be sincere, but he was bullshitting in fear of my foot getting lost in his ass like it did a few weeks ago in RJ PALMER's. I was bred for this business. I was born to wrestle. It is in my blood, it is who I am. The Universal Title isn't an option, it's a matter of time. It's a matter of when I get there and put that gold around my waist. That's at RAGE IN THE CAGE.
JASON MUDD gives an egotistical grin.
JASON MUDD: I may be the XWF's Premier Asshole... but know what? After RAGE IN THE CAGE, I'll be something else for the business too. I will be it's Premier Universal Champion! And all of you in the back, all of you in attendance, all watching around the world. Not a GOD DAMN thing you can do about it! Only thing you got? IS TO FUCKING LIVE IT!
JASON MUDD drops the microphone on the coffee table as this weeks issue of the Mudd Pit comes to an end, Looking out across the crowd, “You're Going Down” by Sick Puppies begins to play, JASON MUDD's theme. Grinning, JASON MUDD nods and exits the ring, letting crew members take the set apart for the next match.
JASON MUDD has made it crystal clear! He is planning on winning the Universal championship, taking home his first major title in the XWF at Rage in the Cage!
Both men stand in opposite corners waiting for the bell to ring and the first Universal Title Tournament match to begin. One man will not make it past tonight. The bell rings and GILMOUR charges at CENTURION and goes for an immediate closeline that CENTURION manages to duck. As GILMOUR turns around CENTURION nails him with a dropkick to the face that sends GILMOUR down. GILMOUR is able to get up pretty quick but CENTURION is waiting for him and hits him with a closeline that sends GILMOUR down again. CENTURION waits for GILMOUR to get back up and quickly hits him with a Korean Kick of Death! GILMOUR goes down hard! CENTURION waits as GILMOUR slowly makes his way up. When he gets to almost up CENTURION bounces off the rope and hits GILMOUR with a cross body. He thinks about the pin but decides not to. CENTURION runs and jumps off the middle rope and lands on GILMOUR with a lionsault. CENTURION waits for GILMOUR to get up and when he finally gets up CENTURION hits him with a boot to the stomach followed by a quick DDT. CENTURION climbs up to the top turnbuckle and waits as GILMOUR slowly makes his way up. When GILMOUR finally is up and turned around CENTURION jumps off and hits GILMOUR hard with a missle dropkick! CENTURION picks up GILMOUR who is pretty out of it at this point. CENTURION hits GILMOUR with a hard chest slap and then hooks GILMOUR's head from behind and drops him with a reverse DDT! CENTURION quickly climbs back up to the top rope and jumps off high into the air and falls onto GILMOUR with a shooting star press! CENTURION hooks GILMOUR's leg for the pin. ONE!.....TWO!!.....THR.....KICKOUT!!!!!
GILMOUR is somehow able to kick out. CENTURION kicks GILMOUR a few times in the ribs and then decides to climb up to the top rope again. He stands up straight and looks around the crowd before jumping off for a flying elbow drop! But somehow GILMOUR is able to move out of the way! CENTURION hits the mat hard and is in some serious pain. GILMOUR makes his way up and waits as CENTURION slowly gets back up as well with his back turned to GILMOUR. As CENTURION turns around the bigger GILMOUR levels CENTURION with a hard closeline! GILMOUR follows that up by bouncing off the ropes and hitting CENTURION with a leg drop. GILMOUR waits for CENTURION to slowly get up and once he is to his knees GILMOUR charges him and hits him with a yakuza kick! CENTURION goes down hard. GILMOUR picks up the much smaller CENTURION and puts his head between his legs. He lifts him up and drops him on his head with a piledriver. GILMOUR quickly picks CENTURION back up kicks him in the gut and drops him with a DDT! GILMOUR begins to stomp the body of CENTURION until the referee finally tells him to stop. GILMOUR quickly picks CENTURION back up and puts him back between his legs. He lifts him high in the air and slams him down with a hard powerbomb! GILMOUR lays on CENTURION for the pin....ONE!.....
CENTURION is somehow able to kickout. The legend isn't going to get put out of the Universal Title Tournament just yet. GILMOUR picks up CENTURION and grabs him around the neck and hits him with a stalling suplex. GILMOUR quickly picks CENTURION back up grabs him around the waist and throws him halfway across the ring with a belly to belly suplex! GILMOUR picks up the dazed CENTURION who seems to be almost out of it at this point and grabs him around the waist from behind. GILMOUR picks CENTURION and throws his body backwards with a brutal german suplex! GILMOUR is in complete control of the XWF Legend. GILMOUR picks CENTURION up off the mat and throws his body over his shoulder and holds him there for a moment before dropping him down with a shoulder breaker! GILMOUR thinks about the pin but decides to pick CENTURION up but CENTURION is somehow able to hit GILMOUR with an elbow to the face that gives him a little bit of time to recover. GILMOUR tries to hit CENTURION with a super kick but CENTURION is somehow able to duck under it and hit GILMOUR with a 1000 MILE SLAM! CENTURION is somehow able to hit GILMOUR with a 1000 MILE SLAM!! Both men are down on the mat trying to recover. GILMOUR is completely out but CENTURION isn't able to capitalize because he is still in some serious pain. The first match of the Universal Title Tournament hasn't disappointed as the two men have gone back and forth giving it their all to somehow make it to the next round of the tournament. Neither man wants their tournament to end tonight. CENTURION is finally able to make his way up and GILMOUR is still down after CENTURION was able to land his finisher. CENTURION drags GILMOUR to the middle of the ring and grabs his legs and locks GILMOUR up in the FALL OF ROME! CENTURION has GILMOUR in his signature hold the FALL OF ROME! GILMOUR is in some serious pain and is trying not to tap out. CENTURION continues to bend further back into the FALL OF ROME and GILMOUR is finally forced to tap out!
The match is over! CENTURION is the first contestant to win in the Universal Title Tournament and will move on to the next round.
The camera cuts back to the locker room where HUNTER RYAN is seen lacing up his boots getting ready for his huge match with STEVE JASON later in the evening. The fans pop for the former World Champ! Suddenly, NICK RYAN comes into the shot and the cheers turn to boos. HUNTER stands up and shoots NICK a grin as the boos get louder.
HUNTER: I think they like you, brother.
NICK RYAN: Shut it. I only came back here because I heard you wanted to talk.
HUNTER: Yes I do. But I'll make it quick.
NICK RYAN: That's what she said.
HUNTER: Shut it. Last week was pathetic, NICK. Seriously one of our more depressing performances as a tag team. You want to prove you're a "tag team legend" than you're going to have to put out a helluva lot better than you did last week.
NICK RYAN: That's what she said.
HUNTER: I swear to Christ, NICK, if you don't take me seriously right now I'm going to walk out of this locker room and out of this tag team for good. You'll never get another chance. Got it?
NICK RYAN: Yeah, yeah, I got it. Listen, I know last week didn't go quite as we'd liked. But I didn't see you in there to break up the pinfall, either.
HUNTER: I didn't say it was entirely your fault, brother. For argument sake, I'll say we lost. Not you lost. But I'm dead serious when I say...the next time we put up that kind of a performance, I'm done with us. I'm as serious as cancer, brother.
NICK RYAN: Fair enough.
HUNTER pushes past his brother and heads towards the door.