JENSEN: Welcome. I'm just sitting here viewing some footage from Rage in the Cage. Excellent pay per view if I do say so myself. But it lacked something. There was something missing and I think I will take this opportunity to mention right here and right now that next week on the first official Friday Night Anarchy, I am going to announce the competitors for a new tournament. You see, some people in this company can't stand each other. So what better way to get the advantage on your enemy than with a title belt? That's right. I am officially re instating the Hart Title! And next week, I will choose six men for a one night tournament that will decide who the top three men will be. Those three men will then face off at Autumn in hell in a triple threat TLC match! That's all for now, if you'll excuse me I have some personal business to attend to.
JENSEN then escorts the camera man out of the room and closes the door. We cut to a shot of the arena in Tokyo, Japan. There is nobody there as this is a special edition of Anarchy. The fallout from a very successful Rage in the Cage PPV is already beginning and we are gearing up for what looks like another stellar PPV on October the 10th, or 10-10-10 called AUTUMN IN HELL! The superstars of the XWF are already licking their wounds and getting ready for the next stop on the World Tour. Some of the stars have talked about their matches from last Sunday night. We cut now to the center of the ring where we see STEVE SAYORS sitting down on a chair. Steve is in a black suit with white shirt underneath and black pants. He also has some black dress shoes on his feet. He has a monitor in front of him and stagehands flank him on each side of the ring. STEVE waits for the cue from the producer and then begins to speak to the fans watching at home and around the world.
SAYORS: Ladies and gentlemen, it was a very chaotic and wild night of action at Rage in the Cage. We saw new champions crowned and rivalries settled, or continued. One of those rivalries was between DAMIEN BATES and my guest at this time. He is the Lone Wolf PETER GILMOUR accompanied by his.. well can I say manager?
The camera pans to show PETER GILMOUR and the mystery man sitting next to each other. PETER is in a black cloaked jacket but he has a mask on his head. Why we do not yet know. The mystery man is in a black mask and has a black suit and pants on.
GILMOUR: He is not my manager. This man is of no concern to you or the fans! I will reveal who this man is in due time.
STEVE looks flustered and is taken back by those remarks. He keeps his composure as a fine broadcast journalist is taught to do. He then asks PETER a question.
SAYORS: PETER, last Sunday night you and DAMIEN BATES put on one of the most brutal displays ever witnessed in the XWF. You two battled and risked your careers in a Fire Cage match. Both of you put it all on the line. Let's take a look at some of the highlights.
We cut now to some highlights from the epic Fire Cage match. The clips shown are: PETER and DAMIEN staring each other down. PETER throwing DAMIEN into the cage and burning his face. DAMIEN doing the same to Peter and then the last clip we see is PETER and DAMIEN crashing to the ground and not getting up. Peter smirks at the last clip as the mystery man and STEVE looks on.
SAYORS: That was some sick stuff. PETER, watching those clips, how are you doing? You must have some injuries and burns from that match.
GILMOUR: I won't lie to you. I am hurting a lot. My arms and my legs are in a ton of pain. My face was burned pretty badly as you can see by the mask over my face. I had a concussion and the doctors told me to rest up for a week. Fortunately, there is no match this week. But who am I to let my fans down? I don't need some quack telling me not to wrestle. I'll wrestle until I'm dead!
SAYORS: I see. Well, you said the burns were pretty bad. Were they 2nd degree or 3rd degree?
GILMOUR: Who cares really? It hurts like hell. But it was all worth it. Me and DAMIEN went into hell and both of us came out broken, burned and bloody.
SAYORS: But you did not come out the victor as you will see here.
We go to another shot from the end of the match where DAMIEN hits PETER with his finisher called THE OMEN and PETER is done. The camera cuts to Peter who looks to be very upset. He motions to the mystery man and says things that the mic can't pick up.
SAYORS: What do you have to say about this tough loss?
Peter turns right to STEVE as he said that and it appears he wants to kill STEVE. PETER gets out of his seat and goes right up to his face. All the while the mystery man stays his ground.
GILMOUR: Listen to me right now SAYORS. DAMIEN did not beat me! He got lucky again! I will give him SOME credit though. He beat me in my own match. But if you think this war is over, it's not. I will say when this war is over!
Peter pushes STEVE and he falls to the ground. The mystery man chuckles a bit as he watches STEVE crawl back to his seat. PETER looks dead into the camera.
GILMOUR: DAMIEN, you think just because you beat me two times in a row, that you're the better demon? HA! You're still a wannabe and let's face it, we were both spent from that match. But how did it feel to have your flesh burn and almost melt off your body huh? I bet the scabs are forming and you're itching a lot. But you also burned me pretty badly. I will not forgive you for that. But DAMIEN, this is far from over. There is a little PPV coming up on 10-10-10 called AUTUMN IN HELL. That night is going to be very special to me. Want to know why? It will be your final match in the XWF. Oh, you don't believe me? Well, on that night we will do battle once again. But this time, I'm going to let our great GM JENSEN KENT name the stipulation. And knowing JENSEN, it won't be pretty. So you can go celebrate all you want. Whoop it up, get drunk for all I care. The fact is you and your fake messiah, whomever he is, because it sure as hell ain't my friend and mentor FAMINE OF THE VILE, you are still a little boy stuck in hell. You can claim your now the devil's favorite son, but rest assured on 10-10-10, you will be exterminated and banished from hell. And that's not a promise, that DAMIEN BATES..
Peter pulls off his mask and we see the scars on the left side of Peter's face. Some of them begin to ooze and PETER squints from the pain. But he keeps his cool and finishes his sentence.
PETER begins to laugh wickedly as STEVE looks on. The mystery guy then nods his head as we fade to black.
The match is about to get under way as HUNTER makes his way down to the ring. He has a very focused look on his face as he stares into the ring and looks at DANTE who is already in the ring.... HUNTER enters the cage and stands face to face with DANTE...The referee explains the rules to both men before he signals for the bell.... HUNTER circles around DANTE, who grins at HUNTER. HUNTER quickly kicks him in the gut and clubs the back of his neck, but HUNTER dodges one blow and takes HUNTER down with a basic armdrag. He links it in with a reverse armbar, but HUNTER reaches over and rakes the eyes of DANTE... DANTE is up again and bounces off the ropes, delivering a flying clothesline to DANTE. DANTE hits the mat with a thud, but he scrambles to his feet, only to be knocked back down by HUNTER with a Slingshot.... HUNTER covers 1... 2... easy kickout by DANTE.... HUNTER goes up top and looks for the Diving Spear, but DANTE dodges and HUNTER runs forward and hits the ropes before looking for a clothesline, which DANTE once again ducks.... HUNTER hits the ropes again and looks for another clothesline but DANTE ducks and both men hit the ropes on opposite ends before knocking each other down with double clotheslines!! ... Both men kick up and stand ready as the fans clap showing their appreciation for both wrestlers...Both men move towards the center of the ring and begin to exchange right and left chops as the crowd being to "WOOOOOOOO" after every chop!...DANTE manages to get the upper hand and takes HUNTER down with a northern lights suplex from nowhere!! DANTE doesn't give HUNTER time for a breather as he begins to drive his knees into the back of HUNTER'S head before placing him in a surfboard stretch type hold!!
HUNTER screams in pain as DANTE puts more pressure on the back of HUNTER.... The referee asks HUNTER if he wants to quit but he shakes his head...HUNTER fights back and manages to power out before swinging DANTE around into a reverse neckbreaker type move!! HUNTER then drops a leg onto the head of DANTE before grabbing the legs of DANTE forcing him into a Boston crab!! DANTE screams in pain as HUNTER places more pressure on the back of DANTE!! DANTE however manages to take the pain and slowly moves towards the ropes dragging himself...DANTE finally makes it to the ropes and he grabs them but HUNTER refuses to realize the hold so DANTE is forced to use the ropes to push HUNTER off.... HUNTER stands ready as DANTE is climbing to his feet.... DANTE jumps onto the ropes springboarding off them and connects with a springboard DDT TO HUNTER! DANTE then twists HUNTER's legs into a SHARPSHOOTER!! HUNTER powers out and DANTE is thrown forward as HUNTER kips up and both men stand ready as the crowd claps showing their support for the early goings of the match... Both men start circling each other waiting for the right time to make the next attack.... DANTE goes to attack HUNTER with a clothesline but HUNTER ducks. HUNTER rushes towards DANTE with a clothesline of his own but DANTE ducks it as the crowd cheer as both men seem evenly matched.... DANTE smiles as HUNTER claps his hands showing his acknowledgement of the fan support... HUNTER signals for DANTE to spar with him as HUNTER shows off some boxing-like juke and jive moves. DANTE watches as HUNTER unleashes a kick to his side and he moves back as HUNTER unleashes another kick towards his head.... HUNTER jumps forward performing a sick looking Round House Kick which DANTE ducks under and looks for a leg sweep which HUNTER jumps over.... HUNTER then grabs DANTE's arm and arm drags him but DANTE lands on his feet and both men move back as the crowd clap at the displace they are witnessing...DANTE and HUNTER tie up and HUNTER goes behind DANTE and looks for a German suplex but DANTE goes behind HUNTER and performs a German release suplex onto the much lighter HUNTER...HUNTER however lands on his feet and jumps forward in a bulldog like headlock but his feet land on the ropes and HUNTER manages to perform a sick looking NECK DROP ON DANTE!!! HUNTER holds DANTE's head up and unleashes several sick kicks!! DANTE's eye is busted open as HUNTER lifts DANTE to his feet before looking for a roundhouse kick but DANTE grabs HUNTER's leg and drops him with a sick looking LARIAT!! ...DANTE jumps to life showing some intensity as he lifts HUNTER up and Irish whips him into the ropes before dropping him on the mat with a SICK LOOKING SPINEBUSTER!! DANTE then hooks the leg going for the first pinfall in this match...1.... 2...HUNTER kicks out!! DANTE lifts HUNTER up and unleashes his own form of punishment...his brutal fists...HUNTER takes shot after shot before DANTE grabs him by the face and THROWS HIM INTO THE CAGE!! HUNTER rolls under the ropes and lays on the mat as DANTE taunts him as the fans continue to make a lot of noise.... DANTE dumps HUNTER on the ropes and begins to choke him with his knee...The referee tries to get involved but DANTE ignores him before lifts HUNTER up into a back body drop!!
DANTE carries on the punishment as he drags HUNTER to the nearest turnbuckle and removes the padding from the top! DANTE then IRISH WHIPS HUNTER FACE FIRST INTO THE UNPROTECTED TURNBUCKLE before he SUPLEXES HUNTER ONTO THE MAT!! ...1....2...HUNTER kicks out as DANTE looks pissed...DANTE unleashes a tone of stomps to the prone HUNTER before he places him in a headlock!! ..HUNTER tries to fight back but he cant as DANTE places more pressure on the lock...The crowd slowly begin to clap in support for the challenger as the referee drops his hand and signals 1.... The referee drops HUNTER’S hand again for a 2....The crowd grow in sound now as HUNTER hand goes halfway down before he fights back and slowly fights to his feet...He elbows DANTE in the stomach before he rushes to the ropes and DROPS DANTE WITH A RIDICULOUS CLOTHESLINE!! HUNTER gets up slowly as the fans cheer and he lifts DANTE up into a vertical suplex into a pin...1.... 2...DANTE kicks out!! HUNTER lifts DANTE up before booting him hard in the stomach...DANTE bends down and HUNTER drops him with a sweet looking scissors kick!! HUNTER drags the prone body of DANTE to the turnbuckle and begins to unleash BOOT SCRAPES!! DANTE face is being destroyed!! HUNTER doesn’t give DANTE a chance as he lifts him up for a back superplex!! WAIT....DANTE JUST COUNTERED IN MID AIR INTO A CROSSBODY!! HOLY S"""!! ...1.... 2.... HUNTER kicks out!! DANTE holds his head in his hands after HUNTER kicked out and both men are up!! Both men exchange lefts and rights with DANTE getting the advantage!! DANTE Irish whips HUNTER into the ropes and lifts him up into a tilt a whirl slam!! DANTE then looks at the cage and begins to climb!! HUNTER however climbs to his feet and see DANTE climbing the steel structure!! He rushes towards DANTE and tries to grab him off but DANTE boots him and moves further up the cage!! HUNTER rushes up after him as both men climb the cage as the fans climb to there feet!! DANTE is on the top of the cage but HUNTER manages to grab his foot and he pulls back as both men FALL FROM THE TOP!! The crowd watches as both men land on the mat with a sickening thud.... The referee rushes to both men as both men stretch out in a double pin!... 1... 2... BOTH MEN KICK OUT!! ...DANTE breaths heavily as HUNTER slowly climbs to his feet, his back obviously troubling him... HUNTER lifts DANTE to his feet and begins to trade punches before DANTE manages to reverse HUNTER into an Evenflow DDT!! DANTE hooks the leg... 1... 2... KICK OUT!! DANTE looks pissed as he begins to argue with the referee!! HUNTER is up and he jumps towards DANTE looking for a spear but he HITS THE REFEREE!! The referee is knocked out COLD!! HUNTER is LIVID!! He tries to move the referee but he’s out!! DANTE is smiling as HUNTER turns around straight into THE ANTI-CHRISTENING!! DANTE turns from the fallen HUNTER and begins to climb the CAGE!! HUNTER AND THE REFEREE ARE OUT AS ANOTHER OFFICIAL COMES OUT!! DANTE is near the top as the other official opens the cage door... HUNTER is up and he DROPS THE OTHER OFFICIAL WITH A KICK TO THE HEAD!! HUNTER goes under the ring and finds a chair!! He climbs the cage and SLAMS THE CHAIR IN THE FACE OF DANTE KNOCKING HIM OFF THE CAGE AND BACK INTO THE RING!! HUNTER throws the chair down and lifts DANTE up!! The crowd is going nuts! HUNTER performs THE HELLSEEKER!!! THIS ONE SHOULD BE OVER!! HE’S GOT THE PIN... THE REFEREE IS OUT THOUGH!! .... HUNTER KEEPS THE COVER AS THE FANS COUNT... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6.... HUNTER drops the cover and shakes the referee who slowly comes round.... DANTE is up though and he rolls HUNTER up.... HE’S GOT THE TIGHTS.... 1.... 2.... HUNTER KICKED OUT!! The crowd erupts as the referee flops back down!! ...DANTE is livid as he grabs his HAIR.... HUNTER is up though and he’s signaling for the ROID RAGER!! HE HITS IT!!!.... HE’S GOT THE PIN.... The referee slowly drags himself and drops his hand... 1.... He drops his other on the mat... 2.... DANTE KICKS OUT!! HUNTER slowly struggles to his feet and he lifts DANTE up.... He IRISH WHIPS him into the ropes as he hits the opposite one.... DANTE turns around STRAIGHT INTO ANOTHER ROID RAGER!!!! DANTE is out!! ONE.. TWO… THREE!!!
The camera then cuts to the door of a car parked outside of the arena opening. KIERAN KING steps out and is entering the arena, eating a delicious looking sandwich, complete with chicken, ham, cheese, tomato, lettuce, egg and mayonnaise. Yeah, that’s right, there are two types of meat in it. It makes him feel more like a carnivore, like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, except natural selection has actually selected in KING’s favour. True to form, STEVE SAYORS is buzzing around the hallways, and the moment he catches a whiff of his mother’s perfume that is still wafting off KING’s balls and out the open zipper (he knows it’s open, he just doesn’t give a fuck because his wang is colossal), he races over to KING as fast as he can.
SAYORS: KIERAN! I was wondering when you’d show up.
KIERAN stops walking, and this encourages SAYORS to keep yapping away.
SAYORS: I’ve got a couple of questions I’d like to ask you. How do you feel about your win over DAVEY DUNHAM at RAGE IN THE CAGE, and perhaps more importantly, what can you tell me about your new alliance with ACE VINCENT?
KING doesn’t answer, instead shoving the rest of his sandwich into his mouth, and dropping the wrapper into the bin right next to him.
SAYORS: Uh... KIERAN? Any thoughts?
KING turns to face SAYORS, and almost looks surprised to see him there. He speaks through half-chewed food.
KING: Jeshush, how lon haff you bin thare?
SAYORS: The entire time.
They’re both confused as shit right now. KING swallows down the rest of his food, just like your sister (substitute sister with ‘wife’, ‘daughter’ or any other family member as you see fit).
KING: So you were just watching me eat that deliciously normal meal, that saved me from the horrors of cat burgers and dog stew? That’s weird dude. Get help.
Leaving SAYORS somewhat flabbergasted, and maybe a couple of other adjectives that sound just as gay, KING disappears down the hallway. Wherever he’s going, it’s probably somewhere awesome.
The scene then cuts to a gravesite. The caption on the screen says "Previously Recorded". We follow the camera as we get closer to two men standing before two empty graves. One is wearing a black hooded robe. The other man is DAMIEN BATES. BATES stands there next to the hooded man as they both look down at the graves.
DAMIEN: Graves. Empty at the moment. But soon, they will be filled with the bodies of two men. Two men who will be the first of many more in our path of destruction. Two men who will get what's coming to them in a matter of time. The first man you all know all too well. He has been a thorn at my side for far too long now. His name is PETER GILMOUR. PETE, you and I have gone toe to toe, man to lesser man. And every time we meet, I always come out on top. Now why do you think that is GILMOUR? Because i've gotten lucky? Because maybe i've caught you on an off day? NO! It's because you fucking suck! You're a fake. Nothing more than a man pretending to be something he is not and never will be! Time and time again you call me a fraud. And yet here I stand, a winner! Here I stand, a man who has defeated you and will do so again if given the opportunity. And I WILL have that opportunity one more time. Because you see PETER, I have spoken to JENSEN KENT. And he has granted me one final match with you.
That final match will take place at Autumn in Hell! The match? One that you and the world are familiar with. A Devil's Playground match! I'm sure you're asking yourself, why would I choose that type of match? The answer is simple. You claim to be evil. You claim to be dark. And you even have the balls to claim that you're the devil's favorite! We both know that's bullshit PETER. So to shut you up for good, I have decided to make this our last stand. I've been doing some research on this type of match, and it seems like I would have liked this FAMINE OF THE VILE. Shame he's dead though. I think we could have gotten along. But anyway, back to my point. These two graves are here for a reason. YOU, PETER will be in one. And in the other? Well, i'll just let him speak for himself regarding this other grave.
The camera then focuses it's attention to the hooded figure. He begins to speak in a very deep yet scratchy voice. Almost as if he had damaged vocal cords or something.
???: DRAKE KOMODO! YOU, are the one that will lie here in this other grave. I have waited far too long to get my hands around your neck and choke the life out of you. I have waited and been far too patient. But like a lot of things, patience runs out. And I cannot wait to see the look on your face when you see me again. I can imagine that a lot of people including yourself are wondering who I am. Why am I here? What or who am I after? The answer is simple DRAKE. I've come back for revenge! But not just against you. Everyone will feel my wrath! From the smallest guy, to the biggest guy! I don't care who you are. I am going to make you all suffer! But not just suffer. No, no, no. I am going to make you wish you had never been born! I am going to make you wish you had never existed! Enjoy the time you have left. Because when I come for you, that will be the last time anyone ever sees you again!
The camera then focuses back to DAMIEN BATES who is smiling with a devilish grin from ear to ear. The smile then disappears and a look of evil and anger appear.
DAMIEN: GILMOUR, I am sick and tired of this game we are playing. You and I are about to reach the irrevocable end to our rivalry. And when all is said and done, I am going to bury you once and for all and move on to more important things! But consider this a warning GILMOUR! From now until Autum in Hell, i'd watch my back. You never know who or what is behind you!
The scene then focuses on both headstones. One reads, Here Lies Peter Gilmour. The other reads, Here Lies Drake Komodo. The scene then fades to black....
We find ourselves in the backstage interviewing area where STEVE SAYORS is sitting by with LIEUTENANT REKON. It would appear as though REKON has a pudding cup in one hand and a spoon in the other. Either REKON just signed a sponsorship deal with a pudding company, or he's got the munchies. Or maybe he just really likes pudding.
SAYORS: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with none other than LIEUTENANT REKON--
LT. REKON: ...and Sir Pudding Cup.
REKON introduces us to his pudding cup with a cheesy grin on his face.
SAYORS: ...and his pudding cup--
LT. REKON: Whose name is Charlie.
SAYORS: Charlie the Pudding Cup?
LT. REKON: No, I was asking you if you knew anybody named Charlie.
SAYORS: I'm afraid not, REKON.
LT. REKON: Oh. I was just curious is all. Anyway...
SAYORS: So, tell us... what's up?
LT. REKON: The sun, the moon and the stars, my man. But other than that? Not much.
SAYORS: Last Sunday at RAGE IN THE CAGE, you... morphed back into the LIEUTENANT REKON persona. Can you tell us more about that?
LT. REKON: It's more than just a persona, man. It's who I am underneath my exterior. It's me without the drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Ever since I came home from Iraq... I don't know, it's almost like a whole different person was controlling me. Somebody who wasn't me. I spent about three years of my life living like somebody else. Like somebody who wanted nothing more but to destroy me.
SAYORS: Knowing you like I do on a personal level, I've seen that you've really come a long way, and for that I'd just like to congratulate you.
LT. REKON: Naw, man. It's too soon for that. There's still some work that needs to be done, but I AM on the right path, finally. I've taken all the necessary precautions, too. I've got the greatest support system a guy could ever ask for. We're not quite there yet, but we're getting there.
LT. REKON: First, I think I'll have another pudding cup.
SAYORS: Any long-term goals?
LT. REKON: More pudding...?
SAYORS: What about your career here as a professional wrestler?
LT. REKON: Oh. Well, the thing about that is...
REKON leans in close to SAYORS as if to whisper something to him.
LT. REKON: I want the Universal Championship.
He says out loud instead of whispering, which startles SAYORS.
SAYORS: Well, then...
LT. REKON: But I'd be content with the World Title. Heck, even the United States Title has prestige. I AM American, after all. Basically, to answer your question... I just wanna keep wrestling. It's what I like to do. Sadly, you can't get paid to sit on your butt and watch television all day. Unfortunate for us, am I right?
They share a chuckle in agreement.
LT. REKON: But speaking of the United States Championship, I just heard from JENSEN KENT--our hard-working, diligent General Manager--that I'll be facing off next week AGAINST the United States Champion, MR. VINIC DUSHANE.
SAYORS: And what are your thoughts on that?
LT. REKON: Bring it on. It's a brand new day in the REKON REALM. That's what I call the REKON fanbase, mind you. Anyway, I expect a lot of good things will come to me in the next few weeks, months, even years. My fans do too, and you know how I hate letting my fans down.
SAYORS: You've always been a man who cares about his fans. A very admirable quality, I might add.
LT. REKON: Hey, if it weren't for them I would be out of a job.
SAYORS: You and me both, REKON. So, to wrap this up, is there anything else you would like to say?
LT. REKON: I need another pudding cup. Want one, STEVE?
SAYORS: Chocolate or vanilla?
LT. REKON: Personally, I like the chocolate. But I do have some Obama Pudding.
SAYORS: Obama Pudding?
LT. REKON: Yeah, it's half-vanilla, half-chocolate.
STEVE sighs, but he's also smiling.
LT. REKON: I know, I know. Bad joke. My bad. I'm sorry.
SAYORS: Any last words before we have our pudding cups?
LT. REKON: Bring on the yummy!
SAYORS: Best of luck in your future endeavors, REKON. I think I can speak for the masses when I say we're all really looking forward to seeing what you can do from here on out. That's all the time we have for this interview, folks. Now if you don't mind, I think I'm gonna have me a pudding cup!
LT. REKON: Amen!
The two men share a little banter as LIEUTENANT REKON hands SAYORS a pudding cup, and our scene starts to fade away...
The scene then opens in STEVE JASON'S locker room. He looks calm despite the ending to Rage in the Cage; however, the storm to come still shows in his eyes. A man waiting for his chance. The door sounds to the locker room, a quick, steady raps of knocks, grabbing STEVE JASON'S attention and he looks over.
SJ: Come in.
The door opens and in walks JASON MUDD. STEVE JASON doesn't look sure if it was the greatest idea to invite the XWF'S Premier Asshole in or not, his attention completely on JASON MUDD, not trusting his presence.
MUDD: You can relax, you know. Just came to talk.
SJ: I figured that much. You have always been one for saying what's on your mind.
MUDD: I will take that as a compliment.
SJ: Wasn't meant as one. What do you want, JASON?
JASON MUDD takes a few step forward, walking around the locker room. STEVE JASON keeps angling himself with a turn as JASON MUDD walks around, keeping himself in a defensive angle. Just in case.
MUDD: Just wanting to make sure we're on the same page, STEVEN. For next week, our match against JAYZON WILLIAMZ and ACE VINCENT.
SJ: Yeah, what about it?
JASON MUDD stops pacing and turns to look at STEVE JASON.
MUDD: This is being called a 'revenge' match because of Rage in the Cage. We both lost and that obviously means that JAYZON and ACE didn't. Thing is, I'm not in this match for revenge. I'm only in this match because of JAYZON crashing down on me from a twenty-foot drop. I'm not the one that got screwed over Sunday night.
SJ: So, you're saying I'm going at this for revenge?
MUDD: I don't know, nor care what you're funning for in this match. Not my problem. My problem is that JAYZON WILLIAMZ is seemingly being teamed up with the two men that screwed you at Rage, STEVE. With KING being officially allowed ring side, you are a vet in the business, LEGEND. You can tell what the odds are.
STEVE JASON doesn't reply, just listening to JASON MUDD.
MUDD: I'm not going into this match with anything to gain but a victory over the World and Universal champion. That's all I care about. But I will let you know one thing at Anarchy next week.
SJ: What's that?
MUDD: I will have your back.
STEVE JASON, for that rare occasion looks surprised.
SJ: I'm sorry, but that just struck me as a bit awkward. We all know how a lot of the wrestlers in the back have sided against those named a LEGEND... and for that to come from the biggest mouth this business has right now... what gives? You got me, I'm surprised, MUDD.
JASON MUDD grins again, then shrugs.
MUDD: This match has nothing to do with you being a LEGEND. You're my partner next week. And that's that. I may not be my Uncle, STEVEN... I sure as hell am no JEM WILLIAMZ in this business and this sure as hell isn't a resemblance to THE UNKILLABLES... but if one thing that you can be reassured of, JEM did teach me one thing about this company.
STEVE JASON looks at MUDD, awaiting the answer.
MUDD: Don't screw over those that don't deserve it. You're clean as far as I'm concerned. As long as you stay that way, we'll get along just find next week.
STEVE JASON thinks about the words for a few seconds then nods his head in acknowledgment of JASON MUDD's words.
SJ: Fair enough... thought after Anarchy next week, I don't know how clean I'll be once I get my hands a little bloodied.
JASON MUDD grins as he turns and readies to leave.
MUDD: So long as it isn't my blood being shed, I don't care how messy it gets.
JASON MUDD leaves the locker room, STEVE JASON looking onward and one thing being known for sure. STEVE JASON and JASON MUDD are on the same page! Can the same be said for JAYZON WILLIAMZ and ACE VINCENT?
JENSEN: Ladies and gentlemen. I thought that for this main event, we would introduce two of the very best announcers in this business. Two men that worked for me before and who are well respected in the commentating business. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome….MARC WEBB and IRA ROSENBAUM!
Both men come out from the back and head down to the ring. A few people have no idea who they are but still clap and cheer as they will be tonights announcers. As they take their place by ringside, the cage is raised complete up to the very ends of the rafters and the ring is prepared. Tables are brought out one by one and are prepared to be placed under the ring.
WEBB: This is sure to be a match to be remembered for a very long time to come IRA. Two men, one ring raised about twenty feet high.
ROSENBAUM: Do I have time to get a burger?
WEBB: Really IRA? This is a huge match and one I am glad we were called to commentate!
The match is now under way as both men start to exchange words in the middle of the ring before FAMINE pushes RANMA. RANMA smirks and pushes him back. FAMINE OF THE VILE immediately follows up with a right hand but RANMA ducks the attack and kicks FAMINE in the gut then knees him in the face, sending him to the canvas. FAMINE OF THE VILE recovers quickly and the two men lock up. RANMA forces FAMINE back into the corner. FAMINE is able to get out of the corner though and kicks RANMA in the midsection. FAMINE then capitalizes with a spinning neckbreaker then gets up and taunts the crowd, he turns to see RANMA getting to his feet and dropkicks RANMA making him fall back toward the ropes. RANMA notices where he is and immediately moves. FAMINE runs at RANMA trying to take him out of the ring but RANMA hits a big boot to the jaw of the challenger knocking him down. He then quickly follows up with a leg drop. RANMA then gets on top of FAMINE and starts to punch at his face. FAMINE covers up well and rolls over. He starts to throw hammer fists as RANMA, returning the favor!
WEBB: One has nothing to lose and everything to gain and the other one has everything to lose. If FAMINE wins here tonight he will not seal his spot as a legend but it will be his very first Universal title in his four plus year tenure here.
ROSENBAUM: That's right, IF. And that's a big if MARC. RANMA is no wet behind the ears rookie.
RANMA shoves FAMINE off of him and then immediately stands up and waves to FAMINE telling him to come get some. FAMINE gets up but before FAMINE can re-act RANMA hits him with a monstrous clothesline. FAMINE falls back to the mat hard! RANMA jumps up to the top rope and WHAM! RANMA lands a beautiful elbow drop right to the sternum! RANMA then stands up and grabs FAMINE by the head. He points to the crowd telling them he's going to throw the VILE ONE over. He walks toward the ropes to toss FAMINE out but FAMINE quickly reacts and hits a hard elbow to the gut of the champ. FAMINE then sends RANMA to the turnbuckle following up with a body splash that rocks the ring. RANMA then falls face first onto the mat as FAMINE stands over him now attacking the back of RANMA. He then picks up RANMA and hits some serious knife edged chops on the chest. RANMA stumbles back against the ropes, FAMINE charges at him trying to clothesline him out but RANMA thinks quickly and hits an elbow to the jaw, causing FAMINE to fall back and land on his ass.
WEBB: My god can you imagine what would have happened if he would have taken RANMA out?
ROSENBAUM: Yeah, we would have had a funeral tomorrow afternoon. That fall seems extremely dangerous. These two guys are insane to be in a match like this!
WEBB: I don’t know IRA but there is no backing out now. It’s all or nothing!
ROSENBAUM: You couldn’t pay me enough to do something like that. I like it just fine down here on the ground.
RANMA climbs to the top rope again and waits for FAMINE to get up. FAMINE stands up but quickly hits the ropes, causing RANMA to lose his balance and land on hits nuts on the turnbuckle. FAMINE then walks over and tries to shove RANMA off the turnbuckle and then to the outside. RANMA manages to hang on and punches FAMINE in the balls giving him a chance to hang on and keep fighting.
ROSENBAUM: Well that wasn't fair!
WEBB: Are you serious? It's either that or he would have fell twenty feet into the tables below. He's trying to win here not just do ok.
ROSENBAUM: Still, it's a cheap shot.
WEBB: One cheap shot deserves another I suppose.
RANMA gets back to his feet as FAMINE holds on to his family jewels. RANMA walks over and lands a perfectly executed leg drop. He then stands up and grabs FAMINE by the hair once again. FAMINE is now on his feet as RANMA comes at him with a straight hook to the jaw but FAMINE ducks and hits a neckbreaker. It's now FAMINE who goes over to the top rope. The crowd is on their feet as he leaps off and lands a body splash on the champ. He picks RANMA up and lifts him in the air for a perfect looking suplex. He holds him in the air for about five seconds before dropping him hard on his back! He then starts to stomp on RANMA for a brief moment before picking him up again. He signals to the crowd that it's over and picks him up for the Devil’s Spike. HE HITS IT!!!
ROSENBAUM: HE HIT IT! FAMINE hit the Devil’s Spike! It's over!!
WEBB: Don't count on it. RANMA has gotten up from worse.
Instead of tossing him out of the ring, FAMINE OF THE VILE walks over to the turnbuckle and exposes the steel. He then grabs RANMA by the head and tosses him head first into the corner! BAM! RANMA’s skull cracks open up against the cold hard steel. Blood starts to trickle at first but then it just starts a flowing down his face. RANMA then falls to his knees as FAMINE grabs him yet again, and suplexes RANMA onto the top rope. RANMA hangs there and FAMINE then hits a knee to the face causing RANMA to land on the outside of the ring. RANMA hangs on to the bottom rope to keep himself from falling. FAMINE then stomps on him trying to end this as quickly as possible. RANMA somehow grabs the leg of FAMINE with the other hand and trips him, giving him a few seconds to roll inside.
ROSENBAUM: Damn it, someone fall already!
RANMA stands up and takes a moment to breathe before FAMINE gets back to his feet. This time it's RANMA who tosses FAMINE into the corner with the exposed steel hitting his back hard. RANMA then hits the Saotome Serenade!! Both men are down!
WEBB: Saotome Serenade! RANMA hit his finisher! Neither man is moving now as that took a lot out of the VILE one.
ROSENBAUM: I'll be surprised if he can even get up after getting hit by that.
The crowd begins to count the seconds to see how long it takes both men to stand up and continue to fight. After about ten seconds, both men begin to make their way to their feet. FAMINE is up first and walks over to RANMA hitting him with a kick to the gut and then delivers a piledriver. Once again both men are down but FAMINE is up first once again. He grabs RANMA by the hair and picks him up. He's going for the Hellseeker but this time he does it near the ropes. RANMA is still groggy but manages to hang on to the ropes. FAMINE struggles to toss him out and over but RANMAs resilience doesn't allow him to go over so easily. Somehow RANMA hits a knee to the face of the challenger and he lets go. While FAMINE grabs his face, RANMA moves in. Like a vulture to a dying animal in the desert he stalks the challenger. FAMINE turns around and RANMA grabs him by the throat executing a huge chokeslam that shakes the ring to its core. RANMA then falls on his ass to catch his breath
ROSENBAUM: A rare move seen from the champ. That was one hell of a chokeslam. I guess if you can dish it out you might as well have the cojones to take it right?
WEBB: The question here is, when will this be over? Both men have pushed each other to the limit with RANMA being almost thrown out twice.
As RANMA catches his breath, FAMINE starts to make his way to his feet once again. RANMA gets up as well and both men start throwing lefts and rights at each other. FAMINE gets the advantage and tosses RANMA to the ropes. He comes back and is met by a huge boot to the jaw. RANMA crashes down to the mat as FAMINE walks over to pick him up again. The blood still falling from his head, RANMA seems to be done for as FAMINE once again hits the Devil’s Spike! The crowd has not sat down for five minutes just waiting in anticipation to see who will fall. RANMA seems to be out cold as FAMINE picks him up once again. He shoves RANMA into the ropes to perform an irish whip but RANMA holds on to the ropes not letting go. FAMINE tries to pull him but RANMA's will power will not let him. Out of nowhere, RANMA kicks him in the gut and spins him around. He flips him backwards sending him to the outside of the ropes. SAOTOME SERENADE!! RANMA HITS THE SAOTOME SERENADE causing FAMINE to fall.
FAMINE falls twenty feet below, landing on the tables that are on fire. Emergency crews immediately rush to him to put the fire out and make sure he's still breathing. RANMA is laying on his stomach and trying to rest as the ref calls for the bell. Blood and sweat are on the canvas where RANMA is laying as EMT and XWF personnel rush to FAMINE’S aid to see if he’s ok. The crowd is in shock as well as the announcers and everyone else in the back who has come out to watch this incredible match. A few minutes go by and FAMINE is put on a stretcher as he is taken out of the arena. The ring is now being lowered as RANMA is still catching his breath.
The scene shifts to backstage where XWF Interviewer STEVE SAYORS is standing with the new XWF World Champion JAYZON WILLIAMZ.
SAYORS: How's it going Jayzon?
JAYZON: It's goin' great. I can't complain. I'd ask you how it's goin' but I honestly don't give a fuck.
SAYORS: Fair enough. So how does it feel to be the new XWF World Champion? How did it feel to beat JASON MUDD in a match that nobody will forget for a long time?
JAYZON: It felt great. It feels great to be the current XWF World Champion. A title that wasn't around when I was around. A title that I told myself I would win before doing anything else here in the XWF. I plan on going down as the greatest World Champion the XWF has ever had. Nobody is going to be able to take this title away from me.
SAYORS: So are you saying that you aren't going to be going after the Universal Title?
JAYZON: Not at the moment. At the moment I've got a lot of other shit goin' on. I am the current X-Treme and World Champion after all. When's the last time there was a double champion here in the XWF?
SAYORS: It's been months since it has been done. In fact, it hasn't been done very often in the history of the XWF. James Raven was the most recent person to do it. I believe he held the X-Treme and Universal Title at teh same time.
JAYZON: That's pretty impressive. James Raven is a guy that I would love to get in the ring with. He is a guy who has earned his reputation. I know that there haven't been very many double champions in the history of this place. I am in elite company there. I am in elite company in a lot of places. I have the record for most Universal Title reigns as well. I've done it all here. I am proud to be a double champion. Simply because it just isn't done in the XWF. You have to be one of the best of the best in order to hold two belts. The thing is, there are only 4 belts right now. I have possession of HALF of the titles in the XWF. Who else can have ever said that? I don't think anybody.
SAYORS: I believe that you are correct there. That is a very impressive feat indeed. I guess you plan on holding on to both titles then?
JAYZON: For a little while yes. I'm not as greedy as a lot of people think though. I do plan on giving the X-Treme Title away real soon. In fact, by the time the next Pay Per View rolls around I will have given the belt away. The World Title is a different story though. It's going to take a lot for any of these little bitches to take my World Title away from me.
SAYORS: Do you think JASON MUDD deserves another shot at your World Title?
JAYZON: JASON MUDD didn't deserve a shot at my title the first time. He didn't belong in the ring with me.
SAYORS: You guys had one of the best matches of the year so far. Why don't you think he deserves a title shot?
JAYZON: Don't get it twisted Steve. I'll give him a title shot anytime anywhere. I know that little piece of shit can't beat me. Yeah he put up a good fight. So what? He just isn't the wrestler I am. He never will be. So I will give him his title shot and I will destroy him yet again. After that I don't want to hear the name JASON MUDD ever again.
SAYORS: How do you feel about ACE VINCENT winning the Universal Title over STEVE JASON?
JAYZON: How do I feel about Ace Vincent beating Steve Jason? I honestly don't give a fuck. I will say that Ace Vincent cheated his way to yet another win. I watched that match and I think it is pretty obvious that if Ace wasn't given some help that Steve Jason would be the Universal Champion right now. I think everybody knows how I feel about Steve Jason. So me saying that means a lot. Ace Vincent is the biggest cheater I have ever seen in my life. He needed to get that little bitch Kieran King to dress up and help him win every single match. That's not a man. Ace Vincent isn't a fuckin' man. He is a little bitch. You hear me Ace? I know that you don't think I'm done wit' you Ace. I've got something for you and that little bitch Kieran King. Believe that.
SAYORS: How do you feel about Kieran King being Greenman?
JAYZON: It's fitting. I knew that whoever it ended up being was going to be a huge pussy. Anyone who has to hide their identity like that is nothing but a little bitch. Kieran King knows exactly how I feel about him. He knows that I owe him a little something. I think he knows that he's not going to get away wit' what he did. I'm going to make sure that little bitch pays for his actions. I'm going to show him that he fucked wit' the wrong nigga. I've got some things in the works that is going to shock everybody. Something that will go down later tonight.
SAYORS: May I ask what?
JAYZON: If I wanted you to know I would tell you. It's a surprise so why the fuck would I tell you? I'll just say that the XWF will NEVER be the same after tonight. Guys like Ace, King, and Mudd aren't going to know what to do. Tonight is only the beginning. Thing's are about to change around here.
SAYORS: Well thank you for your time Jayzon. Congratulations again on being the new XWF World Champion. Good luck in the future.
JAYZON: Thanks Steve. It feels great to be the World Champ. I'm goin' to enjoy this for a long time. I haven't forgotten about the Universal Title. There will be a time and a place for that. I will get my title back. I guarantee that. For now though, I'd like to see anybody try to take this World Title from me.
SAYORS: Any last words?
JAYZON: I've always got shit to say. I'll start out wit' Ace. I hope you enjoy that Universal Title. It's not goin' to be long before you lose that thing. The next time you defend that thing I am goin' to make sure that Kieran King or that slut of yours have nothing to do with it. To Kieran King I say watch your back. I also say grow a pair. Do you do everything Ace tells you to? Why don't you be a fuckin' man instead of a follower. You two are pathetic. I am goin' to make sure I end your little alliance. I think that you two think your alliance is going to be unstoppable. You two think that you two are about to take over the XWF. The thing is I'm not goin' to let that happen. I've got some things in the works that is going to change things big time. After tonight you two aren't going to know what to do. Finally I will say this to Jason Mudd. If you want a shot at this belt....come get it. I don't think your little bitch ass deserves it though. Either way I'll beat your ass anytime and anywhere. Bring it bitch. Now it's time for me to get out of here. I've got a lot of shit that needs to be done by tonight.
SAYORS: Thanks for the time Jayzon and congrats again on the big win at Rage in the Cage. I'm glad I got to talk to you Champ.
JAYZON walks off as the scene fades to black.
A limo pulls up and out steps NICK RYAN with his newly won WGWF World Heavyweight Title thrown over his shoulder. The fans boo him loudly as he steps aside to allow HUNTER RYAN to step out, causing the fans to roar in applause! HUNTER and NICK start their walk into the arena. NICK seems to be looking around, examining the area closely, no doubt for CORTEZ HANLEY - the man who's taken out his brother twice in the last week.
The brothers walk inside the arena and NICK stops in his tracks, holding HUNTER back.
NICK: Not so sure I wanna go too much farther with this title around here. You good?
HUNTER: Yeah. I should be fine. Thanks, man. Go be a tourist and I'll meet up with you later after the show. It's Japan, I'm sure you can find something to do around here. Just don't get overwhelmed with all the high-tech street lights.
NICK: Fuck you. See you later, brother.
HUNTER continues down the hall, not worrying at all about checking his surroundings. Maybe CORTEZ didn't make the trip to Japan?
Suddenly, out of nowhere, CORTEZ charges into the shot and tries taking out HUNTER who sidesteps him and runs into the brick wall, but braces himself avoiding a huge collision! He turns around to a straight right hand by HUNTER! CORTEZ comes back with a straight left! The two wrap up and tackle each other to the floor! CORTEZ hooks HUNTER'S head and tries throwing him into some electrical boxes but HUNTER breaks free and shoves CORTEZ into them!
CORTEZ is dazed a bit but stands back up, quickly! This guy is relentless! He charges HUNTER, again, and spears him to the floor! Finally, NICK RYAN is on the scene and grabs CORTEZ by the arms, pulling him off his brother. CORTEZ turns around and stares down NICK before a voice is heard yelling down the corridor.
JENSEN: Hey! Godamnit, That's enough! Stop it!
JENSEN comes into the shot and the fans pop! He stands between NICK and CORTEZ with his hands out to break them up.
JENSEN: I don't know who the hell you think you are coming in here and taking out one of my top guys. But I'll tell you what. Around here we handle things in the ring. You got a problem with HUNTER RYAN, you take it out in the ring in a sanctioned match!
JENSEN turns to NICK and shoves him down the hallway.
JENSEN: As far as you're concerned, NICK, you're done here. You want to go winning titles for other companies? You've made your allegiance apparent to the XWF family! You make me sick! Always have. But now I see the type of man you really are. You can't take the heat so you run out of the kitchen like the bitch you are. You couldn't stand the fact that you will NEVER be a top dog in this company so you went to one that just handed you their top title without even busting your ass for it! Well I don't want you in my company. So get the hell out of here! Security, see that he makes it out of my building.
Two security guards escort NICK down the hall and out of the arena.
JENSEN: Now, as for you two. I'm done with all this sneak attacking, MR. HANLEY. How about we do this the XWF way? In two weeks, right here on the new FRIDAY NIGHT ANARCHY, it will be CORTEZ HANLEY vs. HUNTER RYAN in an Xtreme Rules match!
He pulls out a contract from his pocket.
JENSEN: CORTEZ, this is a contract for that match. It basically says that when HUNTER RYAN destroys you in that ring, you won't sue us. We gotta watch our asses, after all.
CORTEZ glares at JENSEN and then over at HUNTER. He takes the contract from JENSEN and the pen, leans it up against the wall, and scribbles a signature down on the line. He shoves it back into JENSEN'S chest and turns back to HUNTER.
CORTEZ HANLEY: If this is how it has to be, then in two weeks, HUNTER, my job will be finished. See you in South Korea, Superstar!
He turns and walks past JENSEN, bumping his shoulder in the process. JENSEN turns to HUNTER.
JENSEN: You make me look like a fool and I swear, RYAN, you'll be an old, gray man when you get your next title shot.
HUNTER: Trust me, JENSEN, this ass clown won't walk out of Anarchy in two weeks. He'll be shoveled out.
JENSEN: Glad to hear you feel that confident. Because there was another part to that contract. You should have asked to take a gander. If you lose, this past US Title match would be your last title match of 2010.
JENSEN walks past HUNTER and out of the shot, leaving HUNTER standing alone, a bit of a concerned look on his face.
Crimson Kline is in his locker room, sitting on a chair. He is wearing a suit, which seems entirely out of place. His now long hair is tied in a ponytail behind his head. XWF's own Steve Sayors steps into the room, holding a microphone in one hand and a clipboard with notes in the other. He cautiously makes his way toward Kline.
SAYORS: Are you ready for the interview?
Kline looks up, incredulous, and shakes his head.
KLINE: Steve Sayors...what the hell are you doing here?
Sayors looks around and then back Kline.
SAYORS: What do you mean? I'm here to interview you. I have some questions pre...
Kline snatches the clipboard from SAYORS' clammy hand.
KLINE: Lemme see that. Hmm...Ask him about his father. Ask him about Sir Nick Melon. Origin? Ask him about...are you friggin' serious? Sayors, you know the agreement. You've known about the agreement since the first day I stepped foot in this company five years ago. My contract clearly states that the only person who is allowed to conduct interviews with me is Jimmy Jamison.
SAYORS: But Mr. Kline, Jensen Kent told me that I have to interview all the winners of the Rage in the Cage matches. If he finds out I couldn't get an interview with Crimson Kline, he's going to be...he's going to be...
KLINE: Calm down, Steve. I'm just pulling your leg a little. Jimmy Jamison doesn't have time for wrestling anymore. What with his Father's suicide and his uncle's usurp of that father role, he's got other things to deal with. So come in, have a seat, ask your silly questions. I don't bite. Promise.
Sayors sits across from Kline and cracks a quick smile before clearing his throat.
SAYORS: Those aren't my real notes, by the way. I was just...how did you say it? I was just pulling your arm.
Kline slaps his forehead.
KLINE: Leg, Sayors, it's leg. Forget it. Shoot.
SAYORS: Oh, I see. Well, here goes. I'm sure everyone out there is dying to know: What caused you to return? What are your goals? Why now?
KLINE: That's a valid question that deserves a valid answer. Unfortunately, like most events in my life, the reason behind it is unclear. I just really missed this place. I missed the feeling of competing each and every week and putting on a damn good show for these fans. As far as my goals go; I say I'm going to take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Each milestone, each failure, each success will be evaluated individually. I'd really like to be known for something here. I'd like to one day be heralded in the hall of Legends. I don't want to be another CHASM or NICK RYAN. I don't want to be the type who has been here off and on for years, with nothing substantial to show for it. If you don't have what it takes any longer, it's best to hang up the boots for good. Right now, a lot of veterans are making their returns. Each is in danger of damaging his solid reputation if he can't compete with today's talent. I'm different, however. I was never known for a lengthy win streak or a mountain of gold around my waist, but I was known for my performance, first and foremost. I went out there and I entertained people, week after week. I mesmerized the crowds the world over. I just realized that even though I didn't have my life completely in order, things were stable enough that I could go back to doing what I truly love; wrestling. My son and daughter both have never had an opportunity to see me wrestle, and I wanted to give them that. They actually pressured me to come back. But I bided my time; I didn't want a false start, to come back when I wasn't completely ready. So, I saw the state of the XWF, with all of the returns, and I thought, hell yeah I want to be a part of that. So here I am, and now here we are.
SAYORS: Wow, interesting. Thank you for your insights. Now, tell me about your match at Rage in the Cage. What were you thinking going into it and during? How did you feel afterward?
KLINE: I went into this match determined, but a little wary. I won't lie to you, Steve, I was nervous. That is not something that happens to me often. I was concerned after my bout with VINIC DUSHANE, that I wouldn't be able to hang with the other five guys in the match. But once I got to thinking about the match, I realized that not a single one of those guys is better than me. I saw an opportunity to make the statement I've been seeking for years: CRIMSON KLINE has arrived, and he's not to be fucked with. During the match, I have to say I was feeling physically the best I have in years. I went through a period during my time off where I got severely out of shape. But when I decided to return, that it was even in the realm of possibility, I worked my ass off, literally. I may look old, but this is my prime, not five years ago, that was my infancy. In short, you ain't seen nothin' yet! It was an honor to face off against CENTURION, TRENT GEIN, and yes, even NICK RYAN again. When I first arrived here, I painted a target on CENT'S back and at the time, I was nowhere near his level. I wasn't even on his radar. TRENT GEIN was the Universal champion when I first got here. I was a bottom feeder on Massacre and he was arguably the top dog on Anarchy. Back then, you had to work hard to even get to Anarchy. Massacre was the minor league, there was no Impact or PWE. So, for me to even compete in a match like this is a huge deal. I think I can say I surprised everyone, myself included, when I won this match, and more than held my own throughout. I beat three legends, a veteran, and a hungry rookie to earn this opportunity at the United States title.
SAYORS: Well you certainly earned it, along with the respect of some of the guys in the back, I'm sure. Speaking of your new number one contendership status, how do you feel about facing Vinic DuShane again for that title?
KLINE: Fucking ecstatic. I was actually praying that DUSHANE would beat RJ PALMER and HUNTER RYAN. I respect VINIC DUSHANE. He's a very talented young wrestler. He's done more in his short time here than I did in years. I feel I was still shaking off the ring rust when I faced him a few weeks ago. He got the better of me that night and I want to apologize for not giving him my all. That was really my first real match in two years. Facing that no name jobber that LIEUTENANT REKON brought in was an insult. I know the intent was to make me come in and look good in my first match back, but it was like I was wrestling Raggedy Andy out there. He was just a body for me to throw around. But no one can deny what I did last week in that cage. I sent a message to VINIC DUSHANE: I'm not finished with you yet. The United States title is one I've never held and I really want it. I'm not looking for the World or Universal title anytime soon and I've already held the X-Treme title. So, Vinic, please, don't get used to having that around your waist, I plan on pushing you to the brink and back again just to get my hands on it. If I have to go through HUNTER RYAN to further drive the point home, then so be it.
SAYORS: Well, it looks like we're out of time here. Thank you so much CRIMSON KLINE for allowing me to conduct this interview. It's been a pleasure.
KLINE simply nods his head in response. SAYORS extends a hand and Kline stands, towering over STEVE SAYORS. They shake hands.
KLINE: Good day, Mr. SAYORS.
SAYORS exits the room as KLINE takes a seat once more.
The camera cuts back to JENSEN KENT'S office where he is shuffling through some paperwork. He looks up at the camera with a serious look on his face.
JENSEN: You know, it really pisses me off when things happen that aren't supposed to. I mean this CORTEZ HANLEY guy attacking HUNTER RYAN isn't the only thing. That sorry excuse for a wrestler NICK RYAN actually has the balls to come to my company with another company's title?! The guy has seriously lost his mind. Too bad that title isn't worth two cents. But I guess that's what happens when you go to a low budget company like the one he's in. Anyway, before the show ends tonight, i'd like to take you to video from earlier today. We actually had a small event here in this arena and while the fans were excited, I like a few other people was shocked at what went down.....Take a look....
The camera cuts to inside of the arena, and rests on an empty ring.
The lights go out, and the words “If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying” appear on the X-Tron, then disappear, replaced by the sneering face of ACE VINCENT. Mel Gibson's voice is heard throughout the arena:
"The Flame" by Chimaira hits with a thunderous breakdown, and the crowd showers him with boos.
ACE saunters out from behind the curtain slowly, looking around at the crowd and smirking. He is wearing his new XWF t-shirt that reads "WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER on the back and has some stupid abstract design on the front that he didn't approve, but wears nonetheless, a pair of blue jeans, along with a pair of black boots in case he needs to curb stomp STEVE JASON or JAYZON WILLIAMZ at some point this evening. Behind him is BREE BENZ, who is dressed like a hooker as usual, and is wearing some black stripper costume that is so skanky, it'd make WILLIAMZ' mother blush.
The major addition to ACE VINCENT'S attire is the leather and gold strap he has draped over his shoulder. Yeah, bitches. It's the UNIVERSAL TITLE.
They walk down to the ring, and BREE grabs the camera, but then shakes her finger with a smirk, as ACE has finally trained her well enough to not give these ungrateful pieces of shit anything that they want. Somewhere in the back, STEVE JASON is shaking a fist at the camera, as seeing BREE motorboat a camera is the closest he'll ever get to a pair of tits without paying for it.
He saunters to the middle of the ring, then grabs the UNIVERSAL TITLE with his right hand and holds it over his head as he looks at out these Japanese, whale and dolphin murdering, pieces of shit. He knows that they're intimidated by his large frame and even larger dong, but he's not going to be humble and downplay the gifts that God gave him.
Unlike the previously mentioned gifts, ACE earned the UNIVERSAL TITLE, which is why he's holding over his head right now, knowing that SJ, WILLIAMZ, and the rest of the losers who weren't able to get the job done in the tournament are watching.
ACE lowers the belt, hands it to BREE, then grabs a mic. BREE wraps the belt around her waist, and due to it's massive circumfrence, and her tiny waistline, it sags down around her va-jay-jay. ACE raises the mic to his mouth.
ACE: Herrooooooo!
The crowd boos. ACE is speaking to them with a fake Japanese accent.
ACE: Oh, so nice to see you arr!
The continue to boo him.
ACE displays how cultured he is by rubbing his greatness in their SJ loving faces. They begin to chant: "Cheat-ah! Cheat-ah! Cheat-ah!"
ACE: Oh, don't you dare judge me! You people are trying to wipe whales and dolphins off of the face of the earth, and you're talking to me about integrity? I think you should get off of that high horse; you're too fucking short to be up there anyway!
ACE smiles.
ACE: Now, there's been a lot of talk over the past month and a half regarding who GREENMAN actually was underneath the mask. Some people thought it was EMO, some people thought it was GILMOUR, and some people thought it was JUSTIN ZANE. Everyone thought that whoever was under the mask was some no-named card opener who was trying to steal the spotlight from ACE VINCENT by getting involved in my matches. As we got closer and closer to Rage in the Cage, people started to suspect that GREENMAN and myself were not opposed, but allied. Then people started to think that GREENMAN was DRAKE KOMODO, especially when we beat the shit out of STEVE JASON and ruined his birthday while we were in Iraq.
ACE takes a breath, raising an eyebrow and glancing over at BREE.
ACE: But, as people found out the second RAGE IN THE CAGE went on the air, I'm done with all things DRAKE KOMODO related. That includes being a member, or promoting anything involved with TRUTH UNTIL DEATH, and answering to AIDAN COLLINS. From now on, ACE VINCENT answers to no one but himself.
The crowd boos, then begins to chant "T-U-D! T-U-D! T-U-D!"
ACE: Do you think that by chanting for them, they're going to come out here and beat my ass? I hate to tell you slanty-eyed bastards, but you're mistaken. COLLINS is off somewhere in LA, blowing Harvey Weinstein, and KOMODO is hanging out in Jersey, nursing his wounds with a army of slutty fat girls! Fuck the both of them! TRUTH UNTIL DEATH, like both of their careers, is over! Whatever idea they believe it stands for is a bunch of bullshit!
ACE looks down towards entrance ramp.
ACE: The only thing that those two assholes taught me is that there is strength in numbers! If you can find a like-minded person in the XWF, you should allign yourself with them, because taking this motherfucker over is a lot easier when you're not alone! That being said, allow me to introduce the man you've previously referred to as GREENMAN, or GLEENMAN in this country-
ACE pauses and smiles as the crowd boos. He really loves to piss people off.
ACE: He is the former UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, and one of the best wrestlers to ever grace the XWF Arena! He is KIERAN FUCKING KING!
"The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies" by Faith No More plays over the PA, and KIERAN KING saunters out from behind the curtain with a smirk on his face. He is dressed in a silver suit with a white shirt underneath, unbuttoned to his collar bone. In one of his hands, he has a rolled up piece of paper. He walks quickly to the ring, climbs up the steps, but stops on the apron. He looks around at the Japanese crowd, then motions for all of them to blow him. He turns around and stares at BREE, then stares at the middle rope. It takes her a few moments, but she quickly gets the idea that he wants her to sit on it so that he'll have an easier time stepping over it, and she complies. Once in the ring, he pats the UNIVERSAL TITLE where it rests on BREE’s shoulder, walks up to ACE and shakes his hand, then takes the mic from him. He holds it up to his mouth, but is unable to say anything as the crowd’s boos drown out any other sound. His response to this? A middle finger to every single person in attendance, and their mothers.
KING: Weird. I thought you guys were all supposed to be good at math, but you’re struggling to calculate that the longer you spend being all retarded and shit, the longer we’re going to stand out here and ridicule you for it.
This succeeds in dampening the crowd’s mood somewhat.
KING: I know what you’re all thinking though. You want to know ‘why’, right? It’s not an issue of ‘how could you, KIERAN?’ or any of that homo betrayal crap. Your curiosity is really just due to the fact that I’m so damn interesting. Well, I feel like sharing, so you’re all in luck! The reason why I’m standing in this ring, is because I don’t like you. Any of you. That’s all there really is to it. The whole GREENMAN thing was one big freaking joke to me. Fucking with DANTE ANGLAIS, RJ PALMER, JAYZON WILLIAMZ and STEVE JASON, that shit was HILARIOUS. I’m at half-mast in my pants just thinking about.
ACE and BREE give KING a ‘what the fuck?’ look, but he just laughs.
KING: Man, people never get my sense of humour. I mean, if I want to make gay jokes, then I’m going to make gay jokes damn it! And if I want to drop the N bomb in my promos, then I should have the right to do so! Freedom of speech and all that. But no, apparently I have to come out here and issue a public apology for my racial insensitivity. I don’t really see what doing this in Japan is going to accomplish, but whatever. Here it goes...
KIERAN digs into his pocket and pulls out a pre-written note.
KING: I, KIERAN KING, am deeply sorry for my display of bigotry and ignorance, and I will do my best to ensure that it never happens again. My actions clearly show that I do not fully understand the extent of what I have done, and I will do everything I can to try and relate.
He screws up the paper and punts it out of the ring.
KING: That’s true, you know. I don’t understand. I simply can’t get my head around why one word causes people to get so fucking worked up. I mean, if I called all you Chinese cunts chinks, or ching-chongs, or gooks, or nips, or whatever I want, you’re not going to get all pissy are you?
Naturally, that’s actually exactly what they do. There were so many offensive terms for Japanese people in there that Japan just declared war on the West again.
KING: Oh, come the fuck on! People can call me a ‘cracka’ or a ‘honkey’ and I don’t give a shit? Aren’t you dicks comfortable enough in your race or nationality or buttfucking sexuality that you can handle it when people give you shit for it? Here’s a tip, if you don’t want to be labelled like that, then stop being so fucking stereotypical! That’s the exact reason I called out JAYZON WILLIAMZ! If I was to act like he does, I’d get called a ‘wigga’, so when he gets all on his ‘bitches and paper’ buzz, can you blame me for feeling like it’s my DUTY to call him a ni...
Suddenly, ACE snatches the microphone away from him, and gives him a death stare. I think the message hidden in there is something along the lines of ‘shut the fuck up’.
ACE: What KING is trying to say, is that he and I are going to completely dominate this federation, and utterly destroy it in the process. Seeing as how we already have the UNIVERSAL TITLE, a win that was due to our collaborative efforts, what else could we possibly want? Sure, we could go after WILLIAMZ and his WORLD TITLE, or we could ask for the TAG TITLES to be reinstated so we can beat the shit out of the RYAN BROTHERS in order to win them, but that is small time to us at this point.
ACE takes a breath and looks at the XWF banner hanging overhead.
ACE: No, what we want to do is to take complete control of this motherfucker and to run it into the ground. This federation has turned into a house overrun with termites, and they're already bringing it down. The only way to save it is by destroying it, and we're going to burn it to the fucking ground. We've already beaten the two most revered legends in the hall, and anyone that stands in our way is going to go out in the same fashion that they did. We're going to destroy, and we're going to dominate. THE SUICIDE KINGS have arrived, and we will rule this motherfucker! This place is our kingdom, and you're all our peasants! BOW THE FUCK DOWN!
ACE drops the mic, then grabs the belt violently from BREE. He holds it over his head, and KING grabs a hold of it and helps him, although ACE doesn't seem to want his assistance. MEL GIBSON'S voice suddenly eminates from the PA.
"Destroy and Dominate" by Chimaira plays, and the crowd showers THE SUICIDE KINGS with boos. They don't seem to mind as they hold the UNIVERSAL TITLE over their heads. They lower it, but KING won't let go of it. It takes ACE a second, but he pulls it from the grasp of his ally and throws it over his shoulder.
Suddenly the introductory blasts of "Heaven's Devils" by Duke/Stafford/Acree/Brower echoes around the arena, and the crowd explode for the imminent arrival of STEVE JASON. There's no fanfare, no fancy lighting and no sparkler fire - just STEVE striding out from the back. He's decked out in his usual white t-shirt/black padded vest/cargo pants and boots combination, and his forehead is bandaged up from the war that was Rage In The Cage, but he's moving with the same vitality and drive that has radiated from him since his return. If Rage In The Cage demoralised him, he certainly seems to be hiding it well. Not intimidated in the slightest by the force in the ring, he makes his way towards the apron and enters the ring. ACE, BREE and KING back to one side of the ring, while STEVE pulls out a microphone.
SJ: What's the matter, you weren't expecting me?
The crowd laugh between themselves at that. STEVE continues however, boring in relentlessly.
SJ: So you thought that was that, huh, ACE? You won the title, and I'd just get completely demoralised, fizzle out and go home empty-handed, is that it? Nope. Not going down that way. Not this time. Yeah, you've got the title, and you're flanked by a sheep-rodgering weasel and a walking biohazard, but if you honestly think I'm just going to lie down and accept defeat, you're wrong. You'd better keep an eye open, ACE, because Autumn in Hell is coming... except it's actually Spring in Hell, because we're going to Australia, that country you love oh-so-much. And if I have it my way, I'm going to engage you for the title again on that very same battleground. This isn't over.
ACE: You just don't know when to quit, do you, old man? It's over, you lost. I proved that you can't do this any more. I proved that you don't have a future here, I proved...
STEVE cuts ACE right off, talking over the top of him.
SJ: You proved "NOTHING", ACE.