r XWF: Thursday Night Anarchy 09-18-09

FIREFOX IS NOT RECOMMENDED for viewing this program.

- - Standard Match - -

- - Human Piñata Match - -

- - Non-Title Match w/Special Guest Ref Famine of the Vile - -

- - United States Championship Match - -

- - Fatal Four Way Match - -

- - Standard Match - -



- - Devil’s Playground Tag Team Title Match - -

A flaming explosion greets the cameras inside of the Amway Arena in the heart of Orlando as ANARCHY kicks off with a huge pyrotechnics display, bigger and fierier than ever before! As the pyro finally finishes off, Dead Star by Muse plays over the PA as DANTE ANGLAIS, one half of the Sons Of Apocalypse, heads down to the ring in a suit and tie with the United States Championship in his right hand. He looks like he means business but has a playful grin on his face as he climbs the ring steps and enters the ring. DANTE quickly retrieves a microphone from the ring announcer before he turns back to the crowd.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Hello Amway Arena.

The sheer coolness of his voice sends the crowds in raptures of cheers.

DANTE ANGLAIS: I’m not here to sell myself tonight because I don’t need too. For one, we’re in the best city in the heart of sunshine state..... ORLANDO!!!

Cheap pop!

DANTE ANGLAIS: AND I’m running the show tonight.

Even more cheers.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Well, not entirely by myself, but I shall address that in a few moments. First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for coming down here to see the show tonight. There’s been a lot of up’s and down’s in the XWF lately backstage and with members of the roster quitting and coming back then quitting again like yo-yo’s, all of you fans have stayed loyal and I’m going to step completely out of character to say thank you for being the best fans in the world. XWF lives because of each and every single one of you, coming to the shows, watching on TV, buying the Pay-Per-Views, buying the merchandise or even spreading the word about our amazing programming.

A polite round of applause from DANTE to the fans and the fans return the favor to Mr ANGLAIS.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Right, now that’s said and done, I’d like to address the end of this past week’s Anarchy. If you didn’t see it, let’s look back, shall we?

DANTE turns to the X-Tron as we have a replay of the finish to last week’s Main Event.

RANMA waits for FAMINE to turn around before catching him with another boot to the gut and he calls for another Bleeding Heart Show but FAMINE slips out of it..... DEVIL’S SPIKE!! RANMA’S OUT!! FAMINE manages to roll RANMA onto his back and he hooks the near leg, ONE..... TWO..... THREE-NO!! CHAD BREAKS IT UP BEFORE THE THREE!! As NICK RYAN tries to get CHAD out of the ring, DANTE lunges into the ring and begins brawling with CHAD, spearing him through the ring ropes and down to the concrete floor where they continue their brawl. Back in the ring, RANMA is up and FAMINE is too. NICK RYAN is on the outside trying to break up the brawl between DANTE and CHAD as RANMA pulls the Brass Knucks out of his tights and lines FAMINE up when HUNTER slides into the ring, distracting RANMA. RANMA and HUNTER begin exchanging words and RANMA threatens to hit HUNTER with the knucks when.....


CCP: What the hell was HUNTER doing?

BRAND: I think he was trying to keep this match level and RANMA using brass knucks doesn’t seem like a fair move to me.

CCP: Maybe. Doesn’t seem like the HUNTER RYAN I know though.

FAMINE drops himself across RANMA in a pin attempt but NICK is still outside dealing with CHAD and DANTE. HUNTER rolls outside and motions for NICK to get in the ring and do his job. NICK rolls back in... and here goes the count! 1...2...THR...NO! KICK OUT by the Universal Champion! My God how’d he kickout of that! FAMINE glares over at NICK who swears it was an inch away but RANMA kicked out! FAMINE and NICK are now jawing at each other as RANMA has slowly made it to his feet. He spins FAMINE around...SAOTOME SERENADE!! RANMA has it!! He drops down into a cover! NICK drops down to count...1...2...THR...WAIT A MINUTE! NICK stops at two and a half and stares into the RANMA’S eyes and shakes his head. CHAD has gotten back into the ring now and is behind NICK who is totally oblivious! HUNTER has now come in behind CHAD! He spins CHAD around...and nails him with a ROID RAGER!! CHAD was sizing up NICK and HUNTER came in for the save? What the hell?

CCP: That definitely isn’t the HUNTER RYAN I know. He just saved his brother?

BRAND: This guy is totally out of his mind. Even he has no idea what he’s going to do from minute to minute!

NICK stands up finally realizing what had happened. Suddenly, DANTE is back in the ring on the top rope! He leaps off towards NICK...NKO!! My God NICK just caught DANTE in mid-air and plants him in the ring with an NKO!! There are bodies all over the ring! HUNTER rolls CHAD and DANTE out of the ring. NICK turns around back to address RANMA...another SAOTOME SERENADE!! RANMA just took out NICK RYAN!! There is chaos in the ring!! HUNTER just stands there a bit in shock staring right into the eyes of RANMA who drops back down on FAMINE for another cover! NICK has been taken out! Who’s going to count this pin fall??

CCP: I feel like we should...do something! Dude just took out NICK!

BRAND: Don’t move from your seat, PAGE! This is getting good! NICK can handle himself.

HUNTER stares down at the pin situation in front of him then stares down at his motionless brother. Finally, he tosses aside his World Title gets down on the mat and HUNTER RYAN is going to count! 1...2...THREE!! HUNTER RYAN has just made his decision official. The Champs retains

The picture returns to DANTE ANGLAIS shaking his head in the ring.

DANTE ANGLAIS: First and foremost, HUNTER RYAN isn’t the referee to begin with. Clearly, he is not the referee because, when FAMINE had the match won, he climbed out of the ring and got his brother to make the count, even though NICK was trying to break up a brawl between myself and CHAD. Then I was attacked by NICK RYAN who thought it was a good idea to hit me with an NKO completely unjustly. Whatever. Then, RANMA takes out the referee, which SHOULD equal a disqualification and we would still have won, though the belts would not have been ours but of course HUNTER RYAN is the biggest asshole walking the earth and apparently the rules don’t apply to him. Fortunately, I know HUNTER’S not going to interrupt me because I arranged for a little ‘accident’ to happen whilst he’s on his way to the arena. Don’t worry, he’ll make it to Rage In The Cage but he may be a little bit late tonight.

A toothy grin appears upon DANTE’S face as he breaks out into a deep chuckle. A few cheers from the crowd follow.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Thank you. Of course, having seen that tape about a hundred times with and without FAMINE by my side, I think we can all agree that the Sons Of Apocalypse should be the new XWF Tag Team Champions. Obviously, we’re not but fear not ladies and gentlemen because it’s take two tonight. This time, it’s going to be slightly different. FAMINE will step in the Devil’s Playground with reigning Universal Champion, RANMA SAOTOME, and both CHAD and I will be there at ringside but we can only watch on as managers. The titles will be on the line but it will be between FAMINE and RANMA, one on one, mono et mono and all the other terms you can think of for a head to head, toe to toe contest and that’s tonight’s main event.

Cheers. So many cheers, it’s quite shocking.

DANTE ANGLAIS: At which point, I would like to introduce you too the man I’m putting all my faith into tonight to challenge RANMA SAOTOME, not only for XWF dominance but also for the XWF Tag Team Championships. I present to you, FAMINE OF THE VILE!!

Progenies of the Great Apocalypse by Dimmu Borgir blasts through the PA system as FAMINE OF THE VILE makes his way down to ringside. He is greeted by a mix of cheer and boos from the crowd here in Orlando. He makes his way down to ringside with a serious look on his face. As the music dies down, he asks for a mic.

FAMINE: Well, there’s not much I need to say. You all saw what happened. You all KNOW that we should be standing here with those titles around our waists. But did that happen? No! And why? Because the goddamn Ryan brothers set us up from the word go. I knew we would be walking into a trap last week. I knew that given the fact that i’ve kicked both of their asses, they would find a way to screw me over. But they didn’t just screw me over. No, they screwed my partner over as well. The Sons of Apocalypse don’t like to be screwed with. So tonight, we’re going to have some fun. We’re going to show those who get in our way that we mean business. Now, as far as the main event is concerned tonight.......I won’t be there.

DANTE looks at FAMINE in confusion as does the rest of the crowd.

FAMINE: I know.....you’ve got that look on your face like what the hell is he talking about? Well, let me explain. You see, last night, I did some thinking. And I thought to myself, why would we waste our time with the tag team titles when we should be focusing on the more important things? Like the World and Universal titles! So I thought, instead of getting in that ring and fighting tonight, that we would save it for Rage in the Cage! So my first announcement tonight is, that at Rage in the Cage, it will be the great RANMA SAOTOME, vs me of course. In a Devil’s Playground match!! My second announcement is that tonight’s main event is now going to be the NICK RYAN vs HUNTER RYAN match with me as the special guest referee. Oh and boys, you will both be fighting the match in a dress! And if you fail to wear said dress, I will suspend you for one week. And yes, I CAN do that since tonight we are in charge.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Wait, hang on a second. Since we’re going that far, why not keep the Devil’s Playground match and have them fight inside while wearing the dresses?!

FAMINE: THAT is a damn good idea partner. So there you have it folks, the main event will still be a Devil’s Playground match. NICK vs HUNTER in drag! I hope you enjoy the show tonight. It’s going to be one to remember!!

FAMINE puts down the mic as he and DANTE start to leave the ring. Suddenly FAMINE stops dead in his tracks and turns around. He picks up the mic again to address the crowd.

FAMINE: Oh, oh, oh. I have one more thing to say. RANMA! I want you to come down to this ring later tonight. Before the pay per view gets here there are a few things i’d like to say to you face to face!

Progenies of the great Apocalypse begins to play again as the SOA leaves the ring and the bell sounds for the first match of the night.

- - Standard Match - -

DOWNFALL and TRENT GEIN are both in the ring already, staring each other down. The referee signals to ring the bell and this match is officially underway! It takes a couple of seconds for the superstars to make a move, with both TRENT GEIN and DOWNFALL eventually locking up in the perfect center of the ring. TRENT GEIN attempts to gain the early advantage with a Top Wristlock, but DOWNFALL delivers a stiff kick to TRENT GEIN’S gut, before clubbing his back a couple of times. DOWNFALL applies a waist lock, but TRENT GEIN elbows back at the side of DOWNFALL’S head. TRENT GEIN spins out of the waist lock and applies one of his own, before lifting DOWNFALL up and hitting an Atomic Drop. DOWNFALL hops towards the turnbuckle in pain, as TRENT GEIN backs off and charges at him in the corner, driving his shoulder into DOWNFALL’S lower chest.

DOWNFALL splutters a little as TRENT GEIN drives his shoulder repeatedly at DOWNFALL. DOWNFALL is able to stop the assault by raising his knee and smashing TRENT GEIN right in his face, causing him to fall back. DOWNFALL stumbles forward toward TRENT GEIN’S head, before jumping up and hitting a Leg Drop over the throat of TRENT GEIN. He goes for a quick lateral press, the referee slides into position...ONE...TWO...TRENT GEIN rolls up his right shoulder with little difficulty. DOWNFALL gets back up to his feet, grabbing a hold of TRENT GEIN’S head and using it to pick him up off the ground. DOWNFALL sets him up for a Suplex. He begins to lift TRENT GEIN up, but TRENT GEIN sandbags himself to stop the move connecting. TRENT GEIN lands on his feet, before lifting DOWNFALL up himself, keeping DOWNFALL vertical for a few seconds. DOWNFALL tries to get out of it by kicking his legs, but TRENT GEIN suddenly drills him into the mat with a Jackhammer! TRENT GEIN has DOWNFALL’S shoulders pinned...ONE...TWO... DOWNFALL kicks out. TRENT GEIN seems to scowl at the referee slightly, raising three fingers at the referee to signalize his frustration. He gets back up to his feet, before picking up DOWNFALL and delivering some stiff right hands to the head of DOWNFALL. TRENT GEIN Irish Whips DOWNFALL across the ring, who bounces back right into a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker! TRENT GEIN suddenly grabs a hold of his knee in pain, the move perhaps causing some damage to himself as he hit it. Regardless of this, he makes a cover...ONE...TWO... DOWNFALL kicks out again!

TRENT GEIN scowls once again, rolling off DOWNFALL holding his knee. The referee checks with TRENT GEIN to check his well being. During this time, DOWNFALL has got back to his feet and quickly boots the back of TRENT GEIN with the sole of his foot. TRENT GEIN slumps to one side, as DOWNFALL begins to stomp on TRENT GEIN’S knee. TRENT GEIN shouts in agony with every connecting shot. DOWNFALL then drops his elbow across the knee, before twisting the knee and securing a Seated Knee lock. TRENT GEIN wails in pain as DOWNFALL applies more pressure, even going so far as to strike it with his elbow. DOWNFALL eventually stands up, not letting go of TRENT GEIN’s leg. He quickly, yet forcefully strikes the back of his knee, causing TRENT GEIN to grab it and roll on the mat in agony. DOWNFALL goes to grab the leg again, but TRENT GEIN uses his uninjured leg to kick DOWNFALL back. He gets back up to his feet, hobbling on his lame leg slightly. DOWNFALL moves towards his opponent once again, but TRENT GEIN is somehow able to spring up and hit a dropkick, sending DOWNFALL tumbling through the ropes and onto the floor. But this move seems to have taken its toll on TRENT GEIN, who once again grabs his knee in pain. DOWNFALL grabs a hold of the ring apron and starts to climb back into the ring. As he climbs back in, TRENT manages to get back to his feet and starts charging toward his opponent. Out of nowhere, DOWNFALL grabs TRENT and applies the Dragon’s Fang! TRENT struggles and tries to reach for the ropes but is not able to make it. TRENT GEIN has no choice but to tap out. It’s over!


As the camera cuts backstage, we see NICK RYAN going into the GM office and sees FAMINE OF THE VILE sitting down watching a replay of last week’s Anarchy. He turns to NICK but then looks back at the TV.

NICK: Ahem.

FAMINE: What do you want?

NICK: I came to talk to you about my match with HUNTER.

FAMINE: There’s nothing to talk about NICK.

NICK: Yes there is. There’s no way in hell I’m going out there in a dress!

FAMINE: I beg to differ my former annoying friend. You see, I’m running the show tonight. Not you, and not your brother. Last week you had your fun and thought it would be cool to screw me and DANTE out of the tag titles. Since you wanna have your head up RANMA’S ass all the time, let’s see how you like it when the tables are turned. Now I suggest you get to the locker room and make sure that dress fits.

NICK: You son of a…….I’m a double champion and I deserve to be treated with more respect!


FAMINE stands up and gets in NICK’S face

FAMINE: You wanna talk about respect NICK? Respect means you stop acting like a f**king child all the time and have a set big enough to act like a man. Respect means you don’t get in my business and screw me over just because you have some sort of infatuation with the Universal champion! RESPECT……..means that you thank guys like me for the position you’re in! Because if it wasn’t for guys like me, you wouldn’t even be here. I’m one of those men who paved the way for f**ks like you to step through those ropes and pretend they can hang with the big boys. Now get the hell out of my office before I throw you out!

FAMINE and NICK stare at each other as FAMINE smiles before NICK turns and walks away.

- - Human Piñata Match - -

PETER GILMOUR stands in the ring as DR. EMO makes his way to ringside. DR. EMO hops up on the apron and steps into the ring. The ref calls for the bell and GILMOUR charges DR. EMO looking for an early spear! DR. EMO sidesteps GILMOUR and kicks him in the rear as he passes, adding enough momentum to send GILMOUR out onto the floor. DR. EMO waits as GILMOUR gets back up and the ref counts…1…2…3…4…5…6 and GILMOUR is up on the apron, breaking the ref’s count. GILMOUR ducks under the top rope to step into the ring and DR. EMO charges in with a boot to his face sending GILMOUR off the apron to smash side first into the steel barricade! DR. EMO slides out of the ring and grabs GILMOUR, slamming him headfirst into the barricade once more and busting him open over the left eye! DR. EMO slides the bleeding GILMOUR back into the ring and follows him in. He pulls GILMOUR to his feet and Irish Whips him into the ropes, DR. EMO meets him on the way back with a vicious spine buster! DR. EMO stands up, raising his hands as the crowd cheers. DR. EMO walks over and grabs the top rope and begins to shake it. He turns around and lifts GILMOUR to his feet, setting him up for the finisher….GILMOUR counters that and drops DR. EMO into a crucifix pin. 1…..2……DR. EMO kicks out and starts to stand up! GILMOUR waits as DR. EMO stands up and begins throwing rights and lefts, keeping him stunned! GILMOUR charges forward and drops DR. EMO to the mat with a clothesline. He reverses course and comes around to catch DR. EMO who is trying to stand back up with a second clothesline! He lifts DR. EMO to his feet and puts him back down on the canvas with a vertical suplex! GILMOUR rolls DR. EMO up for a cover…1…2…and DR. EMO kicks out with authority!

GILMOUR gouges the eyes and stands DR. EMO up. GILMOUR bounces off, looking for a shoulder block here, but DR. EMO gets up a huge boot leveling the man who calls himself the Epitome of Evil! GILMOUR slowly rises to his feet and DR. EMO levels him with a spear! Jesus! It’s like a deadly car wreck in the center of the ring! DR. EMO drags himself too his feet as GILMOUR tries to stand up as well. DR. EMO makes it up first and kicks GILMOUR in the stomach. He puts GILMOUR in a front face lock and drops him down to the canvas face first with a DDT! DR. EMO rolls over on top of him and locks in an STFU. DR. EMO is going for a submission here! GILMOUR is refusing to tap! GILMOUR begins to drag himself towards the ropes. Slowly, agonizingly he drags himself, screaming the whole time! Finally GILMOUR grabs the rope and DR. EMO is forced to break the hold after a four-count. DR. EMO pops up to his feet and begins to stomp GILMOUR repeatedly. He drags GILMOUR to his feet and Irish Whips him into the ropes. GILMOUR bounces off and DR. EMO meets him with a sleeper hold! DR. EMO has this locked in! GILMOUR is fading! He’s slumping in DR. EMO’S arms. The ref checks and GILMOUR’S arm drops once, he checks once more and GILMOUR’S arm drops again. The ref checks once more and this time GILMOUR keeps his arm up meanwhile firing his other fist backwards that catches DR. EMO with a Low Blow! DR. EMO drops to his knees and GILMOUR bounces off the ropes hitting DR. EMO with a boot to the face! DR. EMO topples over onto his back. GILMOUR goes in for the cover…1…and DR. EMO kicks out before the 2 count. GILMOUR begins punching DR. EMO repeatedly in the head and then goes for another cover…and again DR. EMO kicks out before even a two count! GILMOUR stands up, dragging DR. EMO with him, and sets DR. EMO up for a jackknife powerbomb! And DR. EMO counters with a backdrop this time! DR. EMO flips GILMOUR over his back onto the mat! GILMOUR gets to his feet looking dazed…and DR. EMO gets him into position and hits the finisher!! DR. EMO covers him and…1…2…3. This one is over! PETER GILMOUR is about to become the XWF’S first human piñata!

DR. EMO asks for the rope to be lowered as he begins to pick up GILMOUR who is completely out of it. The rope lowers to the ring and EMO ties GILMOUR up by his wrists. He checks to make sure the knot is nice and tight. He walks over to the corner and asks for the kendo stick as GILMOUR is now suspended about two feet from the mat. DR. EMO smiles a bit before putting the kendo stick between his legs. He spits in his hands and rubs them together in a baseball player like motion. He then picks the kendo stick back up and starts wailing away on GILMOUR! The first whack wakes him right up. GILMOUR tries to fight with his legs but there’s not much he can do. EMO laughs as he continues to strike his opponent. GILMOUR seems to be getting angrier as he screams in pain yet tries to fight EMO off. Suddenly, EMO misses a swing and GILMOUR kicks him square in the jaw knocking him unconscious. The ref then asks the rope be lowered so that he can until GILMOUR. The cameras head backstage.


We see DANTE ANGLAIS in the ‘GM Office’ for the night when there’s a knock at the door.


HUNTER RYAN steps into the room. DANTE looks up from his desk.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Oh, it’s you. What are you here for? Come to screw me over again?

HUNTER: On the contrary, I’m actually here to wish you luck tonight against DW. You’re going to need it, trust me.

DANTE ANGLAIS: What? You’re kidding me, right? You’re an a**hole and you’re wishing me luck?

HUNTER: What’s that supposed to mean?

DANTE ANGLAIS: It means, make your move now or regret it later

There’s a moment of tension between Champion and challenger. HUNTER is unsure of himself but just breaks out into a grin.

HUNTER: We’ll see who regrets what.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Get out.

HUNTER lets out a cackle as he steps out of the office. What did DANTE means? As he leaves he bumps into FAMINE who is headed inside the GM office.

FAMINE: You like the dress we picked out for you?

HUNTER: You guys think you’re real funny huh?

FAMINE: No, actually we don’t. But you see HUNTER, like the old saying goes…..What goes around, comes around.

HUNTER: Ok Justin, you enjoy your night. But know this…..The issues between you, me and my brother, are not over by a long shot!

FAMINE: Sorry to tell you HUNTER, they are! You see, I’ve already wasted enough time on you two clowns. I’m headed for bigger and better things. Like the Universal title!

HUNTER: And you seriously think you’re going to beat RANMA?

FAMINE: See, it’s funny you should mention that. Because last week, when you two f**ks were running things, I DID beat RANMA. But since you and your brother can’t let go of this obsession with me, you cost me and DANTE the tag titles. But at Rage in the Cage……It’s going to be a different story. When I win, the first thing I am going to do is celebrate by dancing in a puddle of RANMA’S blood! And if you and NICK aren’t careful, it may be YOUR blood I dance on as well! Now get out of my face!

FAMINE and HUNTER stare at each other almost nose to nose when FAMINE opens the door and slams it in HUNTER’S face. In the office, DANTE looks at FAMINE who seems to be a bit aggravated.

DANTE: Everything ok partner?

FAMINE: Absolutely. Just dealing with an a**hole issue.

DANTE: Funny, I just dealt with that not five minutes ago.

- - Fatal Four Way Match - -

All four competitors are in the ring ready to start this match, the bell rings and JACK NATION makes the first move, taking ERIC ANDERSON out from behind with a forearm to the back of his head. Both ALYSSA and KEVIN JEWERT remain static and they both watch on as NATION lifts ERIC ANDERSON up to his feet, he attempts to throw him up onto his shoulders but KEVIN JEWERT intervenes with a kick to the mid section and takes NATION down to the canvas with a DDT. JEWERT crawls on top of JACK NATION going for the first cover of this contest, the ref slides down to make the count ONE....TWO....NO ALYSSA FERRO is there to break it up. JEWERT gets up to his feet in frustration and pushes FERRO back against the ropes viscously, she bounces back of the ropes and smashes her forearm into KEVIN’S face before going for a quick cover of her own. ONE...TWO...ERIC ANDERSON is there to pull ALYSSA of the top of JEWERT’S body. ANDERSON stalks his three opponents and watches as JACK NATION pulls himself up to one knee via the ring ropes, ERIC marches over and grabs NATION by the hair, throwing him into the corner. ANDERSON stamps on JEWERT to stop him getting up before charging at NATION with an extended right arm connecting to a nasty thud. JACK NATION drops down in the corner and ERIC walks over ready to lift him up again, ALYSSA FERRO however is up and nails ERIC in the back of the head with a right hand knocking him down to one knee. ALYSSA falls against the ropes and runs at ERIC smashing her knee into his face!

ERIC holds his head as ALYSSA throws her arm over his chest, ONE...TWO...KICKOUT! FERRO looks shocked she gets up only to be met by KEVIN JEWERT the two exchange several blows before JEWERT Irish whips her against the ropes, as she returns of the ropes JACK NATION put his hand out tripping her up! She falls to the canvas and JACK NATION locks in a figure four leg lock! JEWERT watches on rather confused as NATION tightens the hold leaving ALYSSA screaming in pain. With ALYSSA’S hand ready to tap JEWERT begins hammering away at NATION causing him to release ALYSSA from the hold. ALYSSA rolls away holding her leg as both NATION and JEWERT exchange blows on the canvas. NATION manages to crawl backwards into the corner and pulls himself up to gain a breather, he wipes some sweat from his forehead before glancing up to see KEVIN JEWERT charging at him looking to hit a spear. JACK NATION side steps it and JEWERT crashes against the steel ring post, JEWERT turns around and NATION uses his brute strength to lift him up on his shoulders. NATION looks for THE NATIONAL DISASTER but doesn’t notice ERIC ANDERSON who almost breaks him in half with a Spear!

All three men fall to the canvas in a heap and the ref is left with no choice but to begin a count out. He looks over at ALYSSA FERRO who has one hand on the bottom rope. ONE....TWO....THREE....FOUR.....ALYSSA pulls herself up to one knee. FIVE....SIX. FERRO is up! She falls against the ropes for a well deserved rest before walking over to the heap of bodies and pulling ERIC ANDERSON up to one knee; ANDERSON pushes her back and gets up without her help. FERRO falls back and ANDERSON charges at her looking for a clothesline but FERRO ducks it pulling on the top rope causing ANDERSON to fly over the rope onto the floor outside. ANDERSON hits his head on the barricade and seems to be out of it. Meanwhile JEWERT returns to his feet first and makes his way over to ALYSSA. ALYSSA rushes toward him with incredible speed. JEWERT goes for a clothesline but ALYSSA ducks and spins around, hitting JEWERT with a beautiful enziguri! JEWERT goes down like a sack of bricks. But here comes JACK NATION! Amazingly after that spear he is able to get to his feet and heads for ALYSSA who doesn’t see him coming from behind. NATION grabs her from behind and attempts to put her on his shoulders for the NATIONAL DISASTER! Out of nowhere, ALYSSA manages to get free hitting a reverse DDT! She then climbs to the top rope and waits for NATION to get to his feet. But it’s JEWERT who makes it to his feet first. He doesn’t see ALYSSA on the top turnbuckle and goes for NATION. He tosses NATION to the outside and is then met with the FIRE BOMB!!!! FIRE BOMB ON JEWERT! The pressure of the modified Dragon Sleeper is too much for JEWERT who has no choice but to tap!


We Made You by Eminem hits over the PA as CHAD makes his way down to the pre-prepared ring for a special edition of Chad’s Corner. The boos ring throughout the Amway Arena as the crowd ‘welcomes’ CHAD into the arena for his show this week. CHAD slides in under the bottom rope and grabs the microphone placed upon his seat. He doesn’t wait for the boos to die down, he just talks OVER the crowd.

CHAD: Orlando sucks.

Not surprisingly the boos grow in noise at this remark but CHAD could care less.

CHAD: Before we get started, I have a few things to address. First, there’s the state of the XWF or, in CHAD terms, Jason ‘Cash’ Stevens... seriously? Apparently, the former ‘Simply The Best’ is now the XWF Owner and here I am thinking what the frak? Why not just give PETER GILMOUR the ownership and let the XWF ship sink to the very bottom of the ocean, huh? If that’s true, that has to be the worst executive decision that Fuzzer has ever made. Well, he wasn’t really around making decisions so whatever. Then of course there’s HARDCORE SMITTY and his little ‘accident’ at Born Arrangements. Yes, I said accident, as if I’d do a thing like that on purpose! Me? CHAD? Never! Well, I’m going to just announce it right now, I have a written contract, if SMITTY wants it and I don’t get bored of this place, for him and I too face off at Rage In The Cage, this time, obviously, under Cage Match rules.

Cheers erupt across the arena at the possibility of seeing CHAD get his comeuppance at the hands of HARDCORE SMITTY.

CHAD: Right, now that’s all settled, tonight, on Chad’s Corner, we have a mystery guest, one so mysterious I don’t even know who it is so, if you will, please, come on down.

A few moments of silence pass when the soft sound of electric guitar jerks out of the speakers.

I’m Not Asking For Much... Well, I’m Not Asking For Anything!

Waste A Moment by Fightstar erupts across the PA system and out from behind the curtain steps....







This is the first time TONY CAPRETTI has been seen in an XWF arena since his shock appearance and victory in the Classic Battle Royal at X this past May.

CAPRETTI is decked out in a grey Armani suit with black shades. TONY CAPRETTI’S arrival is greeted by a hoard of boo’s and jive’s from the hot Orlando crowd but the Rome-born New Yorker takes no notice of any of the crowd around him. CHAD looks shocked back in the ring! He’s not sure what the hell CAPRETTI’S doing here! CAPRETTI hops up onto the ring apron and climbs through the ropes before retrieving a microphone from a nearby stagehand. He brushes himself down as he looks around at the thousands of Floridians booing him out of the building..... AND HE’S ONLY JUST ARRIVED!! CHAD finally shakes off the shock of CAPRETTI appearing to continue with the show.

CHAD: Oh my good gosh, its Tony Corleone. No, I’m kidding, wow, TONY CAPRETTI. This is actually a surprise. Well, um, I guess, what’s been up? Where have you been? I mean, I heard that you were removed from the XWF by Jon Brown way back when. Seriously, what have you been up too?

TONY CAPRETTI: Well Mr CHADDINGTON, I must say that’s a pretty much ‘straight to the point’ question and it’s a very good point to make. What have I been up too? I did a bit of soul searching in my time away from the business. Suffice to say, I ventured about the world trying to find something to fill the inevitable void left by the XWF’s absence. I was actually fired by CHRISTIAN CONNOLLY back when he and TYGER LILLY were the General Manager’s of Massacre way back when in early 2007 but JONATHYN BROWN made sure that I was not allowed to ever return to the XWF, at least until he sold up of course. That legal loophole screwed him over big time, didn’t it? That’s why I came back, to get one over on Mr BROWN and, in a very big way, I did something that he couldn’t touch me on and I out-smarted the man, something you’ve tried and failed to do on numerous occasions yourself. I guess you win some and you lose some, eh CHAD? But seriously, I just searched about the world for new things to do, different things to try and I looked at different aspects of life. I would like to say it was enlightening but that would be lying. It was very boring at times. As far as me being here now goes, I was contacted by someone in the XWF that shall remain anonymous for now who offered me a lot of money to come here and talk so I took him up on his offer. We’re talking 6 figures for a one-off appearance, doesn’t get much better than that.

CHAD: Ah, I see, well that’s cool then. Well, what did you think about being able in May at X?

TONY CAPRETTI: As I said, the best thing about appearing at X was that I was able to get one over on JONATHYN. Just being there meant that he would be pissed about things but actually getting the win over guys like FAMINE OF THE VILE, ANDREW GIBSON and DANIEL MALCOLM. CCP may have given me a ‘helping hand’ but I still had to finish the job and I did it and I did it well. It was an honor to return to the XWF for such a high-profile match on such a high-profile show and after ten years, it still proved XWF could shock the fans. Nobody expected me to turn up and so when I did the pop was out of this world. I didn’t really care too much for the fans but when did I ever? This job was never about entertaining people for me, it was about the rush I got stepping between those ropes and going head to head with another wrestler. I got that at X and that was what I wanted. After that, I disappeared once again.

CHAD: Ok but there’ve been rumors floating about the locker-room since that match at X. One I heard a lot was that you were hanging around with FUZZ after he originally assumed the ownership role of XWF. Is there any truth to this and, if so, what exactly happened between the two of you?

TONY CAPRETTI: I’m not going to deny it but I’m not going to say it’s true either. FUZZ is... was... might be... whatever. FUZZ is meant to own the XWF and that’s that. If he wanted me there, he wanted me there. I’m not going to go into too much detail about it but for me being at X, it cost XWF a fair amount. Not necessarily 7 figures but not too far off. I feel like I’m going on about money too much. I will say that I didn’t ‘hang around’ with FUZZ in the way you seem to be insinuating. We didn’t regularly meet for drinks or spend our days clubbing whilst the XWF almost fell to pieces. We may have spoken once, we may have spoken several times, we may have never spoken at all but the fact is I did what I felt was right for me AND for the XWF, whether people wanted me to do it or not. I did it and I would make exactly the same decision if the option was put to me again, right now.

CHAD: I see, I see. So you’re keeping your cards close to your chest. I understand that. Now, here’s a tough one, if it was in the powers that be and you got to return full-time to XWF, who would be on your hit list and why?

TONY CAPRETTI: Hit list? That’s a very interesting point actually. I never understood having a ‘hit list’ per say but there are definitely several people around who I’d love to get my hands on. NICK RYAN, just because he’s a freaking asshole, CENTURION, because we have some unfinished business to be attending to, HUNTER RYAN, because he’s gotten a bit big for his breaches, and there’s a punk kid who’s going around claiming to be the best thing since sliced bread and I hate his attitude. His name’s DANTE ANGLAIS and I wanted to slap him around his face. The kids got some talent but, just like HUNTER, he’s way too big for his breaches.

CHAD: Ok and, finally CAPRETTI, is there anything else you would want to say before I tell you to get the fuck out of my ring?

TONY CAPRETTI: That sounds quite gay CHAD. Just to clarify, you mean this wrestling ring, not your asshole, right? Because I’m not in your asshole right now, so if you’re getting funky feelings downstairs then it’s not me...

Just as it looks like CHAD is about to nail CAPRETTI, Dead Star by Muse plays and DANTE ANGLAIS quickly makes his way down to the ring with a mic in his hand. He quickly slides under the bottom rope and gets in between CHAD and CAPRETTI.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Now, now boys. Save it for break-time when the teachers aren’t around.

There are a few laughs from the crowd but none from either CHAD or CAPRETTI, both of whom are no focused solely on DANTE.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Don’t start, either of you. CHAD, I just flat out don’t like you. You’re the biggest, most egotistical, self-satisfying, arrogant son of a bitch in this damn federation. TONY, you just insulted me so you’re in my bad books. Besides, you’re as big a jerk-off as CHAD is anyway.

DANTE’S getting the biggest pops of the entire night!!

DANTE ANGLAIS: You’re both assholes in my book so rather than deal with this in the ring, I want the two of you to head backstage and find somewhere to fight back there because I am making a Falls Count Anywhere Match right now. TONY CAPRETTI and CHAD, pins count anywhere OUTSIDE THE RING. Get a move on and get backstage because we got a damn show to get on with.


The show goes to a quick commercial break, and as we return the match is underway as the two men fight down one of the corridors backstage. CAPRETTI grabs CHAD by the hair and drives him into the wall before pulling him back and taking him down to the floor with a suplex. CAPRETTI makes the cover as the official counts.

1... 2... CHAD throws a shoulder up.

CAPRETTI climbs to his feet and attempts to pull CHAD up but CAPRETTI is caught unawares by a low blow from the Censored One. CHAD pulls CAPRETTI back and throws him into a nearby door before stepping back and spearing him through it! The door crashes to the floor and several splinters fly up into the air. CHAD goes for a pin attempt.


CHAD gets too his feet and pushes the referee into the cameraman and the shot cuts to static as the shot cuts backstage to the locker room.

C.H.A.D. is seen in the Men’s Locker Room finishing putting on his mask in finishing getting on his ring attire.

C.H.A.D.: If you're going to do anything tonight C.H.A.D., if you're going to go out there to try and prove anything to the XWF Fans first? Don't. Instead simply prove to yourself that you're even worthy enough for ANY Title Shots right now, much less the US or World Title Shots. Don't say you that you deserve them without physically backing up why. Tonight, let your actions speak louder than your mere words ever could. Let tonight be a reminder to people like JEREMY ADONIS and the US Champion DANTE ANGLAIS just who they're messing with here and why it's in their best interest not to. For sooner or later you'll get your shot at them again, but come out even more victorious than ever before. Time to go out there and show them who you really are by taking on whoever the XWF Upper Management has thrown my way and just demolish them. And in the mean time, get yourself into the scene of the hunt for the United States Championship Title Belt!

C.H.A.D. stands up cracking his neck to the left and to the right as he finishes psyching himself up before leaving the Men's Locker Room.

- - Standard Match - -

C.H.A.D. is standing in the middle of the ring as “Psychosocial” by SlipKnot is blaring over the PA System when ???’s music hits. ??? comes out walking underneath the X-Tron and begins making his way down towards the ring. C.H.A.D. waits patiently as ??? climbs up the steps and slowly begins entering the ring when suddenly out of nowhere C.H..A.D. begins running as fast as he can over to ??? while kneeing them straight in the head! The ref immediately has the bell rung as C.H.A.D. quickly picks them up with their feet on the ring apron and them leaning over the 2nd rope when C.H.A.D. nails a sick ddt! C.H.A.D. quickly runs over climbing up to the top turnbuckle before jumping off with 450 legdrop. C.H.A.D. back up to his feet yanks up a woozy ??? and irishwhips them across the ring as he runs the opposite direction before meeting up with them in the middle of the ring with a jump swinging ddt! ??? almost looks out cold as C.H.A.D. grabs a hold of ??? and yanks them up to their feet. C.H.A.D. then gra bs a hold of ???’s head and hoists them up into the air for seems like a stalling suplex when C.H.A.D. yanks down ??? in a jackhammer like style and following right over them into his first cover pin of the night!

1…… 2…… and a kickout!

C.H.A.D. getting back up to his feet begins walking over to untie a turnbuckle pad as the ref goes to stop him and retie it again. Turning back around, C.H.A.D. walks back over to ??? and is about to pull them up when suddenly ??? low blows C.H.A.D. without the ref ever seeing it! The crowd starts to cheer a bit for ??? as he begins to regain control of himself. ??? grabs onto C.H.A.D.’s head as he’s doubled over and knees him straight in the face sending C.H.A.D. reeling backwards and bouncing off the ropes. Coming back he’s met with a boot to the gut and a gut-wrench powerbomb perfectly nailed by ???! ??? getting up to his feet goes20right to work dragging C.H.A.D. over to one corner of the ring by the steps as they prop him up against the bottom turnbuckle. ??? then walks back across the ring opposite from C.H.A.D. when he sprints forward and lays into C.H.A.D. with a huge boot right into and across his face!! C.H.A.D. slumps over onto the ring mat as ??? rolls out of the ring and grabs a hold of the steel steps. He slightly pulls them away from the ring while placing C.H.A.D.’s bandaged up hand in the gap. ??? then walks back some 15 feet before running and dropkicking the steel steps as hard as he can! C.H.A.D. yells out in pain in yanking his hand to himself all curled up. ??? laughs to himself while rolling back into the ring already at 5-count in standing up when he makes his way over to C. H.A.D. while picking him up and walking him over to a ringpost by his mask. ??? hoists up C.H.A.D. onto the top rope and climbs up himself while picking up C.H.A.D. onto his shoulders and jumping off the 2nd rope with a fireman’s carry! Both men are downed as the ref starts up a 10-count, 1….. 2…… 3….. 4…… 5….. and ??? stirring first crawls over on top of C.H.A.D. with the ref dropping in.

1…… 2….. and a kickout by C.H.A.D.!

C.H.A.D. begins rolling over and getting to his hand and feet as ??? comes running towards him trying to punt his head like a football when C.H.A.D. catches his leg and flips him over backwards sending him crash landing on his stomach hard. C.H.A.D. rolls out of the ring quickly now walking over towards the ring announcer’s table in pulling the tvs out. C.H.A.D. walks back over to the ring apron climbing up on it and jumping up onto the top rope and jumping off in a flipping manner onto the ring mat in front of ??? before executing a flawless rolling thunder! The crowd is mutual over C.H.A.D. as he picks up ??? and throws him out of the ring. ??? lands hard on the floor having been tossed over the top rope as C.H.A.D. climbs out and picks ??? up. Walking him over to the ring announcer’s table he rolls him on top of it and runs back to the ring. Rolling inside he quickly runs across the ring and bounces off the ropes before coming back and jumping up to the top rope and leaping out into the air from the middle of the rope with his 2 CRAZY!!! C.H.A.D. crashes land hard on ??? as the table is completely destroyed! Both men are do wn for the 10-count as the ref starts back in. 1…. 2…… 3…… 4….. 5…… 6….. and C.H.A.D. is to his feet grabbing onto ??? and yanking him slowly over to the ring rolling him back in. C.H.A.D. himself rolls back in picking ??? up and then nails YOU'RE DONE WITH on ???!!! ??? looks like he can’t take it anymore when he finally just gives up and taps out! This one is over folks!


C.H.A.D. then proceeds to attack ??? from behind and rolls him out of the ring before climbing out himself. C.H.A.D. himself walks over to the Spanish announce table and yanks off the top before walking back over to ???. Picking him up by his hair C.H.A.D. walks him over to the table before smashing his head into it a few times and scooping him up with a sidewalk slam onto it. C.H.A.D. walks over pushing people out of the way as he grabs up a steel folding chair and smashing it down across the chest and stomach of ??? as he lays it there. Rolling back into the ring C.H.A.D. climbs to the top rope before jumping off with his 2nd version of 2 CRAZY!! The table completely levels out as both men are down. After a minute or so C.H.A.D. begins stirring and making his way over to grab a microphone.

C.H.A.D.: JASON CASH! JASSOOONNN CAAASH!! I know that you're a much smarter man than any of the "previous" Owners and GM's we've had over the past few weeks. How do I know that? Because you're creating a lot of drama here before you've even shown your face on tv! Kind of sounds like..... me! Anyways knowing how smart you, i ask of you kindly, to at least put me on the Contender list for the US Title Belt. If not, then at least book me in a match next week versus someone from the Contenders list. Have them fight for their Spot if they want it so bad! Cause I can guarantee you that no matter how badly they want it, I want it all the more! I need to have a purpose here in the XWF and not just to help fill the Card, help sell out completely every time or to just be someone for people to use as a stepping stone for their Careers. Uh uh! It ain't happening that way! If i'm going to make a name for myself through my own blood, sweat and tears then so be it! Look at what happened to ??? anyways, and he's not even a Champion! C.H.A.D. drops the microphone and begins slowly making his way for the ramp barely limping while holding onto his ribs and sides.

CHAD and CAPRETTI are now shown continuing their match in the locker-rooms. CHAD pushes CAPRETTI back against a set of lockers and follows it up by spearing him straight into them. CAPRETTI screams out in pain but still manages to catch CHAD with several stiff forearm shots that catch CHAD in the back and really make a forceful impact. Both men stumbles out of the wreckage that was once a set of lockers and CHAD pulls CAPRETTI down into a DDT and hooks up the near leg.

1... 2... CAPRETTI throws a shoulder up.

CHAD climbs up too his feet lifts CAPRETTI too his before kneeing him in the mid-section and setting him up for another DDT but CAPRETTI spins out of it and takes CHAD down with a short arm clothesline. He holds the arm and pulls CHAD straight back up before catching him with a second and then he drops him with a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge.

1... 2... CHAD is able to kick out.

CAPRETTI and CHAD both climb up too their feet as the action backstage continues but so does the show with the next ‘official’ match.

- - United States Championship Match - -

DAVID WILLIAMS and DANTE ANGLAIS throws themselves at each other as the bell rings with the two in a powerful lock up, grit and determination etched upon both men’s eyes. DANTE forces DW back into the corner and follows in the advantage with several hard knees to the mid-section before catching the Brit with a stiff European Uppercut and pulls him out of the corner before snapping him over in a whiplash suplex. DANTE quickly floats over into an immediate cover early on, One..... Two..... WILLIAMS is able to kick out of the pin attempt at a 2 count. DANTE immediately clambers back to his feet and doesn’t let up as he forces WILLIAMS back against the ropes and catches him with several hard knife-edged chops before whipping him off the ropes and taking him down in a ring-shaking spinebuster that echoes out across the arena. DANTE follows it up by bouncing himself off the ring ropes and dropping an elbow across WILLIAMS’ chest before hooking up the far leg in a cover, One..... Two..... Again WILLIAMS kicks out at 2 but DANTE definitely looks like he means business here tonight. DANTE grabs WILLIAMS by the hair and pulls him up to a vertical base before driving his forearm into DW’S chest several times. DANTE goes to set WILLIAMS up in a front waist lock but WILLIAMS finally puts in some offence by catching ANGLAIS with a couple of hard roundhouse right hands to the side of the head, catching DANTE totally unawares. WILLIAMS follows up with a few kicks to the side of ANGLAIS’ mid-section and he pulls DANTE in for a quick, whiplash powerslam, One..... Two..... DANTE throws his shoulder out at a two. DAVID climbs to his feet and grabs DANTE by the hair, quickly pulling him too his feet, before catches him with a boot to the gut. WILLIAMS bounces off the ring ropes and catches DANTE in the side of the head with a big knee smash that sends DANTE tumbling down to the canvas. DW drags DANTE over into the corner and climbs up onto the top rope before he comes flying off with a diving elbow drop that catches the US Champ square in the chest. DW goes for another cover, One..... Two..... DANTE is able to kick out of the pin at a two and a bit.

WILLIAMS climbs up too his feet and hooks DANTE up in a sleeper before dropping him to the mat in a Sleeper/Neckbreaker cross-over. WILLIAMS makes the cover after this ingenious move, One..... Two..... DANTE kicks out again. WILLIAMS looks slightly annoyed now as he climbs up too his feet and shakes his head in disappointment at not getting the win there and then. DW pulls DANTE up and calls for the Dead Level but ANGLAIS catches WILLIAMS with an elbow smash to the jaw and lifts him up onto his shoulders before dropping him to the mat with an Armageddon Driver!! That’s gotta be it!! Cover! One..... Two..... WILLIAMS KICKS OUT!! WILLIAMS KICKED OUT OF THE ARMAGEDDON DRIVER!! DANTE’S in shock! He climbs to his feet and forces the referee back into the corner, arguing with him as to whether or not that was a three count but the referee stands by the decision. It was a two. DANTE just shakes his head and turns around straight into The Chelsea Smile!! CHELSEA SMILE ON THE US CHAMPION!! NEW CHAMP SURELY!! One..... Two..... TH-NO!!! Now DANTE kicks out of one of WILLIAMS finishers!! WILLIAMS is not the one left to stare on in shock at not being able to get the victory! WILLIAMS climbs to his feet and calls out ‘one more time’ as he prepares to hit the Chelsea Smile for a second and surely final time in this match. He lines DANTE up and charges, attempting to hit a super kick. DANTE ducks out of nowhere and BAM!!! ANTI-CHRISTENING! DANTE COVERS……….1…….2……3!!! It’s over! DANTE retains his US Title! He rolls out of the ring and heads over to the announcers table and sits down to catch his breath. DAVID WILLIAMS is helped out of the ring by the ref as the Devil’s Playground is being lowered. The monstrous cage covers the entire ring as the fans cheer. They know the main event is going to be unforgettable.


C.H.A.D. is seen coming out of the showers with a towel wrapped around his waist. He walks over to a locker, a smile beaming from under his mask, and whistling Mettalica’s “Unforgiven.” He opens the locker, applies some deodorant and sets it in the bag on the bench, when he hears a knock on the door.

C.H.A.D.: Go away!

A sultry female voice comes from the other side of the door.

????: I have a special surprise for a certain C.H.A.D.

C.H.A.D. rolls his eyes beneath his mask and turns to face the door.

C.H.A.D.: I said go away! I’m getting dressed.

????: But I was hired to show you a good time.

C.H.A.D. perks a bit and heads towards the door. He stops just short of opening it, realizing it’s probably a trap. Without him noticing, MISS TERRY pop quietly out of one of the lockers behind him. C.H.A.D.: I’m not falling for THAT old trick, Miss Terry. I know it’s you behind the door.

MISS TERRY: Actually, I’m behind YOU, sweet cheeks.

C.H.A.D. spins around only to get a face full of glitter, blinding him. He shrieks, clawing at his eyes in an attempt to remove the substance. MISS TERRY leans down and harshly grabs his face, planting a huge kiss on his lips, momentarily quieting him. A shocked C.H.A.D. glances up at her through his watering eyes.

MISS TERRY: Mmmmmm. That was good. Almost as fun as the beating you gave me tonight. I want some more, baby. Next week, perhaps?

MISS TERRY steps back and delivers a sickening super kick to C.H.A.D.’s C.H.I.N., laying him out cold.

MISS TERRY: Ta ta for now, sugar.

MISS TERRY opens the door to a smiling woman, who is obviously a lady of the night. MISS TERRY pulls a wad of cash and pays the woman.

MISS TERRY: Your services won’t be necessary, my dear. Besides, I already tucked him in.

MISS TERRY strolls off laughing sadistically.


- - Devil’s Playground Drag Match - -

The cage is now surrounding the ring as the crowd is still on their feet here tonight. The bell rings and the match is about to get under way. What I’ve Done by Linkin Park begins to play as HUNTER RYAN makes his way out to the ring. The fans all begin to laugh as HUNTER comes out wearing a long flowery dress. He holds his world title in his hand and reluctantly continues down the ramp. The look of anger and embarrassment on his face says it all. HUNTER gets in the ring and doesn’t look very happy. The music then dies down as Hunt You Down by Saliva begins to play. The current XWF double champion comes out wearing a ridiculous grandmother like dress. Why is he wearing lipstick?! NICK makes his way down to ringside telling the fans who are laughing at him to shut up. FAMINE made sure that tonight would be unforgettable and it is! NICK gets in the ring and stands there laughing at his brother who laughs right back at him. Then they both get serious as Progenies of the Great Apocalypse blasts through the PA system announcing the arrival of the co GM for the night and special guest referee FAMINE OF THE VILE. FAMINE makes his way down to ringside wearing a referee shirt with its sleeves cut off. FAMINE is now in the ring as he stares at both men laughing at them. The RYAN BROTHERS stand in the middle of the ring as FAMINE stands between them asking for their belts. NICK hands his two straps over and then FAMINE turns to HUNTER for his World Title. HUNTER doesn't take his eyes off of his brother and reluctantly hands over his title. FAMINE then takes all three titles and throws them over to the left corner. NICK and HUNTER look at FAMINE with anger as their titles are thrown to the ground like garbage. Finally, FAMINE calls for the bell and we're underway!

NICK smiles at HUNTER and extends his hand in a show of respect of sorts. HUNTER stares at it...and surprisingly shakes his brother's hand! Suddenly, he scoops up NICK onto his shoulders and falls backwards into a brutal Samoan Drop! NICK cries out in pain with the little breath he has left in his lungs! NICK baited himself into that quick move by HUNTER! FAMINE is just standing over in the corner looking at a sexy female fan outside and trying to talk to her. HUNTER goes over to tap FAMINE who quickly gets in his face and tells him that he’s the ref tonight! NICK slowly rolls over to the ropes and tries to get to his feet. HUNTER is quickly back on the attack. He backs NICK into the corner and throws a few shoulder blocks into NICK'S gut keeping him from getting the air back into his lungs. NICK slumps into the corner as HUNTER stands back to look at his handy work. He walks back over and looks to stomp a mud hole into his brother but NICK grabs HUNTER’S foot and drops him to the canvas. NICK then gets to his feet barely able to breathe and heads over to his brother as FAMINE continues to look outside of the ring and is not paying attention to the match. NICK then picks up his brother and irish whips him hard against the steel mesh of the cage causing HUNTER to drop to his knees as he holds his back in pain. FAMINE looks in the direction of both men and just looks at them for a moment. Before he turns his attention to the female fan, he yells out to both men. “Continue” he says as NICK walks over to pick up his brother who is still holding his back. NICK tries to hit a suplex but HUNTER amazingly counters and suplexes NICK into the steel mesh. It’s now NICK RYAN who holds his back as HUNTER takes a moment to get to his feet. As HUNTER gets back to his feet, he looks over at his brother and notices something the crowd just noticed. NICK RYAN is wearing a thong! What the hell?! The crowd immediately begins to yell “NICK’S A HOMO” CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP! “NICK’S A HOMO” CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP.

HUNTER laughs for a moment but then gets serious and picks NICK up. He tosses him to the ropes and hits a beautiful spinning heel kick, knocking his brother down to the mat. HUNTER then quickly goes for the pin but FAMINE isn’t paying attention. HUNTER yells at FAMINE to count but by the time he gets to the mat NICK kicks out. NICK is pulled to his feet by his brother and they finally lock up in the middle of the ring as NICK quickly locks HUNTER'S head under his arm and tries to choke out his World Champion brother. HUNTER shoves NICK away and throws an elbow to the back of his brother's head causing NICK to drop to one knee. HUNTER grabs NICK up by the hair but NICK throws some lefts and rights into his brother's gut dropping HUNTER down now, to a knee. NICK bounces off the opposite ropes...and delivers a beautiful low drop kick to HUNTER'S face, knocking his brother backwards and against the ropes and steel of the cage! NICK quickly gets HUNTER to his feet, whips him into a corner, and tries to follow up with a clothesline but HUNTER lifts him up, causing NICK’S face to hit the corner of the cage. NICK is busted open as HUNTER then grabs him and hits a textbook bulldog! HUNTER goes for the cover again. This time FAMINE is in position but counts very slowly….1………………………………………2. Kick out by NICK! HUNTER is beginning to get frustrated as NICK gets the upper hand and knocks his brother down to the mat. He then drops a few elbows onto HUNTER'S sternum then locks in an arm bar for good measure. HUNTER cries out as NICK jerks at his brother's arm, nearly yanking it out of its socket!

FAMINE then calls for the bell. What the hell? Is the match over already? We didn’t see HUNTER tap out. FAMINE then calls the announcer over and tells him he was just kidding. He looks back at NICK and HUNTER who are not very happy with him. FAMINE smiles and then motions his hands, telling them to continue. HUNTER slowly rises to his feet and NICK swings around and locks HUNTER'S arm behind his back, still torquing the World Champion's joints. HUNTER runs forward towards a corner, up the turnbuckle...and into a reverse DDT to NICK! Another cover by HUNTER now! 1...2...KICK OUT by NICK RYAN! NICK is severely bleeding as HUNTER rolls off his brother and gets to his feet. He shakes off the pain in his arm and stares down at NICK who is slowly getting to his feet. Again, the brothers stare each other down as the fans start to get restless. They look around them at the crowd who start to get on their feet and cheer! There are actually cheers in the crowd in a match consisting only of RYAN BROTHERS! Both brothers seem to find a smirk spread across their faces, until it quickly fades from HUNTER'S as he delivers a straight right hand to the jaw of NICK who stumbles back against the ropes...and returns a straight right of his own to his brother! The two return lefts and rights for a moment until finally NICK gets the upper hand countering a right from HUNTER! He kicks his brother in the gut, grabs him by the head and then tosses him into the steel mesh of the cage. HUNTER RYAN is now busted open as well. He falls back to the mat as NICK goes for the cover. He waits for the count from FAMINE but FAMINE is over in the corner once again talking to the sexy female outside in the audience. NICK gets up and walks over to FAMINE. He grabs him by the arm and turns him around viciously. NICK gets into the face of FAMINE and FAMINE pushes him back telling him to back off or he’ll be disqualified. NICK continues to yell and doesn’t see that HUNTER is coming from behind him. HUNTER grabs NICK and takes him down to the mat with a school boy! HUNTER RYAN goes old school as he tries to get the win. But FAMINE is still not counting. HUNTER looks up at FAMINE who is just standing there looking around. Suddenly he bursts out in pain! He grabs his left eye and starts holding it. He says he can’t see and it hurts. HUNTER isn’t buying it though. He walks over to the top rope as NICK now starts to get to his feet. HUNTER flies and BOOM! HUNTER’S SPEAR! HUNTER’S SPEAR! NICK is down and out as HUNTER goes for the cover again. But FAMINE is still yelling and screaming about his eye. HUNTER gets off his brother and walks over to FAMINE. He throws a punch at FAMINE sending him back to the corner. HUNTER then tries to run in to hit FAMINE with a clothesline but FAMINE moves at the last second and HUNTER connects chest first with the top turnbuckle padding. He stumbles back and BOOM!!! FAMINE nails the Hellseeker! MY GOD! If HUNTER’S neck isn’t broken it will be a miracle. FAMINE then walks over to NICK and picks him up. MY GOD! Nail In The Coffin! FAMINE has just taken out both RYAN brothers. Who’s going to win now? FAMINE stands up and looks at both men who are completely laid out. He looks at NICK and then at HUNTER. He walks over to HUNTER and drags him over to his brother, placing him on top. He then gets down on the mat and begins to count. 1…………………………Neither man is moving. 2……………………………….FAMINE then stops for a moment and yawns………3! It’s over. HUNTER RYAN is the winner of the match tonight. FAMINE gets to his feet as the cage is raised up over all three men. He then walks over and asks for a mic.

FAMINE: See, I told you two sons of bitches this wasn’t over. When I say I’m going to get my revenge. I MEAN IT! No one….and I mean NO ONE! Messes with the Sons of Apocalypse!


Suddenly, "The Prodigal Son" by Michael Wandmacher starts to play. The fans are out of their chairs and on their feet as the Universal champion makes his way down to ringside. FAMINE stands there smiling as two referees help the RYAN’S out of the ring. RANMA is now in the ring as FAMINE gets in his face. We now get a closer look at both men and…….wait a minute. That’s not RANMA SAOTOME. That’s nothing but a look alike with a fake Universal title belt.

The fake RANMA stands right in front of FAMINE who now backs up and pulls some index cards out of his back pocket.

FAMINE: Ok champ, I wanted to bring you out here tonight to actually do an interview. I want to get to know more about the man they call unstoppable. So why don’t we go ahead and get started?

FAKE RANMA: A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never quite sure.

FAMINE: Uhhhhhh, ok. So champ, last week you and I went toe to toe with our respective tag partners for a shot at those tag titles. Now, needless to say that the Sons of Apocalypse were screwed but how do you feel about the match?

FAKE RANMA: Well, Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.

FAMINE: Yeah, I just did that. I asked the question from the beginning and then stopped so you could answer.

FAKE RANMA: I see. My answer to that is this; only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying.

Famine looks at the crowd a bit puzzled but continues.

FAMINE: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Why don’t we move on to something else? Your promo’s for example. I’ve heard rumors that you read from cue cards and that you have no idea what you’re saying because you actually never graduated the fifth grade. Now this isn’t me saying it. As I said, these are rumors so I would like to have you answer this.

FAKE RANMA: That is outlandish and completely apocryphal! I tell you everything that is really nothing, and nothing of what is everything, do not be fooled by what I am saying. Please listen carefully and try to hear what I am not saying.

FAMINE: You know to be completely honest with you; I have no clue what the f**k you’re talking about. No one does! You sit there and you record these promos and half the time I’m either watching a PBS special or the channel is stuck on some kind of learning show. You know something else? I don’t even think YOU know what you’re saying.

FAKE RANMA: To that I say this; No matter where you go or what you do, you live your entire life within the confines of your head.

FAMINE: And I see you’ve been doing that quite well for a long time haven’t you? Look, last week I said I had figured out your weakness, and I have. The only reason you won the match is because the RYAN’S decided to screw me and DANTE over. Do you think you stand a chance at Rage in the Cage?

FAKE RANMA: I know no subject more elevating, more amazing, and more ready to the poetical enthusiasm, the philosophical reflection, and the moral sentiment than the works of nature. Where can we meet such variety, such beauty, such magnificence?

FAMINE: Well, I didn’t think the Devil’s Playground was such a beautiful thing to you RANMA. But you still didn’t answer the question.

FAKE RANMA: Maybe I'm being philosophical and spiritual, but I believe that if you put negative energy out there that that is what will come back.

FAMINE: You know what? Don’t answer the f**king question ok? I don’t know what this negative energy comment has to do with what I asked you but I’m beginning to think that you’re a fraud. You sit here and spout off nonsense and don’t answer my questions. I mean what’s the deal here. Are you at all aware of the universe we are in? I mean honestly, you don’t make any sense. Can you for once in your life answer the goddamn question without a riddle attached to it?

FAKE RANMA: Ok fine! I’m a fraud alright? I……I don’t know what the hell I’m saying half the time. I have writers who help me with this stuff. They think it will make me sound very eloquent and urbane. I don’t even know what the hell urbane means!

FAMINE: Well, actually it means that….

FAKE RANMA interrupts him.

FAKE RANMA: That wasn’t a question! Look, the fact of the matter is that I didn’t graduate. I tried hard to sound like I knew what I was talking about but when my promos are over I have to go home and sit down for twenty minutes to unplug. I feel like Neo in the Matrix!

FAMINE: Well at least you have admitted that you have a problem. All you can do now is live with it and find the answers you’re looking for. Good luck to you. Now get out!

The FAKE RANMA starts to leave the ring when FAMINE quickly comes from behind and BOOM! Hellseeker on the FAKE RANMA! FAMINE stands over his body with a serious look on his face. He pics up the mic again and looks directly into the camera.

FAMINE: RANMA! Come Rage in the Cage, this is going to be you!

FAMINE drops the mic and leaves the ring as Progenies of the Great Apocalypse begins to play once again. Just then the music is cut off as Dead Star hits and DANTE ANGLAIS makes another appearance tonight, this time with a steel chair in his hands. The referees helping HUNTER and NICK stop as FAMINE and DANTE block them from continuing to the back.

DANTE ANGLAIS: I know you weren’t expecting me to be here just yet, we’ve gotta get everything set for the World Title contract signing etcetera but I just needed to do something before that contract signing. Don’t worry, it’s ok, because we’re in charge tonight.

DANTE places the microphone down on the floor and grabs the chair, lifting it over his head before driving it down into the back of NICK RYAN as FAMINE just watches. Again and again and again and again, DANTE is a madman!! He’s insane!! DANTE drives the chair into NICK RYAN’S lifeless body at least forty freaking times before he throws the chair out into the crowd. HUNTER RYAN shoves the referee that is helping him off and he and DANTE lock eyes as DANTE picks the mic up once again.

DANTE ANGLAIS: It’s ok, because we’re in charge. That was your theory last week and this is called revenge. NICK RYAN hit me with the NKO and now I’ve killed him, ok? Don’t worry, I’m not going to touch you, I’m not that petty. Now head back to the ring so we can get this thing underway. Everybody remember, it’s all ok because we’re in charge!

DANTE licks his lips and has a glazed, sadist look in his eyes. He’s demented!! What the hell is wrong with him? FAMINE smiles at him as he heads to the back and DANTE goes to the ring followed by HUNTER who first helps NICK to his feet. The refs carry NICK to the back as the contract signing is about to begin.


Co-GM and US Champion DANTE ANGLAIS stands proudly, US belt slung over his shoulder, and mic in hand. There is a table set out in the middle of the ring with a chair on either side and one on the end. DANTE holds a contract in his hand on a clipboard.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Ladies and gents, it's time for my favorite moment of the evening...the contract signing for the World Title Match at Rage in the Cage!

The crowd goes nuts! They can't wait!

DANTE ANGLAIS: As you all found out last week, it will be a triple-threat match featuring the World Champion, HUNTER RYAN here, of course, the legendary CENTURION who just lost the belt at Born Arrangement, and finally...yours truly and current US Champion...DANT...

"Ignorance" by Paramore cuts off DANTE and the crowd goes absolutely nuts as their beloved legend and former World Champion, CENTURION, appears on the XTRON in what looks like the inside of a limo. DANTE looks a little peeved he’s been interrupted.

CENTURION: First off, DANTE, I want to congratulate you for getting handed this title shot at Rage in the Cage. I mean, we all know just how much you've deserved it...or not. Being US Champion doesn't automatically earn you a shot at a belt as prestigious as the World Title...hell...HUNTER can tell you that. He had to win that belt you're holding there twice before anyone would take him seriously. Oh, and DANTE...he beat legitimate opponents to get where he is right now. But I digress. I'm actually out here for one reason and that is not to talk you or HUNTER up. It is not to boast about how I'm going to walk into Rage in the Cage and walk out a FOUR-time World Champion. In fact, it's just the contrary, actually. I just want to say...

HUNTER: Hang on there. I know exactly what you’re going to say CENTURION, and you're right, it's not to boast, brag, or talk yourself up. It's not to do anything else but admit that last week's news about you being a part of this match was all a joke...and you're want to clear the air. So come on...out with it, already.

The fans boo HUNTER. They wanna see this match a triple-threat!

CENTURION: HUNTER, losing that title hit me harder than I thought it would. Hell, I'll be honest and admit that I truly didn't give you a chance at taking it from me. But see, HUNTER, that's what a fighting champion does. That's the way he thinks. He walks into any and every title defence believing in his heart of hearts that there is no one on earth who will take what is rightfully his. What he's fought so hard to possess. What he has staked his entire career on!

The fans are really behind CENTURION and they give him a very respectful and adoring response. The "CENTURION" chants begin.

CENTURION: But here's the truth, gentlemen. I've held this title three times. I've beaten some of the best this business has had to throw at me. I've walked out of each and every match a different man...with the same outcome. Carrying that World Title to the back over my shoulder. However...

The fans pop again and CENTURION can't help but smile.

CENTURION: ...however, Rage in the Cage will not be a triple-threat match. It will be DANTE ANGLAIS challenging World Champion, HUNTER RYAN...as CENTURION takes a seat on the sidelines to watch what he hopes to be a great battle between two of this business's brightest stars. Good luck, gentlemen.

The XTRON then fades as the crowd can’t believe what they’ve just heard! CENTURION is bowing out of the World Title match? What’s going on?! HUNTER turns around to address DANTE when...BAM! US Title off the skull of HUNTER RYAN!! HUNTER starts to bleed even more and is knocked out cold as a small pool of blood begins to form around his head! DANTE takes the clipboard from the table and signs his name. He drops down next to HUNTER, dips the pen in the blood that has formed on the mat, and sets it and the contract on HUNTER'S chest.

DANTE ANGLAIS: When you wake up, Champ...don't forget that I warned you. Oh and at Rage, your ass is mine!

He drops the mic and rolls out of the ring. The fans are stunned silent. HUNTER isn't moving! What will the outcome of this be next week on Anarchy?

We’re backstage once again where CHAD and CAPRETTI are STILL going at it, this time, in the parking lot. CHAD can hardly stand as he stumbles across the parking lot floor but CAPRETTI is quickly after him, chucking him into a nearby Ferrari. The cars alarm goes off as CAPRETTI tosses CHAD atop the car and climbs onto it himself. CAPRETTI catches CHAD with a stiff uppercut before calling for the end as he lifts CHAD into the air and onto his shoulders before spinning him around and dropping him onto the roof of the car with the Ride From Rome!! CHAD is out as he bounces off the roof and rolls off the car revealing a huge dent in the roof. CAPRETTI tries to get too his feet but can hardly move.

CAPRETTI manages to roll off the roof of the car himself and drops an arm across CHAD, 1... 2... CHAD somehow throws his shoulder up and out at a count of 2!!

These two are STILL going!!

CAPRETTI pulls CHAD up and chucks him into the middle of the car park and pulls something out of his pocket... keys? What the hell? He gets into a black Cadillac and reverses out... What’s he doing? OH MY GOD! He’s going to run CHAD over! CHAD is barely too his feet when CAPRETTI’S car comes charging towards him and CHAD dives out of the way.....CRUNCH!!





EMT’S race to the scene as CAPRETTI disappears into the night. CHAD looks seriously hurt! What will happen to the tag titles now that CHAD may be out for a while? The camera then goes backstage where DANTE ANGLAIS and FAMINE OF THE VILE are sitting in the GM Office laughing about tonight’s events.

FAMINE: Well, I hope you all enjoyed tonight’s Anarchy. I know we sure did.

DANTE ANGLAIS: Indeed partner. But I admit that I do have some bad news. As my final act as Co-GM of Anarchy this week, because of my actions against NICK and HUNTER RYAN earlier on tonight, effective immediately, I’m suspending MYSELF from active competition until Rage In The Cage.

FAMINE: Wait, what? What do you mean you’re suspending yourself?

DANTE leans in and tells FAMINE something in his ear. FAMINE then smiles as the show comes to a close. What will happen next week when Anarchy returns live?!

Fade to black...

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