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The scene opens to Mt. Sinai Memorial Park where the funeral services for Hadrian Burke aka Famine of the Vile are being held today. Steve Sayors among many other XWF superstars are in attendance today. He is there with a camera crew, getting comments and reactions to what is a very somber and quiet gathering for one of their own.
Sayors: Ladies and gentlemen. I am Steve Sayors and we are here at Mt. Sinai Memorial Park where today we have the unfortunate task of seeing one of our own get buried today. His name, was Hadrian Burke. But to us in the XWF and the rest of the world, he was Famine of the Vile. Last week, Hadrian was in a match when he suddenly collapsed in front of millions. He was later rushed to the hospital where the doctors determined that he had suffered from a severe myocardial infarction or heart attack. He was in a coma for just a few hours before he could no longer hold on and passed away. This is the only part of the ceremony where I will speak. The rest of the time, the camera will be focused on the service. Before I go inside, I would just like to say this…..Hadrian Burke and I have been friends for a long time now. Ever since he came to the XWF he and I have had a good relationship and I have seen him through his ups and downs. I am not only saddened by this loss but heartbroken. The world has lost one of the most unique people I was proud to know. And the XWF has lost one of its most amazing superstars. Hadrian, you are gone, but you will never be forgotten.
The camera then pans toward the entrance where we now see many of the XWF greats walking in. Hardcore Smitty and The Outsider Stone are seen walking in. We can hear them talking to each other as the camera catches the conversation.
Stone: Why are we here again?
Smitty: Because our good friend Famine is dead.
Stone: I thought he was dead the whole time?
Smitty: Me too. But now he's actually dead.
Stone: Like he's lost all control of bowel movements, did the rigaboatis thing and is going into the ground forever kind of dead?
Smitty: It looks that way.
Stone: Whoa... I mean... Just WHOA. I need a moment!
The Outsider Stone runs into a bathroom close by and is heard wailing at the top of his lungs. Hardcore Smitty stands there waiting as Dynamic Dynamite, Dan Fierce, Nick and Hunter Ryan, John Gambino and many more continue to head toward their seats. The scene then fades to black as we go to the ceremony where Pastor Andrew O’Connell is ready to begin the service.
Pastor: Thank you all for coming today. Today we are here to pay our last respects to Hadrian Burke. A man who lived his life on the edge as a professional wrestler. But we are not here to judge him because we all know that we should not judge lest ye be judged as the good book says. No, instead we are here to speak about forgiveness. Matthew 6:14-15
For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
I recently saw a news item that was a follow up on a shooting that had happened a year before. An innocent woman was shot in the cross fire between two men. She became paralyzed by the injury. The item was about the huge change in her life since the shooting. The thing that struck me most was her statement: "I haven’t forgiven them yet, but I know I have to, because if I don’t God won’t forgive me."
I could see the pain that she was in, I could see the life that she had lost, and I wanted to say, "No, God loves for who you are, you been greatly damaged, it’s all right!" But she knew the truth, beyond the emotion of seeing a terrible crime like this, the truth is, that unless we forgive those who haves harmed us, who have sinned against us, God will not forgive us.
She had two things correct.
1) We must forgive to be forgiven.
Jesus says it in a number of places:
in Matthew 7:2
For in the same way as you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
in Matthew 18:35
``This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.’’(to be handed over to the torturers)
in Mark 11:25
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.’’
Paul says it in Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
James says it in James 2:13
because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!
It covers the New Testament. If we do not forgive those who harm us, God will not forgive us!
What is forgiveness?
Forgiveness also initiates the process. You have most likely heard someone say, Or maybe you have said yourself "Ill forgive them when they come and say they are sorry." This is not God’s way God says "I forgive you, now will you accept it by confessing and repenting?" If we wait for a confession to forgive, most often we will be waiting a long time.
In his book "What’s so Amazing about Grace," Philip Yancey tells a story about a man and wife who one night had an argument about how supper was cooked, it was so heated that night they slept in separate rooms. Neither has approached the other to say I’m sorry or to offer forgiveness, and they have remained in separate rooms years after the argument, each night they go yo bed hoping that the other will approach them with an apology or forgiveness, but neither goes to the other. God’s forgiveness does not wait for repentance; it initiates and calls out repentance by offering forgiveness.
This is why some people have great difficulty forgiving people. Either they hate confrontation and don’t want to confront someone with their sin, so instead they stew in their un-forgiveness and hate not wanting to do the hard work of forgiveness.
Other times the seriousness of forgiveness shows up the pettiness of our grudges. When I was in university, I was talking with a friend and I was trying to decide wether or not to get my hair cut short, or let it grow long. After letting me natter on for awhile, he coyly said "Why don’t we pray about it" He was joking of course, but it was his way of saying that if it doesn’t warrant prayer, then it really isn’t that important of a decision is it?. Some wrongs against us aren’t serious enough to warrant forgiveness. Some behavior needs to be excused rather than forgiven. Accidents, mistakes, minor lapses in judgment, misunderstandings seldom need forgiveness, usually the just need to be excused. I know two elderly sisters who were in a car accident 20 years ago. Each blamed the other for the accident. The one driving said her sister was distracting her, and the sister said she was driving badly. Both of them should have said "these things happen" and got on with life, but instead of excusing each other, they have not spoken in 20 years!
Works religion?
The answer is, yes, God’s grace is free, but it is not cheap. When God’s grace comes into our lives, it does not leave us as we were, it changes us. And one of the first changes that it make is to give us the power to forgive. By forgiving others we are proving that we have accepted God’s forgiveness, and are living in it! If we refuse to forgive those who harm us we are showing that we have not really accepted God’s grace, and thus it is removed from us.
Forgiveness is hard
It is not easy to give up our right to be hurt, to be angry to get back, to hate the other for what they have done. You may have had terrible things done to you by someone you loved and trusted, and they hurt you and broke your trust. You may have lost a great deal because of someone’s actions.
The Bible tells us the story of Joseph whose ten brothers first planned to kill him, and them because they lacked the fortitude to do that they sold him as a slave to traders who sold him to an Egyptian. Joseph went from slavery to prison, and then to a place in Pharaoh’s court, and finally to being in charge of all Egypt second only to Pharaoh himself. When famine drives his brothers to Egypt Joseph has his enemies in the palm of his hand. He plays with them for awhile, to see if they are still evil, but they are really more pathetic than evil, and just before he reveals himself to them to forgive them, we are told that he wept so loudly that the whole palace heard it. We are not told why he wept, but I imagine it was because what he was about to do was hard, and painful. By society’s standards he had the right and the power to kill them, but instead he embraces them, but it is not easy, it is hard.
It is not easy to forgive, but God in his grace gives us the power to do it.
Forgiveness is an act of faith - Yancy, "What’s So Amazing About Grace?" p.93 "At last I understood: in the final analysis, forgiveness is an act of faith. By forgiving another, I am trusting that God is a better justice-maker than I am. By forgiving, I release my own right to get even and leave all issues of fairness for God to work out. I leave in God’s hands the scales that must balance justice and mercy.
Just like tithing is an act of faith by which we are saying "I might not be able to afford this, but God looks after my needs." Forgiveness is an act of faith, because we are saying, "if there is any punishment that is needed, or any giving of mercy, God will look after it just fine."
Paul says in Romans 12:19-21 "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." No, "if your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on their heads." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
In conclusion, we must forgive those who have hurt us. Not only because God commands it, because our own forgiveness hinges on it, but because it is the best thing for us. When we refuse to forgive the bitterness grows like a cancer within us and it eats away at us, causing stress and illness and great lack of joy. The only therapy for this cancer is the surgery of forgiveness.
When we refuse to forgive, we allow the sin that was committed against us to hurt us twice: once when we were first sinned against, and again by keeping us from receiving God’s forgiveness. We need to stop the pain and forgive.
Is there someone who you need to forgive? Is there someone who you haven’t talked to in a long time because of what they did? Is there someone who you refuse to trust because of what they did? Is there someone who you avoid like the plague, you won’t sit beside, someone for whom you just feel like spitting? Is there someone whom you are waiting for a confession from before you offer forgiveness? You must forgive them. Your own forgiveness relies on it.
I’m sure that Hadrian Burke had a lot of forgiving to do and a lot to receive. If you here now have not forgiven Hadrian for something he may have done to you. Please forgive him now. Because when your time comes, I am sure, as is everyone else attending today, that you want to be forgiven and you can be at peace. Let us all bow our heads and say a prayer as we say goodbye to a friend and father in Hadrian Burke.
The pastor ends his sermon after the prayer and then grabs his bible and paper work.
Pastor: I understand that we have some friends of the deceased who would like to say a few words?
Nick Ryan is the first one to stand. He is dressed in a black Armani suit with shades on. As he walks up, you can see a tear falling from his left cheek. He walks up to the podium and sets some papers down. He takes off his glasses and looks at the crowd and then at the casket for a moment
Nick: Ladies and gentlemen we are here to honor the life and career of Famine of the Vile. A lot of you are probably surprised that I am here because Famine and I didn't always see eye to eye, but that didn't mean the respect wasn't there. I first met Famine a number of years ago. I was a bit hesitant at first because of his demeanor. But after talking and getting to know him, a friendship grew and we became good friends. Over the years we were either friends or enemies. But through it all I always had respect for him as a man and wrestler. Not a lot of you may know but my first ever wrestling match was against him. That night after the match he told me I would have a future in this business. He said I should stick to my guns and never let anything stand in my way. The XWF and the wrestling industry has lost a great competitor. Not only that. But I lost a good friend and I just hope that whenever I step into the ring that my performance and my actions will make him proud.
Nick stops and looks up towards the ceiling.
Nick: Famine I know your looking down at me and shaking your head. You’re probably wishing that everyone go out and party and forget all this sadness and tears but what can I say? We’re human and regardless of whether people loved you or hated you, you had people that care about you as a friend and as a person. Hopefully one day I'll be joining you in the great wrestling ring in the sky and you'll continue kicking my ass.
Nick wipes the tears from his eyes as he takes a t-shirt out from inside his jacket. He walks over to the casket and places an Initiative t-shirt on top before kneeling down and saying a prayer. He stands up and leaves the podium as he walks over to his brother Hunter.
We then see Trent Gein and RJ Palmer talking as the crowd waits for the next person to speak. That person is Peter Gilmour who is nowhere to be found.
Trent: I'm still in shock about what happened to Famine.
RJ: Yeah, what are we going to do now? Peter, isn't here and last I heard he was an emotional wreck.
Trent: I can imagine. He looked up to Famine as if he was his own father. Even though it is truly a sad day, he needs to get his act together and not be such a baby.
RJ begins to chuckle a bit. Suddenly, we see a long black limo entering the cemetery. The driver gets out and opens the back door. Out first steps Rose Smith who is dressed in a black dress and high heel shoes. She also has a black hat with a veil surrounding her face. She looks back and then signals for someone to come out of the car. Peter Gilmour comes out of the limo slowly. He is wearing a black Armani suit with black slacks and dress shoes. He has black sunglasses on his eyes as well. Peter takes a moment to look around. He then sees Trent and RJ and walks over to them.
Trent: About time you showed up. What were you doing, having a quickie? You do know this is Famine's funeral right?
Peter: Very funny Trent. We were stuck in traffic. Anyways, I guess I'm late for the service huh?
RJ: Yup, just ended a few minutes ago but people are waiting for you to go up there and speak.
Peter seems a little pissed off as he turns around and smacks his leg.
Peter: Damn it!
Peter looks down but Trent puts an arm around him.
Trent: Don't worry Peter. Famine has named me the new leader of the N.O.W. and I will continue what he started so I expect you to follow suit. I know you're hurting because he is gone. But if you stick by me, I can guide you back into the Hart Title hunt. Trust me Peter. I will do everything in my power to make sure you become a champion once again, and I will make sure that the N.O.W. begins to make a name for ourselves. Now let's go. We have much to discuss.
Peter: I'll be right there.
Trent and RJ nod as they head off into a waiting limo leaving Rose and Peter alone. They then walk inside and head toward the podium. Peter and Rose then look at the coffin and we can see Rose crying from under her veil. She takes a single white rose and places it on top of the casket. Rose looks down and says a final prayer as Peter just looks on. Rose finishes her prayer and then puts a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder and then stands at his side as Peter begins to speak to the crowd.
Peter: Well old friend. I guess this is our last goodbye. I never really got a chance to tell you how much it meant to me that you had faith in me and that you stood by me when no one else did or would. I felt alive again and I felt like I could do anything thanks to you. And now that you’re gone I don’t know what I am going to do. I will try to move on and be strong. I will also try to keep your legacy alive. Hadrian, you are truly a legend in my book and nothing or no one will ever change that. Take care and I’ll see you again someday.
And with that Peter salutes Famine with a "X" symbol and lays a rose down on the casket. He wipes away a few tears as he leaves the podium and heads back to his limo with Rose who is waiting. We see Trent and RJ nod their heads as they get into their cars. Peter and Rose soon follow and we end the scene with both limousines leaving the cemetery. Inside, everyone is getting ready to leave when all of a sudden, people stop in their tracks and are in shock. They cannot believe their eyes as they see two people they never thought would show up. Brendan Fields and Scott Young. Brendan, better known to the XWF as Soul Bearer is Famines son. Scott is his long time friend and former tag partner. They both head inside as the people sit back down to see if they will have anything to say.
Brendan is the first one up as he walks toward the podium and looks at everyone in the crowd. He sees some familiar faces and for a moment smiles at them but the smile turns to seriousness as he begins to speak.
Brendan: Many of you never thought you would see me again. I never thought that I would see any of you in either. Especially not in a situation like this. As many of you know or don’t know, Hadrian was my father. And even though we never really kept in touch or saw each other much, we did manage to connect during my time with him in the XWF and out. We spent some time together and he told me that he was sorry he was never in my life while I was growing up. He said that he wished he could do it all over again. I wish he had and then maybe things would have been different between us. But that doesn’t matter anymore. He is gone and now he and mom are together again. I just hope that I can make him proud and continue his legacy in my own part of the world.
Brendan then turns and looks at the casket.
Brendan: Dad, I know you wouldn’t want any of us here grieving over you and crying, but what can I say? Regardless of your past and your in ring persona, you were a great man and you touched the lives of many people. I know one day we will all see each other again. Goodbye pops.
Brendan steps to the side as Scott Young comes up. He is wearing a nice black suit with some shades on.
Scott: I never thought this day would come. I thought that Hadrian was going to live forever. He seemed to have that aura about him that just made you feel like he was immortal. But in a way, he is immortal. His memory will live on forever through those who knew him best. And he will also live forever in the XWF as he will be remembered by his peers and the fans all around the world that saw the Demon king night after night. Hadrian, you and I have been friends for many years. I was almost as close to you as a brother. I will never forget you my friend. I’ll see you again someday.
Scott then walks over to the casket and lays an old S.O.A. t-shirt on top of it, right next to the Initiative shirt laid there by Nick Ryan. The pastor then walks back up to the podium.
Pastor: That will conclude our services. Please follow the pallbearers to the burial site.
Everyone stands up and heads out as the pallbearers follow behind, carrying Famine’s casket. They all walk for about five minutes before reaching the burial spot. The casket is then lowered as everyone bows their head in a moment of silence. The scene fades to black with a look at the casket and the shirts still on top as well as the two roses.
THE END……………….