001 ;; the champ is here!!
date: - ????
city: - ????
venue: - ????
Scheduled Match
john cena vs ????
wins: 00
losses: 00
draws: 00
002 ;; reppin' boston, mass.
name: john cena
hails from: west newbury, mass.
weights: 265lbs
stands: 6ft 2in
years professional: ???
003 ;; contact info
ask for it.
004 ;; disclaimer
We are not affiliated with WWE.com or any other Organization(s) in full association with John Cena. All Content, Images, Graphical's and Media are fully Copyrighted. All Image's & Photo's are fully Copyrighted to they're respectful Owners & are being Used under the Fair Copyright Law 107.
005 ;; credits
Hazzy for the layout gfx but AMBER for the coding