Name: Matt Hardy
Gimmick: Version One
Finishing Move: Twist of Fate
Manager: Vacant/None
W/L/D Record: 0/0/0
Roleplay #: 01
Next Match: Tag Team Match (w/ Jeff)
Next Opponent: Big Show & Shannon Moore
Name: Hazzy
Years Fedding: 1+
People Played Before: Triple H, John Cena, Edge, Bobby Lashley, Dusty Rhodes
MSN: lfc-champsofeurope
AIM: n/a
YIM: n/a
All GFX on the layout made by me Hazzy and all coding done by Cory and Brad. I have been given permission by Cory to use the coding so do not steal or you life will be the cost. I am in no way associated with WWE or Matt Hardy. Enjoy the roleplay.