Salt Lake
City, Utah
May 12,
Dark Match Results
Jay Lethal
d. Necro Butcher
via Pinfall
at 13:57
CM Punk d.
Adam Pearce
via Submission at 10:23
Winner: James Storm via Pinfall (18:35) [[ We come back from commercial and get a view of the jam-packed arena. The video screen over the entrance ramp comes to life as Bret Hart pops up on it to a huge chorus of boos. It looks like he's sitting at his home, sending a pre-taped promo he shot days ago, probably right after Canadian Collision. The camera switches, giving us a full view of the promo. ]] Bret Hart: Ya' know, since Canadian Collision, I've been asked a whole lot of questions. The main question was, "Bret, was it worth it?" To that question.. Yes, it was. [[ Boos. ]] Bret Hart: It was absolutely worth giving Shawn Michaels a dose of his own medicine. It was worth coming back into a wrestling ring only to humiliate Shawn Michaels in his big wrestling comeback. [[ Bret looks very proud of what he's done. ]] Bret Hart: Now, it's been brought to my attention that Shawn Michaels has challenged me to a match. He wants Shawn Michaels versus Bret Hart one more time for all times. [[ Huge crowd pop. ]] Bret Hart: Not gonna' happen. [[ The cheers quickly turn back to boos as Bret squashes all hope of the match going down. ]] Bret Hart: I retired a long time ago, something Shawn Michaels needs to follow suit in himself. [[ Pause. ]] Bret Hart: If Shawn Michaels wants a match with me, he can kiss my ass first! I'll never step into the ring ever again, let alone to fight Shawn Michaels. Talk about me not putting things in the past, looks like someone needs to let things die. [[ The boos are growing more loud. A small "H-B-K!" chant starts. ]] Bret Hart: I'm in League O'Champions for one reason, that's to mentor my nephews, niece, and friend, Lance Storm. I'm not here to fight, especially in a match that'd be booked for no other reason than to help buy-rates. BRET HART WILL NOT BE SOLICITED LIKE SOME WHORE ON THE STREET CORNER! [[ Bret takes the mic off his shirt and storms off, leaving the fans and us with a blank view. The fans boo as we switch scenes. ]] [[ CM Punk is seen backstage talking to Ace Steel and Maria. A casual conversation among friends quickly escalates into something far worse that they weren't expecting as Ace and Punk are jumped from behind by Randy Orton, Vince Russo, Jay Lethal, and Kenny! Russo grabs Maria by the shoulders and pins her against the wall as Lethal and Kenny take Ace Steel out. ]] Maria: Disgusting! Vince Russo: We ain't done nothin' to your friends yet! Maria: No, not that.. Your breath. Did you just get done eating a baby's diaper covered in burnt hair? [[ Russo lets go of her and smells of his breath, allowing Maria to kick him in the nads. Russo grabs his balls and yelps. ]] Vince Russo: OH, MY GOD! THAT SLUT! THAT RETARDED SLUT! [[ She rushes off but doesn't get too far.. Edge has her by the hair. He looks at her seductively, slamming her against the wall. ]] Edge: What do we have here? Maria.. Fine, fine, Maria. [[ We switch over to Orton laying the boots to CM Punk. Kenny picks up Punk, allowing Orton to continue punching on Punk's busted open forehead. Orton shows Maria the blood as it pours out of Punk's skull. ]] Randy Orton: IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED, PUNK?! HUH?! [[ He slaps Punk. ]] Randy Orton: You wanted three matches with me, but the thing is.. YOU'RE ONLY GONNA' HAVE ONE! THE ONE I BEAT YOU IN LAST WEEK AT CANADIAN COLLISION! [[ Another punch. ]] Randy Orton: You won't make it to the second one this month.. You came as close as you ever will to my Elite title. [[ Another punch. Edge slams Maria back against the wall. Ace Steel is knocked unconscious, bleeding himself. ]] Randy Orton: You want to keep saying how much better you are than I am because you're Straight Edge? Luck is for losers? Punk, you caused me a lot of humiliation and embarrassment in March, costing my matches with Val Venis of all damn people! And then you had the audacity to ask Cornette for three matches with me? Three Elite title shots? What the hell have you done to earn them? NOTHING! I beat you in that match for the title, Punk! That's where this should've ended. [[ Another punch. Punk spits in Orton's face. The spit slides down Orton's face, but he doesn't skip a beat. ]] Randy Orton: You harass me for alcohol, drugs, everything you don't do because you think it makes you better. Punk, you're nothing whether you were a drunk or a Bible-thumper, compared to someone like me! [[ Russo's recovered and he opens Punk's mouth. ]] Vince Russo: Let's see how ya' like this, you piece o'shit! [[ Russo pulls out a bottle of Jack Daniels from his jacket pocket! He pours the alcohol in Punk's mouth! He's gagging, trying to spit the liquor out of his mouth! Russo has just forces CM Punk to taste the one thing he vowed to never touch! Kenny brings Punk up to his feet as he's coughing and gagging.. RKO ON PUNK! ]] Randy Orton: You make me sick, Punk.. Let's get out of here. [[ Orton spits on Punk. Orton, Kenny, Lethal, and Russo walk off, leaving Edge and Maria. Edge licks his teeth, forcing himself closer and closer to Maria. ]] Edge: When you get ready to know what it's like to get with a real man.. Call me. [[ Edge forces himself on Maria, kissing her. He grabs her by the hair afterwards and throws her on the ground on top of her fallen boyfriend, then walks off. What a disgusting display from Sports Entertainment Xtreme! ]]
Match Two: Tag
Team Match This match wasn't even close. Styles and Daniels flowed like a well-oiled machine tonight in this one. Birchill and Cade never really clicked, never got time to tag one another in, nor did they get a lot of offense in. Lance Cade got knocked over the top rope by Daniels, which was followed up by a plancha by AJ Styles! STO on Birchill sets up the Best.. Moonsault.. Ever~! Birchill kicks out of it, but he doesn't kick out of the Angel's Wings, giving Styles and Daniels an impressive victory. Winner: AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels via Pinfall (12:42) [[ After the match the screen switches to Lance Storm and Petey Williams, neither of which look like they're in a good mood whatsoever. Lance has endured humiliation the past few weeks from Colt Cabana, and Petey Williams hasn't been seen on Glory television in weeks. ]] Lance Storm: First off, Kings of Wrestling, you may walk around with those Tag Team title belts, but you are NOT Tag Team Champions.. When you least expect it, the rightful champions will take their belts back. [[ Serious message sent to Hero and Claudio. ]] Lance Storm: Now onto more serious matters.. Colt Cabana. [[ A disgusted look comes across Storm's face at the very mention of his name. ]] Lance Storm: For the past few weeks, ever since I asked you politely for a title shot at your Pure title.. You have done nothing but humiliate me on this show because I am not a jokester like yourself. [[ A pause. ]] Lance Storm: You treat me as an inferior because I am nothing like you. I am Pure Wrestling. I am the definition of that title you have held since March. I was trained by the first-family of professional wrestling, while you was trained by a man better known as his one night stint as Donald Trump. [[ Petey shakes his head. ]] Lance Storm: Now, while people like you get air time to do whatever you want, get to go under alternate aliases like Matt Classic.. Wrestlers, talented wrestlers, such as Petey Williams beside me is shunned off Glory. That.. That will no longer be an option, Colt Cabana. That ends TONIGHT. Petey Williams: That's right! Colt Cabana, Lance and myself just had a talk with Mr. Cornette, and you're not going to like how it ended for ya'! [[ Storm finishes Petey's thought. ]] Lance Storm: As a preview of Pride, a tag team match has been booked later tonight. Lance Storm and Petey Williams will take on your "friend," Matt Classic and a partner of "his" choice. Petey Williams: You two don't stand a chance! Lance Storm: I don't sing, dance, or pull jokes like you do. I don't thrive off making people laugh. If I wanted to do that, I'd been a comedian. I'm in the wrestling business because wrestling is what I do! It's what I breath, sleep, and eat! We will be victorious tonight, and if you make it to Pride.. You will be known as a former Pure Champion. [[ Fade. ]]
Match Three:
LoC World Heavyweight Title Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the LoC WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! [[ Crowd pop. ]] Jeremy Borash: Introducing first, from The Backstage Area.. Weighing in at two-hundred ten pounds and representing the WRESTLE! promotion.. BEEF WELLINGTON! [[ No response much for Beef Wellington as the fans aren't real sure who he is. Bryan Danielson hands the referee his World title as Flair gives him some words of motivation. ]] Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Aberdeen, Washington. He weighed in this morning at one-hundred ninety pounds. He is your undefeated, reigning, and defending League of Champions WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! This is the "American Dragon" BRYAN DANIELSON! Beef extends his hand for a handshake, Bryan Danielson smirks and slaps Beef across the face. Danielson takes charge of the match by owning Beef with an array of arm submission moves. Beef gets out of it and stings Danielson with some punches, starting a little run of offense by the challenger. Danielson finally gets back on the attack after Ric Flair trips Beef up as he runs against the ropes, allowing Danielson to hit a roaring elbow! Danielson picks Beef up, Cross Face Chicken Wing! Beef gets his feet on the ropes! Danielson lets go of the hold and applies Cattle Mutilation! Beef's foot is still on the rope, Danielson never took it off! Danielson is very frustrated and drags Beef to the middle of the ring. He starts planting Beef's temple with elbows! One after one after another! Blood starts trickling down slowly from Beef's eyebrow due to one of the elbows! He taps his hand on Danielson's leg, giving up to live to fight another day!
Winner: Bryan
Danielson via Submission
(10:04) [[ We come back from commercials as we're ringside. Already in the ring is Edge, standing in the middle of the ring as the Cutting Edge set is already constructed. "Metalingus" is playing in the background across the arena. Edge grabs the microphone from Jeremy Borash, and prepares his opening statement. ]] Edge: Welcome to the debut of the Cutting Edge! [[ Boos. ]] Edge: As you saw on Mayhem, the program to which I gave credibility it so desperately needed.. I said I would debut the Cutting Edge, and on the show, I would call out Jim Cornette for a title shot. That, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly what I'm gonna' do! There's not a man on this roster who deserves a title shot more than The Rated R Superstar! [[ This is greeted with more boos. Edge ignores them and continues. ]] Edge: So without further adieu, I want to bring out the Director of Authority here in LoC, Jim Cornette. [[ Cornette comes out to a great pop, slapping hands with the fans as he makes his way down to the ring. He enters the ring, grabs a microphone of his own, and faces Edge as the fans quiet down. ]] Edge: Cornette, I'm gonna' cut right to the chase.. I want an LoC World title shot, and I want it now! James E. Cornette: First off, Edge, you will refer to me as Mr. Cornette. Secondly, I have a few announcements to make before I confront your request for a World title shot. [[ Pause. ]] James E. Cornette: First off, after the match tonight, the Kings of Wrestling still have the LoC Tag Titles that they haven't even won. So here's what we're gonna' do.. May 20 at Pride, The New Hart Foundation defends their titles against The James Gang, America's Most Wanted, and since they want them belts so bad, the Kings of Wrestling! [[ Crowd pop. ]] James E. Cornette: Also tonight, Bret Hart, that sour puss who came in and ruined the conclusion to Canadian Collision, got on his high horse and snubbed his nose at Shawn Michaels' challenge. That's his right to refuse to do something.. But it's my job as Director of Authority to see that it goes down. [[ He paces around the ring as Edge looks on, interested. ]] James E. Cornette: See, Bret Hart signed a contract to League of Champions as a manager. In his contract, it states he has to work a minimum of one match. So Bret Hart can refuse to fight all he wants, but he'll be violatin' his contract! So here's what's gonna' happen.. At Pride, SHAWN MICHAELS WILL TAKE ON BRET HART WHETHER BRET LIKES IT OR NOT! [[ The roof of the arena was just blown off with the eruption from the fans! Bret Hart versus Shawn Michaels is huge! ]] Edge: That's great and all, but what about me? WHAT ABOUT MY TITLE SHOT!? James E. Cornette: Oh yeah, that... No, you ain't gettin' a title shot because you've not done anything to earn one! Edge: Some asshole named Beef Wellington just got a World title shot tonight and lost in ten minutes, dammit! I actually work for this God forsaken company! James E. Cornette: You know well as I do that he got his shot thanks to the open contracts Bryan Danielson sent out to all the promotions around the world. I know you work for LoC, and you have since day one, but you got to earn title shots here in League of Champions! There will be no giving things away like they're prizes at the fair, son! [[ This draws a pop from the fans. ]] James E. Cornette: And besides, I bet there's twenty other people backstage who think they deserve a shot at Bryan Danielson just like you do. [[ John Cena pops up on the stage to a huge amount of boos. ]] Edge: WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT, CENA?! THIS IS MY INTERVIEW TIME! John Cena: Easy, easy, easy.. I just so happen to agree with Mr. Cornette. I KNOW there's a ton of other people wantin' a shot at Bryan Danielson. Just so happens, I'M ONE OF 'EM! [[ Big time chorus of boos. "FUCK YOU, CENA!" spreads across the arena. ]] Edge: NOBODY CARES, CENA! THESE PEOPLE CAN'T STAND YOU, AND NEITHER CAN I! [[ Cena makes his way to the ring, taking off his shirt and throwing it in the stands in the process. He stands eye-to-eye with Edge, mouthing back and forth. Cornette steps in between the two men. ]] James E. Cornette: Edge, you've already been involved in enough muggings tonight, so we ain't gonna' have another fight involving you tonight! Cena, you have as much of a claim on a title shot as Edge.. If there's anyone else wantin' a title shot, why don't you come on out here. [[ One by one, wrestlers begin showing their faces behind the curtain. AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Carlito, Monty Brown, Steve Corino, Shane Douglas, many more. ]] John Cena: See Edge, you ain't da' only one who thinks he deserves a title shot more than everyone else. James E. Cornette: Fine. I'll make you all a deal to make things interestin'.. At Pride, in the openin' match.. We're gonna' have ourselves a TWENTY MAN BATTLE ROYAL! The winner gets a World title shot whenever he wants it! [[ Cena lifts Edge on his shoulders, F-U! Everyone rushes the ring as Cornette bails. The ring's full of people fighting and throwing people over the tope rope! Cena throws Val Venis and Christopher Daniels over the top rope! Edge tosses Cena out! It's just an all out mayhem in the middle of the ring as twenty egos clash, all wanting a World title shot! Steve Corino and Shane Douglas are the last two men remaining after AJ Styles dives over the top rope onto the pile of fifteen or more who have already left the ring! A battle royal at Pride for a World title shot! Anyone can win! ]] [[ Kurt Angle in his ring gear and a LoC t-shirt is seen standing by backstage with interviewer, Michael Cole. Angle bounces around a little bit, getting the blood flowing, getting loose for his match with Christian Cage later tonight. Cole gets the sign from the cameraman and begins the interview. ]] Michael Cole: My guest at this time, Kurt Angle. Kurt, with the bombshell announcement from Mr. Cornette moments ago with the battle royal for a title shot whenever the winner wants, does it take the pressure off having to win tonight's match-up with Christian Cage when you could just try to win the battle royal next week? [[ Angle gives Cole a death stare. ]] Kurt Angle: No. [[ Pause. ]] Kurt Angle: Kurt Angle doesn't ease up when there's more than one option to do something, Cole. In my eyes, there's only one option for me to get my World title shot.. That's to win tonight. Losing.. Losing is not an option, ever. Michael Cole: Now, you've been critical of Bryan Danielson, especially two weeks ago when you asked Danielson for a title shot at Canadian Collision. Why? Kurt Angle: Simple. Bryan Danielson doesn't deserve that LoC title. Who the hell does he think he is? Does being trained by Shawn Michaels and being managed by Ric Flair make him any better than anyone else? Absolutely not. [[ Angle turns from Cole to the camera. ]] Kurt Angle: Bryan Danielson claims he's exactly what LoC needs in a Champion. He had to align himself with Ric Flair to get his title match in the first place. at Chi-Town Rumble, I admit, I tapped out to the Cattle Mutilation. But as they say, every now and then, a blind squirrel will find a nut. [[ He smirks. ]] Kurt Angle: When I beat Christian Cage tonight, Bryan Danielson, be prepared to be taken to a limit you've never been taken to! You don't know what it takes to be a real World's Champion. You don't have it in you to go the distance with people and be the same again afterwards! I do, and I have done it before! Bryan Danielson, you beat me in March, but you won't do it again! [[ Pause. ]] Kurt Angle: What happened then was a fluke.. And you know what they say, "fool me once, shame on you." [[ He gives a point to the camera. ]] Kurt Angle: "Fool me twice.. YOU'RE DEAD!" [[ A smile. ]] Kurt Angle: Bryan Danielson, I want you to watch what I do to Christian tonight. It's going to be a small helping of what's coming your way when I win this contender's match. I WILL become the next LoC World Champion. I WILL do what Shawn Michaels, Chris Sabin, Beef Wellington, Rob Van Dam, Satoshi Kojima all couldn't.. MAKE YOU TAP OUT! [[ Kurt is almost foaming at the mouth. ]] Kurt Angle: It's true.. It's DAMN TRUE! [[ Angle storms off the set. ]] Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, Kurt Angle looks very ready for Bryan Danielson. Will he overlook Christian Cage tonight in the main event? [[ We go to the ring. ]]
Match Four:
Tag Team Match [[ Matt Classic does from Hindu Squats as the ring announcer announces Matt Classic's partner for the night.. Some weird music plays, music we've never heard. CURRY MAN?! CURRY MAN HAS COME TO TEAM WITH MATT CLASSIC! Christopher Daniels' alter-ego from Japan has entered League of Champions! ]] Storm and Petey are really taken off guard by the antics from Classic and Curry Man. This was a mighty fine technical match between the four men involved. Petey did most of the ring work in this one, as Storm only tagged himself in when Petey had Classic down. Storm has Classic locked in the Straight Shooter, only to be knocked out of it by Curry Man's knee. Curry Man blocks a Canadian Destroyer, but doesn't see the super kick coming! Classic rolls Storm up, but he kicks out at two. Classic gets up and turns right around into CANADIAN DESTROYER! One, two, three! Lance Storm begins kicking and stomping away on Matt Classic, ripping his mask at the top to a huge chorus of boos. Storm rips the mask off and blows his nose in it, spiking it back down on Classic's chest! Lance Storm has sent a serious message. Winner: Petey Williams and Lance Storm via Pinfall (21:23) [[ After the match we switch gears to a view of Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli, the Kings of Wrestling. They're holding the LoC Tag Team titles, belts they haven't even won. ]] Chris Hero: James Storm, you may've won the match tonight, but look at who still has the belts! [[ You can hear the fans booing from the arena as they watch this. ]] Chris Hero: We're never giving these belts back until we get out title shot, so that way, we already have 'em! Besides, NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY, will be able to beat the Kings of Wrestling! Claudio Castagnoli: Very nice! [[ He gives two thumbs up. ]] Chris Hero: Teddy Hart, Harry Smith, you FOOLS! How dare you proclaim yourselves as LoC Tag Team Champions when YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TITLE BELTS!? [[ He scoffs. ]] Chris Hero: America's Most Wanted, James Gang, PLEASE! You four haven't been relevant in years! There's only room for ONE team.. And ONE team ONLY to be the LoC Tag Team Champions. One team to carry the belts into the future and represent tag team wrestling like it should be.. US! YOUR HERO, CHRIS HERO! CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI! THE KINGS OF WRESTLING! [[ We get a view of Claudio as he holds his title out with both hands close to the camera. ]] Claudio Castagnoli: You can try and try to take these titles.. One thing stays true.. [[ His tone become more playful and insulting. ]] Claudio Castagnoli: YOU WILL NEVER GET 'DIS! YOU WILL NEVER GET 'DIS! Chris Hero: If anyone decides they're ready to try to take these from us, we won't be hard to find. [[ The scene fades as we go to the ring. The main event is NEXT! ]]
Match Five:
#1 Contender's Match Christian jumps Angle right after the bell rings to try to get an early advantage. This doesn't last too long, as the focused Angle turns the tide, taking this match over. Christian doesn't know what to do as Angle basically ambushes him. Five German suplexes in a row sends Christian to the outside. Angle follows and Tomko clotheslines him down. UN-PRETTIER ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR! Christian rolls Angle on the inside, but only gets a two count! Angle battles back, reversing a clothesline attempt, turning it into an ANGLE SLAM! The straps on his singlet go down, and Angle means business! Tomko on the apron, knocked off! Christian rolls Angle up, kickout at one, ANGLE LOCK! Angle turned a roll-up into the Angle Lock! Christian holds on for as long as he can, but finally submits to the pain! Kurt Angle is the new number one contender! Winner: Kurt Angle via Submission (25:49) [[ Christian rolls out of the ring and into the arms of Tomko, who helps carry him to the back. Kurt Angle goes to his knees in the ring, catching his breath after that impressive victory, sealing his quest for a World title shot. He stands to his feet as the fans cheer. Their applause doesn't last long, though, as Bryan Danielson slides in from the fans and gives Angle a German Suplex! He and Ric Flair start kicking and stomping on Angle. CATTLE MUTILATION! Flair gets on the microphone as Angle's still locked in the devastating submission maneuver. ]] Ric Flair: WOOOOO! [[ Huge heat with a mixture of "WOO's" from the fans. ]] Ric Flair: Kurt Angle, you sonuva bitch! You wanted a match with the Champ? Well, pal, YOU GOT IT! [[ Flair lays a few boots to Angle's back. ]] Ric Flair: This man is undefeated! This man is the World's Champion, and the best wrestler in the world! YOU'RE NOT! YOU'RE NOTHING, ANGLE! WOOO! NOTHING! [[ Danielson still has Cattle Mutilation applied. ]] Ric Flair: THIS MAN'S BEATEN.. THEM ALL! [[ Angle is screaming in pain. ]] Ric Flair: May 20, you're gettin' your title shot, Angle! But this man, he doesn't lose! Not to you, not to ANYBODY! [[ Danielson lets go of the move and gets to his feet, grabbing the mic from Flair. The fans let him know what they think with a big "FUCK YOU, DRAGON!" chant. ]] Bryan Danielson: Angle, they say you better be careful for what you wish for, because you might just get it. [[ "FUCK YOU, DRAGON!" A roll of toilet paper hits Danielson on the shoulder. Flair knee drops the roll! Danielson flips the bird with his free hand. ]] Bryan Danielson: FUCK YOU, PRICKS! [[ This draws even more heat from the fans. Kurt Angle tries getting back on his feet, only to be stomped back down by Flair. ]] Bryan Danielson: Now you got what you wanted, Angle. You've got your title match with me! Look at you, though. You're face first on the mat, laid out by a real World Champion! You want to run your mouth, Kurt? You want to talk about how I'm not World title material? Huh? I can't go the distance in matches, but you can? [[ Danielson bends down, talking directly to Kurt. ]] Bryan Danielson: Excuse me, Kurt, for not filling my body full of prescription pills like you. Forgive me for doing such a thing as not selling out to corporate America like you did. If being a lowly piece of slime like yourself is what World title material is.. Then may God strike me dead right now in this ring! I will QUIT this business before I transform myself into a JOKE like you did! [[ Angle grabs Danielson's knee pads, trying to pull himself up. ]] Bryan Danielson: Kurt, history lesson.. I once wrestled TWO sixty-minute draws in back to back nights! I've went seventy-five minutes with Austin Aries! I've faced Joe in sixty minute draws. Kurt, you have no idea what I'm capable of. Because in your little dream world where you're worth the most money, you're the man who could beat Tito Ortiz in a shoot-fight.. You don't see things for what they truly are. [[ Danielson spikes the microphone against Kurt's head, sending him back down. ]] Bryan Danielson: You see me as just some guy Shawn Michaels trained.. When really, I'm simply THE BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD! [[ He extends his arms, drawing a huge amount of boos. He ends it by letting Angle know real quick. ]] Bryan Danielson: And that's something you'll find out in two weeks.. As Bryan Danielson, the best wrestler in the world, the LoC World Heavyweight Champion.. Defends against you, Kurt Angle.. In a SIXTY-MINUTE IRON MAN MATCH! At Pride, we'll see who can truly go the distance. [[ Danielson drops the mic, making a static sound as "The Final Countdown" hits. The fans shower Danielson and Flair with boos as they mock Angle. The last shot we see is Danielson holding the LoC World Heavyweight title in the air as Flair delivers a few more shots to Kurt Angle's back. The scene fades as Glory goes off the air. ]] Fade out. |