Kansas City, Missouri
May 20, 2007

[[ Earlier today. ]]

[[ We open up hours before PRIDE goes on the air. We're inside the empty arena as the ring's set up in the middle of the floor area. Inside the ring is Jay Lethal in full Macho Man attire, Vince Russo holding a black bag, and Kenny. ]]


Vince Russo: Damn right, Lethal. Tonight's gonna' be a big night when Edge or Christian win that rumble.

Kenny: Hey, what about us?

[[ Russo looks at Kenny and Lethal. ]]

Vince Russo: Oh, give me a break!

Kenny: What?


Vince Russo: No, you're not.

[[ Russo shakes his head and digs into the bag. ]]

Vince Russo: Anyway, Kenny, I got somethin' for ya' since we're in Kansas City, da' place Owen Hart died eight years ago come Wednesday.

[[ He tosses Kenny a mask and a cape. It's oddly identical to the Blue Blazer attire Owen wore during his Blazer-phase. ]]

Vince Russo: Since ya' remind me so much of Owen, tonight's 'da night when ya' continue da' legacy Owen didn't get to finish.

[[ Russo punches the ring post. ]]

Vince Russo: Stupid post! It's all your fault!

Kenny: Wow, I remind you of Owen? I knew I was getting better in the ring.

Vince Russo: Not that.. I've never seen you wrestle, kid. You just look a whole lot like 'em.


[[ Russo also digs into the bag and hands Kenny a harness. ]]

Vince Russo: And in the spirit of Owen, you're gonna' ascend from da' ceilin' tonight just like he did at Over da' Edge in '99, bay-bee! It's gonna' be off da' charts! It's gonna' put you on da' spot!


[[ Kenny's color in his face has disappeared. ]]

Kenny: This harness is broken!

Vince Russo: The more real we get, da' betta' it'll be!

[[ Kenny gulps. ]]

Kenny: I don't know about all of this, Russo.

Vince Russo: It's gonna' rule! If you don't die, then it's showin' you're betta' than Owen! If you do die, well, you saw the fuckin' reaction Owen got the next night on Raw and after that! You'll be 'da man!

Kenny: But.. I don't want to die!

[[ Russo smiles at him, giving him the thumbs up as the scene fades. PRIDE begins RIGHT NOW! ]]

Match One: Winner Gets Title Shot
Edge, Christian, John Cena, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Petey Williams, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, Jay Lethal, Carlito, Monty Brown, Steve Corino, Shane Douglas, Val Venis, Kenny, Tommy Dreamer, Joey Ryan, Ace Steel

The match starts with nineteen men in the ring. The bell rings, and as soon as it does, Kenny comes falling from the ceiling on a harness and cord quickly in a Blue Blazer mask and cape! He's falling chest first at a high rate of speed! He stops literally an inch from hitting the mat, to which he is instantly beaten and kicked by people in the match. Monty Brown unhooks the cord from the harness as Ace Steel eliminates Kenny! The battle goes on in the ring as Tommy Dreamer and Calrito are dumped over the top by Edge as they tried eliminating Joey Mercury. AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy get rid of both members of MnM immediately afterwards! Petey Williams nails Matt Hardy with a Canadian Destroyer! Upon getting back to his feet, Christian throws Hardy over the top! Christopher Daniels clotheslines Christian over the top, eliminating him! Shane Douglas slides out of the ring, stroking his goatee, knowing he doesn't have to fight outside. Val Venis is tossed over by Corino! Jay Lethal eliminates Petey Williams. Joey Ryan is thrown over by Cena! Douglas is pissed at Ryan landed on him, which leads to Ryan throwing Douglas back in. Douglas gets up and tosses Corino immediately! Corino's pissed and yells at Douglas, who turns his back to the action in the ring and gets tossed by Edge! Cena tosses Monty Brown and Ace Steel over the top, and then hits an F-U on Lethal! Edge is tossed over by Styles and Daniels, but the ref doesn't see it as he's trying to break Lethal out of the STFU, so Edge slides back in and eliminated Styles and then Daniels! Cena tosses Lethal over the top. Edge runs at Cena, he ducks the spear, F-U OVER THE TOP ROPE! JOHN CENA HAS WON THE WORLD TITLE SHOT EDGE WANTED SO BADLY! EDGE TRIED EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD TO GET THAT SHOT, TOO!

Winner: John Cena via Elimination  (34:57)

[[ Kurt Angle overtakes the screen as we switch from the ringside area. Angle is alone in the ring with his hood up in the corner. The screen is in black and white, except for the color on Angle's blue hood. There's total silence until Angle breaks it with his first words. ]]

Kurt Angle: Bryan Danielson, tonight at PRIDE, you and I are going to go into battle. When it's said and done, you and I will never be the same as we were before hand. I want that LoC World title, Danielson! I WILL get what I want tonight!

[[ Angle rests his head on the middle turnbuckle. We get a shot of his back. ]]

Kurt Angle: You say you have to have that title.. That League of Champions needs you to be their champion because you bring prestige to the belt. Well Bryan, it's time to face facts, pal.

[[ Brief pause. ]]

Kurt Angle: LoC doesn't need a coward holding the title. LoC needs Kurt Angle, the Wrestling Machine, holding that title! I don't run from anyone! I don't cheat to get wins! I don't need Ric Flair behind me to make me feel like more of a man! All I need is myself and my abilities inside that ring to do the talking for me!

[[ Angle comes to his feet, but his back is still faced us. ]]

Kurt Angle: I went to the major leagues, Danielson. I've won every title available in the world. You've spent your entire career on the independent scene. I am an Olympic Gold Medalist! You're just some pale-skinned kid Shawn Michaels trained for this business with a bad attitude!

[[ Pause. ]]

Kurt Angle: I don't care about your matches that's gone seventy-five minutes, your sixty minute draws.. None of that means anything right now. All that matters right now is that I did everything necessary to get myself in this spot tonight. While you were busy beating second-rate competitors in title matches, I was beating the cream of the crop in this company.. While you knocked Steve Corino out last night, I was watching film, training, getting myself prepared for the ultimate challenge.. I AM "THE WRESTLING MACHINE" KURT ANGLE!

[[ Angle quickly turns around, pushing the hood off his head. ]]


[[ He smirks, no mouthpiece in his mouth. ]]


[[ Angle is so intense he's literally shaking. His color is beet red. ]]

Kurt Angle: It's true.. It's damn true.

[[ Fade. ]]

[[ We switch immediately to the parking lot as we see Michael Cole looking very excited. ]]

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, we will return to the action in just a brief second, but I have just been given word that Bret Hart has arrived to the building just now! I'm going to try to get a word with the Hitman.

[[ Cole goes sprinting, passing cars left and right. Finally, we see Bret Hart carrying a gear bag, walking towards the entrance. He looks very agitated. ]]

Michael Cole: Bret! Bret! Can I get a quick word on your match with Shawn Michaels tonight?

[[ Bret keeps walking, but Cole stays right with him. ]]

Michael Cole: Will this be the last match of your career?

[[ Still nothing. ]]

Michael Cole: Do you fear Shawn Michaels?

[[ Bret stops dead in his tracks. He turns and looks at Cole, lowering his sunglasses, then taking them off and putting them on his shirt. ]]

Bret Hart: Do I fear Shawn Michaels?

[[ Bret is in disbelief. ]]

Bret Hart: You saw what I did to him at Canadian Collision. Obviously, Cole, I DON'T fear him.

Michael Cole: Is this your last match?

Bret Hart: Absolutely. I came here for one thing only, and that was to mentor my niece and nephews as their careers in the big leagues begins. But Cornette enforces some loophole on my contract, and puts me in this match. If I didn't show up tonight, I was facing a two million dollar lawsuit! I'm suffering from a stroke, Cole! I'm not healthy! But it just goes to show what kind of scum, what kind of slime Jim Cornette is!

[[ He cuts Cole off before he can ask anything else. ]]

Bret Hart: I have no regrets on what I've done to Shawn Michaels. I always felt like I had one match left in my system. I always envisioned it to be against Kurt Angle, who I felt was the best wrestler in the world at one time.. But Shawn Michaels, well, that works for me. I'm gonna' finish what I started at Canadian Collision when I screwed Shawn Michaels out of the LoC title, then punched him right in the mouth! I'm gonna' show him that I am the best there is.. the best there was..

[[ He turns to the camera. ]]

Bret Hart: And the best there ever will be!

[[ Bret looks into the camera. ]]

Bret Hart: Danielson, just remember what I did for ya' last month.

[[ Bret puts his bag back on his shoulder and continues walking into the arena. Shawn Michaels versus Bret Hart will emotional, that's for sure! We go to the ring for the LoC Tag Team title match! ]]

Match Two: LoC Tag Team Titles
The New Hart Foundation
 vs. Kings of Wrestling vs. The James Gang vs. America's Most Wanted

This was a wild and crazy, fast-paced match. The New Hart Foundation want their title belts back so they can show they truly as the LoC Tag Team Champions. BG James and Claudio Castagnoli started out in this elimination tag team match. The fight went on for several minutes, until Chris Harris was tagged in and hit Kip James with the Catatonic for the elimination of the James Gang.

Eliminated: James Gang

Chris Hero jumps Chris Harris after the elimination and begins working on him. He locks him in a Cravate, but James Storm comes into the ring and clotheslines Hero down. This brings in Claudio and both members of the Hart Foundation. The referee finally restores order in the match, but not before Harry Smith drops James Storm with a Running Powerslam for the three count, eliminating America's Most Wanted.

Eliminated: America's Most Wanted

The last fall of the match comes as the remaining four men battle in the ring, and chaos ensues. The action is back and forth and all over the ringside area. The Hart Foundation were jumped weeks ago by the Kings of Wrestling, and they want their title belts back and revenge for the attack!  Teddy Hart ruins Chris Hero's world with a spinning Tiger-bomb! Harry Smith hangs Claudio in the air for forty-two seconds before downing him with a vertical suplex, similar to what his dad used to do. The finish comes as Hart locks Hero in a hammer lock, spins out, picks Hero up and sits him on his thighs while in the hammerlock, then DDT's Hero! Sickening move, and that's all she wrote for the Kings of Wrestling!

Winner: The New Hart Foundation via Pinfall  (18:38)

[[ Lance Storm is seen is his locker room getting loose and ready for his Pure title match coming up next. He's looking very focused and very prepared to go to battle with Colt Cabana. He stares into the camera sternly. ]]

Lance Storm: The time is finally upon us, Colt.

[[ Storm continues bouncing around to get the circulation going. ]]

Lance Storm: You've mocked, ridiculed, and humiliated me on a weekly basis. You've tried every way in the world of belittling everything I have done and achieved in this business. You think you're something special, something this business needs.. But in all actuality, you're nothing but a black eye to this sport.

[[ Storm is very serious in his words. ]]

Lance Storm: I admit, you have all the talent in the world. If you'd put the tomfoolery and the shenanigans to the side and focus on the sport of wrestling, Colt, the sky would be the limit. But to do that, you need a wake-up call, a reality check to make you open your eyes and see that for the fact it is.

[[ A sly smirk comes across his face. ]]

Lance Storm: That's where I come in. Right now, here in a few moments, I take your title belt.. I make you realize you're only doing yourself harm by being more worried with making people laugh and living a gimmick instead of putting your total focus on what happens inside the ring.

[[ Pause. ]]

Lance Storm: And when I do.. Don't blame Canada.. Blame.. YOURSELF!

[[ Lance stares into the camera for a few more moments and then goes to leave his locker room. He grabs the doorknob but it won't open when he turns it. ]]

Lance Storm: What in the..

[[ He tries it again and gets the same effect. ]]

[[ On the other side of the door, as the camera switches, we see Colt Cabana on the other side with a smile on his face. We get a look at the door, and there's tons of objects stacked in front of the door. We see garbage cans, tables, random LoC officials, just tons of random things blocking the door. ]]

Colt Cabana: Idiot.

[[ He rolls his eyes. ]]

Colt Cabana: Welp, gotta' go...

[[ Thumbs up. He whistles and casually makes his way to the ring. Colt Cabana versus Lance Storm for the Pure title is next.. If Lance can get out of his locker room! ]]

Match Three: LoC Pure Title
Submission Match
Colt Cabana
vs. Lance Storm

This was one of the best wrestling matches LoC has ever hosted. The match started without Storm in the ring, who was still trying to get out of his locker room thanks to Colt. The referee begins counting Storm out, but he finally makes it to the ring at the count of six. The two exchange holds and reversals early on, before Colt gets an advantage, slowing the pace down. A flying butt-bump in the corner sends things Colt's way, allowing him to steal Storm's Straight Shooter, forcing Storm to use a rope break. Storm runs out of rope breaks after an inverted Boston Crab is broken and then reapplied. Colt loses two of his early on in the match-one to break a pinfall and the other to get out of the Sharpshooter. Colt hits the Colt .45 and goes for the cover. One, two, kickout! SUPERKICK ON COLT! STRAIGHT SHOOTER APPLIED! Colt grabs the rope, breaking the hold and costing Colt his third rope break. Colt applies the Cobra Clutch, but Storm runs to the ropes, pushes off them and over, making a pinfall predicament. One, two, Colt's feet are on the ropes but it doesn't matter, three! We have a new Pure Champion!

Winner: Lance Storm via Submission  (28:42)
NEW LoC Pure Champion

[[ The view switches quickly after the match as we hear yelling and stuff being slammed around. Our screen is now full of Sports Entertainment Xtreme. Edge, Christian, and Lethal's slamming chairs against walls, yelling, just venting all of their frustrations over losing the 20-man battle royal earlier in the night. ]]


[[ Christian gives his gear bag the double axe-handle! ]]


[[ Lethal is spinning around in one big circle, wearing his hat, sunglasses, and ring jacket like he's not even wrestled at all tonight. ]]


[[ Trish and Randy Orton are off to one side of the room, away from all the commotion. ]]

Trish Stratus: Unbelievable.

[[ Christian knee drops his gear bag! ]]

Christian Cage: LOUD NOISES!

[[ Orton stands up on a chair. ]]

Randy Orton: Guys, guys, guys!

[[ The venting stops as everyone turns their attention to Orton. ]]


Randy Orton: Guys.. I know you all wanted to win the rumble tonight, but c'mon, it could be worse.


[[ Everyone nods in unison. ]]

Randy Orton: Speaking of, where is Kenny, Elix, and Birchill?

Vince Russo: I kicked Elix out of da' group after findin' out he wasn't really Shelton Benjamin.. Kenny, God rest his soul, died tonight repellin' to da' ring durin' da' rumble.

[[ Russo bites his bottom lip, holding back the pain. ]]

Vince Russo: And Birchill.. Well, hell, fuck 'em. Who cares where he's at?

Randy Orton: Good point.. But c'mon guys, all isn't lost. I mean, later tonight, CM Punk gets served up another plate of humiliation in the dog collar match. Russo, remember in the beginning of this run, when you tried making me feel bad about losing to Venis while everyone else was winning matches?

[[ Russo nods. Orton holds up his ELITE title. ]]

Randy Orton: I think now's the time to sit back, shut up, and follow Randy Orton to greatness!

[[ He smirks. ]]

Randy Orton: Tonight, I finish CM Punk off for good. The alcohol poured down his throat, leaving his buddy laying in a pool of his own blood.. NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT'S COMING! And Edge, man, when Punk's finished off tonight.. Maria.. She's finally yours.

[[ Edge smiles a wide smile and licks his teeth. Trish looks at him, furious. ]]

Trish Stratus: Oh, NO! We are NOT bringing another girl in this group. Especially Maria! I'd rather have Lethal keep mistaking me for Miss Elizabeth than spend all day talking to Maria!

[[ She puts her hands on her hips and rolls her eyes. She then speaks in a tone mocking Maria. ]]

Trish Stratus: Uh, like.. My name's like Maria! I think! I'm sooo stupid! I eat insulation thinking it's cotton candy!

[[ She scoffs. ]]

Trish Stratus: Give me a break!

Christian Cage: She's pretty hot, though.

Edge: Yeah, and if she tried talking to me, I got ten inches of fun I'd stick in her mouth to shut her up.

[[ Edge and Christian chuckle among one another. ]]

Tyson Tomko: ..Awesome.

Trish Stratus: Ugh!

Edge: Don't act like you're not impressed, babe! You know it's true!

Christian Cage: Yeah!

[[ Christian's tone quickly changes to shock. ]]

Christian Cage: WHAT!?

Randy Orton: Anyway, tonight's not going to end on a sour note for Sports Entertainment Xtreme! Trust me. CM Punk's legendary status of being Straight Edge ended on Glory, and now his career is next! Courtesy of the LoC ELITE Champion.. RANDY ORTON!

[[ Orton flashes the "Hey!" taunt on top of the chair still. ]]


[[ Fade. ]]

Match Four: Grudge Match
Shawn Michaels
vs. Bret Hart

This match was hard to watch after seeing the classics these two put on in the early to late nineties. Bret isn't the same Bret Hart as he used to be, but that didn't stop him from going on the attack early in his last wrestling match against his biggest rival. There's no pulling of any of these punches from Bret, and what we thought would end up being a wrestling match was actually nothing short of a fight! Bryan Danielson runs down to the ring with a steel chair. Bret has Michaels' arms chicken winged, Danielson swings, and MISSES! Danielson gets in the ring and clocks HBK with the chair! Danielson screams in HBK's face "YOU'RE NOT TOUCHING MY TITLE!" What's Danielson talking about that we don't know?

Winner: Shawn Michaels via Disqualification (13:08)

[[ Darkness overtakes the screen. CM Punk is in a darkened corner of the arena, away from everyone and everything before his big match with Randy Orton. The past week and a half hasn't been to ideal for Punk. He's squatted down in a corner, trying to get himself mentally ready. ]]

CM Punk: The moment of truth is upon us, Randy Orton. Put up or shut up time if there's even been such a thing.

[[ Punk runs his hands through his hair. ]]

CM Punk: For the past month, you've changed my life drastically. You've left me bloody, you've poured alcohol down my throat, beaten up my mentor and my girlfriend.. And over what? A stupid title belt?

[[ Punk's head shakes. ]]

CM Punk: This has nothing to do with the belt, Randy. Nothing.

[[ A pause. ]]

CM Punk: This has nothing to do with a title belt and everything to do with the fact that you know deep down inside that I truly am better than you. And that fact, Orton.. Eats you alive every moment of every day.

[[ Punk gets to his feet. ]]

CM Punk: You know your title reign has been on borrowed time ever since you screwed me over the night you won it last month. You've cheated left and right, used every underhanded tactic in you and your group of fools' arsenal to make sure you retain that title.. Tonight, there's no one to help you. The only thing that'll save you tonight..

[[ The camera zooms in closer on Punk's face. ]]

CM Punk: Is me dying in that ring.

[[ Punk begins chuckling. ]]

CM Punk: Tonight, I'm going to leave you bloody just as you did me. You are the opposite of everything I stand for. You've tried every way in the world to get rid of me. But as the thorn in your side, Orton.. I will never go away. This is the second of three matches between you and I. If you don't want me breathing down your neck anymore.. You'd better fuckin' kill me tonight...

[[ Another pause. ]]

CM Punk: Before I kill you.

[[ Punk makes the "X" with his hands as the scene fades. ]]

[[ The scene cuts from CM Punk's locker room to the interview area. Michael Cole is standing by with John Cena, the winner of the twenty-man battle royal. ]]

Michael Cole: John Cena, you eliminated nineteen other men to become the new number one contender to the LoC World title. My question is, when are you going to take the title shot? June?

John Cena: Nope. I have other business to attend to in June.

[[ Cole looks surprised. ]]

John Cena: See, JAPW's got this little competition fixin' to start up in June, and it lasts all month long.

[[ Pause. ]]

John Cena: SGDubya's sendin' 'da Rabid Wolverine.

[[ Cena looks sternly at Cole. ]]

John Cena: League O'Champions decided to send a fire-breathin' SON OF A BITCH!

[[ Cena's drawing big boos from the fans no matter how pro-LoC or happy-go-lucky he acts. ]]

John Cena: So here's what I was thinkin', Cole.

[[ Cena rubs his chin. ]]

John Cena: I'll be gone all of June, wreckin' havoc in Japan... LoC returns to pay-per-view with Honor and Glory in August. Honor and Glory's gonna' be the biggest event in LoC history.

Michael Cole: That's what I heard.

John Cena: And to be the biggest event in LoC history, it needs the biggest main event World title match. So here's my plan as the new official number one contender, Cole..

[[ Cena puts his hands up as if he's reading off a marquee. ]]


[[ Pause. ]]

John Cena: Or Kurt Angle. Ya' never know.

[[ Cole agrees. ]]

John Cena: Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat, Cole, but I have a plane to catch.

[[ He turns to the camera. ]]

John Cena: LoC, I'll see ya' in July. Don't miss me too bad.

[[ He gives the camera the salute, which draws more ire from the fans. A small "DON'T COME BACK!" chant starts as the scene fades to the ring. ]]

Match Five: LoC ELITE Title
Dog Collar Match
CM Punk
vs. Randy Orton

This was a brutal, bloody, and vicious match. Cornette was against such violent matches in LoC, but agreed to let this one happen for one night only. So the promotion who promotes athleticism and quality matches takes a walk on the extreme side. These two men absolutely hate one another, especially with the recent events as of late. Punk controls this entire match, just beating Orton from one end of the ring to the other. Orton's the first man busted open, as Punk hits him in the head with a spike from under the ring! Orton finally stops Punk's momentum as he tries hanging him over the top rope! RKO OFF THE RING APRON ONTO THE FLOOR! Orton's eyes have gone wild now that he's tasted his own blood. Orton gets a chair and begins smashing it against Punk's head, one shot at a time inside the ring. Punk keeps getting up to his knees after every shot. "STAY DOWN!" Orton yells after every shot, but Punk doesn't listen. Colt Cabana and Ace Steel run down to the ring and stand in front of Orton, trying to make him stop hitting Punk. Orton drops the chair, RKO ON ACE STEEL! Colt's down checking on Punk, Orton punches Colt, which fires Colt up. Colt blocks the next punch, BIONIC ELBOW! Punk slowly gets up to his feet and begins wrapping the chain around Orton's neck. Punk and Colt toss Orton over the top rope, and Punk begins pulling back and the remaining slack on the chair! Randy Orton is choking to death! He taps out on his chest! The referee immediately calls for the bell, signaling the end of the match and the ELITE title reign of Randy Orton! CM Punk has won the second match of the three match series between these two men, gotten some of his revenge back, and is the new LoC ELITE Champion! Unbelievable match!

Winner: CM Punk via Submission  (37:31)
NEW LoC ELITE Champion

[[ As we get a view of Colt Cabana and Ace Steel helping Punk remove the collar from his neck, we see Tomko, Russo, and Lethal carry a bloody Randy Orton to the back. We get a visual of Punk holding the title up, blood pouring down his face. The scene immediately switches to Shawn Michaels, sitting in a chair with an ice pack on his head. Bryan Danielson comes storming in the locker room. ]]

Shawn Michaels: What, do you not knock anymore either?

[[ Danielson doesn't get a chance to answer. ]]

Shawn Michaels: Oh, thanks for helping me win my match out there tonight. I trained you to wrestle, but not to swing a chair like that. That must've been Regal's doing.

Bryan Danielson: SHUT UP!

[[ Danielson's pale skin is turning beet red with anger. ]]

Bryan Danielson: I heard some news that's really struck a nerve with me, which caused your little meet and greet with that steel chair.

Shawn Michales: Well, I'd love to hear the news.

Bryan Danielson: What's this I heard about you getting ANOTHER title shot next month?

Shawn Michaels: That's right, bud. See, last night when I talked to Cornette, he wasn't too happy about Bret Hart screwin' me over and makin' LoC look like a joke at Canadian Collision. That's why Bret had to fight me tonight, and that's why you and me finish our business next month.

[[ A brief pause from Michaels as a sly half-smile comes across his face. ]]

Shawn Michaels: That is.. Unless..

Bryan Danielson: Unless what?

Shawn Michaels: You lose tonight to Kurt Angle. So if you don't want to  go another round with HBK, the man who KNOWS he should be carryin' the LoC title you have on your shoulder right now.. You may want to lose the title tonight.

[[ Danielson looks furious as Michaels stands to face Danielson in the eyes. ]]

Shawn Michaels: Because if you don't, next month, you will.

[[ Michaels lets Danielson think about that for a few seconds. ]]

Shawn Michaels: Oh, yeah, I also get to pick the stipulation this time..

[[ Danielson is giving Michaels a look of death. HBK's smile widens. ]]

Shawn Michaels: Good luck in your title match tonight, Dragon. Go get 'em! If you make it past Angle.. I'll see ya' next month.

[[ Danielson doesn't say another word. He immediately turns around and storms out of HBK's locker room and heads to the ring. Danielson/Angle is next! ]]

Match Six: LoC World Heavyweight Title
PRIDE Main Event - Iron Man Match
Bryan Danielson vs. Kurt Angle

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is your PRIDE main event. It is a sixty minute iron man match for the LoC WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

[[ Crowd pop. ]]

Jeremy Borash: Introducing first, from Pittsburg, Pennslyvania.. He is the number one contender.. He weighed in this morning at two-hundred fifty pounds! He is a WWE Grand Slam Champion and a 1996 Olympic gold medlaist.. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the "Wrestling Machine" KURT ANGLE!

[[ Huge pop for Angle. ]]

Jeremy Borash: His opponent weighed in this morning at one-hundred ninety pounds. He hails from Aberdeen, Washington.. He is the current undefeated, reigning, and defending League of Champions WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.. "The American Dragon" BRYAN DANIELSON!

A stare down begins the match, neither man backing down from the other. Chain wrestling starts, both men are very skilled in technical wrestling, and they show that fact here right off the bat. Neither man is able to get an advantage over the other, as everything each man throws at the other is reversed or countered. Five minutes has passed, and it's been nothing but slow-paced offense from both men involved. Finally Danielson awakens after receiving a stiff forearm, sending several back to Angle, then knocking the challenger down with a roaring elbow! A pin attempt is kicked out at two by Angle. Danielson argues with the referee and Angle hits a German Suplex, bridges, Danielson kicks out at one. Twenty minutes in, both men are still unable to gain an advantage for themselves. It's truly a back and forth battle unlike any other in their careers. At the forty minute mark, Angle locks in the Angle Lock, but Flair hops on the apron and distracts the referee! Danielson's tapping! Kurt Angle should be the new World Champion but the referee is out of position! Angle releases the hold and knocks Flair off the apron! Danielson butterflies the arms, he's going for Cattle Mutilation, the same move that beat Angle at Chi-Town Rumble! Angle spins out of it. Danielson locks Angle's arm, ELBOWS TO THE  HEAD! Angle's head is pouring blood now! Angle gets his foot on the ropes, breaking the massacre. Danielson flips the fans off, giving time for Angle to run up and roll Danielson up, two count only! At the forty-five minute mark, a diving headbutt draws a two count for Danielson. Neither man can get a single fall going. They sit in their respective corners, staring the other down, trying to figure out what to do to get the other down for three seconds. Jeremy Borash announces there's one minute left in the match, it appears as though both men are just going to wait out for overtime. Angle is pacing around the ring, trying to wipe the blood out of his eyes as Danielson is getting advice from Flair. The countdown begins, ten, nine, eight, Danielson runs at Angle, ROLLS HIM UP, FEET ON THE ROPES! ONE, TWO, THREE! Danielson scores a pinefall as time expires two seconds later! Bryan Danielson has just stolen the iron man match from Kurt Angle!

Winner: Bryan Danielson 1 Fall - 0 Falls (60:00)
STILL LoC World Heavyweight Champion

[[ Flair slides into the ring and hands Bryan Danielson the LoC World Heavyweight title as the fans chant "FUCK YOU, DRAGON!" What a conclusion to such a spectacular World title match at PRIDE! "The Final Countdown" is blasting as Danielson kisses the World title. Kurt Angle gets to his feet and walks over to Danielson. The two have a stare down for a few seconds until Angle extends his hand for a handshake, showing a sign of respect. Danielson shakes Angle's hand, showing that the respect is mutual. Angle leaves the ring and heads to the back, obviously disappointed that he didn't win. ]]

Fade out.

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