Detroit, Michigan - March 10, 2007
Dark Match Results
Steve Corino
d. Ron Killings
via Pinfall
at 4:25
Tyson Tomko
Val Venis
via Pinfall at :30
[[ The fans are popping and making tons of noise as they're ready to see the next era if professional wrestling begin right in front of their eyes. Every member of the LoC roster is surrounding the ring, wrestlers, managers, referees, everyone. Ricky Steamboat comes walking down the ramp and into the ring to a big reaction. He grabs the mic and waves to the fans, who shower him with praise and adoration. "THANK YOU, STEAMBOAT!" is loudly chanted throughout the arena as he begins to speak. ]] Ricky Steamboat: Thank you for that introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, League of Champions presents to you, GLORY! [[ Pop. ]] Ricky Steamboat: This is the new face of professional wrestling. If you're looking for a place where wrestling is appreciated, a place where sports entertainment takes the night off, well, then you've come to the right place! Here in LoC, those who focus on wrestling and show the respect and honor the sport deserves are the ones who are rewarded! Not politics, no favoritism. LoC is a company unlike any other. We have all the big stars and all the talent in the world. Here in LoC, anyone at any time can main event. The only person who will hold a specific wrestler back, is that person alone. [[ The wrestlers around the ring look interested and pleased with that announcement. ]] Ricky Steamboat: Now, onto a few announcements before we kick off LoC with the first match. First off, the title belts.. Tonight, in a six-team gauntlet match, we will determine the first ever LoC Tag Team Champions! [[ Big crowd pop for the match. ]] Ricky Steamboat: The main event of tonight's show will be Christian Cage, Edge, and Randy Orton taking on Kurt Angle, CM Punk, and a partner of their choice! [[ The Coalition at ringside smirk and shake hands, thinking they'll have an easy outing tonight. The fans are cheering for this huge main event match tonight. ]] Ricky Steamboat: And now to go over the Pure title and Heavyweight title situations, I present to you, Detroit, a legendary manager known for taking no bull and speaking his mind.. A good friend of mine, and the new Director of Authority, JAMES E. CORNETTE! [[ The fans cheer as Cornette comes from behind the curtain in a suit, microphone in hand, and a smile on his face. He enters the ring, shaking hands with Steamboat. The Coalition, Danielson, and other heels ringside don't like the way this is looking for them. ]] James E. Cornette: Thanks, Steamer. [[ Cornette pauses and walks around the ring, taking a hard look at every LoC competitior. ]] James E. Cornette: In case you don't know who I am, I'm James E. Cornette! [[ Crowd pop. ]] James E. Cornette: And here in the League O'Champions, we're gonna' run a tight ship around here with no bullshit! You like to play backstage politics, like to run people down in the ground, or you like to be a prick, then there's the door, get to steppin'! Under my regime, LoC will go to the top! I've worked for everyone who's "somebody" in this business. I've gotten my paychecks from McMahons, Bischoffs, and Jarretts. Some of you punk kids outside this ring have been in this business fifteen minutes compared to how long I've been here! So I DEMAND respect! [[ Some of the wrestlers brush Cornette off. ]] James E. Cornette: As Steamboat said, the control of the Heavyweight and the Pure titles belong to me. So here's what gonna' happen. First off, the Pure title. It ain't gonna' be treated as no secondary title. It's going to be its own division, and it's gonna' be as important as the Heavyweight title! So that's why I've chosen some people to be in matches over the next few weeks to determine who's going to fight for the title on March 31 in Chicago, Illinois. AJ Styles is takin' on James Gibson tonight in round one. Future matches for the mini-tournament's gonna' continue next week. [[ AJ Styles vs. James Gibson tonight is going to be huge! Cornette continues without skipping a beat. ]] James E. Cornette: Now onto the big daddy, the title belt that, if you ain't here to win, you need to join the ones who's walkin' because they like backstage politics.. The LoC title is the one milestone in this industry right now that each and every one of ya' ought to be wantin' to get your hands on! From Kurt Angle all the way down to Kikutaro, you all ought to be droolin' for that one chance to get your hands on that title. That's why, you all WILL get that chance! [[ Pause. ]] James E. Cornette: The first-ever LoC Champion will be crowned on March 31 in Chicago in a triple threat match. Now who's gonna' be in those three spots and how? Simple. Everyone from tonight onwards is gonna' be in matches. Those who win all their matches and remain undefeated get compiled together. From there, the LoC Championship Committee will evaluate the quality of wins, how you've been handling yourself in this company, and make a decision on the three men who will get to compete for the title. [[ Fans cheer, the wrestlers look intrigued by this fair shot. ]] James E. Cornette: So, hell, for all we know, Val Venis could be in the main event of the Chicago show, wrestlin' for the main event. [[ Laughter is heard. Fans chant "DON'T BE STUPID!" Venis gets on the apron and whispers into Cornette's ear. ]] James E. Cornette: Goddamn! You lost in thirty seconds?! Shit, son, get the hell outta' here! [[ Venis, rejected, walks back to the back slowly. ]] James E. Cornette: I'm gonna' have my eye on all the matches tonight, so everyone's best effort better be put forth tonight, because for once, it really counts! Now, if you ain't in the opening match, get back to your locker rooms and get ready to compete! [[ The wrestlers start walking to the back except for the three men in the opening match of tonight's show. The bell rings after introductions and the match starts. ]]
Match One:
Triple Threat Match Kikutaro did his routine of slow motion offense for most of the match until he was taken out by the Angel's Wings from Christopher Daniels. Colt tried to gather the momentum of the match from there, and controlled for the most part until Daniels slipped out of the Colt .45 and hit a reverse DDT, and finished Colt off with the Best Moonsault Ever. Winner: Christopher Daniels via Pinfall (12:37) [[ After the match we cut backstage with Michael Cole. He's standing by with all the members of the Christian Coalition, all with evil smirks on their faces, letting you know they're up to something. The only one missing from the group is Tomko, but it's not really noticeable. ]] Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, I am joined by the Christian Coalition. Tonight, you Randy Orton, Edge, and Christian Cage have to take on Kurt Angle, CM Punk, and a mystery partner of their choosing. Christian Cage: Good observation, Cole. I can see why you got hired here in LoC. But back to the match tonight, I hate being the bearer of bad news, but on behalf of the Christian Coalition, I'm going to be the messenger of the worst news for Kurt Angle and CM Punk. [[ Christian stares into the camera. ]] Christian Cage: See tonight, guys, you've got this mystery partner to choose for our match. Anyone you want that's in the building tonight. Well, bad news, guys.. We've made sure that it's going to be three-on-two. [[ Edge steps up front and smirks. ]] Edge: That's right. You see, the Christian Coalition plans on being the last three remaining undefeated wrestlers left in LoC in order to assure ourselves that the Heavyweight title comes back to us where it belongs on March 31. So a couple of minutes ago, we started the process off right. C'mon cameraman, take a little walk with us. Randy Orton: Be prepared to be impressed. [[ The Coalition walk down a hallway, and we see Kikutaro laid out, then we see Ron Killings, Lance Storm, Val Venis, and Colt Cabana all laid out and bloodied. Those sons of bitches have taken out all of Angle and Punk's allies! ]] Edge: THERE IS NO MYSTERY BEHIND THE MYSTERY PARTNER FOR TONIGHT! THE MYSTERY'S BEEN SOLVED! THERE IS NO MYSTERY PARTNER! [[ He licks his lips and teeth. ]] Edge: Why? [[ Pause. ]] Edge: BECAUSE WE'VE BEATEN THEM ALL INTO BLOODY DAMN PULPS! [[ Orton then ruins the seriousness of the promo with a casual observation. ]] Randy Orton: Hey, why did we lay out Venis? Christian Cage: No idea. Really unnecessary if you think about it. Edge: It was me. He walked by while I was smashing Killings' face against the wall with a chair and told said, "Don't mind me, just going to the bathroom." I punched him in the face and told him, "Don't mind me, I'm just going to hit you with a chair." Then I did. Christian Cage: Awesome. That really got out of hand fast. Randy Orton: Yeah, it did escalate quickly. Edge: Oh well. [[ Orton turns back to the camera, forgetting they were just conversing casually. ]] Randy Orton: We'll see you boys later tonight. Better be ready, because this right here, it's only the beginning! [[ Christian slaps his chest three times. ]] Christian Cage: The main event tonight.. It's gonna' be a CLASSIC! [[ They walk off as we take one last look of the fallen bodies Christian's Coalition has laid out. Who's Angle and Punk going to team with now that everyone's been laid out? We'll find out later tonight! ]]
Match Two: LoC
Tag Team Title Gauntlet
The Hardy Boyz via Pinfall
(31:15) [[ We immediately cut backstage as the Hardyz enter through the curtain. They're greeted and congratulated by some LoC officials and agents. They don't even make it back to the locker room before they're stopped by the Dudleyz. ]] D-Von Dudley: Hold up. Bubba Ray Dudley: This ain't over. [[ They turn around and stare the Dudleyz down, ready to go another round with them. D-Von and Bubba Ray extend their hands. ]] D-Von Dudley: Not until the better team's congratulated. [[ Jimmy Jacobs can be seen lurking against the wall where the two teams are talking. His mascara is running down his cheeks. ]] Matt Hardy: Jimmy, are.. Are you crying? Jimmy Jacobs: Yes. [[ Bubba rolls his eyes and walks off with D-Von. ]] Bubba Ray Dudley: Pussy. [[ Jimmy slowly walks up to the Hardyz, biting his lower lip. ]] Jimmy Jacobs: Before that match, my girlfriend Lacey gave me and Joey Ryan one set of instructions. And that was to bring back the LoC Tag Titles to her. I was going to draw a heart on my belt, and show her that I did it for her. But it was my fault, all my fault Lacey didn't get the gold she wanted! [[ Jeff and Matt look at one another. ]] Jimmy Jacobs: So guys, please, I'll pay you for those title belts. Please. Do it for me, man.. Do it.. Do it for.. For love. You guys know what love's like, right? Matt Hardy: You're not gonna' sing "Afternoon Delight" are you? [[ Jacobs snarls. ]] Jimmy Jacobs: No, I'm not.. Cocksucker. [[ He continues. ]] Jimmy Jacobs: Anyway.. Look, you guys know what it's like to fight for the love of a woman, and somehow drop the ball. Matt, I definitely know you do.. With the whole Lita nailing Edge thing. [[ Matt looks like he's about to explode. ]] Jimmy Jacobs: So how does a thousand dollars sounds for both belts? Deal? Jeff Hardy: Are you stupid? No, we're not going to sell you the titles we won fair and square in the ring. You want these titles, you're going to have to win them from us in the ring. Jimmy Jacobs: I'll do anything to get those titles for Lacey. But unlike Matt with Lita, I won't allow my love to go unnoticed to where she has to depend on someone else to give her what she wants. I WILL give Lacey the LoC Tag Team titles! I WILL FOR LOVE! BECAUSE LOVE REFUSES TO LAY DOWN FOR ANYTHING IN THE SQUARED-CIRCLE OF LIFE! [[ The locker room door closes in Jimmy's face. ]] Jimmy Jacobs: I WILL do it for Lacey. [[ Fade. ]]
Match Three:
Pure Title Tournament Round One Styles and Gibson put on a 20 plus minute mat classic to determine who goes on to the semi-finals of the Pure title tournament. Gibson locked Styles in the Trailer Hitch, and Styles barely got to the ropes. This happened two more times and Styles ran out of rope breaks, and had to reverse the move to get out. Styles went up top later for a Spinal Tap, but Gibson got up and charged at him, going for a hurricanrana, but Styles blocked it, and hit a Styles Clash from the top rope for the victory! Winner: AJ Styles via Pinfall (21:50) [[ A hush falls over the crowd in anticipation of the next match. "The Final Countdown" hits, breaking the silence and getting the fans up on their feet and booing loudly! Bryan Danielson makes his way down the ring, receiving several middle fingers in his way en route there. He gets in the ring and grabs a microphone from the ring announcer. A huge "FUCK YOU, DRAGON!" chant breaks out. ]] Bryan Danielson: I just want to go ahead and make one thing perfectly clear tonight. I am Bryan Danielson. I am the BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD! [[ Huge amounts of boos. He smiles, shaking them off. A roll of toilet paper's thrown in the ring. Danielson picks it up and drop kicks it back into the crowd. ]] Bryan Danielson: I deserve respect, not toilet paper being thrown in my face! I have traveled the world. I've beaten all the top wrestlers in the world, many of whom are in this company currently. So when it comes time to pick a man for the Heavyweight title match, my name will be at the top of the list. Just ask Lance Storm, Christopher Daniels, Colt Cabana, AJ Styles, James Gibson, and CM Punk what the American Dragon's capable of doing inside this ring. [[ He paces around a few times. ]] Bryan Danielson: Tonight begins a new era for me. I will settle for no less than being the first and ONLY LoC Champion, and doing for that belt, what I did for the RoH and the FIP titles.. Making them worth something! I will prove I truly am the best in this business- "WOOOO!" [[ That familiar theme hits and the fans pop as Ric Flair comes strolling down the ring with a mic in his hand, wearing one of his expensive, custom made suits. He enters the ring and struts. Danielson is none too impressed. ]] Ric Flair: Did I hear you right? Did I hear you, YOU, say that YOU are the best in this business? [[ Danielson nods. ]] Ric Flair: Last time I checked, pal, you're name wasn't Ric Flair! WOOO! In fact, hell, I don't even know who you are! [[ Flair drops a knee on the ring mat and rips off his jacket. ]] Ric Flair: But let me formally introduce myself to you, kid. I am.. WOOO! RIC FLAIR! SIXTEEN TIME WORLD CHAMPION! WOOOO! I AM THE MAN! I AM THE GREATEST PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER IN THE WORLD TODAY! [[ Huge pop. ]] Ric Flair: Ya' want me to ask Colt Cabana about you? WHO? WHO? Lance Storm? JAMES GIBSON?! How 'bout you ask HARLEY RACE, RICKY STEAMBOAT, DUSTY WOOOO! RHODES! Ask people who's done a damn thing in this business about The Nature Boy, pal.. And they'll tell you that I AM THE MAN! Bryan Danielson: Ric, no offense, but your time ended with the mid 90s. Gone are the days of the Four Horsemen, Starcade, and those sixteen title reigns. I mean, look at you. You're sixty something years old. You're fat, balding, and just downright a hazard to not only yourself, but to the people in the ring with you. Honestly, why don't you just retire and pass the torch? [[ Flair rubs his chin. ]] Bryan Danielson: You're an embarrassment to the sport. You're tarnishing your legacy, Ric. What makes guys like Ricky Steamboat better than you is, they knew when to call it a day. They knew when the sun set on their careers. You on the other hand.. You won't leave this business until you DIE IN THE RING! Ric Flair: You.. You're right! I WILL DIE IN THIS RING BEFORE I HANG UP THE BOOTS AND LET SOME SON OF A BITCH LIKE YOU BE KNOWN AS THE BEST! Bryan Danielson, you're talented as hell. William Regal and Shawn Michaels taught you everything they knew! But what they obviously didn't teach you, was respect. Son, at fifty-eight years old, I am still BETTER.. THAN YOU! And I will gladly take off my Rolex watch, remove the keys to the twenty cars I bought with my money I made wrestling Harley Race to broadways six days a week, 365 days a year for thirty years.. And WOOO! We'll go, and I'll beat some respect into you! Bryan Danielson: Ric, you have no idea what you've just walked into. I'm going to make sure you don't walk out of this arena on your own two feet. Ric Flair: That so? Bryan Danielson: Without ques- [[ Flair chops Danielson and the fans "WOOO!" afterwards. The bell rings, a referee enters the ring, and I guess Ric Flair is wrestling in street clothes against Bryan Danielson! ]]
Match Four:
Special Challenge Match Flair chops Danielson four times, each receiving no-selling. Danielson pokes Flair in the eyes and begins beating Flair like a grown ass man. Flair gets in no offense from here on out, as he's the recipient of European Uppercuts, stiff chops, knees to the face, and a Cattle Mutilation. Danielson releases the Mutilation as Flair is bloody and screaming in pain. The end comes as Danielson begins slamming his elbow onto Flair's skull repeatedly, knocking him out, and forcing the referee to stop the match. Flair, a bloody mess, is carted off from ringside by EMTs as Danielson smirks, looking at his elbow covered in Flair's blood. Winner: Bryan Danielson via Referee Stoppage (10:03) [[ We get a short break between matches in order for the ring crew to wipe off some of the blood off the ring mat. Some hype videos play, showing off matches for next week's show and the LoC product as a whole. Finally, "Medal" hits, which fires up the fans. Kurt Angle and CM Punk walk out from the back together, showing that they're one cohesive unit tonight, especially since they've ran out of allies thanks to the Coalition. The pop finally quiets down a little, but then a dueling "LET'S GO ANGLE!" "LET'S GO PUNK!" chant breaks out. Punk grabs the mic. ]] CM Punk: First off, I just want to take the time to say "thank you" to all the people who supported me throughout the last year and a half. I left Ring of Honor, my home and my family, to go to Ohio Valley, and ultimately, ECW. [[ Boos. ]] CM Punk: But now, fate has given me a second chance. No longer constricted by a higher power, or the corporate suits, I can finally be the wrestler I truly am. I can finally be C..M.. PUNK! In ECW, they made my straight edge tendencies into nothing but a joke and a way to sell t-shirts. [[ "FUCK YOU VINCE! FUCK YOU!" chant kicks into high gear. ]] CM Punk: Well, IT'S NOT JUST A CATCHPHRASE, IT'S MY LIFESTYLE! IT'S WHO I AM! I care about this business so much, that I have dedicated my life to it.. And now, what's going on in it? Christian, Edge, and Randy Orton want to start taking people out, taking my friends out just to try to give them an advantage in a six-man tag? [[ Angle rips the mic from Punk's hand. ]] Kurt Angle: I got this one, Punk. Coalition, you thought you were real smart in your little assault tonight to try to give yourselves an advantage huh? You thought if you eliminated some guys, we'd go it alone. Well, you were almost right. Until I made a phone call about twenty minutes ago. [[ Punk nods his head as Angle prepares what's next. ]] Kurt Angle: So guys, why don't you three come on out to the ring, bring Trish, bring Tomko if he's not in Japan. And come see for yourselves who our mystery partner is, and the man who's going to help us eliminate you three out of World title contention! [[ Christian's music hits and out comes the three men in the match tonight along with Trish Stratus leading the way. They jaw with some fans on the way to the ring. They get in, and Trish hands Edge a microphone. The fans are none too happy with the Coalition, giving them massive amounts of heat, including some toilet paper and cola bottles being thrown. ]] Edge: Angle, you're talking a big game for someone who's fixing to have his face kicked in. What we did tonight wasn't us trying to make this match a handicapped match, oh no.. It was us sending a message. A message to let everyone, including you two, know that us three are the future, the franchise, the backbone, and the foundation of League of Champions! One of us three WILL be the first-ever LoC Heavyweight Champion. [[ The starts start dogging Edge pretty hard. He stops what he was saying and looks around. ]] Edge: SHUT UP! [[ This only makes the boos louder. ]] Edge: Kurt Angle, CM Punk, everything you two have done in the past, it's all thrown out the window. It means nothing. This is a new beginning for everyone in this company, but Kurt, Punk.. Some things just never ever change. Like Edge, Christian Cage, and Randy Orton being three of the best wrestlers in the world! So go ahead, bring out your mystery partner, get the fans popping, get them all happy in their pants! It doesn't matter who you pick! Kurt Angle: That right, Edge? Well, I guess I'll bring him out then. [[ Angle pauses, milking it. The fans are buzzing with anticipation. Edge throws his microphone out of the ring, as the Coalition look at the entrance ramp, waiting. We hear the music hit, started by "GORE! GORE! GORE!" RHINO COMES IN THE RING FROM THE CROWD! GORE ON RANDY ORTON! GORE ON CHRISTIAN CAGE! EDGE JUMPS OUT OF THE RING IN SHOCK! The fans explode for the hometown hero, Rhino! ]]
Match Five:
Six-Man Tag Rhino dominated most of the match single-handedly. It was really one sided for the better part of the duration. The tide changed when Edge low-blowed Angle from outside the ring, allowing Orton to hit an RKO. Christian comes in the ring with two chairs, fixing to finish off CM Punk when Rhino Gores Cage and Edge out of the ring! He chases after them as Angle joins in. Orton sizes Punk up for the RKO, but is drug out by Rhino. Punk goes to the top and hits a suicide dive onto the other five men. The referee cannot restore order, so this one's thrown out to the fans displeasure. Winners: Double Count Out (25:36) [[ "THIS IS BULLSHIT! THIS IS BULLSHIT" echoes throughout the arena as the six men continue brawling on the outside. Tyson Tomko comes from the back and gives the Coalition the advantage in the brawl that's currently escalating on the outside and in the crowd. The fans really wanted a winner in the main event. Cornette appears at the top of the ramp, and you can tell he is none too happy with what he's seeing right now. ]] James E. Cornette: CUT THAT SHIT OUT RIGHT NOW! [[ The brawling stops. ]] James E. Cornette: These people paid their hard earned money tonight to witness a six-man tag with a winner, and this is how you people deliver? Referee, this is what you decide? With a loss being the end of someone's title hopes, you call a god damn double count out? [[ Cornette could spit nails right now. ]] James E. Cornette: This is LoC, and we're not gonna' keep this brawlin' b.s. up on a weekly basis. We're gonna' have winners one way or another! So here's what we're gonna' do since you boys like fighting one another so damn much. [[ Cornette stops to think for a second and then delivers his judgment. ]] James E. Cornette: Next week on Glory from Indianapolis, we're gonna' see two matches that WILL HAVE WINNERS! We're gonna' see KURT ANGLE FIGHTIN' EDGE! Then we're gonna' see CHRISTIAN CAGE TAKIN' ON RHINO! And there's gonna' be two winners of each matches, even if I have to walk down to that ring and make the three count myself! [[ The fans are excited for these couple matches next week on Glory. Christian and Edge, though, don't look very excited for them. NEXT WEEK ON GLORY! CHRISTIAN/RHINO, ANGLE/EDGE, THERE MUST BE WINNERS!! GLORY'S GOING TO BE HUGE! ]] [[ Fade out. ]] |