Dim lighting takes up the IWC studio, otherwise known as the rest stop off I-75 highway. As the lights finally rise the crude setting comes into view, Billy seated in a chair with a large cardboard sign held up behind him, with the letters Billy's Broadcast scribbled across them, as if a child had drawn it out by hand with crayons. His special guest for the evening, Robin Brooks is seated before him on a stool, looking around at the somewhat smelly location very oddly. Billy is glaring off camera, as if he doesn't even know that their now live. He nervously messes with his hair while getting angry with someone off camera who is looming in the shadows.

Billy: It's hair coloring number 5 you idiot, I can't go on television with my split ends and grays showing....

Finally noticing their live, as if the stagehand off camera informs him of so, Billy turns to face the camera with a cringe.

Mayne: Oh, hello there IWC fans, if you can't see me, just get one of your twenty seven offsprings to lift the bunny ears a little higher. Can you see me clearly now in all of my attractive glory? Great. Like I was saying, welcome to the very first Billy's Broadcast, which I'm forced to host for supplamental income purposes. Our first guest this evening is none other than the lovely, ha, Robin Brooks. Welcome to Billy's Broadcast, Robin.

Robin: Thank you Billy.

Robin looks around.

Robin: Nice studio you have here

Billy: Thanks, I made all the props myself. Whoever said that Wal-Mart was evil?

Robin continues to look at the crude set up and nods her head.

Billy:Now since I'm sure you've never done any of these interviews before, seeing as I'm really quite positive no reporter has been able to bare your company more than five minutes, allow me to lead you through what's going to happen here. I ask a question, and instead of sitting there, trying to look pretty, which is kind of what you do in the ring on a weekly basis, you answer my questions. Clear enough?

Robin squints her eyes at Mayne and thinks of getting up and leaving

Robin: "That was kind of rude don't you think?

Billy: Oh Robin, you and your PMS enduced paranoia. Now here's my first question, follow along closely so I don't lose you sweety. How much do you adore Jackson Adams' in ring performances, and how greatly do you idolize him?

Robin:Where the hell have you been Billy? If you looked at any one other then your precious Alpha Generation, you'd know that I hate that rumor spreader. I dont think he has enough talent to get out of a wet tissue

Billy: Rumor Spreader!?! Rumor Spreader!?!

Billy breaths heavily to calm himself down.

Mayne: Calm down Billy, calm down, remember your yoga training now. Robin, honey baby, I think years of taking blows to the face, and I'm speaking in terms of literal blows here, God I amuse myself, has kind of distorted your reality a bit. We all know everyone in the world idolizes Adams in some form or capacity.

Robin: If the world only consisted of you, then maybe. I for one can't stand him.

Mayne: Well, obvious mental impairments aside, I've got to ask, what did it feel like to finally end the year long Nathan Creed title reign at Paranoia IV? What are your thoughts and feelings about now being the load bearer for the X-Class division? That was a two part question, I hope it didn't confuse you.

Robin: Very funny Mayne, now your sounding like my Hurse. But to answer your two part question, I'd have to say, that if it wasn't for those idiots in AG interferring in my life Nathan and I would have been friends to this day. But no, they can't mind their own damn business. To be honest, I didnt want to take his belt, that is till he so brutally and with out cause, attacked me. So Billy i hope that you can figure out that i answered both part of your question.

Robin smirks at him.

Billy: Oh cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. You took the man's title and you loved doing it, just like you loved stringing him along all those years. Are you that clueless to know that the man had such obvious affections for you that went beyond a simple friendship?

Robin: Is that any of yours or any one else's business?

Robin is getting quite upset now with Billy.

Billy: Okay, okay, no need to get your panties in a twist, that is if your wearing panties. Are you? Oh that doesn't matter. I'll get on with the serious questions now. If you were trapped on a desert island, which IWC star would you like to be stuck with?

Robin:The state of my panties should never be a concern of yours you prevert. But as for your question, I'd have to say Steven or Hurse to you. As long as Desolation has now way to get on the island.

Mayne: Oh really, so you wouldn't want to be trapped on a secluded island with Killjoy then would you?

Robin rolls her eyes.

Robin: Did I say Killjoy when I answered you? No. So i guess my first answer still stands. Beside Billy, maybe you should have done your homework on me a little better. Then you'd know that Your precious A.G. leader and I are dating.

Mumbles so much for being informative.

Billy: Okay, okay, since you keep bringing up Killjoy, let's just get to the bottom of this whole situation shall we? What is your current relationship with Killjoy? Why has he continually popped up on IWC telecasts lately?

Robin: Me? what? It's you.. never mind. My realationship with Killjoy is strickly a working one. So for simple people out there including you and Steven, he is my teacher, I am his student...End of Story ok? No romantic involvment what so ever. He is training me to stand on my own two feet, especially agaisnt the Alpha Generation who have been causing so much havoc as of late. As for why he shows up at the shows. its quite simple really. He is watching his student perform, and keeping others from interferring in the match.

Billy introspectively taps the end of a pencil against his lips, pondering everything he just heard.

Billy: Hmmm, so what your telling me is that you and he have been having a secret relationship that Hurse can never understand, and going on behind his back exactly as Jackson, the rumor spreader, has speculated. Thanks for clearing that up.

Billy scribbles the horrible distortion of what Robin just told him on the paper in his lap.

Mayne: Even you must admit that meeting secretly in closed room sessions with Killjoy appears a bit odd.

Robin: No Asshole, that’s not what I’m saying at all, and now you’re trying to start rumors. God Mayne, you listen about as well as Steven does. Who paid you to do this interview??? Adams?

Billy: He may have slipped me a twenty to ask some of these questions but I fail to see how that's any of your business. They're questions that need answering.

Robin: I don’t need to answer any personal questions from you or the meddling Adams. I don’t have to answer to anyone. So give him his money back. Now is there any more Wrestling questions you’d like to ask me?

Billy grabs several sheets of paper and rips them out of his notepad, discarding them over his shoulder in an annoyed huff, getting rid of half his questions.

Billy: Just answer me this one question then Robin, just this one. If you had to choose, who would you pick? Killjoy or Hurse?

Robin runs her hand through her hair, clearly she was getting frustrated with the interviewer. Her face was red and her lips were pressed together tightly.

Robin: Jesus Mayne. Your head is even denser then Hurse or Adams. (pauses to let it sink it) Did I not already answer that question Billy? And if you did get it earlier, I said HURSE! In fact I picked him Hurse to to be my bed buddy too. You know what??? This stupid one sided interview is OVER!

Robin gets up off the stool, knocking it over in the progress and processes to kill Mayne in the shins before walking off the make shift stage. Billy shakes his head, terrified but calling out quickly.

Mayne: Wait, I have other questions. How many venereal diseases have you contracted, and how many has Killjoy caused you to catch? These are all questions your fans are dying to know, Robin. Don't walk away yet.

Robin comes marching back into the studio.

Billy: Oh shit; cut to commercial, cut to commercial!

Billy stands up, running off screen with Robin following closely behind, picking up his stool in the process, carrying it with her. A cartoon figure of Billy Mayne with a wide gapping smile comes onto the screen with elevator style music playing in the background.